Insights by Stanford Business


A line drawing of male and female figures. Credit: iStock/fona2
July 20, 2020

True Diversity Comes from Within

Diverse corporate cultures are good, but the best encourage workers to embrace the diversity of their personal, sometimes conflicting, beliefs.


Susan Athey. Credit: Tricia Seibold
January 16, 2020

Machine Learning and AI for Social Impact

Innovations developed at big tech firms could transform the nonprofit world, with a little help from academia.


An illustration of 3 data scientists in conversation, while a third feeds information into a machine. Credit: Josh Cochran
November 20, 2020

Artificial Intelligence, Cultural Diversity, and a Giant “Bag of Words”

How machine learning helped researchers sort through 500,000 Glassdoor reviews to weigh the benefits of workplace diversity.

Featured Story

From left, Robert Wilson, David Kreps, and Paul Migrom, received the 2018 John J. Carty Award in the field of economics. | Elena Zhukova
March 28, 2018

The Future of Economics

Three award-winning economists talk about where the field has been and where it’s heading.

Featured Story

Robert Wilson, left, and Paul Milgrom | Credit: Andrew Brodhead
October 12, 2020

Stanford Economists Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson Win the Nobel in Economic Sciences

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences cited the pair for improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats.


Bob Wilson (left) and Paul Milgrom in the early morning hours shortly after finding out they won the Nobel Prize.
November 25, 2020

The Bid Picture: Stanford Economists Explain the Ideas Behind Their Nobel Prize

Robert Wilson and Paul Milgrom show how auctions, if designed correctly, can help distribute resources more fairly.


Signage is seen at the United States Department of the Treasury headquarters in Washington, D.C., U.S., August 29, 2020. Credit:REUTERS/Andrew Kelly
November 23, 2020

The World’s Safe Haven Needs an Upgrade

The U.S. Treasury market came close to a meltdown in March, revealing a rickety system that threatens “national economic security,” a Stanford professor says.


Greg Flynn at Applebee’s in Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco. Credit: Elena Zhukova
November 16, 2020

How a Restaurateur Is Navigating the Pandemic

Sales at America’s biggest restaurant franchisee plunged 60% after COVID-19 hit, but the company survived. Why? “The strength of the team,” says owner Greg Flynn.
Discover insights and guidance for leading in turbulent times.

Latest Stories

January 29, 2021

Latino Entrepreneurs Face — and Can Overcome — Funding Obstacles

A new report details the barriers to loan approval for Latino-owned businesses — and points to ways to break them down.
January 28, 2021

Psychology Trumps Technology: How to Express Yourself and Truly Connect With Others Online

In this podcast episode, we unpack the psychology behind our communication via social media.
January 28, 2021

This Is Not a Joke: The Cost of Being Humorless

Humor has tremendous benefits for physical health, mental well-being, and your bottom line.
January 21, 2021

Why Banks Could Learn to Love Tougher Regulations

A new study finds that higher capital requirements could leave banks with more money to lend.
January 21, 2021

“White Americans Need to Understand That Their Interests Coincide with Black People’s Interests”

In this podcast episode, two historians discuss why our understanding of history continues to change and who decides what story gets told.
January 19, 2021

Homogeneity at the Top

New research drills down on C-suite diversity in Fortune 100 firms and finds there’s a lot more work to do.
January 15, 2021

How to Pressure Test Your Strategic Vision

Learning to construct, debate, and communicate a logically valid argument is an essential pillar in making great strategy.
January 11, 2021

Writing to Win: How to Quickly Capture Readers and Keep Them Engaged

In this episode, we discuss how to write simply, succinctly, and with relevance.
January 7, 2021

How to Build Better Relationships

They’ve taught the keys to forming deep connections in the MBA classroom — now they’ve turned those lessons into a book.
January 7, 2021

“Never Mistake Presence for Power”

In this podcast episode, a racial equity movement leader discusses the art and science of building Black power.