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The Stanford Historical Society is overseen by eight committees that plan and execute the policies, operations, programs and events of the Society with the support of the staff members. The committees are: Finance, Governance, Marketing Strategy & Communications, Membership & Development, Oral History, Program, Publications, and Tours & Special Events.

Committee Roster, 2020 - 2021


The Finance Committee, including the Treasurer, oversees the Society’s financial health, and recommends appropriate fiscal policies to the board. The Committee works with other committees’ chairs to develop an annual budget for approval by the Society’s board. The Treasurer prepares regular financial reports summarizing expenses and income. The Finance Committee supports all programmatic and administrative areas of the Society by working with officers and committee chairs to secure the financial resources needed to carry out the Society’s mission and aspirations. In so doing, Finance takes a short and long range view of the Society’s financial needs and brings to the Board’s attention possible actions needed to sustain the Society financially.

Serena Rao*
Isabel Alvarez-Valdez*
Nate Boswell*
Steve Dunatov
Katie Nash*


The Governance Committee is responsible for seeing that the society’s governance structures, policies, and practices contribute to strong organizational performance over time. The Committee supports the board in identifying skills, experience, diversity and other criteria for directors, recruiting prospective candidates, and providing orientation and ongoing support for all board members. The Committee helps develop means to assess or improve the performance of the board, its committees, and the organization as a whole.

Allyn Taylor*, Susan Sweeney, Co-Chairs
Geoffrey Cox
Marie Earl
Jeff Fenton
Steve Player

Marketing Strategy & Communications

This Committee works to raise awareness and increase community engagement with Stanford Historical Society. The Committee develops and oversees the overarching marketing strategy of SHS. It also plays a secondary “Service Bureau” role in supporting marketing communications of SHS committees and of SHS as a whole. In addition, the Committee will undertake initiatives to take advantage of special opportunities and collaborations to increase SHS visibility.

Jennifer Cauble*, Chair
Kate Chesley
Jeannie Crumly Cole*
Andy DiPaolo*
Steve Dunatov
Pat Lopes Harris*
Pamela Moreland

Membership & Development

This committee is responsible for maintaining and increasing the membership base and membership income of the Society. Committee members regularly review membership dues structure and benefits; coordinate annual renewal processes with the Administrative Officer; develop stewardship and recruitment campaigns; and collaborate with other SHS committees in outreach efforts where appropriate. Members often represent the Society at university events, including Reunion Homecoming Weekend, Founders’ Celebration and Family Weekend Resource Fair.

Sandra Pearson*, Steve Player, Co-Chairs
Tessa Baker-Degler
Kim Bluitt
John Bunnell
Geoffrey Cox*
Beverly Kiltz
Victor Madrigal*
Bob McIntyre
Susan Sweeney
Lynn Yokoe

Oral History

The Oral History Committee provides oversight and guidance to the SHS Oral History Program, which is supported by two full-time staff members and 40-50 volunteers each year. Through interviews with leading faculty, staff, alumni, trustees and others, the oral history program explores the academic and institutional history of the University. Committee members are active program volunteers, conducting interviews, mapping program strategy, helping to conceptualize new interview projects, or contributing in other significant ways.

Andy Dipaolo*, Jan Thomson, Co-Chairs
Iris Brest
Paul Costello
Jeannie Crumly Cole*
Jonathan Gifford*
Larry Horton*
Noe Pablo Lozano*
Susan Maher
Michele Marincovich*
Jerry Porras
Susan Schofield


Committee members plan and arrange for campus programs of historical and current interest, approximately one per month during the academic year. The Committee collaborates in the development and/or implementation of other programs that advance the Society’s mission of improving public understanding of Stanford history.

Leslie Kim*, Michele Marincovich*, Co-Chairs
Karen Bartholomew
David Freyberg*
Jonathan Gifford*
Julia Hartung
Larry Horton*
Anne Marie Krogh
Noe Pablo Lozano*
Victor Madrigal*
Sandra Pearson*
Norm Robinson
Peter Stansky


The Publications Committee oversees the selection, review, production, and dissemination of all publications under the imprint of the Stanford Historical Society, including the Society’s journal, Sandstone & Tile (S&T), its occasional publications series, and its book-length publications. The Publications Committee plays a key role in implementing the Society’s commitment to publish high-quality research and writing about the history of the Stanford community. The Committee is also available to review materials that include historical content, such as special information handouts for Society tours or programs.

Elena Danielson*, Karen Bartholomew, Co-Chairs
Margaret McKinnon
Roxanne Nilan
Ralph Simpson
Steve Staiger
Susan Wels

Tours & Special Events

The Tours & Special Events Committee supports the appreciation of Stanford history through the development of a tour program, encompassing historic house tours, walking tours and bus tours of remote sites, and the development of materials to support self-guided tours. The Committee will oversee the development of tour proposals (including budget and marketing), organize volunteers to support tours, and solicit sponsors and community partners where appropriate to defray program costs.

The Tours & Special Events Committee will collaborate with the Program Committee and other SHS committees as appropriate in planning some of these events. Also, in partnership with the Membership & Development Committee, the Tours & Special Events Committee will coordinate members only events that are held at least once a year at special venues on campus and allow for a “behind the scenes” or “special access” experience for Society members. The Committee will assist with planning for such events and solicit volunteers to staff the events.

Sapna Marfatia*, Laura Jones, Susan Sweeney, Co-Chairs
Marian Adams
Tessa Baker-Degler
Karen Bartholomew
Janice Conomos
Anne Dauer
Susan Maher
Margaret McKinnon
Mary Montella
Dee Dee Schurman
Steve Staiger
Gail Woolley

*current members of the SHS Board