Personal Information, Activities & Awards

In the Background, Activities & Interests, and Awards & Honors sections of the application, we encourage you to tell us more about yourself.

Personal Information

As part of the application process, we ask you for some personal information, including:

  • Date of birth
  • Citizenship
  • Family information
  • Social Security number (for U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents only; only the last four digits will be visible in your application)

The information you provide in your application — after your attendance as an MBA student has begun and to the extent that it is retained — is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

Activities & Interests

Help us get to know you better by sharing how you spend your time outside of work or class. Examples of activities in which you are/have been involved may include athletic, charitable, civic, community, or professional. A sustained depth of commitment in one or two activities may demonstrate your passion more than minimal participation in five or six organizations.

Be sure to:

  • Report activities in which you participated as an undergraduate or graduate student as well as those in which you participated after completing your degree(s).
  • Avoid using acronyms to describe your activities.
  • Exclude internships; report them in the “Professional Experience” section instead.

Awards & Honors

We want to know about the accomplishments for which you’ve received recognition (congrats!). In your application, you may list up to five awards or honors and describe the bases upon which you were selected. These may include academic, civic, or professional activities. 

Last Updated 16 Jun 2020