Deadlines for Applying to the MBA Program

Your completed application, including your letters of reference and application fee payment, is due at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the deadline date for the round in which you apply.

We cannot guarantee that we will review information sent to the MBA admissions office after the deadline of the round in which you apply.

2020–21 Deadlines

Application Round Submit your application by … We will notify you …
Round 1 15 September 2020 10 December 2020
Round 2 06 January 2021 01 April 2021
Round 3 06 April 2021 20 May 2021

Selecting an Application Round

You may apply in any one of the three application rounds each year. You may apply only once per application year.

Do not rush your application, but there are some advantages to applying in either Round 1 or Round 2, including:

  • Ample time to complete recommended quantitative and/or English language coursework prior to arrival on campus.
  • Access to the on-campus housing lottery including Stanford GSB Residences (Jack McDonald Hall and Schwab Residential Center).
  • Additional time to complete the visa application process (Bechtel International Center).
  • The opportunity to attend Admit Weekend (there is no Admit Weekend for Round 3).

If you and your partner are both applying in the same year, we strongly recommend applying in the same round. If one of you applies in an earlier round and receives an offer of admission, that person would need to reply to his or her offer before decisions are released for the next round. In other words, one of you would need to accept your seat in the class without knowing if the other will be admitted.

If you want to use one application to apply for both the MBA and MSx programs, you must apply in Round 1 (15 September 2020) or Round 2 (06 January 2021). You may apply in Round 3 to both programs, but you would need to complete two separate applications.

How to Decide When It's the Right Time to Apply
How to Decide When It’s the Right Time to Apply
Kirsten Moss, assistant dean of MBA admissions, on deciding when is the right time to apply and what the team is looking for in MBA applicants.

Decision Notification

We will post your decision to your account on the notification date above for the round in which you applied. We will also send an email to the address used to create your application profile to notify you when your decision is available.

We do not accommodate requests for an early decision, or for decision information to be provided via phone or in person.

Deferral Policy

If you are offered admission, you will be expected to enroll in the MBA or dual/joint-degree program in the year for which you are admitted — unless you meet the criteria for deferred enrollment. If you do not meet these criteria, we do not allow you to defer admission to a later year. Instead, we ask you to reapply. Only under rare and extraordinary circumstances (e.g., compulsory military service) will we consider exceptions to this policy.

Last Updated 15 Jun 2020