One-on-one teaching remains one of the most successful ways that students learn. Hopkins Marine Station's diverse laboratories and location on Monterey Bay gives us an amazing platform from which we can teach undergraduate and graduate students, with a mix of courses, seminars, and research opportunities that emphasize faculty-student interactions. Stanford provides the basic funds for these efforts, but gifts from people like you give us the flexibility to go beyond the basics.
Your gift matters
The genorosity of donors has helped to provide funds for student summer research stipends and project costs, augmenting funding from faculty grants. Because we have these funds, we can say 'Yes!' when undergraduates come to Hopkins for course work during the academic year, fall in love with the place, and then ask if they can stick around to do summer research. Your gift will allow them to choose innivative honors-thesis research projects, and will set the stage for continued interactions as these ideas bolossom throughout the rest of their Stanford careers.