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Adam LZ
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Adam LZ

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Nicole's Mini is getting MENTAL!
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Adam LZ

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Let's talk about the stuff you never hear!
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Adam LZ

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Adam LZ

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Sam Doran's profile photo
I have an app idea you might be interested in get into contact with me.
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Adam LZ

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Adam LZ

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Spencer is literally crazy!
Jason Farrell's profile photo
Hey Adam and Nicole I'm just letting you know that I love your videos and I love how cute you guys are you guys really helped me and my girlfriend get through some rough times just watching your guys videos together makes us happy . Kindly guys could you please give me a shout in one of your videos I would truly love it adam ..thanks away guys your true fan Jason Farrell love yall guys 👌👍
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Adam LZ

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Adam L-Stang?
Emiliano Vasquez's profile photo
Nicol is so hot in bikkini
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Adam LZ

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Are your ears ready????
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Adam LZ

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Adam LZ

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Adam LZ

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It's starting to look like a drift car...
Kyle Deacon's profile photo
i got scared when he crashed. i thought it was serious
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Basic Information
Public - 10 months ago
reviewed 10 months ago
I recommend you click the people writing the 5 star reviews, as you'll quickly realize they are fake. One account gave 5 star ratings 6 months ago for multiple different living communities. The good: The rooms are nice, the wifi is good, and the location is convenient. The maintenance staff is super helpful, probably more helpful than any other workers here. The bad: The service is far from acceptable. There have been numerous times I have gone to the front desk and waited to be helped nearly 15 minutes. When you are in a rush to get to class on time this is extremely frustrating. When we moved in, the room was a complete mess. Broken appliances, missing fixtures, and dirt and dust everywhere. Now this won't affect future residents, but it does show Plaza's attitude about those issues. It has been nearly 4 months and after multiple requests, they still have not given us light fixtures in our hallway, just bare light bulbs hang. The pool isn't open after dark, how ridiculous is that? The dishwashers also do a very poor job at cleaning. The parking situation is frustrating, as residents are required to park at least 4 floors up, while someone who doesn't live at plaza just going to McDonalds is technically allowed to park right at that floor level. The parking garage is small and poorly designed with terrible blind spots. I am an extremely cautious driver and have nearly been hit 4 times by someone driving around the corner. We have also heard some quite interesting stories from our neighbors about "questionable mold-like" growths in their room. They were treated fairly in the end of their situation, but claim to be given quite a hassle from staff members in the process. I'm located on floor one, directly outside the parking lot, where a fight seems to ensue at least once every weekend night. This can definitely make it hard to study/sleep. Bottom line, you can't judge a book by it's cover. The Plaza appears very nice, but the internal operations can definitely be improved, which will only come in time. I feel as though a 3 star review is fair for what my expectations were of this place. Just keep in mind that if you compare it to similar living communities like Sterling, Plaza is definitely better.
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Public - a year ago
reviewed a year ago
2 reviews