
Help Stanford GSB to enroll the next generation of MBA and MSx students by participating in the admission process.

Contact the MBA and MSx programs for more information on these volunteer opportunities.

MBA Admissions Alumni Opportunities

Stanford GSB MBA alums are critical in helping to recruit applicants and welcome new admits! Interested in helping MBA Admissions? Fill out this form to be matched with admissions activities you are most interested in supporting.

Attract and Recruit MBA & MSx Prospects

Identify viable candidates and encourage them to apply; provide meeting space for MBA information sessions; serve as an alumni panelist at information sessions or host an Alumni Briefing or coffee chat and share your Stanford GSB experiences.

Welcome MBA & MSx Admits

Welcome admits via email or phone and answer their questions about Stanford GSB experience; host or attend a welcome reception for admits in your local area; attend the alumni welcome dinner at Admit Weekend on campus.

Interview MBA Applicants

Conduct one-on-one interviews in your local area. This opportunity is by invitation only.

Conduct Informational Interviews with Prospective MSx Students

Share your experience and insights with potential applicants to the MSx Program.