Managing Growing Enterprises

Debbie Sterling, founder of GoldieBlox, speaking with a student after guest lecturing in a Managing Growing Enterprises class.
Debbie Sterling, founder of GoldieBlox, speaking with a student after guest lecturing in a Managing Growing Enterprises class.

This class addresses the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs as they rapidly scale a company.

Through case studies and role playing, students learn from a wide variety of class guests about how to handle challenges such as missing revenue forecasts, dealing with employee performance issues, managing challenging board interactions, leading an organization through a publicly visible crisis, and negotiating with aggrieved partners.

Managing Growing Enterprises is offered to students who, in the near term, aspire to the management and full or partial ownership of a business. It’s taught as a 45-person seminar, enabling rich classroom discussion, and is taught by entrepreneurial leaders who have successfully navigated the challenges of managing a growing firm.