Welcome to the Berkeley Housing Authority site at the City of Berkeley, CA.
Estabilished in 1966, BHA provides rental assistance to a total of 1,939 low-income households units through the Section 8 and Moderate Rehabilitation Program. It is governed by a 7-member Housing Authority Board.
Communicating with BHA - The best
way to communicate with BHA staff is via email or telephone, please see the BHA
contacts link for our staff, names, emails and numbers. Our fax number
is 510-981-5480. [more...]
BHA Office Closure Dates and Calendars - THE OFFICE IS CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE [more...]
NEW! Document Drop Box Outside of BHA's Office 1947 Center Street - Located just outside the front door of our new office at 1947 Center Street, we now have a document drop box for BHA clients and landlords. The drop box is checked regularly Mondays through Thursdays. Please use the box when you are not able to email or fax documents to staff. BHA's fax number is 510-981-5480. [more...]
Voucher Discrimination - Voucher Discrimination: [more...]
Effective March 17, 2020 BHA is closed to the public. -
The Berkeley Housing Authority Office is closed to the public until further notice.
The City of Berkeley Health Officer has ordered residents to shelter in place, leaving only for essential needs. Most City facilities are closed to the public. Read the latest changes to City services and COVID-19 information from Berkeley Public Health.
Eviction Moratorium - The
Eviction Moratorium established through the CARES Act is set to expire on June 30,
2021. As of today, we have not received any communication that Congress plans
on extending the eviction moratorium. The State of California issued an [more...]
Payment Standards, Income Limits, and Utility Allowance - Payment Standards, Effective January 1, 2020 for ALL contracts: [more...]
Berkeley Housing Authority Forms & Information - All forms are in a Acrobat (PDF) format which is a standard file format. The Acrobat software is available from Adobe FREE of charge HERE. [more...]
Customer Care. - Your opinion and observations are important. Use this link for instructions on how you can share your thoughts, compliments and concerns: [more...]
Yes, Berkeley? - A great place to live, work and raise a family. Berkeley is a city with a small population and a big reputation. In California alone, there are more than 30 cities bigger than Berkeley. In Alameda County, Berkeley is ranked fourth in population behind Oakland, Fremont, and Hayward. And yet, we are famous around the globe as a center for academic achievement, scientific exploration, free speech and the arts. [more...]
No Smoking Ordinance in Berkeley - Smoking Law Affects All Berkeley Multi-Unit Housing [more...]
PG&E CARE/FERA Application - Berkeley Housing Authority is a CARE/FERA Community Outreach Contractor with PG&E. CARE/FERA are provides up to a 20% discount on your monthly energy bill. The program has income qualifications - please see the application for details. [more...]
Section 8 Wait List - [more...]