
Sending excess heat into the sky

Stanford scientists cooled water without electricity by sending excess heat where it won’t be noticed – space. The specialized optical surfaces they developed are a major step toward applying this technology to air conditioning and refrigeration.

New solar cell inspired by insect eyes

A new solar cell inspired by the compound eyes of insects could help scientists overcome a major roadblock to the development of solar panels based on a promising material called perovskite.

Nanoscale view of energy storage

Through long shifts at the helm of a highly sophisticated microscope, researchers at Stanford recorded reactions at near-atomic-scale resolution. Their success is another step toward building a better battery.

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory —

SLAC, Stanford launch ‘Bits & Watts’

Research program combines Silicon Valley technology with industry and regulatory expertise to create a first-of-its-kind 21st-century electric grid.

Stanford probes secrets of rechargeable batteries

An interdisciplinary team has developed a way to track how particles charge and discharge at the nanoscale, an advance that will lead to better batteries for all sorts of mobile applications.