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commented on a video on YouTube.
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Our fave bits: when you can clearly hear Steph on the mic talking about what scene she's going to act out, when Danny Mac puts crocs on and when Kieron comments on Anna's drawing "well, there's some sort of FACE there…" You?


commented on a video on YouTube.
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HI there! To play this little quiz properly, you need to be on a desktop. If you're on phone or tablet, fear not: you can still play! Just be sure to check the description on each video to see the links to your options.

For this video...
To choose a girl, click here:
To chose a boy, click here:


commented on a video on YouTube.
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Hey Oaksters, if you've got any ideas for any fun challenges with the cast, give us a shout in the comments and yours might make it into a future video!


commented on a video on YouTube.
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What do you all think of the fan wall? We still need more art to fill it so if you fancy seeing your masterpiece in our future videos tweet us a picture @hollyoaks