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Womens rights didn't really exist much then, I mean... a 7 year old with a 17 year old, in these days this would be classed as pedophilia. Guess there would be more negatives to positives if the producer made it about teenage girls in ancient Roman times too.
true that didn't happen till recently.
Although they were given equal status, men are still more often placed in positions of leaders.
not always it became more like how america society is today. the advanced civilizations like romans of this time often gave women equal status. after a millennia or so into the current civilizations start.
Women were inferior to men in this time.
Would say that not much is changed. Instead of owning your slaves, today, you own people through contracts for periods of time.
Well, maybe mixed income* suburbs. He sounds like a typical silver-spoon teenager, with servants and privilege.
So, he was a teenager living in a low-income suburb of Rome. Gotcha. Instead of wearing a cross, he wore an amulet. He knew how to read and write in Latin as well as a secondary language. He also participated in Physical Education. He scored high on his ASVAB and went into OCS or ROTC. Parents were still fiscally responsible for their children until 25. They go to museums, political and religious institutions and such.
*ahem* they painted their statues... but cool beans. Cool beans...
There was no middle class or poor. Those were Citizens of Rome....
And everyone else who isn't is a slave.
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this only tells of the boys in that time of rome. it saids teenagers and here i thought it would also tell of the girls too. silly me.
Kionala 5 days ago 12
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Could not have come at a better time TedEd, im studying the life of ancient Romans, Thanks
Bailey Whitbread 1 week ago 3
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