Service Areas

How can you build on the experience of other ACT teams? ACT consultants have developed detailed questions and analysis for each of the following service areas.

Developing Organizational Strategy

Earned Income

ACT may help nonprofit organizations identify sources of income mainly through services provided or products sold in order to reduce their dependence on contributions and grants.

Market Analysis

The question “What is the client organization’s external environment?” is often the appropriate first step in assisting an ACT client.


Many clients seeking a strategic planning consultation first need the ACT team to facilitate a process that will result in shared agreement on mission, vision, and values among its major stakeholders.


Successful public benefit organizations contemplate the possibility of applying their formula to other populations or new geographies. To replicate their activities they often seek help to get the greatest social return on their investment while minimizing the possibility of weakening the current operations.

Social Enterprise Assessment

A social enterprise is a venture established to achieve a primary social or environmental mission using business methods.

Strategic Planning

The strategic plan is the roadmap the client will use to set goals, allocate resources, and measure success within a specified time frame.

Managing People

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching projects focus on improving performance by helping individuals to develop and sustain new perspectives, attitudes, skills, and behaviors.

Organizational Development

Organizational Development projects focus on organizational structure, supporting systems and processes, leadership development, succession planning, talent acquisition, and talent engagement (including design of reward and recognition systems).

Optimizing the Organization

Cost Analysis

Cost management is always high on the agenda, and ACT teams may tackle a wide range of issues involving cost analysis. A common situation is a client facing a serious budget deficit, asking the team to provide advice on how and where to cut program or administrative costs.

Operations Review

Many clients have sought assistance from ACT in reviewing aspects of their operational structures. Most address the following questions: Is the entity organized in an optimal manner to support its mission and objectives? Are day-to-day operations working smoothly, or as smoothly as they could, particularly in certain areas?