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Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC)

Chemical Safety for Sustainability BOSC Subcommittee

Designated Federal Official

Megan Fleming (fleming.megan@epa.gov)
Office of Science Policy
Office of Research and Development


Ponisseril Somasundaran
Professor and Director, Langmuir Center for Colloids and Interfaces
Columbia University

Vice Chair

Gina M. Solomon
Deputy Secretary for Science and Health
California Environmental Protection Agency


Paloma Beamer
Associate Professor
College of Public Health
University of Arizona

Dale Johnson
President and CEO, Emiliem, Inc. and Elara Bioscience Inc. 
Adjunct Professor, University of Michigan/UC Berkeley

Rebecca Klaper
School of Freshwater Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Jerzy Leszczynski
Jackson State University

Jennifer McPartland
Health Scientist
Environmental Defense Fund

James Stevens
Distinguished Research Fellow
Eli Lilly

Katrina Waters
Pacific Northwest National Laboratories