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To download the Analytical Perspectives as a single PDF, click here (246 pages, 5.3 MB)

Chapter PDFs

Economic Assumptions and Overview
Long-Term Budget Outook
Federal Borrowing and Debt
Strengthening the Federal Workforce
Budget Concepts
Coverage of the Budget
Governmental Receipts
Offsetting Collections and Offsetting Receipts
Tax Expenditures
Aid to State and Local Governments
Information Technology and Cybersecurity Funding
Federal Investment
Research and Development
Credit and Insurance
Federal Drug Control Funding
Current Services Estimates
Trust Funds and Federal Funds
Comparison of Actual to Estimated Totals

Supplemental Materials as PDF

Table 17-12. Current Services Budget Authority and Outlays by Function, Category, and Program
Table 20-1. Budget Authority and Outlays by Function, Category, and Program
Table 21-1. Federal Budget by Agency and Account
Calfed Bay-Delta Federal Budget Crosscut Report

Supplemental Materials as Spreadsheets

Table 9-5. Offsetting Receipts by Type
Table 9-6. Offsetting Collections and Offsetting Receipts Detail
Table 11-2. Federal Grants to State and Local Governments – Budget Authority and Outlays
Tables 11-3 through 11-49. 2022 Budget Program State-by-State Tables
Table 15-5. Reestimates of Credit Subsidies on Loans Disbursed Between 1992-2020
Table 15-6. Face Value of Government-Sponsored Lending
Table 15-7. Lending and Borrowing by Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs)
Table 15-8. Direct Loan Transactions of the Federal Government
Table 15-9. Guaranteed Loan Transactions of the Federal Government
Tables 15-10 through 15-16. Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)
Table 17-4. Impact of Regulations, Expiring Authorizations, and Other Assumptions in the Baseline
Table 17-12. Current Services Budget Authority and Outlays by Function, Category, and Program
Table 20-1. Budget Authority and Outlays by Function, Category, and Program
Calfed Bay-Delta Federal Budget Crosscut Report
Columbia River Basin Federal Crosscut Report

NOTE: Table 2-3 includes a correction to the version made available at 1:30PM on May 28. The printed volume includes the corrected table.

Past budgets can be found here.

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