

The White House

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It's 2015. Women should earn the same pay as men for doing the same work. Period. wh.gov/equal-pay #EqualPay #WomensEqualityDay
Before and after: Tell your story or share a photo showing how the federal government is partnering with your community to create change at go.wh.gov/CommunityMap.
How is the President’s administration partnering with local communities in your area? Find out with a new map tracking the government’s work around the country at go.wh.gov/CommunityMap. #OpenData
“If the research hadn’t continued, I wouldn’t be here today.” —Gavin writing to President Obama about his battle with cancer. Read his full letter at LettersToPresidentObama.tumblr.com.
Happy 99th Birthday to the @NationalParkService! Entrance fees to National Parks are waived today, so make sure to get out there and #FindYourPark.
“We refuse to surrender the hope of a clean energy future to those who fear it and fight it.” —President Obama announcing the new steps we’re taking to #ActOnClimate
Double tap for these students from Bristol County Agricultural High School in Massachusetts! They're working to plant native species to restore nesting areas for coastal birds. Many species of birds across the United States are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Thanks for following along today as we showcased stories from the White House Back-To-School Climate Education event. Learn more about the steps we're taking to #ActOnClimate at wh.gov/climate.
Students around the world are working to #ActOnClimate as they head back to school this year. Last week, students in Vanuatu—a small island nation in the South Pacific—participated in the World Climate Game, part of an initiative announced by Climate Interactive at the White House Back-to-School Climate Education event. The 80 students played negotiators from the United States, China, the European Union, and developing countries as they worked to create a global agreement to address climate change.
At Pickering Creek Audubon Center in Maryland, high school students are learning how climate change will impact wildlife and people. They share their new knowledge with elementary school students by leading a field trip which culminates in a habitat planting. Students learn about the challenges we face and the positive changes we can make by working together. #ActOnClimate
Competing for climate! The students at Lanier Middle School in Virginia participated in a school-wide competition to build the best solar-powered model house. #ActOnClimate
Planting trees and other vegetation can help to reduce carbon pollution. At J.C. Parks Elementary in Maryland, students transformed school grounds into outdoor classrooms by planting more than 4,000 native trees, shrubs, and wetland plants. They created a wetland, forested areas, meadows, rain gardens, and an arboretum. #ActOnClimate
Earlier this week, we hosted a Back-To-School Climate Education event at the White House with more than 150 students, educators, and education policy leaders from across the country. Follow along today as we showcase some of their stories to talk about how our students and educators are working to #ActOnClimate.