Expand Reach

Gifts to the Business School Fund expand the global influence of Stanford GSB through transformational financial access for students, and by leveraging the school’s convening power to address the intersection of social and business issues.

Transformational Access

The school’s international reputation as a leader in management education is built on the quality and diversity of our students, whose broad range of experiences and backgrounds fosters a distinctively collaborative culture. To ensure access and attract the best and brightest students regardless of their financial circumstances, the school is committed to making Stanford GSB a viable option by offering a robust, competitive financial aid program driven by the generosity of alumni and friends. Last year, the Business School Fund filled the $4.9 million gap between student need and support from dedicated fellowship funds.

Convening Power

The Business School Fund finances important programs that expand the reach and impact of the school by connecting people locally, regionally, and globally. As one example, Stanford GSB-led Stanford China Economic Forum brings together scholars and business leaders from a range of industries to promote dialogue, an open exchange of ideas, and collaboration.

At the 2018 event, held in Beijing, China, Jonathan Levin, the Philip H. Knight Professor and Dean of Stanford Graduate School of Business, introduced the Technology and AI session featuring Fei-Fei Li, co-director of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Lei Zhang, chairman and CIO of Hillhouse Capital Management, and Paul Oyer, the Mary and Rankine Van Anda Entrepreneurial Professor and Professor of Economics.

Stanford China Economic Forum: The Technology and AI Session
Stanford China Economic Forum: The Technology and AI Session
Fei-Fei Li, Lei Zhang, and Paul Oyer discuss the current research, development, and future implementations of artificial intelligence.