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Faculty Writers' Retreat

This successful junior faculty program offers an opportunity for assistant professors to work on their writing projects in a quiet and comfortable space with a small group of colleagues.

The Stanford Faculty Writers' Retreat is a program for junior faculty that was piloted with great success in the spring of 2015. The retreats offer a private, comfortable and dedicated space to write, and a community to hold each participant accountable to their writing progress and goals.  More than 50 Stanford faculty have participated in the program in its first 18 months.

The retreats are held in week-long sessions that entail daily commitment to attend and to stay for the duration of the day (typically 9:00am-3:00pm, lunch included).  The retreats will be typically held before winter break, during spring break and during the summer.

Some Faculty Writers' Retreats are also held during the academic quarter. The group typically meets on Fridays from 9:00am-12:30pm.

Participants work on their writing projects during the retreat session. They are required to switch off email, phone and texts, unless they are waiting for an urgent personal call. The session starts with a brief check-in on writing goals for the week, and ends by reviewing  accomplishments and writing plans after the retreat. Brief workshops on specific writing concerns are offered if participants are interested.

Prior registration for each retreat is required. Participation is limited and is based on space constraints.  Priority is given to assistant professors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the commitment?

If you know in advance of a conference or professional meeting conflict, we will ask that you make up the writing time; up to one such arrangement will be accommodated in order to continue in the program. Finally, if you have more regular obligations, we suggest you plan to take the Faculty Writers’ Retreat at another time (retreats are planned regularly).

Where is the retreat held? 

The Hume Center for Writing and Speaking, Building 250.

What can I expect?

Quiet time with a small group of colleagues who are immersed in their writing projects and initial brief workshop to get you started, followed by coffee and tea, water, snacks, communal desk space, paper, pens, Post-its, printing and daily lunch during the week. Past participants have reported meeting their writing goals (e.g. finishing manuscripts, making progress on various writing projects, etc.).

Who can participate?

Priority is given to assistant professors who have not participated in a previous Faculty Writers’ Retreat. “Alumni” will be added to a waitlist and will be informed by June 30 if we can accommodate them. Only members of the Stanford faculty can participate (no graduate students, postdocs or staff).

Who is organizing this retreat?

The Hume Center for Writing and Speaking and the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity.

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Past Events

Monday, August 21, 2017 - 09:00
Monday, August 14, 2017 - 08:30
Monday, July 17, 2017 (All day)
Monday, June 19, 2017 (All day)