European Studies

What You'll Study

The Europe Center is committed to the multidisciplinary examination of European society, culture, politics, and security.  The Center seeks to raise awareness and support interest in the study of Europe by Stanford's undergraduate community.

The Center offers a specialization in European Studies as part of the Stanford Global Studies minor. The minor provides students the opportunity to design an interdisciplinary focus on some aspect of European history, culture, or society that interests them.  In addition to providing students with an international perspective to complement their major degree program, this minor allows students the opportunity to prepare for or add to their study abroad experience with the Bing Overseas Study Program and The Europe Center's Undergraduate Internship Program. The Center also offers a vast array of public events featuring current and past European political leaders as well as leading European scholars, journalists, and artists to provide all students at Stanford an opportunity learn about the region.

Degrees Offered: 

Featured Alumni

Class of '20