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Your well-being and education are our top priorities. 

Grad Updates has current information for new and continuing graduate students, including those pursuing professional degrees.

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All graduate and professional students who will be enrolled in 2021-22 must meet all health requirements, including being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, by July 30, 2021 (earlier deadline for new students starting in summer).

We urge you to make every effort to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination before your arrival on campus. If you are living abroad, get any COVID-19 vaccine available to you. Vaccination resources are listed here.

Academic Information & News

Stanford has made temporary changes to academic policies, calendars and deadlines and course instructional modes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please also see your School information here.

Communications latest student communications from VPSA & VPGE, and other campus leaders

Academic Calendar important dates & deadlines for your degree program

Stanford Bulletin university policies & specific degree requirements

Explore Courses catalog of courses offered

Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures (GAP) Handbook university graduate policies, including temporary COVID-19 changes

Stanford Today University news for Students & Postdocs updated daily

Undergraduate students & families please also see Re-Approaching Stanford

Health & Safety Information

To contribute to the safety of Stanford and the surrounding community, students coming to campus or living in on or off campus Stanford student housing are required to follow these protocols:

Current COVID-19 policies and status

Travel Policy

Spring Quarter Testing information about COVID-19 testing for grad students living on or off campus.

Testing for Student Partners/Spouses eligibility for non-student partners/spouses living in RD&E housing

Current Guidelines on Gatherings restrictions differ for academic and non-academic gatherings and are subject to change

Essential Visitors guidelines about safely welcoming visitors to your residence

Households guidelines about safely forming "households" with other residents

Daily Health Check now on Stanford mobile app

California's COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Institutions of Higher Education and Santa Clara County COVID-19 Public Health Guidelines for students who opt to follow all state, county, and university public health guidelines

COVID Community Concern report a public safety concern via this webform

Stanford's COVID Testing Dashboards updates about surveillance testing, Health Check submissions, isolation, and prevalence in the Stanford community

COVID Vaccinations information about COVID vaccines and Fall Quarter vaccination requirements


Please let us know what other information would be helpful. We welcome your suggestions and questions.

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