The Online Safety Roadshow
The Online Safety Roadshow is a 45-minute digital citizenship assembly for teens that
strives to be like a Drivers Ed for the web. The presentation covers five key tips to
staying safe and successful on the web.
Tip 2 - Protect Your Stuff
Our second tip, is to protect your stuff.
Most of us have things on the web that we want to keep safe. One of the best ways to keep those things safe is to make sure that you have set strong passwords on your accounts.
Strong passwords are really important. They safeguard your information online. Like the key to your house or the combination to your locker -- they protect things that are of value to you.
And once a strong password has been created, it should not be shared with anyone. Unless it is your parent or a trusted adult.
Protecting your stuff also means locking devices AND your screens. Leaving screens open to anyone means losing your phone or lending it to others, could result in unwanted account hacking.
Tip 3 - Know and Use Your Settings
The settings on the sites you visit allow you to choose what you share and who you share with.
Understand and adjust your settings on the sites and apps you use. Adjust settings accordingly so you only share with those people that you want to share with. This means posts, geo-tagging, photo uploading, profiles, etc.
Tip 4 - Avoid Scams
Know how to identify scams online. Everyone knows you never take candy from a stranger. The same principle applies online.
If someone offers you some new shoes, an iPad or told you that you won a trip to Hawaii - you should be suspicious. This might seem harmless, but these could be very dangerous ways to lure you in and steal your passwords or even your identity.
And sometimes, scammers might try to impersonate someone or something you know. It's called phishing. So if it seems fishy, it probably is.
Tip 5 - Be Positive
Being positive on the web means that you should only post, comment or forward something, if you wouldn’t mind someone doing the same to you. Because even small quick actions online can have a lasting impact.
And if you DO see something that is cruel, unkind or offensive - whether it's on your own profile or elsewhere, feel empowered to report it.
All reputable sites online have reporting techniques. Just like you should know where the settings are on sites you use, you should also familiarize yourself with the reporting settings.
But keeping it positive online is a great way to avoid having to use reporting settings, and a great way to encourage others to be kind on the Internet as well.