Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard provides information about the Expense Request system in Oracle, including purchasing card (PCard), travel card (TCard), expense request, advance, petty cash and non-PO payment transactions.

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Expense Requests Transaction details of all advances [ADV], reimbursements [ER], visitor payments [VR], non-PO payments, including honoraria and human subjects [PR], petty cash [PC] and legacy iOU transactions.
Expense Requests - Aging Transaction details of expense requests not yet posted to a PTA, grouped by age (in days) or outstanding status.
Credit Card Transactions Transaction details of credit card charges, in separate sections for university purchasing card (PCard) and travel card (TCard) transactions.
Credit card information for all cards used in the transactions.
Credit Card Transactions - Aging  Transaction details of credit card charges not yet posted to a PTA (may or may not be on an expense request in process), grouped by age (in days) or outstanding status.
Advances Transaction details of advances, similar to Expense Requests tab, but includes the expense requests to which advances have been applied.
Advances - Aging Transaction details of advances not yet expensed, i.e., not on an expense request that has been posted to a PTA. Transactions are grouped by age (in days) or outstanding status.  
Petty Cash Replenishment Transaction Detail Petty cash fund replenishment transaction details.
Expense Request Efficacy Dashboard Expense request approval/rejection rates, approval aging and status, for assessing process flow efficiency.
SU Credit Card Custodian Non-customizable, BI Publisher listing of active SU credit cards and details on the card holders, verifiers and approvers, transaction limit amounts, last four digits of card number and guarantee PTA number.

Transaction details of all advances [ADV], reimbursements [ER], visitor payments [VR], non-PO payments, including honoraria and human subjects [PR], petty cash [PC] and legacy iOU transactions.

  • What is the status of an expense request for a particular traveler?
  • Which expense requests were submitted for a particular event, and to what PTAs were they charged?
  • Which advance was used against a particular expense request, and how much of the advance was applied?
  • Which non-PO payments are charging my PTA?

To retrieve results, follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen.

  • No dates are required if searching based on Expense Request Transaction Number or SU Credit Card Transaction ID Number. For Expense Request Transaction Number, use the proper alpha character prefix. 
  • Guarantee PTA number is the PTA where travel card charges accumulate until they post to a PTA as part of an expense reimbursement. The guarantee PTA is specified during the credit card application process.
  • Supplier Name is the individual who is getting the reimbursement, advance or non-PO payment.
  • If Expenditure Item Dates is used as selection criteria, all the transaction lines of specific expense requests may not be captured.


The Expense Request Transactions section displays details and status information of expense requests. It receives data from the Expense Request module in Oracle Financials for all transactions, except those that have been saved but never submitted.

The Expense Request Transactions Summary section displays the number of expense request transactions and the total dollar amount of all the expense requests listed in the Expense Request Transactions section. 

For reconciliation with Expenditure Detail report, choose GL Period Name as selection criterion and use the Expenditure Reconciliation view.

The Oracle expense request module uses five expense request types for payees. The initial alpha characters of an Expense Request Transaction Number identify the type.

Each expense request type is further defined by a list of categories. For guidance on determining types and categories, refer to Expense Request System Help.

Expense Request Types
Expense Request Transaction Number Expense Request Type
ER1234567 SU Payee
VR1234567 Non-SU Payee
ADV1234567 Advances
PR1234567 Non-PO Payment
PC1234567 Petty Cash Replenishment

Transaction details of expense requests not yet posted to a PTA, grouped by age or outstanding status.

  • Which transactions are aging and need action?
  • Which transactions are outstanding (approved locally but pending other actions)?
  • Supplier Name is the individual who is getting the reimbursement, advance or non-PO payment. 
  • The Aging tab has no date prompts, thus providing visibility on all transactions that have not posted to a PTA as an expenditure. All other selection criteria are the same as the Expense Requests tab.

Expense Requests - Aging & Outstanding displays details and status information. It receives data from the Expense Request module in Oracle Financials for all transactions, except those that have been saved but never submitted.


The Oracle expense request module uses five expense request types for payees. The initial alpha characters of an Expense Request Transaction Number identify the type.

Each expense request type is further defined by a list of categories. For guidance on determining types and categories, refer to Expense Request System Help.

Expense Request Types
Expense Request Transaction Number Expense Request Type
ER1234567 SU Payee
VR1234567 Non-SU Payee
ADV1234567 Advances
PR1234567 Non-PO Payment
PC1234567 Petty Cash Replenishment

Transaction details of credit card charges in separate sections for university purchasing card (PCard) and travel card (TCard) transactions as well as credit card information for all cards used in the transactions.

  • What charges are on my organization’s travel card?
  • Which of my organization’s TCard transactions are waiting to be verified?
  • Do TCard transactions have Expense End Dates assigned to them?
  • Which PCard transactions are pending verification or approval from my organization, and who are the employees whose actions are pending?
  • What are the PCard transaction details, counts and amounts for the PCard holders in my organization for a specific period?

To retrieve results, follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen.

  • To search by status for the TCard, use the Expense Request Status Description, and for the PCard use SU Credit Card Transaction Status Description.
  • If searching by SU Credit Card Transaction ID Number, no dates are required. This transaction ID number can be for the PCard Mastercard, TCard Mastercard or TCard American Express.
  • If searching by Expense Request Transaction Number, no dates are required. Only TCard charges related to the specified expense request will be returned.
  • SU Credit Card Holder Name is the name printed on the credit card; for department cards, it is the name of the department.
  • SU Credit Card Custodian Full Name is the person who has possession of the card. This is most relevant for department cards because they do not have a person’s name on them. For individual cards, the credit card custodian is also the credit card holder.
  • Preparer Full Name applies only to TCard transactions and is an attribute of an associated expense request. 
  • Verifier Full Name applies to both TCard and PCard transactions. 
  • Guarantee PTA Number is an attribute of the PCard and/or TCard used for a transaction and can be different from the transaction PTA Number.
    • For TCards, it is the PTA where charges are accumulated until they are posted as an expenditure on an expense request.
    • For PCards, it is the PTA to which charges will be force-cleared if they are not verified and expensed to a PTA within an appropriate time frame.

The Credit Card Transactions tab has three sections that give details on credit card transactions and where they are in their workflows.

  1. The TCard Transactions section displays travel card transactions (Mastercard and American Express) throughout their entire workflows. This includes TCard transactions that have or have not been applied to an expense request.  
  2. The PCard Transactions section displays all purchase card transactions (Mastercard).  This includes PCard transactions that have not been verified.
  3. The Credit Card Information section displays information about the TCards and PCards used, including the card custodian, holder and verifier, along with the guarantee PTA and credit limit amounts.  

Credit Card Transaction Reports – TCard Transactions

Credit Card Transaction Reports – PCard Transactions

Credit Card Information Report

Only cards that were used in the transactions listed in the TCard and PCard Transaction Reports will be displayed. Deactivated cards could be displayed if they were used in one of the transactions listed. This may differ from what is shown on the SU Credit Card Custodian Report.

To understand which date selection criteria to use, refer to the following table. 

Field Description
Expense Incurred Date  
The date the credit card transaction occurred.
SU Credit Card Posted Date The date the transaction posts from the bank to the Expense Requests module (TCards) or the PCard module (PCards) within Oracle Financials.
SU Credit Card Expense End Date The date entered by the preparer for TCard transactions in the Expense Requests module to specify the last expense date for all transactions related to the event/trip.
Expense Request End Date The latest expenditure item date of all the transactions included in the expense request. This field is not displayed by default in the aging report but can be revealed by using the include command.
Submitted Date For PCards, it is the date the transaction completed verification and was submitted for approval. For TCards, it is the date the associated expense request was submitted for approval.

Transaction details of credit card charges not yet posted to a PTA (may be on an expense request in process), grouped by age (in days) or outstanding status.

  • What charges on my organization’s travel card are not yet posted to a PTA?
  • Which transactions are aging and need action?
  • Which transactions are outstanding (approved locally but pending other actions)?
  • Which transactions are disputed?
  • To retrieve results, follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen.
  • The Aging tab has no date prompts, thus providing visibility on all credit card transactions that have not posted to a PTA as an expenditure. All other selection criteria are the same as the Credit Card Transactions tab. 

Credit Card Transaction Reports – TCard Transactions - Aging & Outstanding

Credit Card Transactions Reports – PCard - Aging

Credit Card Transactions – Aging Tab Workflow

The Credit Card Transactions - Aging tab has two sections. The Aging Report only shows credit card transactions that have not been posted to a PTA as an expenditure. It displays them within age buckets to assist with monitoring transactions to stay compliant with the 60-day IRS tax-reportable guideline.

  1. The TCard Aging & Outstanding section displays travel card transactions that have either not been applied yet to an expense reimbursement or have been applied to an expense reimbursement that has not been posted to a PTA. This report displays the transaction dollar amounts in buckets, based on their age prior to local approval or the status of their associated expense request while being processed centrally. The following graphic shows the six stages of TCard processing with associated ER statuses, who is responsible at that stage and how aging is applied.

    Workflow: TCard Processing with Aging

    Graphic showing the six stages of TCard processing with matching ER statuses, who is responsible at that stage and how aging is applied
    • Aging only pertains to TCard transactions (and their associated expense requests) that have not passed local approval; aging stops when the expense request is approved locally. Outstanding transactions are not counted in the 60-day IRS limit.
    • Aging days are calculated as today’s date minus the end date. The end date is pulled from one of three different fields in the following order:
      • SU Credit Card Posted Date after the initial purchase
      • SU Credit Card Expense End Date if/when it is entered
      • Expense Request End Date when the charge is on a submitted expense request 
  2. The PCard Transactions section displays all purchase card transactions, per the selection criteria, throughout their approval workflow. This includes PCard transactions that have not been verified.

    Workflow: TCard Processing with Aging

Graphic showing the three stages of PCard processing, with matching statuses, who is responsible at that stage and how aging is applied


Transaction details of advances, similar to the Expense Request Transaction Detail tab, but includes the expense requests to which advances have been applied.

  • Displays detailed visibility on advances and where they are in their approval workflows. It includes uncleared, partially cleared and cleared advances.
  • Displays expense requests to which the advance has been applied and for what amount. 
  • Shows the outstanding balance still available on the advance. 
  • Displays any advance amounts returned by the employee.
  • The outstanding advance balance will not reflect associated expense requests that have not been fully approved.
  • For a particular advance, which expense requests has it been applied to, and is there an outstanding unapplied balance to be used before another advance for that employee is created?
  • Do any of the employees in my organization have a balance on one of their advances that should be refunded?

To retrieve results, follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen.

  • The Expense Request Transaction Number applies only to advances (ADV). No date is required with this selection criteria. To view expense request details, use the Expense Requests tab.
  • You can search by Expense Request Event Name Text and Preparer Full Name.
  • Expense Request Transaction Status Description is the status of the advance itself and not of any related expense requests.
  • Supplier Name is the name of the person receiving the advance.

The Advances tab displays details on all advance transactions except those that have been saved but never submitted.

Advance Dates
Expense Incurred Date/Expenditure Item Date The date entered in the Expense Request system in Oracle when creating the advance.
Advance Expected Clearing Date The expected date that the travel is to be completed; it is specified when creating the advance.
Submitted Date During the creation of the advance, the date it was submitted for approval.


Transaction details of advances not yet fully expensed, i.e., ones that have a remaining balance not on an expense request that has been posted to a PTA. The advance balance is not adjusted until the expense request to which it is applied has been posted to a PTA. Transactions are grouped by age (in days) or outstanding status.

  • For my organization, which advances are uncleared?
  • For my organization, which advance balances that should be returned by the employee are in jeopardy of exceeding 60 days?
  • For advances that have exceeded 60 days, are there extenuating circumstances as to why they have not been cleared?

To retrieve results, follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen.

  • The Aging tab has no date prompts, thus providing visibility on all uncleared advances.
  • The Expense Request Transaction Number applies only to advances (ADV). 
  • You can search by Expense Request Event Name Text and Preparer Full Name.
  • Expense Request Transaction Status Description is the status of the advance itself and not of any related expense requests.
  • Supplier Name is the name of the person receiving the advance.


Process Flow

The Advances – Aging report displays advances that have not been completely cleared. The report displays the advance dollar amounts in buckets, based on their number of days beyond the Advance Expected Clearing Date. This assists in monitoring transactions to stay compliant with the 60-day IRS tax-reportable guideline.

Graphic showing the three stages of Advance processing with matching statuses, who is responsible at that stage and how aging is applied




Listing of petty cash holders and detail of replenishment transactions.

  • Who is the custodian for the petty cash account for my organization?
  • What reimbursements are being processed using petty cash?

To retrieve results, follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen.

The Petty Cash Replenishment Transactions tab has two report sections. 

  1. The Petty Cash Information section displays information about the account including the petty cash fund name, custodian and funded amount for the given selection criteria.
  2. The Petty Cash Replenishment Transaction Detail section displays the number of petty cash replenishments and the total reimbursement amount for the selection criteria entered. 

Provides unit finance managers with a graphical performance management tool to monitor expense request approval rates, transaction aging, rejection rates and reasons, approval aging, escalation and details by employee for assessing process flow efficiency.

  • How efficient is expense request processing in my organization?

To retrieve results, follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen.

For details, refer to the Expense Request Efficacy User Guide.

For details, refer to the Expense Request Efficacy User Guide.

Non-customizable, BI Publisher listing of active SU credit cards, details on the card holders, verifiers and approvers, transaction limit amount, last four digits of credit card number and guarantee PTA.

  • Who has credit cards for my organization, and who are the verifiers for the cards?
  • What are the guarantee PTAs for the cards within my organization?
  1. Custodians - Distributed - This tab provides a list of active purchasing cards by the last four digits of the card numbers.
  2. Data Download - This tab provides a downloadable data version of the Custodians - Distributed Report (i.e. without row suppression).