Faculty Assistants

Stanford GSB faculty assistants can use the following library services to support their faculty.

Borrowing on Behalf of Faculty

You are permitted to check out material for your faculty by proxy. Just inform the i-Desk that an item is being checked out in a professor’s name.

Research Assistance

Our librarians and data scientists provide customized research support, including research consulting, data analytics, research computing, data and bibliography compilation, data acquisition assistance, and case writing support.

Document Delivery Service

Need an article, book, book chapter, or paper for work-related research? We’ll obtain a single copy of the material for you — whether it’s at our library, another Stanford library, or off-campus.

How long does it take?

  • Items available on campus are typically delivered within a day; occasionally it may take several days to deliver a requested item. 
  • Some items requested from non-Stanford libraries can be delivered electronically within a day, while others may take several weeks to arrive by mail.

Course Reserves

Case Studies

Contact the Case Writing office for more information about Stanford GSB case distribution.

Contact Course Support for more information about obtaining cases from other institutions.

Bibliography Management Tools