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Air Monitoring, Measuring, and Emissions Research

Protecting and improving air quality requires knowledge about the types and levels of pollutants being emitted by various sources such as coal-fired power plants, major highways and oil and gas refineries.  It also requires the best possible measurement and monitoring capabilities. The research goals include:

  • Develop methods to improve the ability to monitor and measure pollution levels and better understand the composition of pollutants.
  • Improve emission inventories to plan and implement air quality regulations and policies to protect air quality.
  • Develop and evaluate new technologies to monitor air pollutants with remote sensing technology, passive fence line monitoring, and infrared imagery to characterize diverse air pollution sources such as oil and gas refineries and landfills.
  • Develop low-cost, portable and user-friendly sensor technologies to measure local air quality near sources such as busy roads and industry.
  • Develop, refine and evaluate models, approaches and tools to address multipollutants and near source pollutant impacts.
  • Develop integrated multimedia systems modeling to better simulate the interplay of nitrogen across air, land and water.

The research information and tools support the development and implementation of regulatory programs to protect public health and the environment.

Related Resources:

  • Clean Cookstove Research
  • DISCOVER-AQ - EPA scientists are collaborating with NASA and other federal partners on a multiyear study to help scientists better understand how current and future measurements from satellites can improve understanding of air quality and lead to improvements in exposure and health effects science.
  • Near-Source Air Pollution Research
  • Next Generation Air Measuring - As air quality management problems become more complex, there is a need for enhanced air quality and exposure monitoring capabilities. Next generation air measuring research includes the use of air sensors and apps, mobile monitoring devices, passive fenceline monitoring and the use of satellites to monitor air quality.
  • Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOAs) Research
  • Village Green Project: This project involved the development of a solar-powered air monitoring system in the shape of a bench, and encourages the public to interact and learn more about their local air quality. People can interact with the bench system with their Smartphones and see current local air quality and meteorological conditions.
