
Through measurements in space and at multiple remote sites in Antarctica, Alaska, and the continental United States, Professor Inan studies the Earth's ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Of particular interest are ionospheric effects of lightning discharges and the recently discovered phenomena of electrical discharges and luminous glows at high altitudes above thunderstorms. He also studies physical processes in the Earth's near-space environment, including space weather effects on navigation and communication signals, electrodynamic coupling of the ionosphere to the magnetosphere, wave-induced precipitation of particles out of the radiation belts, and cyclotron resonant interactions between electromagnetic waves and energetic electrons. He is also involved in the development of ultra-low-power and miniaturized radio receivers for use in remote polar regions and on micro-satellites.

Academic Appointments

Honors & Awards

  • Appleton Prize, International Radio Science Union (URSI) (2008)
  • Allan Cox Medal for Faculty Excellence in Fostering Undergraduate Research, Stanford University (2007)
  • Fellow, American Geophysical Union (2007)
  • Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2006)
  • Group Achievement Award (CLUSTER), NASA (2005)
  • Most Outstanding Paper Award, Ionospheric Effects Symposium (2004)
  • Tau Beta Pi Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Stanford University (1999)
  • Group Achievement Award (POLAR), NASA (1998)
  • Antarctic Mountain Named Inan Peak (78.333 S, 162.633 E) in Recognition of Service, Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (1998)
  • Antarctic Service Medal, NSF and Department of the Navy (1994)
  • Young Scientist Award, International Union of Radio Science (URSI) (1993)
  • Group Achievement Award (Dynamics Explorer), NASA (1984)
  • Outstanding Service Award, EE Department for Excellence in Teaching (1978)

Professional Education

  • PhD, Stanford University (1977)

All Publications

  • 100 days of ELF/VLF generation via HF heating with HAARP Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Inan, U., Cohen, M. B., Gołkowski, M. 2013
  • Modulation of auroral electrojet currents using dual modulated HF beams with ELF phase offset, a potential D-region ionospheric diagnostic Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Inan, U., Gołkowski, M., Cohen, M. B., Moore, R. C. 2013
  • The spectral extent of chorus in the off-equatorial magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Inan, U., Bunch, N. L., Spasojevic, M., Shprits, Y. Y., Gu, X., Foust, F. 2013
  • Characteristics of long recovery early VLF events observed by the North African AWESOME Network Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Inan, U., NaitAmor, S., Cohen, M. B., T., B, R, Ghalila, H., AlAbdoadaim, M. A. 2013
  • Analysis of experimentally validated trans-ionospheric attenuation estimates of VLF signals Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Graf, K. L., Lehtinen, N. G., Spasojevic, M., Cohen, M. B., Marshall, R. A., Inan, U. 2013
  • The History of Very Low Frequency (VLF)Radio Research at Stanford Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 2013
  • Dayside auroral hiss observed at South Pole Station Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Inan, U., Yan, X., LaBelle, J., Haerendel, G., Spasojevic, M., Bunch, N. 2013
  • EMIC waves growth and guiding in the presence of cold plasma density irregularities Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., de Soria-Santacruz, M., Spasojevic, M., Chen, L. 2013
  • Highly intense lightning over the oceans: Estimated peak currents from global GLD360 observations Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres Said, R. K., Cohen, M. B., Inan, U. 2013
  • The VLF fingerprint of elves: Step-like and long-recovery early VLF perturbations caused by powerful ±CG lightning EM pulses Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Inan, U., Haldoupis, C., Cohen, M., Arnone, E., Cotts, B., Dietrich, S. 2013
  • On the Relationship Between Lightning Peak Current and Early VLF Perturbations Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Inan, U., Salut, M. M., Cohen, M. B., Ali, M. A., Graf, K. L., Cotts, B. R. 2013
  • Extended lateral heating of the nighttime ionosphere by ground-based VLF transmitters Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics Craf, K. L., Spasojevic, M., Marshall, R. A., Lehtinen, N. G., Foust, F. R., Inan, U. 2013
  • Chorus functional dependencies derived from CRRES data Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Spasojevic, M., Shprits, Y. Y. 2013
  • Very low latitude (L = 1.08) whistlers Geophysical Research Letters Singh, R., Cohen, M. B., Maurya, A. K., Veenadhari, B., Kumar, S., Pant, P., Inan, U. S. 2012
  • Off-equatorial chorus occurrence and wave amplitude distributions as observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Instrument Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bunch, N. L., Spasojevic, M., Shprits, Y. Y. 2012
  • ELF/VLF wave generation from the beating of two HF ionospheric heating sources Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Cohen, M. B., Moore, R. C., Gołkowski, M., Lehtinen, N. G. 2012
  • Statistical modeling of in situ hiss amplitudes using ground measurements Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Golden, D. I., Spasojevic, M., Li, W., Nishimura, Y. 2012
  • A waveguide model of the return stroke channel with a “metamaterial" corona Radio Science Inan, U., Lehtinen, N. G. 2012
  • Statistical modeling of plasmaspheric hiss amplitude using solar wind measurements and geomagnetic indices Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Golden, D. I., Spasojevic, M., Li, W., Nishimura, Y. 2012
  • ELF/VLF recordings during the 11 March 2011 Japanese Tohoku earthquake Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Cohen, M. B., Marshall, R. A. 2012
  • Long recovery VLF perturbations associated with lightning discharges Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Salut, M. M., Abdullah, M., Graf, K. L., Cohen, M. B., Cotts, B. R. 2012
  • PENGUIn/AGO and THEMIS conjugate observations of whistler mode chorus waves in the dayside uniform zone under steady solar wind and quiet geomagnetic conditions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Keika, K., Spasojevic, M., Li, W., Bortnik, J., Miyoshi, Y. 2012
  • An empirical model of magnetospheric chorus amplitude using solar wind and geomagnetic indices Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Golden, D. I., Spasojevic, M., Li, W., Nishimura, Y. 2012
  • An improved model of the lightning electromagnetic field interaction with the D-region ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Marshall, R. A. 2012
  • On the altitude of the ELF/VLF source region generated during “beat-wave” HF heating experiments Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Moore, R., Fujimaru, S., Cohen, M. B., Gołkowski, M., McCarrick, M. J. 2012
  • Morphological features of tweeks and nighttime D-region ionosphere at tweek reflection height from the observations in the low-latitude Indian sector ournal of Geophysical Research Maurya, A. K., Singh, R., Veenadhari, B., Kumar, S., Cohen, M. B., Selvakumaran, R., Inan, U. S. 2012
  • First satellite-imaging observation of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances by FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Adachi, T., Otsuka, Y., Yamaoka, M., Yamamoto, M., Shiokawa, K. 2011
  • Magnetospherically reflected, specularly reflected, and backscattered whistler mode radio-sounder echoes observed on the IMAGE satellite: 2. Sounding of electron density, ion effective mass, ion composition, and density irregularities Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalkar, V. S., Reddy, A., Carpenter, D. L. 2011
  • A tribute to Robert Helliwell Space Weather Carpenter, D. L., Inan, U. 2011
  • Lightning development associated with two negative gigantic jets Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Lu, G., Cummer, S. A., Lyons, W. A., Krehbiel, P. R., Li, J. 2011
  • On the latitudinal extent of chorus emissions as observed by the Polar Plasma Wave Instrument Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bunch, N. L., Spasojevic, M., Shprits, Y. Y. 2011
  • Continuous ground-based multiwavelength airglow measurements Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Marshall, R. A., Smith, S. A., Baumgardner, J., Chakrabarti, S. 2011
  • Optical signatures of lightning-induced electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Marshall, R. A., Bortnik, J., Lehtinen, N., Chakrabarti, S. 2011
  • Confining the angular distribution of terrestrial gamma ray flash emission Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Gjesteland, T., Østgaard, N., Collier, A. B., Carlson, B. E., Cohen, M. B. 2011
  • Magnetospherically reflected, specularly reflected, and backscattered whistler mode radio-sounder echoes observed on the IMAGE satellite: 1. Observations and interpretation ournal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Sonwalkar, V. S., Carpenter, D. L., Reddy, A., Proddaturi, R., Hazra, S. 2011
  • Asymmetric V-shaped streaks recorded on board DEMETER satellite above powerful thunderstorms Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., El-Lemdani, M., Pincon, J. L., Parrot, M., De Feraudy, H., Lehtinen, N. G. 2011
  • Correspondence between a plasma-based EMIC wave proxy and subauroral proton precipitation Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Spasojevic, M., Blum, L. W., MacDonald, E. A., Fuselier, S. A., Golden, D. I. 2011
  • Midnight latitude-altitude distribution of 630 nm airglow in the Asian sector measured with FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Adachi, T., Yamaoka, M., Yamamoto, M., Otsuka, Y., Liu, H. 2010
  • VLF observations of ionospheric disturbances in association with TLEs from the EuroSprite-2007 campaign Journal of Geophysical Research Umran, I., NaitAmor, S., AlAbdoadaim, M. A., Cohen, M. B., Cotts, B., Soula, S. 2010
  • Long-Range Lightning Geo-Location Using a VLF Radio Atmospheric Waveform Bank Journal of Geophysical Research Said, R. K., Inan, U., Cummins, K. L. 2010
  • Terrestrial gamma ray flashes pinpointed (Editor's highlight on 2010-03) Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U. 2010
  • Global estimates of plasmaspheric losses during moderate disturbance intervals Annales Geophysicae Inan, U., Spasojevic, M., Sandel, B. R. 2010
  • Mitigation of 50–60 Hz power line interference in geophysical data Radio Science Cohen, M. B., Said, R. K., Inan, U. 2010
  • More evidence for a one-to-one correlation between Sprites and Early VLF perturbations Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Haldoupis, C., Amvrosiadi, N., Cotts, B. R., van, d., Velde, O. A. 2010
  • Decameter structure in heater-induced airglow at the High frequency Active Auroral Research Program facility Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Kendall, E., Marshall, R., Parris, R. T., Bhatt, A., Coster, A. 2010
  • Full-wave modeling of “early” VLF perturbations caused by lightning electromagnetic pulses Journal of Geophysical Research Lehtinen, N. G., Marshall, R. A., Inan, U. 2010
  • Observations of Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash Electrons American Institute of Physics Conference Series Carlson, B. E., Lehtinen, N. G., Inan, U. 2010
  • Atmospheric physics: Bolt from the blue (Editor's highlight on 2010-03) Nature Inan, U. 2010
  • Sensitive Broadband ELF/VLF Radio Reception With the AWESOME Instrumen IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Cohen, M. B., Inan, U., Paschal, E. W. 2010
  • Temporal evolution of proton precipitation associated with the plasmaspheric plume Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Spasojevic, M., Fuselier, A. 2009
  • Reply to comment by R. C. Moore and M. T. Rietveld on ``Geometricmodulation: A more effective method of steerable ELF/VLF wave generation with continuous HF heating of the lower ionosphere Geophysical Research Letters Cohen, M. B., Inan, U., Golkowski, M. A. 2009
  • Advances in Plasmaspheric Wave Research with CLUSTER and IMAGE Observations Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Masson, A., Santol\'ık, O., Carpenter, D. L., Darrouzet, F., Décréau, P. M. 2009
  • First observations of X-mode suppression of O-mode HF enhancements at 6300 {\AA} Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Gustavsson, B., Newsome, R., Leyser, T. B., Kosch, M. J., Norin, L. 2009
  • Diurnal dependence of ELF/VLF hiss and its relation to chorus at L = 2.4 Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Golden, D. I., Spasojevic, M., Inan, U. 2009
  • Electric Fields and Magnetic Fields in the Plasmasphere: A Perspective From CLUSTER and IMAGE Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Matsui, H., Foster, J. C., Carpenter, D. L., Dandouras, I., Darrouzet, F. 2009
  • Estimating lightning current moment waveforms from satellite optical measurements Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Adachi, T., Cummer, S. A., Li, J., Takahashi, Y., Hsu, R. R. 2009
  • CLUSTER and IMAGE: New Ways to Study the Earth's Plasmasphere Space Science Reviews Inan, U., deKeyser, J., Carpenter, D. L., Darrouzet, F., Gallagher, D. L., Tu, J. 2009
  • Plasmaspheric Density Structures and Dynamics: Properties Observed by the CLUSTER and IMAGE Missions Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Darrouzet, F., Gallagher, D. L., André, N., Carpenter, D. L., Dandouras, I. 2009
  • Observations of artificial and natural optical emissions at the HAARP facility Annales Geophysicae Inan, U., Pedersen, T., Esposito, R., Kendall, E., Sentman, D., Kosch, M. 2008
  • Nonlinear interaction of energetic electrons with large amplitudechorus Geophysical Research Letters Bortnik, J., Thorne, R. M., Inan, U. 2008
  • Highlights Of RPI Sounding Of The Plasmasphere And Polar Regions At Frequencies In The Whistler And Z-Mode Domains Radio Sounding and Plasma Physics Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 2008
  • Production altitude and time delays of the terrestrial gamma flashes: Revisiting the Burst and Transient Source Experiment spectra Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Ostgaard, N., Gjestland, T., Stadsnes, J., Connell, P. H., Carlson, B. E. 2008
  • Preface: Global Aspects of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Spasojevic, M., Goldstein, J., Strangeway, J. 2007
  • Modeling the electromagnetic ion cyclotron wave-induced formationof detached subauroral proton arcs Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Jordanova, V. K., Spasojevic, M., Thomsen, M. F. 2007
  • Chung Park, pioneer of magnetosphere ionosphere coupling research Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 2007
  • Proton cyclotron echoes and a new resonance observed by the RadioPlasma Imager instrument on the IMAGE satellite Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Bell, T. F., Chen, D., Ng, D., Baran, C. 2007
  • Massive disturbance of the daytime lower ionosphere by the giant {$\gamma$}-ray flare from magnetar SGR Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Lehtinen, N. G., Moore, R. C., Hurley, K., Boggs, S., Smith, D. M. 2007: 1806-20
  • ELF waves generated by modulated HF heating of the auroral electrojet and observed at a ground distance of \~{}4400 km Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Moore, R. C., Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Kennedy, E. J. 2007
  • Global Aspects of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling EOS Transactions Inan, U., Goldstein, J., Spasojevic, M., Fuselier, S. 2006
  • On the association of early/fast very low frequency perturbationswith sprites and rare examples of VLF backscatter Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres) Marshall, R. A., Inan, U., Lyons, A. 2006
  • High-speed measurements of small-scale features in sprites: Sizesand lifetimes Radio Science Marshall, R. A., Inan, U. 2006
  • ``Early/slow'' events: A new category of VLF perturbations observed in relation with sprites Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Haldoupis, C., Steiner, R. J., Mika, A., Shalimov, S., Marshall, R. A., Inan, U. 2006
  • Active Wave Experiments in Space Plasmas: The Z Mode Geospace Electromagnetic Waves and Radiation Inan, U., Benson, R. F., Webb, A., Green, J. L., Carpenter, D. L., Sonwalkar, V. S. 2006
  • Landau damping and resultant unidirectional propagation of choruswaves Geophysical Research Letters Bortnik, J., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 2006
  • Early VLF perturbations observed in association with elves Annales Geophysicae Inan, U., Mika, A., Haldoupis, C., Neubert, T., Su, H. T., Hsu, R. 2006
  • A TID and SEE Radiation-Hardened, Wideband, Low-Noise Amplifier IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Mossawir, B., Linscott, I. R., Inan, U., Roeder, J. L., Osborn, J. V., Witczak, S. C. 2006
  • Co-ordinated observations of transient luminous events during theEuroSprite2003 campaign Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Neubert, T., Allin, H., Blanc, E., Farges, T., Haldoupis, C. 2005
  • Afternoon subauroral proton precipitation resulting from ring current - plasmasphere interaction, Inner Magnetosphere Interactions: New Perspectives from Imaging AGU Geophysical Monograph Inan, U., Spasojevic, M., Thomsen, F., Chi, P. J., Sandel, B. R. 2005
  • Production of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes by an electromagneticpulse from a lightning return stroke Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Lehtinen, N. G. 2005
  • Ground based VLF observations near L = 2.5 during the Halloween 2003 storm Geophysical Research Letters Spasojevic, M., Inan, U. 2005
  • Subionospheric VLF signatures and their association with sprites observed during EuroSprite-2003 Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Mika, A., Haldoupis, C., Marshall, R. A., Neubert, T., Inan, U. 2005
  • Subionospheric VLF measurements of the effects of geomagnetic storms on the mid-latitude D-region Peter, W. B., Chevalier, M. W., Inan, U. 2005
  • Artificial optical emissions at HAARP for pump frequencies near the third and second electron gyro-harmonic Annales Geophysicae Inan, U., Kosch, M. J., Pedersen, T., Hughes, J., Marshall, R. A., Gerken, E. 2005
  • Simultaneous remote sensing and in situ observations of plasmaspheric drainage plumes Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Goldstein, J., Sandel, R., Thomsen, F., Spasojevic, M., Reiff, P. H. 2004
  • Proton precipitation during magnetic storms in August through November 1998 Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Walt, M., Voss, D. 2004
  • Remote sensing the Earth's plasmasphere Radio Science Bulletin Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 2004
  • The Plasmasphere Boundary Layer Annales Geophysicae Inan, U., Carpenter, D., Lemaire, J. 2004
  • Diagnostics of magnetospheric electron density and irregularitiesat altitudes <5000 km using whistler and Z mode echoes from radio sounding on the IMAGE satellite Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Sonwalkar, V. S., Carpenter, D. L., Bell, T. F., Spasojevic, M., Inan, U., Li, J. 2004
  • Magnetic zenith enhancement of HF radio-induced airglow production at HAARP Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Pedersen, T. R., McCarrick, M., Gerken, E. A., Selcher, C., Sentman, D. 2003
  • In situ and ground-based intercalibration measurements of plasma d ensity at L = 2.5 Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Clilverd, M. A., Menk, W., Milinevski, G., Sandel, B. R., Goldstein, J. 2003
  • Guided echoes in the magnetosphere: Observations by Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Fung, S. F., Benson, F., Carpenter, D. L., Green, J. L., Jayanti, V. 2003
  • Z-mode sounding within propagation ``cavities'' and other inner magnetospheric regions by the RPI instrument on the IMAGE satellite Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Carpenter, D. L., Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Benson, F., Sonwalkar, V. s., Reinisch, B. W. 2003
  • Identifying the plasmapause in IMAGE EUV data using IMAGE RPI in situ steep density gradients Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Goldstein, J., Spasojevic, M., Reiff, H., Sandel, B. R., Forrester, W. T. 2003
  • Electron precipitation coincident with ELF/VLF wave bursts Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) Inan, U., Walt, M., Voss, D., Pickett, S. 2002
  • Lightning effects at high altitudes: sprites, elves, and terrestrial gamma ray flashes Applied Physics Inan, U. 2002
  • Observations of magnetospheric plasmas by the radio plasma imager (RPI) on the image mission Advances in Space Research Inan, U., Fung, S. F., Benson, F., Green, J. L., Reinisch, B. W., Haines, D. M. 2002
  • Fine Structure of Sprites and Proposed Global Observations Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques Mende, S. B., Frey, H. U., Rairden, L., Su, H. T., Hsu, R. R., Allin, T., Inan, U. S. 2002
  • Whistler-mode wave-injection experiments in the plasmasphere with a radio sounder Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Sonwalkar, V. S., Chen, X., Harikumar, J., Carpenter, D. L., Bell, T. F. 2001
  • The study of bulk plasma motions and associated electric fields in the plasmasphere by means of whistler-mode signals Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Smith, J. 2001
  • Diffusion of 155 to 430 keV protons in the Earth's radiation belt Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Walt, M., Voss, D., Lev-Tov, J., Mobilia, J., Jahn, J. M. 2001
  • Lightning-induced energetic electron flux enhancements in the drift loss cone Journal of Geophysical Research Blake, G. B., Inan, U., Walt, M., Bell, T. F., Bortnik, J., Chenette, D. L. 2001
  • Losses of ring current ions by strong pitch angle scattering Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Walt, M., Voss, D. 2001
  • First results from the Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Reinisch, B. W., Huang, X., Haines, M., Galkin, I. A., Green, J. L. 2001
  • Multisatellite observations of rapid subauroral ion drifts (SAID) Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Anderson, P. C., Carpenter, D. L., Tsuruda, K., Mukai, T., Rich, F. J. 2001
  • Effects of thunderstorm-driven runaway electrons in the conjugatehemisphere: Purple sprites, ionization enhancements, and gamma rays Journal of Geophysical Research Lehtinen, N. G., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 2001
  • Radio plasma imager simulations and measurements Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Green, J. L., Benson, F., Fung, F., Taylor W, W. L., Boardsen, S. A. 2000
  • Triggering of whistler mode emissions by the band-limited impulse(BLI) associated with amplified Vlf signals from Siple Station, Antarctica Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 2000
  • CRRES observations of density cavities inside the plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Anderson, R., Calvert, W., Moldwin, M. 2000
  • The Radio Plasma Imager investigation on the IMAGE spacecraft Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Reinisch, B. W., Haines, M., Bibl, K., Cheney, G., Galkin, I. A. 2000
  • Investigations of irregularities in remote plasma regions by radio sounding: applications of the radio plasma imager on image Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Fung, S. F., Benson, F., Carpenter, D. L., Reinisch, B. W., Gallagher, D. L. 2000
  • Ionization of the lower ionosphere by {$\gamma$}-rays from a magnetar: Detection of a low energy (3-10 keV) component Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Lehtinen, N. G., Lev-Tov, J., Johnson, P., Bell, T. F., Hurley, K. 1999
  • Elves triggered by positive and negative lightning discharges Geophysical Research Letters Barrington-Leigh, C. P., Inan, U. 1999
  • Mesospheric electric field transients due to tropospheric lightning discharges Geophysical Research Letters Pasko, V. P., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1999
  • Characteristics of mesospheric optical emissions produced by lighting discharges Journal of Geophysical Research Veronis, G., Pasko, V. P., Inan, U. 1999
  • The correlation of rapid AKR variations with changes in the fluxes of precipitating electrons Advances in Space Research Inan, U., Imhof, W. L., Anderson, R., Chenette, L., Mobilia, J., Petrinec, S. M. 1999
  • ELF sferic energy as a proxy indicator for sprite occurrence Geophysical Research Letters Reising, S. C., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1999
  • The correlation of AKR waves with precipitating electrons as determined by plasma wave and x-ray image data from the POLAR spacecraft Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Imhof, W. L., Chenette, L., Datlowe, W., Mobilia, J., Walt, M. 1998
  • Precipitation of radiation belt electrons by magnetospherically reflected whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Ristić-Djurović, J. L., Bell, T. F., Inan, U. 1998
  • Periodic and quasiperiodic ELF/VLF emissions observed by an arrayof Antarctic stations Journal of Geophysical Research Smith, A., Engebretson, M. J., Klatt, M., Inan, U., Arnoldy, R. L., Fukunishi, H. 1998
  • Ionospheric D region remote sensing using VLF radio atmospherics Radio Science Cummer, S. A., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1998
  • Low-frequency impulsive auroral hiss observations at high geomagnetic latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research LaBelle, J., Weatherwax, A. T., Perring, J., Walsh, E., Trimpi, M. L., Inan, U. 1998
  • Satellite observations of lightning-induced electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research Voss, H. D., Walt, M., Imhof, L., Mobilia, J., Inan, U. 1998
  • Magnetospheric Radio Sounding on the IMAGE Mission Inan, U., Benson, R. F., Green, J. L., Fung, S. F., W, B. W., Calvert 1998
  • Substorm Auroral Expansion to High Latitudes and the Dawn/Dusk Flanks Substorms-4 Inan, U., Doolittle, J. H., Mende, S. B., Frey, U., Rosenberg, T. J., Weatherwax, A. T. 1998
  • Erratum: ``Measurement of charge transfer in sprite-producing lightning using ELF radio atmospherics'' Geophysical Research Letters Cummer, S. A., Inan, U. 1998
  • Ionospheric effects due to electrostatic thundercloud fields Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Pasko, V. P., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1998
  • Time resolved N2 triplet state vibrational populations and emissions associated with red sprites Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Morrill, J. S., Bucsela, J., Pasko, P., Berg, S. L., Heavner, M. J. 1998
  • Measuring lightning-induced ionospheric effects with incoherent scatter radar or with cross-modulation Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Showen, R. L., Slingeland, A. 1998
  • An analysis of new and existing FDTD methods for isotropic cold plasma and a method for improving their accuracy IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Inan, U., Cummer, S. A. 1997
  • Sprites produced by quasi-electrostatic heating and ionization inthe lower ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Pasko, V. P., Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Taranenko, N. 1997
  • VLF remote sensing of high energy auroral particle precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research Cummer, S. A., Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Chenette, L. 1997
  • Erosion and Recovery of the Plasmasphere in the Plasmapause Region Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Lemaire, J. 1997
  • Probing properties of the magnetospheric hot plasma distribution by whistler mode wave injection at multiple frequencies: Evidence of spatial as well as temporal wave growth Journal of Geophysical Research Carpenter, D. L., Sonwalkar, V. S., Helliwell, R. A., Walt, M., Inan, U., Ikeda, M. 1997
  • Infrared glow above thunderstorms? Geophysical Research Letters Picard, R. H., Inan, U., Pasko, P., Winick, R., Wintersteiner, P. P. 1997
  • LF and MF observations of the lightning electromagnetic pulse at ionospheric altitudes Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Kelley, M. C., Baker, D., Holzworth, H., Argo, P., Cummer, S. A. 1997
  • Rapid lateral expansion of optical luminosity in lightning-induced ionospheric flashes referred to as `elves' Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Barrington-Leigh, C. P., Hansen, S., Glukhov, S., Bell, T. F., Rairden, R. 1997
  • Whistlers, Discovery of the Magnetosphere History of Geophysics Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1997
  • From Nuclear Physics to Space Physics by Way of High Altitude Nuclear Tests Discovery of the Magnetosphere Inan, U., Walt, M. 1997
  • Lightning Whistlers Reveal the Plasmapause, an Unexpected Boundary in Space Discovery of the Magnetosphere Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1997
  • Measurement of charge transfer in sprite-producing lightning using ELF radio atmospherics Geophysical Research Letters Cummer, A., Inan, U. 1997
  • Properties of the magnetospheric hot plasma distribution deduced from whistler mode wave injection at 2400 Hz: Ground-based detection of azimuthal structure in magnetospheric hot plasmas Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalkar, V. S., Carpenter, D. L., Helliwell, R. A., Walt, M., Inan, U., Caudle, D. L. 1997
  • A two-dimensional model of runaway electron beams driven by quasi-electrostatic thundercloud fields Geophysical Research Letters Lehtinen, N. G., Bell, T. F., Pasko, P., Inan, U. 1997
  • Evidence for continuing current in sprite-producing cloud-to-ground lightning Geophysical Research Letters Reising, S. C., Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Lyons, A. 1996
  • VLF remote sensing of the auroral electrojet Journal of Geophysical Research Cummer, S. A., Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Zanetti, J. 1996
  • Elves: Lightning-induced transient luminous events in the lower ionosphere Geophysical Research Letters Fukunishi, H., Takahashi, Y., Kubota, M., Sakanoi, K., Inan, U., Lyons, W. A. 1996
  • Frequency variations of quasi-periodic ELF-VLF emissions: A possible new ground-based diagnostic of the outer high-latitude magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Alford, J., Engebretson, M. J., Arnoldy, L., Inan, U. 1996
  • Blue jets produced by quasi-electrostatic pre-discharge thundercloud fields Geophysical Research Letters Pasko, V. P., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1996
  • VLF and LF signatures of mesospheric/lower ionospheric response to lightning discharges Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Slingeland, A., Pasko, P., Rodriguez, J. V. 1996
  • On the association of terrestrial gamma-ray bursts with lightningand implications for sprites Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Reising, S. C., Fishman, J., Horack, M. 1996
  • Sustained heating of the ionosphere above thunderstorms as evidenced in ``early/fast'' VLF events Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Pasko, V. P., Bell, T. F. 1996
  • Characteristics of localized ionospheric disturbances inferred from VLF measurements at two closely spaced receivers Journal of Geophysical Research Lev-Tov, S. J., Inan, U., Smith, J., Clilverd, A. 1996
  • Particle simulation of the time-dependent interaction with the ionosphere of rapidly varying lightning EMP Geophysical Research Letters Glukhov, V. S., Inan, U. 1996
  • {$\gamma$}-ray emission produced by a relativistic beam of runaway electrons accelerated by quasi-electrostatic thundercloud fields Geophysical Research Letters Lehtinen, N. G., Walt, M., Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Pasko, V. P. 1996
  • On the accuracy of arrival azimuth determination of sprite-associated lightning flashes by Earth-ionosphere cavity resonances Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Füllekrug, M., Reising, S. C., Lyons, A. 1996
  • Whistler mode wave intensities in the radiation belts Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Walworth, K. F. 1996
  • Reply Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Pasko, P. 1996
  • VLF strip holographic imaging of lightning-associated ionosphericdisturbances Radio Science Chen, J. T., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1996
  • Sprites as luminous columns of ionization produced by quasi-electrostatic thundercloud fields Geophysical Research Letters Pasko, V. P., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1996
  • Focusing of nonducted whistlers by the equatorial anomaly Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalkar, V. S., Inan, U., Aggson, L., Farrell, M., Pfaff, R. 1995
  • An interpretation of a mysterious 3.0- to 4.6-kHz emission band observed on Voyager 2 near Neptune Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalkar, V. S., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1995
  • Altitude profiles of localized D region density disturbances produced in lightning-induced electron precipitation events Journal of Geophysical Research Lev-Tov, S. J., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1995
  • Notes on the diversity of the properties of radio bursts observed on the nightside of Venus Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Umran, U., Sonwalkar, V. S., Carpenter, D. L. 1995
  • Heating, ionization and upward discharges in the mesosphere due to intense quasi-electrostatic thundercloud fields Geophysical Research Letters Pasko, V. P., Inan, U., Taranenko, N., Bell, T. F. 1995
  • Earth's plasmasphere awaits rediscovery EOS Transactions Umran, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1995
  • Intensities and polarization rates of whistler mode VLF signals ob served from a ground network near L = 4 Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Ikeda, M., Nagano, I., Shimbo, T., Carpenter, D. L. 1995
  • Chapter 13 of Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics Inan, U., Sonwalkar, V. S. 1995
  • Runaway electrons as a source of Red Sprites in the mesosphere Geophysical Research Letters Bell, T. F., Pasko, V. P., Inan, U. 1995
  • The role of the Gendrin mode of VLF propagation in the generation of magnetospheric emissions Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1995
  • The feasibility of radio sounding in the magnetosphere Radio Science Inan, U., Calvert, W., Benson, F., Carpenter, D. L., Fung, S. F., Gallagher, D. L. 1995
  • VLF signatures of ionospheric heating by HIPAS Radio Science Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Danielson, T., Cummer, S. A. 1995
  • Coincident bursts of auroral kilometric radiation and VLF emissions associted with a type 3 solar radio noise event Journal of Geophysical Research Rosenberg, T. J., Singh, S., Wu, S., LaBelle, J., Treumann, R. A., Inan, U. 1995
  • A programmable and low-power ELF/VLF receiver for automatic geophysical observatories Antarctic Journal of the United States Shafer, D. C., Brown, A. D., Trabucco, W. J., Inan, U. 1994
  • DE-1 and COSMOS 1809 observations of lower hybrid waves excited by VLF whistler mode waves Geophysical Research Letters Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Lauben, D. S., Sonwalkar, V. S., Helliwell, R. A., Sobolev, Y. P. 1994
  • Anomalous noise from whistlers and radio atmospherics due to quasi-transverse electromagnetic mode propagation of VLF signals in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide Radio Science Inan, U., Mielke, T. A., Mideke, M. 1994
  • A study of quasi-periodic ELF-VLF emissions at three Antarctic stations: Evidence for off-equatorial generation? Annales Geophysicae Inan, U., Morrison, K., Engebretson, J., Beck, R., Johnson, J. E., Arnoldy, R. L. 1994
  • Simultaneous observations of VLF ground transmitter signals on the DE 1 and COSMOS 1809 satellites: Detection of a magnetospheric caustic and a duct Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalkar, V. S., Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A., Chmyrev, V. M., Sobolev, Y. P. 1994
  • Heating of the nighttime D region by very low frequency transmitters Journal of Geophysical Research Rodriguez, J. V., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1994
  • Electron density changes in the nighttime D region due to heating by very-low-frequency transmitters Geophysical Research Letters Rodriguez, J. V., Inan, U. 1994
  • Source regions of long-period pulsation events in electron precipitation and magnetic fields at South Pole Station Journal of Geophysical Research Paquette, J. A., Matthews, D. L., Rosenberg, T. J., Lanzerotti, J., Inan, U. 1994
  • The ULF modulation of ELF-VLF emissions close to the magnetospheric boundary Physical Signatures of Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Processes Inan, U., Morrison, K., Engebretson, J., Beck, R., Johnson, J. E., Arnoldy, R. L. 1994
  • Global thunderstorm tracking via measurements of radio atmospherics at Palmer Station Antarctic Journal of the United States Inan, U., Reising, S. C. 1994
  • Initial results from the PENGUIn ELF/VLF receiver at AGO-P2 Antarctic Journal of the United States Inan, U., Brown, A. D., Yarbrough, J. 1994
  • DE 1 VLF observations during Activny wave injection experiments Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalkar, V. S., Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A., Molchanov, O. A., Green, J. L. 1994
  • Recovery signatures of lightning-associated VLF perturbations as a measure of the lower ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Pasko, V. P., Inan, U. 1994
  • Lightning-induced effects on VLF/LF radio propagation AGARD, ELF/VLF/LF Radio Propagation and Systems Aspects Inan, U. 1993; 10: 93-30727 11-32
  • Whistlers and plasmaspheric hiss - Wave directions and three-dimensional propagation Journal of Geophysical Research Draganov, A. B., Inan, U., Sonwalkar, V. S., Bell, T. F. 1993
  • VLF signatures of lightning-induced heating and ionization of thenighttime D-region Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Rodriguez, J. V., Idone, P. 1993
  • The interaction with the lower ionosphere of electromagnetic pulses from lightning: Excitation of optical emissions Geophysical Research Letters Taranenko, Y. N., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1993
  • A multiple-mode three-dimensional model of VLF propagation in the earth-ionosphere waveguide in the presence of localized D region disturbances Journal of Geophysical Research Poulsen, W. L., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1993
  • Siple Station, Antarctica, experiments on staircase frequency ramps as approximations to continuous ramps Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Mielke, T. A., Helliwell, R. A. 1993
  • Nonlinear wave-wave interactions in the subauroral ionosphere on the basis of ISIS-2 satellite observations of Siple station VLF signals Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Ohnami, S., Hayakawa, M., Bell, T. F., Ondoh, T. 1993
  • A search for ELF/VLF emissions induced by earthquakes as observed in the ionosphere by the DE 2 satellite Journal of Geophysical Research Henderson, T. R., Sonwalkar, V. S., Helliwell, R. A., Inan, U., Fraser-Smith, A. C. 1993
  • Interaction with the lower ionosphere of electromagnetic pulses from lightning - Heating, attachment, and ionization Geophysical Research Letters Taranenko, Y. N., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1993
  • The scattering of VLF waves by localized ionospheric disturbances produced by lightning-induced electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research Poulsen, W. L., Bell, T. F., Inan, U. 1993
  • The heating of suprathermal ions above thunderstorm cells Geophysical Research Letters Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A., Inan, U., Lauben, D. S. 1993
  • The role of ducted whistlers in the precipitation loss and equilibrium flux of radiation belt electrons Journal of Geophysical Research Burgess, W. C., Inan, U. 1993
  • Plasmasphere dynamics in the duskside bulge region: A new look atold topic Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Giles, L., Chappell, R., Décréau P, M. E., Anderson, R. R. 1993
  • Imagers for the magnetosphere, aurora, and plasmasphere (IMAP) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series Inan, U., Frank, L. A., Williams, J., Roelof, C. 1993
  • D region disturbances caused by electromagnetic pulses from lightning Geophysical Research Letters Rodriguez, J. V., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1992
  • Testing radio bursts observed on the nightside of Venus for evidence of whistler mode propagation from lightning Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Sonwalkar, V. S., Carpenter, D. L., Strangeway, J. 1992
  • Pitch angle scattering of energetic particles by oblique whistler waves Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1992
  • Heating and ionization of the lower ionosphere by lightning Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Rodriguez, J. 1992
  • Lower hybrid waves excited through linear mode coupling and the heating of ions in the auroral and subauroral magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, J. V., Hudson, K. 1992
  • The Role of the Ionosphere in Coupling Upstream ULF Wave Power into the Dayside Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Engebretson, M. J., Cahill, L. I., Arnoldy, R. L., Anderson, B. J., Rosenberg, T. J. 1992
  • ULF magnetic signatures at the earth surface due to ground water flow - A possible precursor to earthquakes Geophysical Research Letters Draganov, A. B., Inan, U., Taranenko, N. 1992
  • Magnetospherically reflected whistlers as a source of plasmaspheric hiss Geophysical Research Letters Draganov, A. B., Inan, U., Sonwalkar, V. S., Bell, T. F. 1992
  • Optical signatures of lightning-induced heating of the D region Geophysical Research Letters Taranenko, Y. N., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1992
  • DE-1 observations of lower hybrid waves excited by VLF whistler mode waves Geophysical Research Letters Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Sonwalkar, V. S., Helliwell, R. A. 1992
  • Three-wave envelope solitons: Can the speed of light in the fiber be controlled? Unknown Inan, U., Taranenko, Y. N., Kazovsky, G. 1992
  • A case study of lightning, whistlers, and associated ionospheric effects during a substorm particle injection event Journal of Geophysical Research Rodriguez, J. V., Inan, U., Li, Q., Holzworth, H., Smith, A. J., Orville, R. E. 1992
  • VLF-HF heating of the lower ionosphere and ELF wave generation Geophysical Research Letters Taranenko, Y. N., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1992
  • A case study of plasma structure in the dusk sector associated with enhanced magnetospheric convection Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Smith, J., Giles, L., Chappell, C. R., Décréau P, M. E. 1992
  • Excitation of whistler mode signals via injection of polarized VLF waves with the Siple transmitter Radio Science Mielke, T. A., Elkins, J. C., Helliwell, R. A., Inan, U. 1992
  • Whistler-mode chorus and morningside aurorae Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Chiu, T. Y., Davidson, T. 1992
  • Precipitation of suprathermal (100 eV) electrons by oblique whistler waves Geophysical Research Letters Jasna, D., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1992
  • An experiment on the threshold effect in the coherent wave instability Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Mielke, T. A., Helliwell, R. A. 1992
  • Relaxation of transient lower ionospheric disturbances caused by lightning-whistler-induced electron precipitation bursts Journal of Geophysical Research Glukhov, V. S., Pasko, V. P., Inan, U. 1992
  • On the spatial relationship between lightning discharges and propagation paths of perturbed subionospheric VLF/LF signals Journal of Geophysical Research Yip, W. Y., Inan, U., Orville, E. 1992
  • An ISEE/Whistler model of equatorial electron density in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Carpenter, D. L., Anderson, R. R. 1992
  • The propagation of mixed polarization VLF (f = 5 kHz or less) radio waves in the Antarctic earth-ionosphere waveguide Radio Science Inan, U., Cotton, P. D., Smith, J., Wolf, G., Poulsen, W. L., Carpenter, D. L. 1992
  • Relativistic electron microbursts Journal of Geophysical Research Imhof, W. L., D, V. H., Mobilia, J., Datlowe, W., Gaines, E. E., McGlennon, J. P., Inan, U. S. 1992
  • The longitudinal dependence of whistler and chorus characteristics observed on the ground near L = 4 Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, A. J., Carpenter, D. L., Corcuff, Y., Rash J, P. S., Bering, E. A. 1992
  • Theory of electromagnetic cyclotron wave growth in a time-varying magnetoplasma Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Gail, W. B. 1990
  • Modification of the lower ionosphere in lightning-induced electron precipitation events and through VLF heating AGARD, Ionospheric Modification and its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems Inan, U. 1990; 12: 10-46
  • Whistler precursors on a VLF transmitter signal Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Paschal, E. W. 1990
  • Lightning, whistlers, and hiss - A possible relationship Physics of Space Plasmas (1989) Inan, U., Sonwalkar, V. S. 1990
  • Space-time evolution of whistler mode wavegrowth in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Carlson, C. R., Helliwell, R. A., Inan, U. 1990
  • Observations on the DE 1 spacecraft of ELF/VLF waves generated byan ionospheric heater Journal of Geophysical Research James, H. G., Inan, U., Rietveld, T. 1990
  • Characteristics of wave-particle interactions during sudden commencements. I - Ground-based observations Journal of Geophysical Research Gail, W. B., Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Carpenter, D. L., Krishnaswamy, S. 1990
  • Electrostatic lower hybrid waves excited by electromagnetic whistler mode waves scattering from planar magnetic-field-aligned plasma density irregularities Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Ngo, D. 1990
  • Ionospheric signatures of cusp latitude Pc 3 pulsations Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Engebretson, M. J., Anderson, J., Jr., Cahill, Arnoldy, R. L., Rosenberg, T. J. 1990
  • Three-dimensional modeling of subionospheric VLF propagation in the presence of localized D region perturbations associated with lightning ournal of Geophysical Research Poulsen, W. L., Bell, T. F., Inan, U. 1990
  • Rapid whistler-mode wave growth resulting from frequency-time curvature Geophysical Research Letters Helliwell, R. A., Mielke, T. A., Inan, U. 1990
  • Observations and modeling of wave-induced microburst electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research Rosenberg, T. J., Wei, R., Detrick, L., Inan, U. 1990
  • Correlation of whistler mode phase delay with transient hydromagnetic waves Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Paschal, E. W., Lanzerotti, J., Maclennan, G. 1990
  • Wideband VLF electromagnetic bursts observed on the DE 1 satellite Geophysical Research Letters Sonwalkar, V. S., Helliwell, R. A., Inan, U. 1990
  • Wave-induced burst precipitation events detected with a digital ionosonde Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Jarvis, M. J., Smith, J., Berkey, T., Carpenter, D. L. 1990
  • Simultaneous disturbance of conjugate ionospheric regions in association with individual lightning flashes Geophysical Research Letters Burgess, W. C., Inan, U. 1990
  • A wave-particle-wave interaction mechanism as a cause of VLF triggered emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Sa, L. A. 1990
  • Subionospheric VLF 'imaging' of lightning-induced electron precipitation from the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Knifsend, F. A., Oh, J. 1990
  • Equatorial gyroresonance between electrons and magnetosphericallyreflected whistlers Geophysical Research Letters Jasna, D., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1990
  • Characteristics of wave-particle interactions during sudden commencements. II - Spacecraft observations Journal of Geophysical Research Gail, W. B., Inan, U. 1990
  • Lightning as an embryonic source of VLF hiss Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalkar, V. S., Inan, U. 1989
  • The excitation of active whistler mode signal paths in the magnetosphere by lightning - Two case studies Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Orville, E. 1989
  • Characteristics of short-duration electron precipitation bursts and their relationship with VLF wave activity Journal of Geophysical Research Imhof, W. L., Voss, H. D., Mobilia, J., Walt, M., Inan, U. 1989
  • A cyclotron resonance mechanism for very-low-frequency whistler-mode sideband wave radiation. I - Introduction and description of external resonances. II - Description of internal ('trapped') resonances. III - Effect of the inhomogeneity on sideband reson Journal of Applied Physics Inan, U., Sa, L. A. 1989
  • A cyclotron resonance mechanism for very-low-frequency whistler-mode sideband wave radiation. III. Effect of the inhomogeneity on sideband resonances Journal of Applied Physics Inan, U., Sa, L. A. 1989
  • Energy spectra and pitch angle distributions of lightning-inducedelectron precipitation - Analysis of an event observed on the S81-1 (SEEP) satellite Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Walt, M., Voss, D., Imhof, L. 1989
  • A cyclotron resonance mechanism for very-low-frequency whistler-mode sideband wave radiation. II. Description of internal (``trapped'') resonances Journal of Applied Physics Inan, U., Sa, L. A. 1989
  • Plasma wave observations with the Dynamics Explorer 1 spacecraft Reviews of Geophysics Gurnett, D. A., Inan, U. 1988
  • Remote sensing of the magnetospheric plasma by means of whistler mode signals Reviews of Geophysics Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1988
  • Ducted whistler propagation outside the plasmapause Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Sulic, M. 1988
  • A new global survey of ELF/VLF radio noise AGARD, Effects of Electromagnetic Noise and Interference on Performance of Military Radio Communication Systems Inan, U. 1988; 15: 11-32
  • Geographic distribution of lightning-induced electron precipitation observed as VLF/LF perturbation events Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., G, W. T., Carpenter, D. L. 1988
  • Satellite observations of a new type of discrete VLF emission at L below 4 Journal of Geophysical Research Poulsen, W. L., Inan, U. 1988
  • Electrostatic waves stimulated by coherent VLF signals propagating in and near the inner radiation belt Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Ngo, D. 1988
  • VLF wave stimulation experiments in the magnetosphere from Siple Station, Antarctica Reviews of Geophysics Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1988
  • Structure of VLF whistler mode sideband waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Sa, L. A., Helliwell, R. A. 1988
  • Wave normal direction and spectral properties of whistler mode hiss observed on the DE 1 satellite Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalkar, V. S., Inan, U. 1988
  • Subionospheric VLF signatures of nighttime D region perturbationsin the vicinity of lightning discharges Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., C, S. D., Yip, Y., Orville, E. 1988
  • VLF wave-injection experiments from Siple Station, Antarctica Advances in Space Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1988
  • The Siple VLF transmitter as a multi-frequency probe of the earth-ionosphere waveguide Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Bell, T. F., Smith, J. 1988
  • Resonance between coherent whistler mode waves and electrons in the topside ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Neubert, T., Bell, T. F., Storey, O. 1987
  • Wave-induced particle precipitation from the magnetosphere and the associated ionospheric perturbations AGARD, The Aerospace Environment at High Altitudes and its Implications for Spacecraft Charging and Communications Inan, U. 1987; 10: SEE N87-26937 21-18
  • Seasonal, latitudinal and diurnal distributions of whistler-induced electron precipitation events Journal of Geophysical Research Carpenter, D. L., Inan, U. 1987
  • Lightning-induced electron precipitation events observed at L of about 2.4 as phase and amplitude perturbations on subionospheric VLF signals Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1987
  • Lightning triggered from the earth's magnetosphere as the source of synchronized whistlers Nature Inan, U., Armstrong, W. 1987
  • The Space Shuttle as a platform for observations of ground-based transmitter signals and whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Neubert, T., Bell, T. F., Storey, O., Gurnett, D. A. 1987
  • Spin modulation of spectrally broadened VLF signals Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., James, H. G., Bell, T. F. 1987
  • Whistler studies of the plasmasphere shape and dynamics Advances in Space Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1986
  • Measurements of Siple transmitter signals on the DE 1 satellite - Wave normal direction and antenna effective length Journal of Geophysical Research Sonwalker, V. S., Inan, U. 1986
  • On the correlation of whistlers and associated subionospheric VLF/LF perturbations Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1986
  • Jovian VLF chorus and Io torus aurora Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U. 1986
  • Beat excitation of whistler mode sidebands using the Siple VLF transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research Helliwell, R. A., Inan, U., Katsufrakis, P., Carpenter, D. L. 1986
  • The third hop whistler anomaly - Possible evidence of df/dt-dependent wave amplifications Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Sulic, M., Smith, J. 1986
  • Radiometer Installation Scientific Bulletin Inan, U. 1986
  • The wave magnetic field amplitude threshold for nonlinear trapping of energetic gyroresonant and Landau resonant electrons by nonducted VLF waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1986
  • SPR: The next two years EOS Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1986
  • Latitudinal plasma distribution in the dusk plasmaspheric bulge - Refilling phase and quasi-equilibrium state Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Décréau, P. M., Carpenter, D. L., Chappell, R., Green, J. L., Waite Jr., J, H 1986
  • Study of a QP/GP event at very high latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Lanzerotti, L. J., Maclennan, G., Medford, V., Carpenter, C. L. 1986
  • Characterization of the sources of VLF hiss and chorus observed on Geos 1 Journal of Geophysical Research Lefeuvre, F., Helliwell, R. A. 1985
  • Precipitation of radiation belt electrons by man-made waves A comparison between theory and measurement Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Chang, H. C., Helliwell, R. A., Imhof, L., Reagan, J. B., Walt, M. 1985
  • Test particle modeling of wave-induced energetic electron precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research Chang, H. C., Inan, U. 1985
  • Lightning-induced electron precipitation from the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Chang, H. C., Inan, U. 1985
  • Correction to ``Variable Frequency VLF Signals in the Magnetosphere: Associated Phenomena and Plasma Diagnostics'' Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carlson, C. R., Helliwell, R. A., Carpenter, D. L. 1985
  • High-amplitude VLF transmitter signals and associated sidebands observed near the magnetic equatorial plane on the ISEE 1 satellite Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1985
  • DE 1 observations of Siple transmitter signals and associated sidebands Journal of Geophysical Research Rastani, K., Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1985
  • Wave-induced precipitation as a loss process for radiation belt particles Advances in Space Research Inan, U., Chang, H. C., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, P., Imhof, W. L. 1985
  • Subionospheric VLF/LF phase perturbations produced by lightning-whistler induced particle precipitation Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, P. 1985
  • Transient tropospheric electric fields resulting from sudden changes in ionospheric conductivity Journal of Geophysical Research Dejnakarintra, M., Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1985
  • A new type of VLF emission triggered at low altitude in the subauroral region by Siple Station VLF transmitter signals Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Katsufrakis, P., James, G. 1985
  • Results from the SEEP active space plasma experiment - Effects onthe ionosphere Radio Science Inan, U., Imhof, W. L., Gaines, E., Voss, D., Reagan, J. B., Datlowe, D. W. 1985
  • Recent research on magnetospheric wave-particle interactions National Institute Polar Research Memoirs Helliwell, R. A., Inan, U., Katsufrakis, P., Carpenter, D. L., Paschal, E. W. 1985
  • The Stanford University ELF/VLF radiometer project Measurement of the global distribution of ELF/VLF electromagnetic noise International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility Inan, U., Fraser-Smith, A. C., Helliwell, R. A. 1985
  • A new VLF method for studying burst precipitation near the plasmapause Journal of Geophysical Research Carpenter, D. L., Inan, U., Paschal, E. W., Smith, J. 1985
  • Spectral broadening of VLF transmitter signals observed on DE 1 - A quasi-electrostatic phenomenon? Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1985
  • Variable frequency VLF signals in the magnetosphere Associated phenomena and plasma diagnostics Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carlson, C. R., Helliwell, R. A., Carpenter, D. L. 1985
  • Lightning-induced electron precipitation Nature Voss, H. D., Imhof, W. L., Walt, M., Mobilia, J., Gaines, E. E., Reagan, J. B., Inan, U. S. 1984
  • Phase measurements of whistler mode signals from the Siple VLF transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Paschal, E. W., Helliwell, R. A. 1984
  • Perturbations of subionspheric LF and MF signals due to whistler-induced electron precipitation bursts Journal of Geophysical Research Carpenter, D. L., Inan, U., Trimpi, L., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, J. P. 1984
  • Whistler induced suppression of VLF noise Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Gail, W. B., Carpenter, D. L. 1984
  • Modulated beam injection from the Space Shuttle during magnetic conjunctions of STS 3 with the DE 1 satellite Radio Science Inan, U., Pon, M., Banks, M., Williamson, R., Raitt, W. J., Shawhan, S. G. 1984
  • Diurnal variation of burst precipitation effects on subionospheric VLF /LF signal propagation near L = 2 Journal of Geophysical Research Leyser, T. B., Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Trimpi, L. 1984
  • The nonlinear gyroresonance interaction between energetic electrons and coherent VLF waves propagating at an arbitrary angle with respect to the earth's magnetic field Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1984
  • Electron precipitation zones around major ground-based VLF signalsources Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Chang, H. C., Helliwell, R. A. 1984
  • VLF wave injections from the ground ESA Special Publication Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1983
  • EXOS-B/Siple station VLF wave-particle interaction experiments. I- General description and wave-particle correlations Journal of Geophysical Research Kimura, I., K, H., Matsumoto, H., Mukai, T., Bell, T. F., Inan, U. 1983
  • Very-low frequency signals (2-10 kHz) received at Palmer Station, Antarctica, from the 21.4 km dipole antenna at Siple Station, 1400 km distant Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Tkalcevic, S. 1983
  • Photometric evidence of electron precipitation induced by first HOP whistlers Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Doolittle, J. H., Carpenter, D. L. 1983
  • In situ measurements of transionospheric VLF wave injection Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., M, K. P., Brittain, R., Kelley, C., Carpenter, D. L., Rycroft, M. J. 1983
  • {Energetic electron precipitation due to gyroresonant interactionsin the magnetosphere involving coherent VLF waves with slowly varying frequency} Journal of Geophysical Research Chang, H. C., Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1983
  • Rare ground-based observations of Siple VLF transmitter signals outside the plasmapause Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Miller, R. 1983
  • EXOS-B/Siple station VLF wave-particle interaction experiments. II - Transmitter signals and associated emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Kimura, I., Hashimoto, K., Matsumoto, H., Mukai, T. 1983
  • Ground observations of power line radiation coupled to the ionosphere and magnetosphere Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Park, C. G., Helliwell, R. A., Lefeuvre, F. 1983
  • Some aspects of plasmapause probing by whistlers Radio Science Inan, U., Inan, U. 1983
  • Quasi-relativistic electron precipitation due to interactions with coherent VLF waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Chang, H. C., Inan, U. 1983
  • Terrestrial versus Jovian VLF chorus - A comparative study Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Kurth, S. 1983
  • Occurrence properties of ducted whistler-mode signals from the new VLF transmitter at Siple Station, Antarctica Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Bao, T. 1983
  • Standing wave patterns in VLF hiss Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Brittain, R., Kintner, M., Kelley, C., Siren, J. C., Carpenter, D. L. 1983
  • Controlled stimulation of VLF emissions from Siple Station, Antarctica Radio Science Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1983
  • A theoretical model study of observed correlations between whistler mode waves and energetic electron precipitation events in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Chang, H. C., Inan, U. 1983
  • Echoing mixed-path whistlers near the dawn plasmapause, observed by direction-finding receivers at two Antarctic stations Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1982
  • A study of whistlers correlated with bursts of electron precipitat ion near L = 2 Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carptener, D. L., Labelle, J. W. 1982
  • ISEE 1 observations of VLF line radiation in the earth's magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Luette, P. 1982
  • Particle precipitation induced by short-duration VLF waves in themagnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Chang, C. 1982
  • DE-1 observations of VLF transmitter signals and wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1982
  • Whistlers Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1982
  • Nonlinear equations of motion for Landau resonance interactions with a whistler mode wave Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Inan, U. 1982
  • The influence of localized precipitation-induced D-region ionization enhancements on subionospheric VLF propagation Geophysical Research Letters Tolstoy, A., Rosenberg, T. J., Carpenter, D. L. 1982
  • ISEE-1 observations in the magnetosphere of VLF emissions triggered by nonducted coherent VLF waves during VLF wave-injection experiments Advances in Space Research Bell, T. F., Inan, U. 1981
  • A ground-satellite study of wave-particle correlations Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Parks, K., Lin, S. 1981
  • A study of the outer limits of ducted whistler propagation in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1981
  • A comparison of equatorial electron densities measured by whistlers and by a satellite radio technique Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Bell, T. F., Miller, R., Anderson, R. R. 1981
  • Active and passive VLF experiments at Siple Station, 1980-1981 Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1981
  • Satellite measurements during Siple Station VLF wave-injection experiments Antarctic Journa Bell, T. F., Inan, U. 1981
  • Generation of whistler-mode sidebands in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1981
  • Electron precipitation induced by VLF noise bursts at the plasmapause and detected at conjugate ground stations Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Dingle, B., Carpenter, D. L. 1981
  • Longitudinal variations of plasmapause radius and the propagationof VLF noise within small /Delta L approximately 0.5/ extensions of the plasmasphere Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Smith, A. J., Carpenter, D. L., Lester, M. 1981
  • Transient nonlinear pitch angle scattering of energetic electrons by coherent VLF wave packets in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Bell, T. F., Inan, U. 1981
  • The plasma wave and quasi-static electric field instrument /PWI/ for dynamics Explorer-A Space Science Instrumentation Inan, U., Shawhan, S. D., Gurnett, D. A., Odem, L., Helliwell, R. A., Park, C. G. 1981
  • Jikiken /EXOS-B/ observation of Siple transmissions Advances in Space Research Kimura, I., Matsumoto, H., Hashimoto, K., Mukai, T., Helliwell, R. A., Bell, T. F., Inan, U. S. 1981
  • VLF transmissions from Siple Station Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Katsufrakis, J. P. 1981
  • A VLF transmitter on the Space Shuttle Advances in Space Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, P. 1981
  • Power line radiation in the magnetosphere Advances in Space Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Helliwell, R. A. 1981
  • Conjugacy of electron microbursts and VLF chorus Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Rosenberg, T. J., Siren, C., Matthews, L., Marthinsen, K., Holtet, J. A. 1981
  • New upper atmosphere program at South Pole Station, Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Katsufrakis, P. 1981
  • Observations of Siple transmitter signals on the ISIS satellites Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Katsufrakis, J. P., Helliwell, R. A., James, G. 1980
  • ELF sferic occurrences in the Antarctic during a solar proton event - Case study of occurrences at Byrd Station during the event of June 9, 1968 Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Fraser-Smith, A. C., Helliwell, R. A. 1980
  • Photometrically detected precipitation bursts at the conjugate point of Siple Station Antarctic Journal Inan, U. 1980
  • VLF pulse propagation in the magnetosphere IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Inan, U., Chang, D. C., Helliwell, R. A. 1980
  • First simultaneous observations of magnetospheric plasma drifts by the whistler and incoherent scatter radar methods Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Miller, R., Gonzales, A., Kelley, M., Wand, R. H. 1980
  • Power-Line Radiation Science Inan, U., Park, C. G., Helliwell, R. A. 1980
  • On possible causes of apparent longitudinal variations in OGO 3 observations of VLF chorus Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Russell, C.  . 1980
  • Correlation between lambda 4278-A optical emissions and a Pc 1 pearl event observed at Siple Station, Antarctica Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Mende, S. B., Arnoldy, L., Cahill Jr., L, Doolittle, J. H., Armstrong, W. C. 1980
  • Side-band mutual interactions in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Chang, D. C., Helliwell, R. A., Bell, T. F. 1980
  • Correlation between lambda 4278 optical emissions and VLF wave events observed at L approximately 4 in the Antarctic Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Doolittle, H., Armstrong, C., Carpenter, D. L., Mende, S. B. 1980
  • Power threshold for growth of coherent VLF signals in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Carpenter, D. L., Miller, R. 1980
  • Simultaneous measurements of ionospheric and magnetospheric electric fields in the outer plasmasphere Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Gonzales, C. A., Kelley, C., Carpenter, D. L., Miller, T. R., Wand, R. H. 1980
  • VLF studies at Palmer Station, Antarctica Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Tkalcevic, S. 1980
  • Comparison of ground-based and satellite measurements of plasma densities in space Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Miller, R., Bell, T. F., Anderson, R. R., Gurnett, D. A. 1980
  • Characteristics of the common origin of electron microbursts and VLF chorus Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Siren, J. C., Rosenberg, T. J., Detrick, D., Carpenter, D. L. 1980
  • Fast fluctuations in the arrival bearing of magnetospherically propagating signals from the Siple, Antarctica, VLF transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1980
  • Stimulation of Pc 1 geomagnetic pulsations by naturally occurring repetitive VLF activity Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Fraser-Smith, A. C., Helliwell, R. A. 1980
  • High altitude satellite observations of signals from the Siple transmitter Antarctic Journal Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Kimura, I., Matsumoto, H. 1980
  • ISEE-1 satellite observations of VLF signals and associated triggered emissions from the Siple Station transmitter, IMS in Antarctica First Int'l. Symposium on IMS in Melbourne Bell, T. F., Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1980
  • Cold plasma diagnostics using ISEE-1 satellite measurements of nonducted VLF waves from Siple Station transmitter Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1979
  • Sunday decreases in magnetospheric VLF wave activity Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Miller, R. 1979
  • Comparison of two-dimensional and three-dimensional mapping of ionospheric electric field Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1979
  • The control of the magnetosphere by power line radiation Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Luette, J. P., Park, C. G., Helliwell, R. A. 1979
  • VLF direction finding from Palmer Station Antarctic Journal Inan, U. 1979
  • Siple station experiments on wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1979
  • Theory and analysis of the 'Super Whistler' Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bernhardt, P. A. 1979
  • Emission triggering in the magnetosphere by controlled interruption of coherent VLF signals Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Chang, D., Helliwell, R. A. 1979
  • Effects of power line radiation into the magnetosphere Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1979
  • A model of substorm electric fields in the plasmasphere based on whistler data Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Park, C. G., Miller, R. 1979
  • Siple/Roberval magnetospheric wave-wave interaction experiments Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Chang D, D. 1978
  • Modeling of VLF ducts in the plasmasphere Operational Modelling of the Aerospace Propagation Environment Inan, U. 1978; 1
  • Jupiter: A new tool for magnetospheric research Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Trabucco, W. J., Paschal, E. W. 1978
  • A novel approach for finding the spectrum of periodically modulated FM carriers IEEE Transactions on Communications Yavuz, D., Inan, U. 1978
  • Siple station experiments on wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1978
  • {Whistlers and VLF noises propagating just outside the plasmapause} Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1978
  • Plasmapause signatures in the ionosphere and magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Foster, J. C., Park, C. G., Brace, H., Maier, E. J., Burrows, J. R. 1978
  • Initial results from a tracking receiver direction finder for whistler mode signals Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Leavitt, M. K., Carpenter, D. L., Seely, T., Padden, R. R., Doolittle, J. H. 1978
  • Magnetospheric effects of power line radiation Science Inan, U., Park, C. G., Helliwell, R. A. 1978
  • Nonlinear pitch angle scattering of energetic electrons by coherent VLF waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A. 1978
  • Electron density in the plasmasphere - Whistler data on solar cycle, annual, and diurnal variations Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Carpenter, D. L., Wiggin, B. 1978
  • Introduction, Paper 1 in Upper Atmosphere Research in Antarctica Antarctic Research Series Inan, U., Lanzerotti, L. J., Park, C. G. 1978
  • The Stanford University VLF wave injection experiment on the ISEE-A spacecraft IEEE Transactions on Geoscience Electronics Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A. 1978
  • Island earth in a solar sea Mosaic Inan, U., Lanzerotti, L. J., Park, C. G. 1978
  • Wave-induced particle precipitation effects at Siple Station XIII Inan, U., Doolittle, J. H., Armstrong, C., Katsufrakis, P., Carpenter, D. L. 1978
  • ISEE-1 satellite observations of signals from the Siple transmitter Antarctic Journal Inan, U., TF, T. F. 1978
  • New whistler evidence of a dynamo origin of electric fields in the quiet plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1978
  • Very low frequency radio waves in the magnetosphere, Paper 4 in Upper Atmosphere Research in Antarctica Upper Atmosphere Research in Antarctica Inan, U., Park, C. G., Carpenter, D. L. 1978
  • Controlled wave-particle interaction experiments, Paper 5 in Upper Atmosphere Research in Antarctica Upper Atmosphere Research in Antarctica Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, P. 1978
  • Effects of power line radiation into the magnetosphere Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1978
  • Whistler observations of substorm electric fields in the nightside plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1978
  • Transmitter simulation of power line radiation effects in the magnetosphere Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Park, C. G., Chang D, D. 1978
  • Explorer 45 and Imp 6 observations in the magnetosphere of injected waves from the Siple Station VLF transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Carpenter, D. L., Anderson, R. 1977
  • Active Very Low Frequency Experiments on the Magnetosphere from Siple Station, Antarctica Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series B Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1977
  • A comparison of ULF and VLF measurements of magnetospheric cold plasma densities Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Webb, C. D., Lanzerotti, J., Park, C. G. 1977
  • Protonospheric-ionospheric modeling of VLF ducts Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bernhardt, P. A., Park, C. G. 1977
  • Echo-induced suppression of coherent VLF transmitter signals in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Raghuram, R., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, J. P. 1977
  • Longitudinal variations of very-low-frequency chorus activity in the magnetosphere - Evidence of excitation by electrical power transmission lines Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Luette, J. P., Park, C. G., Helliwell, R. A. 1977
  • Coherent wave induced particle precipitation into the upper atmosphere Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A. 1977
  • Stimulated growth of coherent VLF waves in the magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Stiles, G. S., Helliwell, R. A. 1977
  • Cold plasma diagnostics using satellite measurements of VLF signals from ground transmitters Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Anderson, R. 1977
  • A quiet band produced by VLF transmitter signals in the magnetosphere Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Raghuram, R., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, J. P. 1977
  • VLF wave activity during a magnetic storm - A case study of the role of power line radiation Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1977
  • Whistler precursors - A possible catalytic role of power line radiation Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Helliwell, R. A. 1977
  • Spacecraft observations of man-made whistler-mode signals near the electron gyrofrequency Radio Science Inan, U., Dunckel, N., Helliwell, R. A. 1977
  • Modification of the propagation characteristics of the ionosphere (and the magnetosphere) by injection into the magnetosphere of whistler-mode waves AGARD Artificial Modification of Propagation Media Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1977; 8: SEE N77-19530 10-42
  • The effects of magnetospheric convection on atmospheric electric fields in the polar cap Garmisch Conference Inan, U., Dejnakarintra, M., Park, C. G. 1977
  • Thundercloud electric field in the ionosphere Garmisch Conference Inan, U., Park, C. G., Dejnakarintra, M. 1977
  • Outlying plasmasphere structure detected by whistlers Planetary and Space Science Inan, U., Ho, D., Carpenter, D. L. 1976
  • Substorm electric fields in the evening plasmasphere and their effects on the underlying F layer Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1976
  • Cross-L plasma drifts in the outer plasmasphere - Quiet time patterns and some substorm effects Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Seely, T. 1976
  • Magnetospheric chorus - Occurrence patterns and normalized frequency Planetary and Space Science Inan, U., Burtis, W. J., Helliwell, R. A. 1976
  • Kilometric type III burst enhancements associated with interplanetary shocks Solar Physics Inan, U., Dunckel, N. 1976
  • Downward mapping of high-latitude ionospheric electric fields to the ground Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1976
  • Whistler observations of the dynamical behavior of the plasmapause during June 17-22, 1973 Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Park, C. G., Seely, T. 1976
  • The upper- and lower-frequency cutoffs of magnetospherically reflected whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Edgar, B. C. 1976
  • Ducted magnetospheric propagation of signals from the Siple, Antarctica, VLF transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Miller, R. 1976
  • ULF wave generation through particle precipitation induced by VLFtransmitters Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1976
  • Solar magnetic sector effects on the vertical atmospheric electric field at Vostok, Antarctica Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1976
  • Aftereffects of isolated magnetospheric substorm activity on the mid-latitude ionosphere - Localized depressions in F layer electron densities Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Meng, C. I. 1976
  • Coherent VLF waves in the magnetosphere Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions Series A Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1975
  • Fast hisslers in substorms Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Siren, J. C. 1975
  • Depletion of the F2 region ionosphere and the protonosphere by the release of molecular hydrogen Geophysical Research Letters Inan, U., Bernhardt, P. A., Park, C. G., Banks, M. 1975
  • Siple Transmitter signals as diagnostic probes of the magnetosphere Antarctic Journal Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Miller, R. 1975
  • Satellite observations of nonducted signals from the Siple transmitter Antarctic Journal Bell, T. F., Inan, U. 1975
  • Frequency-time behavior of artificially stimulated VLF emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Stiles, G. S., Helliwell, R. A. 1975
  • Magnetospheric chorus - Amplitude and growth rate Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Burtis, W. J., Helliwell, R. A. 1975
  • VLF line radiation in the earth's magnetosphere and its association with power system radiation Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, P., Bell, T. F., Raghuram, R. 1975
  • A subauroral and mid-latitude view of substorm activity Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Foster, J. C., Rosenberg, T. J., Lanzerotti, L. J. 1975
  • Comment on 'Fast time resolved spectral analysis of VLF banded emissions' by F. V. Coroniti, R. W. Fredricks, C. F. Kennel, and F. L. Scarf Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Stiles, G. S. 1975
  • Whistler observations during a magnetospheric sudden impulse Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1975
  • A new interpretation of subprotonospheric whistler characteristics Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Raghuram, R. 1975
  • Reply Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Crystal, L. 1975
  • Influence of thermal plasma flow on the daytime F2 layer Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Banks, M. 1975
  • Influence of thermal plasma flow on the mid-latitude nighttime F2 layer - Effects of electric fields and neutral winds inside the plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Banks, M. 1974
  • 'Hisslers' - Quasi-periodic /T approximately equal to 2 sec/ VLF noise forms at auroral latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Ungstrup, I. M., Carpenter, D. L. 1974
  • VLF Wave Injection Into the MagnetosphereF rom Siple Station, Antarctica JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1974
  • Some Features of Plasma Distribution in the Plasmasphere Deduced From Antarctic Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1974
  • Notes on Broadband whistler measurements of electric fields and associated phenomena, reprint from Memoirs of National institute of Polar Research, Tokyo Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1974
  • VLF Antarctic antenna: Impedance and efficiency IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Inan, U., Raghuram, R., Smith, R., Bell, T. F. 1974
  • Controlled VLF Wave Injection Experiments in the Magnetosphere Space Science Reviews Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1974
  • A morphological study of substorm-associated disturbances in the ionosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1974
  • Derivation of magnetospheric electric fields from whistler data in a dynamic geomagnetic field. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Block, L. P., Carpenter, D. L. 1974
  • Simultaneous Electric Field Measurements Near L = 4 From Conjugate Balloons and Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Mozer, F. S., Serlin, R., Carpenter, D. L., Siren, J. 1974
  • Controlled VLF Experiments ELF-VLF Radio Wave Propagation Inan, U., Stiles, G. S. 1974
  • Lightning-Induced Electric Fields in the Ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Dejnakarintra, M., Park, C. G. 1974
  • Balloon and VLF Whistler Measurements of Electric Fields, Equatorial Electron Density, and Precipitating Particles during a Barium Cloud Release in the Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Mozer, F. S., Carpenter, D. L. 1973
  • On input impedance of an arbitrarily oriented small loop antenna in a cold collisionless magnetoplasma IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Inan, U., Wang, T., Bell, T. F. 1973
  • Interaction between Whistlers and Quasi-Periodic VLF Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Ho, D. 1973
  • A Feedback Model of Cyclotron Interaction between Whistler-Mode Waves and Energetic Electrons in the Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Crystal, L. 1973
  • On what ionospheric workers should know about the plasmapause-plasmasphere. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Park, C. G. 1973
  • Penetration of Thundercloud Electric Fields into the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere, 1. Middle and Subauroral Latitudes Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Dejnakarintra, M. 1973
  • A new nose extension method for whistlers Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Bernard, L. C. 1973
  • A fast method to determine the nose frequency and minimum group delay of a whistler when the causative spheric is unknown Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Ho, D., Bernard, C. 1973
  • Satellite studies of magnetospheric substorms on August 15, 1968. Some features of magnetospheric convection. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Chappell, R. 1973; 3
  • Distortions of the nightside ionosphere during magnetospheric substorms. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Meng, I. 1973
  • Whistler-Induced Amplitude Perturbation in VLF Propagation Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, P., Trimpi, L. 1973
  • Electron Concentrations Calculated from the Lower Hybrid Resonance Noise Band Observed by Ogo 3 Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Burtis, W. J. 1973
  • Whistler Observations of the Depletion of the Plasmasphere duringa Magnetospheric Substorm Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1973
  • Two substorm studies of relations between westward electric fields in the outer plasmasphere, auroral activity, and geomagnetic perturbations. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Akasofu, S. I. 1972
  • VLF/ELF input impedance of an arbitrarily oriented loop antenna in a cold collisionless multicomponent magnetoplasma IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Inan, U., Wang, T., Bell, T. F. 1972
  • Ogo 4 Observations of Extremely Low Frequency Hiss Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Muzzio, J. L., Angerami, J. J. 1972
  • Type III Solar Noise Observed below 100 kHz on OGO 3. I. Description of Events Solar Physics Inan, U., Dunckel, N., Helliwell, R. A., Vesecky, J. 1972
  • Auroral hiss-Observation of brief bursts showing whistler-mode dispersion Nature Inan, U., Siren, J. C. 1972
  • Magnetospheric Electric Fields Deduced from Drifting Whistler Paths Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Stone, K., Siren, C., Crystal, T. L. 1972
  • Electric dipole radiation at VLF in a uniform warm magnetoplasma Rev. de Physique Appliquee Inan, U., Wang, T. N., Bell, T. F. 1972
  • La plasmasphere en periode de recouvrement manetique. Etude combinee des donnees des satellites OGO-4, OGO-5 et des sifflements recus au sol Ann Geophys. Inan, U., Corcuff, Y., Corcuff, P., Carpenter, D. L., Charppell, C. R., Kleimenova, N. 1972
  • The structure of the plasmasphere on the basis of indirect measurements. The Upper Atmosphere: Part IV of Solar-Terrestrial Physics/1970 Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1972
  • VLF/ELF Radiation Patterns of Arbitrarily Oriented Electric and Magnetic Dipoles in a Cold Lossless Multicomponent Magnetoplasma Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Wang, T. N., Bell, T. F. 1972
  • The formation by electric fields of field-aligned irregularities in the magnetosphere Radio Science Inan, U., Park, C. G., Helliwell, R. A. 1971
  • Vertical Motions of the Midlatitude F2 Layer during Magnetospheric Substorms Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Meng, C. I. 1971
  • Pulsation Phenomena Observed in Long-Duration VLF Whistler-Mode Signals Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Helliwell, R. A. 1971
  • Study of Magnetospheric Field Oriented Irregularities{\mdash}the Mode Theory of Bell-Shaped Ducts Radio Science Inan, U., Scarabucci, R. R., Smith, L. 1971
  • Ogo 2 and 4 VLF Observations of the Asymmetric Plasmapause near the Time of SAR Arc Events Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1971
  • Very-low-frequency magnetospheric research in the Antarctic Res. in the Antarctic Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1971
  • Westward electric fields as the cause of nighttime enhancements in electron concentrations in midlatitude F region. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1971
  • Position of the Plasmapause during a Stormtime Increase in Trapped Energetic (E {\gt} 280 kev) Electrons Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Park, C. G., Arens, F., Williams, D. J. 1971
  • Radiation resistance of a small filamentary loop antenna in a cold multicomponent magnetoplasma IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Wang, T. 1971
  • Correlation between Convection Electric Fields in the Nightside Magnetosphere and Several Wave and Particle Phenomena during Two Isolated Substorms Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Fraser-Smith, C., Unwin, S., Hones Jr., E, W, Heacock, R. R. 1971
  • Electron Precipitation Associated with Discrete Very-Low-Frequency Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Rosenberg, T. J., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, P. 1971
  • On VLF radiation resistance of an electric dipole in a cold magnetoplasma Radio Science Inan, U., Wang, T. N., Bell, T. F. 1970
  • Low-frequency noise observed in the distant magnetosphere with OGO 1. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Dunckel, N., Ficklin, B., Rorden, L., Helliwell, R. A. 1970
  • Whistler Evidence of the Dynamic Behavior of the Duskside Bulge in the Plasmasphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1970
  • Whistler Duct Properties Deduced from VLF Observations Made with the Ogo 3 Satellite near the Magnetic Equator Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Angerami, J. J. 1970
  • Polarization of Proton Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L. 1970
  • Satellite observations of equatorial phenomena and defocusing of VLF electromagnetic waves. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Scarabucci, R. R. 1970
  • Whistler evidence of large-scale electron-density irregularities in the plasmasphere. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G., Carpenter, D. L. 1970
  • Whistler Observations of the Interchange of Ionization between the Ionosphere and the Protonosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Park, C. G. 1970
  • The upper atmosphere as seen from Antarctica Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1970
  • Intensity of Discrete VLF Emissions Particles and Field in the Magnetosphere Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1970
  • Remarks on the ground-based whistler method of studying the magnetospheric thermal plasma Ann. Geophys. Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1970
  • Banded chorus - A new type of VLF radiation observed in the magnetosphere by OGO 1 and OGO 3. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Burtis, W. J., Helliwell, R. A. 1969
  • Radiation resistance of a short dipole immersed in a cold magnetoionic medium Radio Science Inan, U., Wang, T. N., Bell, T. F. 1969
  • Low-frequency waves in the magnetosphere. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1969
  • Unique Features of VLF Noise Triggered in the Magnetosphere by Morse-Code Dots from NAA Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Lasch, S. 1969
  • An Investigation of Quasi-Periodic VLF Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Kitamura, T., Jacobs, A., Watanabe, T., Flint Jr., R, B 1969
  • Nonducted Mode of VLF Propagation between Conjugate Hemispheres; Observations on OGO's 2 and 4 of the `Walking-Trace' Whistler and of Doppler Shifts in Fixed Frequency Transmissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Walter, F., Angerami, J. J. 1969
  • VLF Observations of Auroral Beams as Sources of a Class of Emissions Nature Inan, U., Smith, R. L. 1969
  • On VLF radiation fields along the static magnetic field from sources immersed in a magnetoplasma IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Inan, U., Wang, T. N., Bell, T. F. 1969
  • whistler measurements of the equatorial profile of magnetospheric electron density Progress in radio Science Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1969: 1960-1963
  • Multi-experiment detection of the plasmapause from EOGO satellites and antarctic ground stations. Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Park, C. G., Taylor Jr., H, Brinton, H. C. 1969
  • A Case of Artificial Triggering of VLF Magnetospheric Noise during the Drift of a Whistler Duct across Magnetic Shells Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Stone, K., Lasch, S. 1969
  • Latitudinal Cutoff of VLF Signals in the Ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Heyborne, R. L., Smith, L., Helliwell, R. A. 1969
  • Ion Depletion in the High-Latitude Exosphere; Simultaneous OGO 2 Observations of the Light Ion Trough and the VLF Cutoff Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Taylor Jr., H  , A, Brinton, C., Carpenter, D. L., Bonner, F. M., Heyborne, R. L. 1969
  • Plasma Waves in Space and in the Laboratory Plasma Waves in Space and in the Laboratory Inan, U. 1969
  • Whistler-Mode Emissions on the OGO 1 Satellite Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Dunckel, N., Helliwell, R. A. 1969
  • An Effect of a Transmitter Frequency Increase on the Occurrence of VLF Noise Triggered near L = 3 in the Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Lasch, S. 1969
  • Unducted Whistler Evidence for a Secondary Peak in the Electron Energy Spectrum near 10 Kev Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Thorne, R. M. 1968
  • Alouette 1 and 2 Observations of Abrupt Changes in Whistler Rate and of VLF Noise Variations at the Plasmapause; A Satellite-Ground Study Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Walter, F., Barrington, E., McEwen, D. J. 1968
  • Artificial Production of VLF Hiss Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1968
  • A comment on ray tracing in an anisotropic medium Radio Science Inan, U., Smith, R. L. 1968
  • Magnetospheric Properties Deduced from OGO 1 Observations of Ducted and Nonducted Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L., Angerami, J. J. 1968
  • Investigation of Quasi-periodic VLF Emissions and their relation to Geomagnetic Micropulsations Nature Inan, U., Kitamura, T. 1968
  • Ion Cutoff Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Muzzio, J. L. 1968
  • Whistlers and VLF Emissions Physics of the Magnetosphere Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1968
  • Ducted Whistler-Mode Propagation in the Magnetosphere: A Half-Gyrofrequency Upper Intensity Cutoff and Some Associated Wave Growth Phenomena Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1968
  • Recent research on the magnetospheric plasmapause Radio Science Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1968
  • Interpretation of Auroral Hiss Measured on OGO 2 and at Byrd Station in Terms of Incoherent Cerenkov Radiation Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Jørgensen, T. S. 1968
  • Triggering of VLF Magnetospheric Noise by a Low-Power ({\tilde}100 Watts) Transmitter Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Kimura, I. 1968
  • The propagation of electromagnetic waves into anisotropic media from an external point-dipole source Radio Science Inan, U., Price, G. H. 1967
  • A Theory of Discrete VLF Emissions from the Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1967
  • Direct detection by a Whistler method of the magnetospheric electric field associated with a polar substorm Planetary and Space Science Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Stone, K. 1967
  • Relations between the Dawn Minimum in the Equatorial Radius of the Plasmapause and Dst, Kp, and Local K at Byrd Station Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1967
  • Lower Hybrid Resonance Noise and a New Ionospheric Duct Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L., Kimura, I., Vigneron, J., Katsufrakis, J. P. 1966
  • Midlatitude Observations of Nighttime VLF Signal-Amplitude Anomalies Associated with Magnetic Bays Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, G. B., Katsufrakis, P., Kimura, I. 1966
  • Whistler Studies of the Plasmapause in the Magnetosphere, 1, Temporal Variations in the Position of the Knee and Some Evidence on Plasma Motions near the Knee Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1966
  • Very-low-frequency phenomena Antarctic Journal of U.S. Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Helliwell, R. A. 1966
  • Association between VLF Emissions and Flickering Aurora Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Ungstrup, E. 1966
  • VLF noise of magnetospheric origin, Progress in Scientific Radio National Academy of Sciences Publ Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1966: 1963-1966
  • Whistler Studies of the Plasmapause in the Magnetosphere, 2, Electron Density and Total Tube Electron Content near the Knee in Magnetospheric Ionization Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Angerami, J. J., Carpenter, D. L. 1966
  • Effects of ions on whistler-mode raytracing Radio Science Inan, U., Kimura, I. 1966
  • Ion Cyclotron Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Gurnett, D. L., Shawhan, D., Brice, N. M., Smith, R. L. 1965
  • Generation of VLF radio noise in the ionosphere by energetic particle streams Space Research V, North Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1965
  • An anisotropic electron velocity distribution for the cyclotron absorption of whistlers and VLF emissions Radio Science Inan, U., Guthart, H. 1965
  • Nose whistler dispesion as a measure of magnetosphere electron temperature Radio Science Inan, U., Guthart, H. 1965
  • Lower Hybrid Resonance Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Brice, N. M., Smith, L. 1965
  • Electron density and path latitude determination from v.l.f. emissions Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Brice, N. M. 1965
  • A Dispersion Anomaly in Whistlers Received on Alouette 1 Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Dunckel, N. 1965
  • An Interpretation of Transverse Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Kimura, I., Smith, L., Brice, N. M. 1965
  • Rept. of the Chairman of Commission IV (Radio Noise of Terrestrial Origin) Progress in Radio Science Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1965: 1960-63
  • Daytime Whistler-Mode Attenuation through the Lower Ionosphere at 15.5 Kc as Measured on Explorer VI during Launch Trajectory NASA Special Publication Inan, U., Mlodnosky, R. F., Helliwell, R. A., Rorden, H. 1965
  • Multiphase periodic very-low-frequency emissions Radio Science Inan, U., Brice, N. M. 1965
  • Studies of Planetary Atmospheres, 1, The Distribution of Electrons and Ions in the Earth's Exosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Angerami, J. J., Thomas, O. 1964
  • Recordings from Satellite Alouette I: Triggered Very-low-frequency Emissions Nature Inan, U., Brice, N. M., Smith, L. 1964
  • Very Low Frequency Emission Periods and Whistler Mode Group Delays Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, Brice, N. M. 1964
  • Natural Electromagnetic phenomena Below 30 kc/s Plenum press Inan, U., Katsufrakis, J. P. 1964
  • Maximum Duration of Discrete Very Low Frequency Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Brice, N. M. 1964
  • Whistlers and VLF Emissions Research in Geophysics, Upper Atmosphere, and Space Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1964; 1
  • Whistlers, U. S. National Committee Rept. on URSI XIV th General Assembly, Tokyo, Sept. 1963 Radio Science Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1964
  • Artificially Stimulated Very Low Frequency Radiation from the Ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Katsufrakis, P., Trimpi, L., Brice, N. M. 1964
  • Propagation in Multicomponent Plasmas Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L., Brice, N. M. 1964
  • Langmuir Probe Response to Periodic Waveforms Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Crawford, F. W., Mlodnosky, F. 1964
  • Whistler Measurements of Electron Density in the Magnetosphere Reviews of Geophysics Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Smith, L. 1964
  • Recordings from Satellite Alouette I: A Very-low-frequency Plasma Resonance Nature Inan, U., Brice, N. M., Smith, L. 1964
  • A Qualitative Explanation of the Diurnal Variation of Chorus Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Brice, N. M. 1964
  • Fundamentals of Very Low Frequency Emission Generation Mechanisms Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Brice, N. M. 1964
  • Electron Density at the Alouette Orbit Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Thomas, J. O., Sader, Y. 1964
  • A New Very Low Frequency Phenomenon: Whistlers Trapped below the Protonosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L., Dunckel, N., Walkup, F. 1964
  • An Explanation of Subprotonospheric Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L. 1964
  • Time Reversal of the Geocyclotron Mechanism Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Bell, T. F. 1964
  • Plasma Instability in the Whistler Mode Caused by a Gyrating Electron Stream Physical Review Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Buneman, O. 1964
  • An Ion Gyrofrequency Phenomenon observed in Satellites Nature Inan, U., Smith, R. L., Brice, N. M., Katsufrakis, P. 1964
  • Coupling between the ionosphere and the earth-ionosphere waveguide at very low frequencies The Ionosphere Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1963
  • Whistler Measurements of Electron Density and Magnetic Field Strength in the Remote Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1963
  • Whistlers Excited by Nuclear Explosions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Carpenter, D. L. 1963
  • An Interpretation of LOFTI-I very-low-frequency observations Pergamon Press Inan, U., Rorden, L. H., Helliwell, R. A., Smith, R. L. 1963: 75-81
  • Comments on the Magnetoinic theory for a drifting plasma IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Inan, U., Bell, T. F., Smith, L., Brice, N. M. 1963
  • Comments on a paper by H. Unz, ''On the origin of [`]very low frequency emissions'' Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics Inan, U., Brice, N. M., Smith, L. 1963
  • Whistler Evidence of a `Knee' in the Magnetospheric Ionization Density Profile Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1963
  • Use of `local Mean Auroral Time' for Very-Low-Frequency Emissions Nature Inan, U., Brice, N. M., Ungstrut, E. 1963
  • An Explanation of Triggered Very-Low-Frequency Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Brice, N. M. 1963
  • Whistler-Triggered Periodic Very-Low-Frequency Emissions Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1963
  • On a Remarkable Correlation between Whistler-Mode Propagation and High-Frequency Northscatter Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, G. B., Colin, L. 1963
  • The v.l.f. admittance of a dipole in the lower ionosphere The Ionosphere Inan, U., Mlodnosky, R. F., Garriott, K. 1963
  • Whistler and Other Very-Low-Frequency Phenomena Associated with the High-Altitude Nuclear Explosion on July 9, 1962 Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Allcock, G. M., Branigan, K., Mountjoy, C., Helliwell, R. A. 1963
  • Discussion of Paper by R. L. Dowden, `Doppler-Shifted Cyclotron Radiation from Electrons: A Theory of Very Low Frequency Emissions from the Exosphere' Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Brice, N. M. 1962
  • Electron-Density Variations in the Magnetosphere Deduced from Whistler Data Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1962
  • Very-Low-Frequency Discrete Emissions received at Conjugate Points Nature Inan, U., Dowden, R. L. 1962
  • New Experimental Evidence of the Effect of Magnetic Storms on the Magnetosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Carpenter, D. L. 1962
  • Whistler-west results from the IGY-IGC-59 synoptic program Trans. AGU Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Carpenter, D. L. 1962
  • Non-thermal noise measurements near planets Int'l Astrophys. Symp. on the physics of Planets Inan, U., Mlodnosky, R. F., Carpenter, D. L., Helliwell, R. A. 1962
  • Graphic Data on the Earth's Main Magnetic Field in Space Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Mlodnosky, R. F., Helliwell, R. A. 1962
  • Properties of the Outer Ionosphere Deduced from Nose Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L. 1961
  • Computation of whistler ray paths J. Res. NBS. D. Radio Prop. Inan, U., Yabroff, I. W. 1961
  • Stanford-Pacific Naval Laboratory Conjugate Point Experiment Nature Inan, U., Lokken, J. E., Shand, A., Wright, S. 1961
  • Propagation Characteristics of Whistlers Trapped in Field-Aligned Columns of Enhanced Ionization Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L. 1961
  • The International Geophysical Month Science Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Martin, H. 1961
  • Extension of Nose Whistler Analysis Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L., Carpenter, D. L. 1961
  • Electron Densities in the Outer Ionosphere Deduced from Nose Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L. 1961
  • Exospheric electron density variations deduced from whistlers Symposium d'Aéronomie Communications Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1961
  • Summary of research on whistlers and related phenomena J. Res. NBS Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A. 1960
  • A Theory of Trapping of Whistlers in Field-Aligned Columns of Enhanced Ionization Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L., Helliwell, R. A., Yabroff, W. 1960
  • Association between Auroræ and Very Low-Frequency Hiss Observed at Byrd Station, Antarctica Nature Inan, U., Martin, L. H., Helliwell, R. A. 1960
  • A New Mechanism for Accelerating Electrons in the Outer Ionosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Helliwell, R. A., Bell, T. F. 1960
  • Traveling Wave Amplification of Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Brice, N. M. 1960
  • Guiding of whistlers in a homogeneous medium J. Res. NBS-D, Radio Propagation Inan, U., Smith, R. L. 1960
  • Observations of `Whistlers' and `Chorus' at the South Pole Nature Inan, U., Martin, L. H. 1960
  • Electron Densities to 5 Earth Radii Deduced from Nose Whistlers Journal of Geophysical Research Inan, U., Smith, R. L., Helliwell, R. A. 1960