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It's Mr.Slave!
Maybe we can't see alien life because the light from them hasn't reached us. Or does that idea not work?
The Vatican came into a play a LONG time after jesus and the creation of the bible. Personally I am not catholic, I dont like it, and I too agree that there is something shady about there ORGANIZATION... Yes the Pope is a CEO of the largest land owning institution in the world. Far be it for me to criticize there interpretation of the bible, but I just see things differently.
YouTubing... YouTubing.. Aaaaaaaaaand I'm high.
Good gustions
Well.... I studied
Thanx for your answer, mate. I do believe unfortunately that the bible or at least some part of it was altered. The Vatican is hiding things if you ask me.
i scratch my balls with a photograph
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A video like this should have the Earth rotating in the right direction.
fastphys 1 week ago 40
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how many universes are there? : too many
why cant we see evidence of alien life? : because there good hiders for a scavenger hunt
FeedingSnipers 1 week ago 26
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