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Promise Phan

Easter with my Family (2nd Vlog)

124,497 views 2 weeks ago
We had an awesome Easter. How was yours?! My family finally got to meet Mama Phan (Steve's mom) after 4 years. We did an Easter egg hunt for the girls and has some amazing Nepali Dumplings for dinner. Also I took my family to the Food drive that Steve and I participate in every Thursdays. I love that inner satisfaction you get when you help others. A lot of people has also helped and blessed my family over the years. So hope you all enjoy seeing what my family has been up to this past week. Thank you for enjoying our Vlogs. You guys are part of our family too !!!

Here's our 1st Vlog of my Familys Arrival if you missed it : http://youtu.be/v-QsUCH-hkQ Show less
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