
A Stanford Education is Affordable. Stanford offers comprehensive, need-based financial aid that makes it possible for all admitted undergraduate students to attend — and we do not expect students to borrow to meet their need. Learn how the program works, then use the net price calculator to get an award estimate based on your family’s financial situation.

Students Share Their Stories

Jemima grew up as one of six kids, with a mom — her "rock and shining star" — who worked the night shift as a nurse. She thought of Stanford as her super-reach school, until she got in and realized it would cost her almost nothing to attend.

Jenny grew up in Polson, Montana, and assumed that going to college out of state would be "catastrophically expensive." When she got into Stanford, she learned she'd have to pay almost nothing to attend — and that the university would cover the cost of studying abroad.

Cameron comes from Neah Bay, Washington, where his mom is an intake clerk, his dad is a fisherman, and "everybody knows everybody." He was motivated by family and community to get a good college education — but knew his parents wouldn't be able to contribute to covering the cost.

Tracie always knew she wanted to be able to provide two things for her kids: braces and a good education. But as her oldest daughter approached the end of high school, she began to worry that she wouldn't be able to afford the cost of college.