If you are in a crisis and need immediate assistance, the GLO deans are accessible 24/7 through email, text, or call. You will be contacted directly by return call.
Call the GLO pager at 650-723-7288. You will reach a Stanford operator. Provide pager ID #25085 and indicate that you need to reach the graduate dean-on-call.
Email or text the GLO pager at 25085(at)pageme.stanford.edu. Include your name and reason for paging in the message.
We understand you have questions. Here's who can help.
For Incoming Graduate Students
Visit the Gateway for New Graduate Students
COVID-19 Information for Graduate and Professional Students.
Information on Gatherings and Households
COVID Testing for All Graduate and Professional Students
COVID Testing for Non-student Partners and Spouses Living in Residence in RD&E-assigned Housing