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Displaying 1 - 167 of 167
Grant's portrait

Grant Miller

Director and Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Jessica's portrait

Jessica Leino

Deputy Director and Research Scholar
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Caroline's portrait

Caroline Abadeer

Spring 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Aala's portrait

Aala Abdelgadir

Spring 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Ran's portrait

Ran Abramitzky

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Avidit Acharya

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Daniel's photo

Daniel Agness

Research Assistant
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Marcella Alsan

Marcella Alsan

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Shuchi Anand

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Steve Anderson-Macdonald

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Jason Andrews

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Deniz's portrait

Deniz Aydin

Winter 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Kyle's portrait

Kyle Bagwell

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Hernan's portrait

Hernán Barahona

Fall 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Michele Barry

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Sanjay's portrait

Sanjay Basu

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Eran's portrait

Eran Bendavid

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Shai Bernstein

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Eric's portrait

Eric Bettinger

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Jay's portrait

Jayanta Bhattacharya

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Vinod Bhutani

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Lisa's portrait

Lisa Blaydes

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Bloom's portrait

Nicholas Bloom

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Osei's portrait

Osei Boakye

Winter 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Alexandria Boehm

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Michael's portrait

Michael Boskin

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Paul Brest

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Andrew's portrai

Andrew Brooks

Fall 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Jeremy Bulow

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Marshall's portrait

Marshall Burke

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Martin Carnoy

Martin Carnoy

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Casey's Portrait

Katherine Casey

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Arun Chandrasekhar

Arun Chandrasekhar

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Emanuele's portrait

Emanuele Colonnelli

Fall 2014 and Spring 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient; 2017 McKinnon Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Mark's portarit

Mark R. Cullen

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Lisa Curran

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Gretchen Daily

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Gary Darmstadt

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Jenna Davis

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Caue's portrait

Cauê de Castro Dobbin

Spring 2017 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Giulio De Leo

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Larry's portrait

Larry Diamond

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Alberto's portrait

Alberto Diaz

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Rodolfo Dirzo

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Darrell Duffie

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Mark's portrait

Mark Duggan

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Pascaline's portrait

Pascaline Dupas

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Chuck's portrait

Charles Eesley

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Karen's portrait

Karen Eggleston

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Stefano Ermon

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Marcel's portrait

Marcel Fafchamps

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
James' portrait

James Fearon

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

James Ferguson

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Dana's portrait

Dana Foarta

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
headshot of Vicky Fouka

Vicky Fouka

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Francis Fukuyama

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Michela's portrait

Michela Giorcelli

Spring 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Jeremy's portrait

Jeremy Goldhaber-Fiebert

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Judith's portrait

Judith Goldstein

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Lawrence Goulder

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Greif's portrait

Avner Greif

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Saad Gulzar

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Haber's portrait

Stephen Haber

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Jens Hainmueller

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Thomas Hansen

Thomas Hansen

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Eric's portrait

Eric Hanushek

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Takeo's portrait

Takeo Hoshi

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Hamza's portrait

Hamza Husain

Data Analyst
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

John P.A. Ioannidis

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Erik Jensen

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Saumitra's portrait

Saumitra Jha

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Dian's portrait

Dian Jiao

Data Analyst
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Charles Jones

Charles Jones

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

James Jones

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Joshua's portrait

Joshua Kim

Fall 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient; 2017 McKinnon Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Pete's portrait

Pete Klenow

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Anjini's portrait

Anjini Kochar

India Program Director and Senior Research Scholar
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Charles Kolstad

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Peter Koudijs

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Stephen's portrait

Stephen Krasner

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Arvind's Portrait

Arvind Krishnamurthy

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Anne's portrait

Anne Krueger

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
David Laitin

David Laitin

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Eric Lambin

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Edward Lazear

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Irina's portrait

Irina Lechtchinskaia

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Hau's portrait

Hau Lee

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Yong Suk's portrait

Yong Suk Lee

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Margaret Levi

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Ray Levitt

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Hongbin's portrait

Hongbin Li

James Liang Director of the China Program
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Qian's portrait

Qian (Sindy) Li

Spring 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient and 2016 McKinnon Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Philip's portrait

Phillip Lipscy

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Alexandra Lisonek

Administrative Associate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Adam's portrait

Adam (Yao) Liu

Fall 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Lizhi's portrait

Lizhi Liu

Winter 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

David Lobell

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Prashant's portrait

Prashant Loyalka

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Qinglian's portrait

Qinglian Lu

Fall 2014 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Stephen's portrait

Stephen Luby

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Anna's portrait

Anna Lunn

Fall 2014 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Hanno Lustig

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Bobbie's portrait

Bobbie Macdonald

Spring 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Beatriz's portrait

Beatriz Magaloni-Kerpel

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

S.V. Mahadevan

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Arun Majumdar

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Yvonne Maldonado

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Sanjay Malholtra

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Veronica's portrait

Veronica Marian

Website Coordinator
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Hazel Markus

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Pam Matson

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Lachlan's portrait

Lachlan McNamee

Winter 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Haim's portrait

Haim Mendelson

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Ian Morris

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Melanie's portrait

Melanie Morten

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Salma's portrait

Salma Mousa

Fall 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Francisco's portrait

Francisco Muñoz

Fall 2014 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Sridhar Narayanan

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Rosamond's portrait

Rosamond Naylor

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Tram's portrait

Tram Nguyen

Spring 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Roger's portrait

Roger Noll

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Sebastián Otero

Spring 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Doug Owens

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Agustina's portrait

Agustina Paglayan

Fall 2014 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Jennifer Pan

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Christiana's portrait

Christiana Parreira

Spring 2017 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Julie Parsonett

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
John's portrait

John Pencavel

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Santiago's portrait

Santiago Pérez

Fall 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Petra's portrait

Petra Persson

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Erica Plambeck

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Oriol's portrait

Oriol Pons Benaiges

Spring 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Anna's portrait

Anna Popova

Spring 2017 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Manu Prakash

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Aruna's photo

Aruna Ranganathan

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Hayagreeva's portrait

Hayagreeva Rao

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

David Relman

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Juan Rios

Fall 2014 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Scott's portrait

Scott Rozelle

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Joshua Salomon

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Kenneth's portrait

Kenneth Scheve

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Amit's portrait

Amit Seru

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Shiran's portrait

Shiran Shen

Spring 2017 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Gi-Wook Shin

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Ken Singleton

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Jesper Sorensen

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Sakti Srivastava

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Kathryn's portrait

Kathryn Stoner

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Mari's portrait

Mari Tanaka

Fall 2014 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Zhongyi's portrait

Zhongyi Tang

Data Analyst
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
John's portrait

John B. Taylor

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Michael's portrait

Michael Tomz

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Christopher's portrait

Christopher Tonetti

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Shripad Tuljapurkar

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Edgar's portrait

Edgar Franco Vivanco

Fall 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Andrew's portrait

Andrew Walder

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Barry's portrait

Barry Weingast

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Jeremy's portrait

Jeremy M. Weinstein

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Paul Wise

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Frank's portrait

Frank Wolak

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Gavin's portrait

Gavin Wright

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Rui's portrait

Rui Xu

Fall 2014 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
David's portrait

David Yang

Fall 2014 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Paul Yock

Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Gary's portrait

Gary (Zhiwen) Zhao

Fall 2015 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)
Xueguang's portrait

Xueguang Zhou

Faculty Affiliate
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)

Ling Zhu

Spring 2016 Graduate Fellowship Recipient
Stanford Center for International Development (SCID)