Stanford University
Underwater Fish

Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources

We train the next generation to help solve critical environmental and sustainability challenges.


The Joint MS Degree program is designed to be rigorous yet flexible, providing opportunities for students to pursue the depth and breadth they desire to meet their academic interests and professional goals.

Degree Requirements

 Current and prospective students are encouraged to read the Stanford Bulletin for the most current Stanford graduate student policies and the Joint MS Requirements document for program-specific guidance.

The Joint MS-MBA requires one to three additional quarters beyond the two-year MBA. The Joint MS-JD may be completed within the student's three years in law school. The time required to complete the Dual MS/MIP will depend on the student's individual course work and program, but can be completed between seven to nine quarters (one to three full quarters beyond the MIP). School of Medicine MD students are encouraged to take a full extra year to complete the Dual MS, either between their second and third years or third and fourth years of medical school.The completion of the Dual MS/PhD will depend on the student's individual coursework and research program; his/her/their overall course of study should be discussed with the student's academic adviser/PhD adviser and the Joint MS Student Services Officer.

Students are required to create and keep up-to-date their E-IPER Joint or Dual MS* Program Plan.  The Program Plan template is available through Google Sheets, an online tool that allows students to track both their professional school units and E-IPER degree requirements in one place. Share this tool with E-IPER staff to track degree progress. Use the following links to access degree-specific templates:

Students should consult with their faculty advisers and program staff when developing and updating their Program Plan. 

The table below summarizes the Joint MS degree requirements:

Degree RequirementDeadline
45 total units:
  • All degree applicable courses at or above 100-level 
  • 23 units at or above 200-level (graduate level)
Achieve a cumulative 3.0 average or higher for all university letter-graded courses
Prior to graduation
ENVRES 280: Topics in Environment and Resources
 (offered Spring quarter only)
Spring Quarter, 1st year in program

ENVRES 290. Capstone Project Seminar in Environment and Resources (offered Autumn and Winter quarters)

1-2 quarters prior to graduation

Minimum of 4 letter-graded courses in one selected Course Track

Prior to graduation

Minimum of 4 letter-graded, 3-5 unit, graduate-level Elective courses; may include 1 professional school course and 1 3-5 unit independent study course 

Prior to graduation

Additional courses to bring total unit count to 45 units (within guidelines stipulated by Joint MS Requirements document):

Prior to graduation


Professional School Courses

 One professional school course may count toward the E-IPER letter-graded Elective requirement. A maximum of 12 units of approved courses from any professional school may count toward the Joint MS degree. Non-JD students wishing to take courses in the Law School must consult this page for additional enrollment information.

Students may submit additional courses for consideration using the Petition for an Exception to the Requirements.

Independent Study

Students interested in pursuing independent research or a project under the guidance of a faculty member may count up to 5 units of independent study toward the Joint or Dual MS degree. The project scope should strongly emphasize the student's environment and resource interests. One independent study course may count toward the E-IPER elective requirement, if taken for 3-5 units and a letter grade. 

Students must do the following: (a) secure an E-IPER affiliated faculty advisor (b) complete and submit the Independent Study Agreement to E-IPER Program staff no later than the Friday of the second week of the quarter in which the student wishes to pursue independent study (c) secure approval from E-IPER staff and enroll in ENVRES 399 or equivalent department course as approved by the faculty advisor.

Request for an Exception

 Students may request an exception to the requirements, such as creating a customized course track or requesting additional courses be added to the track or approved professional school lists.

Submit a Petition for an Exception to the Requirements in the following circumstances:

  • Suggesting additional course(s) for the Course Track(s)
  • Suggesting additional professional school courses to include in the "approved" list for the Joint MS degree

Submit a Proposal for Customized Course Track in the following circumstances:

  • Combining courses from two Course Tracks to make a blended Track
  • Creating a customized Course Track

Course Tracks & Example Course Plans

Select from the nine Course Tracks below.

There are nine Course Tracks that provide students the opportunity to focus his/her/their Joint MS coursework. Course Tracks are organized around one broad topic and aggregate relevant courses from various departments on campus.

Clean technology, clean energy systems

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Atmospheric science, climate change science, and air quality

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Science & technology underlying traditional and alternative energy generation and utilization.

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Science and management of freshwater resources

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Range of topics on the impacts of the environment on human health

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Ecology, conservation, and the science behind land use and agriculture development and decision-making

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Marine and coastal sciences

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Technology of healthy and sustainable buildings, communities, and cities

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Sustainable product and process design that drives and responds to human behavior and need

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Sample course plans

Below are some sample course plans for the Joint MS-JD, Joint MS-MBA, and Dual MS degrees which we hope will assist students with their course planning:

Joint MS Student Portal (Current Students Only)

The Joint MS Student Portal provides an array of resources for current Joint and Dual MS students. Resources include unofficial course reviews, important reminder e-mails, forms and more! 

Navigate to Joint MS Student Portal (Current Students Only)
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