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The Ashley Lab

Euan AshleyThe Ashley lab is focused on the science of precision medicine. We study the human genome and apply computational approaches like machine learning to understand the integrated effects of genes and proteins on human health and disease. We are particularly interested in the extremes of human performance. We are fascinated by the heart - how it develops, adapts, contracts, and fails. In our wet lab, we explore cardiac biology, from the whole heart all the way down to single cells including induced pluripotent stem cells from our patients. We push them towards a cardiac myocyte fate and characterize them using a variety of bioengineering approaches. Developing new therapies is a near term goal and several of our discoveries are the focus of patents or are being actively pursued by pharmaceutical and biotechnology partners. Our group is one of the most diverse on campus - from mathematicians to molecular biologists, undergrads to junior faculty, physicists to genetic counselors. We enjoy diversity and love to work and play together.

Open positions in our lab