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Course Description

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. In essence, the material treated in this course is a brief survey of relevant results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics, and control.
The course is presented in a standard format of lectures, readings and problem sets. There will be an in-class midterm and final examination. These examinations will be open book. Lectures will be based mainly, but not exclusively, on material in the Lecture Notes book. Lectures will follow roughly the same sequence as the material presented in the book, so it can be read in anticipation of the lectures

Topics: robotics foundations in kinematics, dynamics, control, motion planning, trajectory generation, programming and design.

Prerequisites: matrix algebra.



Khatib, Oussama

Khatib's current research is in human-centered robotics, human-friendly robot design, dynamic simulations, and haptic interactions. His exploration in this research ranges from the autonomous ability of a robot to cooperate with a human to the haptic interaction of a user with an animated character or a surgical instrument. His research in human-centered robotics builds on a large body of studies he pursued over the past 25 years and published in over 200 contributions in the robotics field.

Prof. Khatib was the Program Chair of ICRA2000 (San Francisco) and Editor of ``The Robotics Review'' (MIT Press). He has served as the Director of the Stanford Computer Forum, an industry affiliate program. He is currently the President of the International Foundation of Robotics Research, IFRR, and Editor of STAR, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Prof. Khatib is IEEE fellow, Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE, and recipient of the JARA Award.


Course Introduction Lecture 1
Kinematics-1 Lecture 1-3
Kinematics-2 Lectures 4-5
Jacobian Lectures 6-8
Robots and Vision Lecture 9
Trajectory Planning Lecture 10
Dynamics Lectures 11-12
Control Lectures 13-15


Assignment 1 Lecture 3
Assignment 2 Lectures 4-5
Assignment 3 Lectures 6-8
Assignment 4 Lectures 8-10
Assignment 5 Lectures 11-13
Assignment 6 Lectures 14-15

Course Sessions (16):

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Lecture 1

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Topics: Course Overview, History of Robotics Video, Robotics Applications, Related Stanford Robotics Courses, Lecture and Reading Schedule, Manipulator Kinematics, Manipulator Dynamics, Manipulator Control, Manipulator Force Control, Advanced Topics
* Segments of this lecture have been edited out due to copyright restrictions.


Lecture 2

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Topics: Spatial Descriptions, Generalized Coordinates, Operational Coordinates, Rotation Matrix, Example - Rotation Matrix, Translations, Example - Homogeneous Transform, Operators, General Operators

Video clip “GH Walking Machines: Passive Walking,” Tad McGreer, Fraser Univ. British Columbia, ICRA 1991 Video Proceedings, courtesy IEEE.
(© 1991 IEEE)


Lecture 3

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Topics: Homogeneous Transform Interpretations, Compound Transformations, Spatial Descriptions, Rotation Representations, Euler Angles, Fixed Angles, Example - Singularities, Euler Parameters, Example - Rotations

Video clip “Flexible Microactuator,” Toshiba, ICRA 1991 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 1991 IEEE)


Lecture 4

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Topics: Manipulator Kinematics, Link Description, Link Connections, Denavit-Hartenberg Parameteres, Summary - DH Parameters, Example - DH Table, Forward Kinematics

Video clip “The Hummingbird,” IBM Watson Research Center, ICRA 1992 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 1992 IEEE)


Lecture 5

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Topics: Summary - Frame Attachment, Example - RPRR Manipulator, Stanford Scheinman Arm, Stanford Scheinman Arm - DH Table, Forward Kinematics, Stanford Scheinman Arm - T-Matrices, Stanford Scheinman Arm - Final Results

Video clip “Brachiation Robot,” Nagoya University, ICRA 1993 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 1993 IEEE)


Lecture 6

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Topics: Instantaneous Kinematics, Jacobian, Jacobians - Direct Differentiation, Example 1, Scheinman Arm, Basic Jacobian, Position Representations, Cross Product Operator, Velocity Propagation, Example 2

Video clip “Locomation Gates with Polypod,” Mark Yim, Stanford University, ICRA 1994 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 1994 IEEE)


Lecture 7

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Topics: Jacobian - Explicit Form, Jacobian Jv / Jw, Jacobian in a Frame, Jacobian in Frame {0}, Scheinman Arm, Scheinman Arm - Jacobian, Kinematic Singularity

Video clip “Beach Volleyball,” Toshiba, ICRA 1999 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 1999 IEEE)


Lecture 8

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Topics: Scheinman Arm - Demo, Kinematic Singularity, Example - Kinematic Singularity, Puma Simulation, Resolved Rate Motion Control, Angular/Linear - Velocities/Forces, Velocity/Force Duality, Virtual Work, Example

Video clip “Mobile Robots: Automatic Parallel Parking,” INRIA, ICRA 1999 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 1999 IEEE)


Lecture 9

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Topics: Intro - Guest Lecturer: Gregory Hager, Overview - Computer Vision, Computational Stereo, Stereo-Based Reconstruction, Disparity Maps, SIFT Feature Selection, Tracking Cycle, Face Stabilization Video, Future Challenges


Lecture 10

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Topics: Guest Lecturer: Krasimir Kolarov, Trajectory Generation - Basic Problem, Cartesian Planning, Cubic Polynomial, Finding Via Point Velocities, Linear Interpolation, Higher Order Polynomials, Trajectory Planning with Obstacles
* Segments of this lecture have been edited out due to copyright restrictions.


Lecture 11

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Topics: Joint Space Dynamics, Newton-Euler Algorithm, Inertia Tensor, Example, Newton-Euler Equations, Lagrange Equations, Equations of Motion

Video clip “Robotic Reconnaissance Team,” U of Minnesota, ICRA 2000 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 2000 IEEE)


Lecture 12

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Topics: Lagrange Equations, Equations of Motion, Kinetic Energy, Equations of Motion - Explicit Form, Centrifugal and Coriolis Forces, Christoffel Symbols, Mass Matrix, V Matrix, Final Equation of Motion

Video clip “Space Rover,” EPFL, Switzerland, ICRA 2000 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 2000 IEEE)


Lecture 13

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Topics: Control - Overview, Joint Space Control, Resolved Motion Rate Control, Natural Systems, Dissipative Systems, Example, Passive System Stability

Video clip “Juggling Robot,” Dan Koditschek, U of Michigan, ISRR 1993 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 2000 IEEE)


Lecture 14

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Topics: PD Control, Control Partitioning, Motion Control, Disturbance Rejection, Steady-State Error, PID Control, Effective Inertia

Video clip “A Finger-Shaped Tactile Sensor Using an Optical Waveguide,” H. Maekawa et al., MEL, AIST-MITI, Tsukuba, Japan, ICRA 1993 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 1993 IEEE)


Lecture 15

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Topics: Manipulator Control, PD Control Stability, Task Oriented Control, Task Oriented Equations of Motion, Operational Space Dynamics, Example, Nonlinear Dynamic Decoupling, Trajectory Tracking

Video clip “On the Run,” Marc Raibert, MIT, ISRR 1993 Video Proceedings courtesy IEEE
(© 1993 IEEE)


Lecture 16

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Topics: Compliance, Force Control, Dynamics, Task Description, Historical Robotics, Stanford Human-Safe Robot, Task Posture and Control, Multi-Contact Whole-Body Control
