Application Process

Inquiries about ACT services are welcome year-round, but only applications submitted by ACT deadlines will be considered for a project.

Step 1: Review Our Eligibility Criteria

Is your organization ready for an ACT project?

Step 2: Submit an ACT Interest Form

The ACT interest form will be used to screen your project and assess suitability for ACT.

Step 3: Discuss Your Project with an ACT Representative

An ACT volunteer (your project screener) will contact you to discuss if and how ACT can help.

Step 4: Complete an Application

If an ACT project is feasible, we will provide you with access to our online application and invite you to apply for ACT consulting services.

Step 5: Assembling a Team

Your project will move forward to the next step when ACT recruits an experienced consultant to serve as project leader. If yours is a fast track project, you will not be assigned a separate project leader. See the nonprofit client overview (at right) for more details.