Joe BidenCompte certifié


Senator, Vice President, 2020 candidate for President of the United States, husband to , proud father & grandfather. Loves ice cream, aviators &

Wilmington, DE
Inscrit en mars 2007


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    23 oct.

    Once again, Putin and the Russians are interfering in the elections and trying to pick our president -- this time they're coming after me. Chip in $5 to send the message to Putin that the American people decide elections, not him:

  2. il y a 2 heures

    No American President should welcome foreign interference in our elections.

  3. il y a 3 heures

    We cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump.

  4. il y a 4 heures

    This is the United States of America — if we pick our heads up and remember who we are, there’s not a single thing we can’t do.

  5. il y a 9 heures

    Tonight on I’ll lay out what I believe we need to do to ensure that America’s word means something again on the world stage. Tune in at 7pm ET.

  6. il y a 9 heures
  7. il y a 10 heures

    To all those taking part in the Festival of Lights, Jill and I send warm wishes for a joyous celebration — Happy Diwali and Saal Mubarak.

  8. il y a 11 heures

    Today, we remember the lives taken one year ago at the Tree of Life Synagogue. We must constantly strive to live up to the American ideal that we're all created equal, while facing the harsh reality that hate has long torn us apart. The battle isn't over. We must end this hate.

  9. il y a 13 heures

    I congratulate our special forces, our intelligence community, and all our brave military professionals on delivering justice to the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The world is better and safer without him in it.

  10. il y a 14 heures

    Donald Trump and his administration have no idea what hard-working, decent, ordinary Americans are going through. They don’t understand the middle class. I do.

  11. 27 oct.

    Institutional racism should no longer exist. As president, I'll put forward change to help put an end to it.

  12. 26 oct.

    Even the dog knows that we can’t afford four more years of Donald Trump.

  13. 26 oct.

    If you work hard, you should be able to share in the prosperity. That basic bargain is broken — it's time we restore it for all American workers. My plan will ensure all workers can bargain for the pay, benefits and workplace protections they deserve.

  14. 26 oct.

    We only have 100 days left until the Iowa Caucus. Chip in what you can to help us restore the soul of our nation:

  15. 26 oct.

    Donald Trump promised he would work for the forgotten American — instead, he’s forgotten about them. From day one, my administration will be focused on building an inclusive middle class to ensure everyone has a fair shot at a better future.

  16. 26 oct.

    We only have 100 days left until the Iowa Caucus — and we need your help to organize and grow our team. Add your name to say you're ready to join the fight: .

  17. 26 oct.

    I am proud to stand with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community, and the contributions they have made to America's rich diversity. Today, we're launching AAPIs for Biden — a coalition working to help me unite our nation. To join, visit:

  18. 26 oct.

    There’s a war being waged on organized labor — and it’s only getting worse with President Trump in the White House. As president, I'll strengthen organizing and collective bargaining rights to strengthen unions. If you’re with me, join my campaign:

  19. 25 oct.

    Wall Street did not build the middle class — unions did. As president, I’ll ensure that workers are treated with dignity and respect. All workers must receive the pay, benefits and workplace protections they deserve. Read my plan: .

  20. 25 oct.

    . tiene razón. Trump y los Republicanos deberían dejar de jugar a la política y apoyar TPS para los Venezolanos ya.

  21. 25 oct.

    The Speaker is right. Trump and Senate Republicans should stop playing politics and support TPS protection for vulnerable Venezuelans now.


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