In the Department of Communication, we study the ways that communication techniques and technologies shape who we are, how we govern ourselves, and what kinds of cultures we inhabit.

2020-21 academic year

This coming year will be like no other, so let’s get ready together. Stanford information for undergraduates: Re-Approaching Stanford. Stanford information for graduate students: Grad Updates.

Zoom fatigue worse for women

Prof. Jeff Hancock, Prof. Jeremy Bailenson and colleagues find that women report feeling more exhausted than men following video calls – and the “self-view” display may be to blame.

AI-Mediated Communication

Prof. Jeff Hancock reports on several studies and lays out some theoretical roadmaps to guide our future thinking on understanding AI-mediated communication.

How to depolarize America

Prof. James Fishkin and colleague Prof. Larry Diamond have been refining a method called Deliberative Polling® that brings people from varied backgrounds together for an informed and moderated discussion.

Nothing from Apr 28 to Apr 28.