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FLI Drop-in Career Coaching Hours

April 29, 2021 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Event Type: 
Virtual Session
The BEAM Catalysts Team works specifically to support our FLI, underrepresented, and marginalized students including Asian Pacific Islander Desi American, Black, Differently-Abled, International, Latinx, LGBTQIA+, Native American, Veteran, Women, and communities of Faith. We can discuss career and/or identity-related questions, review your application materials, prepare you for an upcoming interview, and more! We’re here to answer all your career questions and support you! Join us on Zoom with Academic Advising and a representative from Haas or contact the BEAM Career Catalysts Squad on Slack at and ask us questions on identity-specific channels below or privately message @arame or @jenny_roxas: #apida_drop-in_hours #black_community_drop-in_hours #fli_drop-in_hours #internationals_drop-in_hours #latinx_drop-in_hours #lgbtqia_drop-in_hours #native_american_drop-in_hours #women_drop-in_hours
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