School of Medicine

Showing 1-10 of 4,120 Results

  • Oliver O. Aalami, MD

    Oliver O. Aalami, MD

    Clinical Associate Professor, Surgery - Vascular Surgery

    Current Research and Scholarly Interests We launched a national precision medicine PAD trial called, VascTrac ( This trial is mobile phone based and leverages Apple's ResearchKit Platform to monitor a patient's activity both pre- and post-intervention. We are validating mobile phone surveillance for PAD patients and are currently enrolling.

  • Alistair Aaronson, MD

    Alistair Aaronson, MD

    Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine

    Bio Courses Taught through SHIELD (Stanford Healthcare Innovations and Experiential Learning Directive):
    A Patient Centered Exploration of Health and the Health Care System
    INDE 290B, INDE 290C, PAS 280B, PAS 280C

    This elective course for first year medical students explores challenges that patients face regarding the management of optimal health in a complex health care system. Specific topics include national healthcare reform, health economics and financing, social determinants of health, medication reconciliation, transitions of care, and the hospital discharge process.

  • Sumaira Z. Aasi, MD

    Sumaira Z. Aasi, MD

    Clinical Professor, Dermatology

    Current Research and Scholarly Interests High risk squamous cell carcinoma; frozen histopathology; reconstructive surgery.

  • Fahim Abbasi

    Fahim Abbasi

    Clinical Assistant Professor, Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine

    Bio Dr. Fahim Abbasi specializes in diagnosis and treatment of prediabetes and insulin resistance. Dr. Abbasi has a special interest in prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease through lifestyle modifications.

  • Mohamed Abdelwahab MD MS

    Mohamed Abdelwahab MD MS

    Clinical Instructor, Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Divisions

    Bio Dr Abdelwahab is currently a Clinical Instructor in the Sleep Surgery Division, Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Stanford. His previous academic work in the department has focused on nasal and facial skeletal surgery in the division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. His previous clinical training included dual training in maxillofacial surgery and rhinology.

  • Oscar J. Abilez

    Oscar J. Abilez

    Instructor, Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine

    Current Research and Scholarly Interests Dr. Abilez' interests are aimed at elucidating how various biophysical and biochemical perturbations regulate early cardiovascular development across time and length scales that span several orders of magnitude, using human pluripotent stem cells as a model system.

  • Gillian Abir

    Gillian Abir

    Clinical Associate Professor, Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine

    Bio Gillian Abir graduated from Glasgow University (UK) in 1998. After initially undertaking surgical residency and emergency medicine residency, she changed to anesthesiology and completed her residency training in Glasgow and Sheffield (UK). Following this she undertook an obstetric anesthesia fellowship-equivalent at Stanford University School of Medicine and is currently a Clinical Associate Professor.
    Gillian is the Clinical Director for the division of obstetric anesthesiology and the residency program coordinator for obstetric anesthesiology.
    Gillian has published several manuscripts and has contributed chapters to five books, and is the current co-editor of the obstetric anesthesia section of Anesthesia Tutorial of the Week, World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (
    Gillian is a member of the multidisciplinary obstetric simulation team which carries out regular in-situ drills. She is also a member of the obstetric disaster preparedness committee and labor and delivery patient safety committee. She is a current member of the patient safety and international outreach committees at SOAP.
    Gillian also has an interest in global health and regularly volunteers with Kybele Inc. ( teaching obstetric anesthesia.

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