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TEDx Talks

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TEDxCrocetta - Learn, Share, Innovate - #LucianoBove #TEDxCrocetta

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TEDxCrocetta - Learn, Share, Innovate - #MassimoSirelli #TEDxCrocetta

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TEDxCrocetta - Learn, Share, Innovate - #FarhadAlessandroMohammadi #TEDxCrocetta

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TEDxCrocetta - Learn, Share, Innovate #MarioTozzi #TEDxCrocetta

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TEDxCrocetta - Learn, Share, Innovate #IoannaMeropeIppiotis #TEDxCrocetta

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TEDxCrocetta - Learn, Share, Innovate #GiovannaLoccatelli #TEDxCrocetta

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TEDxCrocetta - Learn, Share, Innovate #Maniaxxx #TEDxCrocetta

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Dear Viewer, Mr. Esparza's original posting generated 594 views. This new posting corrects a spelling error. We apologize.

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No matter your age, demographic, social status, income level, nationality, etc. we all can learn and be inspired from one another.

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How do you stay sane and successful in your life and career?

Through his three-step plan, Rohan Puri explains how you can "fool" yourself into success and fulfillment. Understanding subtle shifts—from the way you carry yourself to the way you pose questions—will help you immediately embody the confidence needed to succeed.
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