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Greening EPA

National Exposure Research Laboratory and Radiation and Indoor Environments National Laboratory

Aerial photo of EPA’s National Exposure Research Laboratory and Radiation and Indoor Environments National Laboratory in Las Vegas, Nevada.

92,700 gross square feet (GSF)
Personnel: 166

Energy Intensity:
FY 2014: 173,324 Btu per GSF
33.1% reduction from FY 2003 baseline

Water Intensity:
FY 2014: 37.21 gallons per GSF
50.1% increase from FY 2007 baseline

Las Vegas, Nevada

EPA occupies space in six buildings on or near the University of Nevada-Las Vegas campus for laboratories operated by the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR). ORD’s National Exposure Research Laboratory evaluates and assesses exposure to environmental hazards and develops methods to monitor and measure such hazards. OAR’s
Radiation and Indoor Environments National Laboratory provides technical support for radiation, indoor air quality, and emergency response efforts. The laboratory facilities consist of offices, traditional wet laboratories, and specialized space for indoor air laboratories, shops, and environmental chambers. In addition, the laboratory operates a fleet of mobile laboratories and monitoring vehicles that are based at an off-campus facility.

For more information, visit National Exposure Research Laboratory and Radiation and Indoor Environments National Laboratory or visit the the EPA Facility Contact List.