Aug 21, 2012 Comments Off by


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Faculty Leader: Jeremy Bailenson, PhD
Faculty Advisors: Jonathan Berger, DMA, William Damon, PhD, Hank Greely, JD, Michael Greicius, MD, Gerald Popelka, PhD, Jeanne Tsai, PhD
Center Team: Amy YotopoulosLaura Carstensen, PhD

The mission of the Mind Division is to harness the human capital represented in a growing number of mature and talented older citizens. Absent significant disease, aging is associated with an increase in knowledge and expertise, emotional stability and heightened motivation to engage in meaningful work. At the same time, the speed and efficiency of new learning typically declines with age, as does sensory functioning affecting hearing and vision. Such changes can hamper the effectiveness with which people engage with work, families and communities.

The Center aims to develop and evaluate infrastructures that channel the strengths of older people into families, workplaces, and communities. This includes improving cutting-edge technologies that compensate for deficits in hearing, vision and balance. We work to understand and improve how older people make important decisions about health care and financial matters. We also pursue efforts to distinguish normal from disease-related aging in cognition, so that interventions and policies are targeted appropriately.

“How well people fare as they age is…affected by education, intellectual engagement, social networking, and planning – all things we can control as we envision our future.”
- Laura L. Carstensen, A Long Bright Future


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