the WHITE HOUSEPresident Barack Obama

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Faith Leaders as Climate Champions of Change

Help us identify faith leaders who are making a difference to combat climate change and advance conservation in their communities.

In June 2013, President Obama outlined the Climate Action Plan -- his roadmap for action in the second term that cuts carbon pollution, helps prepare our country for the impacts of climate change, and continues to lead international efforts to address global climate change. President Obama believes in the power of individuals to make a difference on these issues. He also knows the faith community has a powerful role in leading climate change efforts.

As the President has said:

Let’s do more to promote … development … from ending extreme poverty to saving lives, from HIV/AIDS to combating climate change so that we can preserve God’s incredible creation.  On all these issues, faith leaders and faith organizations here in the United States and around the world are incredible partners, and we're grateful to them.

This July, the White House will honor faith leaders who are making a difference to combat climate change and advance conservation in their communities. We will celebrate the impact they are having here at home, and on the lives of people around the world.

Please help us identify outstanding faith leaders in the following categories:

  • Clergy: Do you know a clergyperson who has been a Champion for conservation in their community? A leader who has advocated for policies or ideas in communities that will help address climate change? Someone who has taken action to organize their community to help preserve the planet?
  • Lay Leader: Do you know a lay leader who has organized their faith community to take action on climate? A lay person who has worked through their community of faith to advocate for climate-friendly policies?
  • Faith-Based Organization Leader: Do you know a leader of a faith-based organization that has been thinking outside the box on taking action on climate? Someone who runs a faith-based organization that is combating climate change?

Please submit your nomination by midnight on Wednesday, June 17 (be sure to choose Faith Leaders for Climate in the "Theme of Service" field of the nomination form):

Katharine Gallogly is a special assistant in the White House Office of Public Engagement.