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Outreach Programs

Field Trips for Middle School Teachers

Field Trips to a Haptics and Robotics in Medicine Lab

The Collaborative Haptics and Robotics in Medicine (CHARM) Lab offers field trips and demos/presentations in local K-12 classrooms and on campus. The CHARM Lab creates robots and human-computer interfaces that use haptics in order to improve human health, safety, and quality of life. The word haptics refers to the sense of touch. Applications of our research include:

  • Robot-assisted surgery
  • Simulation and training
  • Rehabilitation
  • Prosthetics


The Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, or KIPAC, is an independent laboratory of Stanford University based at SLAC in Menlo Park. It serves as a bridge between the disciplines of astrophysics, cosmology and particle physics. One of KIPAC's missions is to reach out to local communities and provide resources and tools for K-12 teachers, students and the general public. KIPAC offers: • Tours for your students • Speakers for your classroom • A viewing of one of their presentations in the Visualization Lab (Viz Lab), including a 3-D movie that traces the development of the universe, from the birth of the first star to the formation of the galaxies.