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Program Overview

The Undergraduate Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity is home to five areas of study:

  • Asian American Studies (courses listed as ASNAMST on ExploreCourses)
  • Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies (courses listed as CHILATST on ExploreCourses)
  • Comparative Studies (courses listed as CSRE on ExploreCourses)
  • Jewish Studies (courses listed as JEWISHST on ExploreCourses)
  • Native American Studies (courses listed as NATIVEAM on ExploreCourses)

Students can pursue a major or minor in any of these five areas, and are encouraged to build their interdisciplinary study around a focus or issue area. Students can then select from more than 150 course options from across many departments and schools to put together a curriculum, in consultation with our staff and faculty. The major requires 60 units of study and a culminating research project (either a senior paper or honors thesis).

Mission of the Undergraduate Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

The Interdepartmental Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE) is an interdisciplinary program offering students the opportunity to investigate the significance of race and ethnicity in all areas of human life. The program's mission is to educate students to be leaders and produce knowledge for race and justice. Devoted to a rigorous analysis of race and ethnicity and using a comparative and interdisciplinary approach, CSRE promotes and deepens students' understanding of the multiple meanings of racial and ethnic diversity both in the United States and abroad. The program prepares students for living and working effectively in a multicultural world. The interdisciplinary and integrated nature of the academic programs means that students take courses from across the university including: anthropology, art, communication, economics, education, history, languages, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, theater and performance, among others.

Bachelor of Arts

In order to earn a B.A. in any of the five CSRE programs, students must complete at least 60 units toward the major.


In order to earn a minor in any of the five CSRE programs, students must complete at least 30 units toward the minor.

Ph.D. Minor

The Ph.D. minor in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity provides graduate students pursuing Doctoral Degree’s broad interdisciplinary knowledge in the field and prepares them to teach courses in the subject. The goal of the program is to bring together graduate students and faculty from different departments, programs, and schools who analyze race and ethnicity in their research.

Learning Outcomes (Undergraduate)

The Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity expects undergraduate majors in the program to be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

  1. an understanding of interdisciplinary approaches to the knowledge of experiences related to race and ethnicity in the United States;
  2. an ability to employ diverse analytical resources and comparative modes of study as tools to frame and address research questions;
  3. an ability to critically engage both primary and secondary sources, and properly use both types of evidence in crafting an argument;
  4. an ability to actively and critically engage in verbal and/or written discussion of issues;
  5. demonstration of analytical writing skills that convey their understanding of the topic;
  6. an expanded ability to think critically about issues in political, social, scientific, economic, and cultural life stemming from the diversity of experiences related to race and ethnicity.

Special Programs

CSRE majors have several unique opportunities available to them. The program offers students an opportunity for support of full-time paid summer research internships for those who apply to the Community Based Research Fellowship and complete a self-designed research project in collaboration with a community agency. The Public Policy Institute is a two week, pre-Autumn Quarter seminar that provides exposure to critical public policy issues. The residence-based institute provides room and board and all seminar materials for participants. CSRE also sponsors quarterly luncheons and community programs for all majors and minors, and has a number of service learning courses that couple academic work with work in communities. 

Bachelor of Arts in Asian American Studies 

Director: Jeanne Tsai (Psychology)

Asian American Studies (AAS) provides an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the historical and current experiences of persons of Asian ancestry in the United States. In using the term Asian American, the AAS faculty recognize that the term seeks to name a rapidly developing, complex, and heterogeneous population and that there is neither a single Asian American identity nor one community that comprises all Asian Americans. Asian Americans include those with ancestral ties to countries or regions in East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, or the Philippines, among others.

AAS brings together courses that address the artistic, historical, humanistic, political, and social dimensions of Asian Americans and is an appropriate course of study for students interested in a variety of concerns related to Asian Americans, including: artistic and cultural contributions; current social significance; historical experiences; immigration, intellectual, and policy issues; relationships with other social groups; and the construction of the notion of Asian American as it addresses important theoretical and practical issues.

Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the major.

General Requirements

A total of 60 units of course work are required for the major

  1. A minimum grade of 'C-' is required for a student to count a class towards the Core, Major-Core Foundational, and Methods requirements. Additional units toward the major require a minimum 'D-' passing grade.
  2. Comparative and Major-Core courses must be taken for the maximum units offered (4 or more) and for letter grade. Methods courses must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and for letter grade.
  3. All majors, minors, and interdisciplinary honors students in the CSRE Family of Programs must take Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C).
  4. Students may count 2 classes with the Satisfactory/No Credit (SNC) grading basis toward Additional Units.
    • Courses in which Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is the only grading basis option may always be counted toward the major.
  5. All majors are required to take at least one Community Engaged Learning course which must be CSRE, race, and/or ethnicity related.
    • Students may petition courses from outside departments to count, so long as they meet the race and/or ethnicity related requirement.
  6. Students may petition up to 5 units of Internship for Public Service (CSRE 198) to count toward the major or minor when the work completed relates directly to race, ethnicity, or area of study. CSRE 198, however, may be repeated multiple times for University credit and the 180 units required to graduate.
  7. Students may petition up to 5 units of Directed Reading classes (CSRE 200W) to count toward the major or minor. CSRE related courses offered only as Directed Reading (such as Muwekma House Seminar or ASB Prep courses) may be counted without a petition.
    1. Students must inform the student services coordinator and the Director of CSRE that they intend to petition a Directed Reading class to count toward their major before taking the class, and submit a petition for the class while they are in it.  
    2. A syllabus with a series of readings, including themes, set by the instructor and the student must be submitted with the petition.
    3. The Directed Reading must include assignments that go beyond the readings, such as response papers, a final paper, and/or creative project.
    4. Units earned must align with the University's Unit of Credit policy, i.e., 1 unit being equal to 3 hours/week of work. Meetings with the instructor of the Directed Reading may count up to one hour per unit of work per week.
    5. In general, students are discouraged from using Directed Reading units toward their major unit requirement. Petitions are evaluated and approved by the Program Director on a case-by-case basis.
  8. Students may major in two CSRE programs; see the "Multiple Majors" section of this bulletin for University rules concerning multiple majors. Such students may not double count courses between programs, with the exception of the course used to fulfill the Methodology requirement. In order to fulfill the WIM requirement, students write two papers during Autumn Quarter of the senior year, enrolling in both CSRE 200X and CSRE 201X.

Course Requirements

1. CSRE Core Courses

Asian American Studies majors must take the 15-unit CSRE core curriculum including Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), an additional comparative-core course, and a senior seminar taken in Autumn Quarter of their senior year. One major-core course that focuses on a non-Asian ethnic group may be counted toward the 15-unit core requirement.

ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5
CSRE 200XCSRE Senior Seminar5
CSRE 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
CSRE 246Constructing Race and Religion in America4-5
CSRE 389ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
JEWISHST 106Reflection on the Other: The Arab Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film3-5
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5

2. Major-Core Course

Majors are required to take one major-core course in Asian American Studies. Students who completed  ENGLISH 43C/ENGLISH 143C in a previous year may count this toward their foundational course requirement.

ASNAMST 100Introduction to Asian American Studies5
ASNAMST 186BAsian American Art: 1850-Present4

3. Area Study

Majors must complete an additional 35 units of course work from an approved list. One course must have an international dimension, preferably a focus on Asia. The remaining courses must have an Asian American focus and primarily be selected from social science and humanities departments. 

4. Language Study (optional)

Students may obtain credit for their study of a related Asian language towards their degree. If students take 15 or more units of an advanced, second-year Asian language relevant to Asian American Studies, they may apply 5 of those units toward their Asian American Studies degree.

5. Research/Methodology Requirement

Majors are required to complete 3-5 units of course work focused on research methods relevant to their disciplinary approach as a student in Asian American Studies. See the Methodology course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

6. Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement

To fulfill the Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement, students should take one 3-5 unit course from the Social Sciences and one 3-5 unit course from the Arts & Humanities that focus on race and ethnicity, especially if the courses are comparative.

  • Arts and Humanities classes include: Art and Art History, Classics, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German Studies, Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Slavic Languages and Literatures, East Asian Languages and Cultures, English, History, Linguistics, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theater and Performance Studies
  • Social Science classes include: Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology

7. International Dimension

Students in Asian American Studies are required to take one 3-5 unit course that explores issues of race and ethnicity in the context of a nation outside of the United States.

8. Community Engaged Learning Requirement

All students in one of the CSRE majors are required to complete at least one service-learning experience. This requirement may be fulfilled by enrolling in a service-learning course, participating in an identity, race, or ethnicity focused service-learning Alternative Spring Break, participating in the Community Based Research Fellowship program, or enrolling in CSRE 198 Internship for Public Service while completing independent service work. See the Community Engaged Learning course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

9. Senior Paper or Honors Thesis

All Asian American Studies majors must complete a culminating research paper under the supervision of a faculty adviser. All majors take CSRE 200X CSRE Senior Seminar (5 units) which fulfills the program's WIM requirement. Additionally, Honors students must also enroll in CSRE 200Y CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units) and CSRE 200Z CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-5 units) in Winter and Spring quarters to continue to access peer and faculty support as they write their theses. Senior Honors Research (CSRE 200Y and CSRE 200Z) courses cannot count for the 60 units towards your major but do count for the 180 units towards your bachelor's degree. Students must complete their theses with a minimum grade of 'B+' to receive honors in CSRE.

Bachelor of Arts in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies

Director: Jonathan Rosa (Education)

Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies is an interdisciplinary major focusing on the U.S. population with origins in the countries of Mexico, Latin America, and/or South America. Students who major or minor in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies have an opportunity to select from courses in the humanities, social sciences, and courses offered by affiliated faculty in the School of Education. The Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies program affords students an opportunity to explore the culture, society, economy, and politics of this important and growing segment of our national population.

Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the major.

General Requirements

A total of 60 units of course work are required for the major.

  1. A minimum grade of 'C-' is required for a student to count a class towards the Core, Major-Core Foundational, and Methods requirements. Additional units toward the major require a minimum 'D-' passing grade.
  2. Comparative and Major-Core courses must be taken for the maximum units offered (4 or more) and for letter grade. Methods courses must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and for letter grade.
  3. All majors, minors, and interdisciplinary honors students in the CSRE Family of Programs must take Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C).
  4. Students may count 2 classes with the Satisfactory/No Credit (SNC) grading basis toward Additional Units.
    • Courses in which Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is the only grading basis option may always be counted toward the major.
  5. All majors are required to take at least one Community Engaged Learning course which must be CSRE, race, and/or ethnicity related.
    • Students may petition courses from outside departments to count, so long as they meet the race and/or ethnicity related requirement.
  6. Students may petition up to 5 units of Internship for Public Service (CSRE 198) to count toward the major or minor when the work completed relates directly to race, ethnicity, or area of study. CSRE 198, however, may be repeated multiple times for University credit and the 180 units required to graduate.
  7. Students may petition up to 5 units of Directed Reading classes (CSRE 200W) to count toward the major or minor. CSRE related courses offered only as Directed Reading (such as Muwekma House Seminar or ASB Prep courses) may be counted without a petition.
    1. Students must inform the student services coordinator and the Director of CSRE that they intend to petition a Directed Reading class to count toward their major before taking the class, and submit a petition for the class while they are in it.  
    2. A syllabus with a series of readings, including themes, set by the instructor and the student must be submitted with the petition.
    3. The Directed Reading must include assignments that go beyond the readings, such as response papers, a final paper, and/or creative project.
    4. Units earned must align with the University's Unit of Credit policy, i.e., 1 unit being equal to 3 hours/week of work. Meetings with the instructor of the Directed Reading may count up to one hour per unit of work per week.
    5. In general, students are discouraged from using Directed Reading units toward their major unit requirement. Petitions are evaluated and approved by the Program Director on a case-by-case basis.
  8. Students may major in two CSRE programs; see the "Multiple Majors" section of this bulletin for University rules concerning multiple majors. Such students may not double count courses between programs, with the exception of the course used to fulfill the Methodology requirement. In order to fulfill the WIM requirement, students write two papers during Autumn Quarter of the senior year, enrolling in both CSRE 200X and CSRE 201X.

Course Requirements

1. CSRE Core Curriculum

Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies majors must take the 15-unit CSRE core curriculum including Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), an additional comparative-core course, and a senior seminar taken in Autumn Quarter of the senior year. One major-core course that focuses on a non-Latino origin group may be counted toward the 15-unit core requirement.

ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5
CSRE 200XCSRE Senior Seminar5
CSRE 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
CSRE 246Constructing Race and Religion in America4-5
CSRE 389ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
JEWISHST 106Reflection on the Other: The Arab Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film3-5
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5

2. Major-Core Courses

Majors are required to take one foundational course in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies. Students who completed CHICANST/SOC 166 in a previous year may count this toward their foundational course requirement.

CHILATST 180EIntroduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies5

3. Chicana/o-Latina/o Focus Courses

Majors must complete an additional 25-32 units of course work from an approved list. Courses must have a Chicanx/Latinx focus and primarily be selected from social science and humanities departments.

4. Language Study (optional)

Students may obtain credit for the study of the Spanish language towards their degree. If students take 15 or more units of advanced, second-year Spanish language relevant to Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies, they may apply 5 of those units toward their Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies degree.

5. Research/Methodology Requirement

Majors are required to complete 3-5 units of coursework focused on research methods relevant to their disciplinary approach as a student in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies. See the Methodology course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

6. Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement

To fulfill the Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement, students should take one 3-5 unit course from the Social Sciences and one 3-5 unit course from the Arts & Humanities that focus on race and ethnicity, especially if the courses are comparative.

  • Arts and Humanities classes include: Art and Art History, Classics, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German Studies, Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Slavic Languages and Literatures, East Asian Languages and Cultures, English, History, Linguistics, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theater and Performance Studies
  • Social Science classes include: Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology

7. Community Engaged Learning Requirement

All students are required to complete at least one service-learning experience. This requirement may be fulfilled by enrolling in a service-learning course, participating in an identity, race, or ethnicity focused service-learning Alternative Spring Break, participating in the Community Summer Research Internship program, or enrolling in CSRE 198 Internship for Public Service while completing independent service work. See the Community Engaged Learning course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

8. Senior Paper or Honors Thesis

All Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies majors must complete a culminating research paper under the supervision of a faculty adviser. All majors take CSRE 200X CSRE Senior Seminar (5 units) which fulfills the program's WIM requirement. Additionally, Honors students must also enroll in CSRE 200Y CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units) and CSRE 200Z CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-5 units) in Winter and Spring quarters to continue to access peer and faculty support as they write their theses. Senior Honors Research (CSRE 200Y and CSRE 200Z) courses cannot count for the 60 units towards your major but do count for the 180 units towards your bachelor's degree. Students must complete their theses with a minimum grade of 'B+' to receive honors in CSRE.

Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

Director: Vaughn Rasberry (English)

Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity does not focus on a particular ethnic group. Rather, a student in consultation with the adviser designs a curriculum in relation to a subplan area of focus that compares various ethnic groups or explores topics that cut across group experiences in the United States and elsewhere in the world. For example, students may compare groups within the U.S., or compare groups in the U.S. to ethnic groups elsewhere, or study the diaspora of a single group or the sovereignty of indigenous peoples within and across different national contexts. Students in this major are able to take advantage of courses in over 22 fields offered by the affiliated faculty of CSRE.

Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the major.

General Requirements

A total of 60 units of course work are required for the major.

  1. A minimum grade of 'C-' is required for a student to count a class towards the Core, Major-Core Foundational, and Methods requirements. Additional units toward the major require a minimum 'D-' passing grade.
  2. Comparative and Major-Core courses must be taken for the maximum units offered (4 or more) and for letter grade. Methods courses must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and for letter grade.
  3. All majors, minors, and interdisciplinary honors students in the CSRE Family of Programs must take Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C).
  4. Students may count 2 classes with the Satisfactory/No Credit (SNC) grading basis toward Additional Units.
    • Courses in which Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is the only grading basis option may always be counted toward the major.
  5. All majors are required to take at least one Community Engaged Learning course which must be CSRE, race, and/or ethnicity related.
    • Students may petition courses from outside departments to count, so long as they meet the race and/or ethnicity related requirement.
  6. Students may petition up to 5 units of Internship for Public Service (CSRE 198) to count toward the major or minor when the work completed relates directly to race, ethnicity, or area of study. CSRE 198, however, may be repeated multiple times for University credit and the 180 units required to graduate.
  7. Students may petition up to 5 units of Directed Reading classes (CSRE 200W) to count toward the major or minor. CSRE related courses offered only as Directed Reading (such as Muwekma House Seminar or ASB Prep courses) may be counted without a petition.
    1. Students must inform the student services coordinator and the Director of CSRE that they intend to petition a Directed Reading class to count toward their major before taking the class, and submit a petition for the class while they are in it.  
    2. A syllabus with a series of readings, including themes, set by the instructor and the student must be submitted with the petition.
    3. The Directed Reading must include assignments that go beyond the readings, such as response papers, a final paper, and/or creative project.
    4. Units earned must align with the University's Unit of Credit policy, i.e., 1 unit being equal to 3 hours/week of work. Meetings with the instructor of the Directed Reading may count up to one hour per unit of work per week.
    5. In general, students are discouraged from using Directed Reading units toward their major unit requirement. Petitions are evaluated and approved by the Program Director on a case-by-case basis.
  8. Students may major in two CSRE programs; see the "Multiple Majors" section of this bulletin for University rules concerning multiple majors. Such students may not double count courses between programs, with the exception of the course used to fulfill the Methodology requirement. In order to fulfill the WIM requirement, students write two papers during Autumn Quarter of the senior year, enrolling in both CSRE 200X and CSRE 201X.

Course Requirements

1. Core Curriculum

All CSRE majors enroll in the 15-unit core curriculum, which consists of Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), an additional comparative-core course, and a senior seminar taken in Autumn Quarter of the senior year. One major-core course may be counted toward the 15-unit core requirement.

ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5
CSRE 200XCSRE Senior Seminar5
CSRE 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
CSRE 246Constructing Race and Religion in America4-5
CSRE 389ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
JEWISHST 106Reflection on the Other: The Arab Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film3-5
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5

2. Subplan Focus Courses

Comparative Studies majors must complete 20-25 units of subplan specific course work toward the major See the Subplans tab above.

3. CSRE Focus Courses  

Comparative Studies majors must complete and additional10-16 units of course work specific to comparative studies in race and ethnicity outside of their subplan. 

4. Research/Methodology Requirement

Majors are required to complete 3-5 units of course work focused on research methods relevant to their disciplinary approach as a student in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity. See the Methodology course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

5. Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement

To fulfill the Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement, students should take one 3-5 unit course from the Social Sciences and one 3-5 unit course from the Arts & Humanities that focus on race and ethnicity, especially if the courses are comparative.

  • Arts and Humanities classes Include: Art and Art History, Classics, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German Studies, Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Slavic Languages and Literatures, East Asian Languages and Cultures, English, History, Linguistics, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theater and Performance Studies
  • Social Science classes Include: Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology

6. Community Engaged Learning Requirement 

All students in one of the CSRE majors are required to complete at least one service-learning experience. This requirement may be fulfilled by enrolling in a service-learning course, participating in an identity, race, or ethnicity focused service-learning Alternative Spring Break, participating in the Community Summer Research Internship program, or enrolling in CSRE 198 Internship for Public Service while completing independent service work. See the Community Engaged Learning course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

7. Senior Paper or Honors Thesis

All CSRE majors must complete a culminating research paper under the supervision of a faculty adviser. All majors take CSRE 200X CSRE Senior Seminar (5 units) which fulfills the program's WIM requirement. Additionally, Honors students must also enroll in CSRE 200YCSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units) and CSRE 200Z CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units)in Winter and Spring quarters to continue to access peer and faculty support as they write their theses. Senior Honors Research (CSRE 200Y and CSRE 200Z) courses cannot count for the 60 units towards your major but do count for the 180 units towards your bachelor's degree. Students must complete their theses with a minimum grade of 'B+' to receive honors in CSRE.


Officially declared subplans are available only to students majoring in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity (CSRE).

 20-25 units of subplan focused courses must also be taken in order to complete this requirement.

CSRE majors are required to declare a formal subplan, and may have the opportunity to design an individualized subplan if their interests are not already covered by the existing subplans. Subplans are noted on student transcripts and diplomas; individually designed thematic foci will appear as “Self-Designed” on the transcript and diploma. The following are the formal subplans:

Subplan in Education & Inequality

The subplan in Education & Inequality explores history, policy, and practice in education to understand how educational opportunity is shaped by issues of race, ethnicity, and difference. The goal of the subplan is to develop an understanding of the core issues facing educators and policy makers so that students may learn how they can contribute to the social and political discourse surrounding issues of education and opportunity policy in the U.S.

The concentration is declared on Axess; it appears on the transcript and diploma. Students interested in the Education & Inequality subplan should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Education & Inequality subplan:

AFRICAAM 112Urban Education3-5
AFRICAST 111Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa3-5
CHILATST 131Raza Youth in Urban Schools: Mis-educating Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x Communities3-5
CSRE 103BRace, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices3-5
CSRE 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
EDUC 100BEAST House Seminar: Current Issues and Debates in Education1
EDUC 120CEducation and Society4-5
EDUC 149Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism3-5
EDUC 165History of Higher Education in the U.S.3-5
EDUC 197Gender and Education in Global and Comparative Perspectives3-4
EDUC 277Education of Immigrant Students: Psychological Perspectives4
HISTORY 158CHistory of Higher Education in the U.S.3-5
LINGUIST 65African American Vernacular English3-5

Subplan in Environmental Justice

The Environmental Justice subplan allows students to expand their awareness of the environment’s significance to various racial and ethnic groups. What is the relationship between certain societies and groups and the environment? What far reaching impacts can the environment have on segments of the population? Water, air, and food are vital necessities impacted by political, economic, and social decisions and actions. Explore the inequalities that affect low-income and communities of color, and work toward just environments for all.

This subplan is declared on Axess, and appears on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in the Environmental Justice subplan should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements for the Environmental Justice subplan:

ANTHRO 140CMobilizing Nature3
ANTHRO 166Political Ecology of Tropical Land Use: Conservation, Natural Resource Extraction, and Agribusiness3-5
BIO 30Ecology for Everyone4
CSRE 125EShades of Green: Exploring and Expanding Environmental Justice in Practice3-4
EARTHSYS 136The Ethics of Stewardship2-3
ECON 155Environmental Economics and Policy5
NATIVEAM 111BMuwekma: Landscape Archaeology and the Narratives of California Natives3-5

Subplan in Health & Wellness

The subplan in Health & Wellness is designed for students who are seeking an interdisciplinary exploration of health disparities, health access, and health policy. Through course work, students examine how health experiences are influenced by issues of race and ethnicity.

The subplan is declared on Axess, and appears on the transcript and diploma. Students interested in the Health & Wellness subplan should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Health & Wellness subplan:

ANTHRO 82Medical Anthropology5
ANTHRO 138Medical Ethics in a Global World: Examining Race, Difference and Power in the Research Enterprise5
CSRE 41AGenes and Identity4
CSRE 138Medical Ethics in a Global World: Examining Race, Difference and Power in the Research Enterprise5
EDUC 340Psychology and American Indian/Alaska Native Mental Health3-5
HUMBIO 120Health Care in America: An Introduction to U.S. Health Policy4
HUMBIO 121EEthnicity and Medicine1-3
HUMBIO 122SSocial Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
HUMBIO 128Community Health Psychology4
NATIVEAM 240Psychology and American Indian/Alaska Native Mental Health3-5
PEDS 150Social and Environmental Determinants of Health3
PEDS 222Beyond Health Care: the effects of social policies on health3
PEDS 250Social and Environmental Determinants of Health3
PSYCH 101Community Health Psychology4
PWR 194DHTopics in Writing and Rhetoric: Empathy, Ethics, and Compassion Meditation4
AFRICAAM 28Health Impact of Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse across the Lifecourse1-3
ANTHRO 82Medical Anthropology5
CHILATST 111Curander@s, remedios y espiritualidad: Chican@/Latin@ healing practices3-5
CSRE 41AGenes and Identity4
CSRE 94Topics in Writing and Rhetoric: Empathy, Ethics, and Compassion Meditation4
CSRE 138Medical Ethics in a Global World: Examining Race, Difference and Power in the Research Enterprise5
CSRE 144Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class5
HRP 89QIntroduction to Cross Cultural Issues in Medicine3
HUMBIO 120Health Care in America: An Introduction to U.S. Health Policy4
HUMBIO 121EEthnicity and Medicine1-3
HUMBIO 122MChallenges of Human Migration: Health and Health Care of Migrants and Autochthonous Populations3
HUMBIO 122SSocial Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
HUMBIO 124CGlobal Child Health3-5
HUMBIO 128Community Health Psychology4
LIFE 145Trauma, healing, and empowerment3
NATIVEAM 240Psychology and American Indian/Alaska Native Mental Health3-5
PEDS 150Social and Environmental Determinants of Health3
PEDS 222Beyond Health Care: the effects of social policies on health3
SOC 152The Social Determinants of Health4

Subplan in Identity Diversity Aesthetics (IDA)

Students in the Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity major can choose a subplan focus in Identity Diversity Aesthetics (IDA).The Identity Diversity Aesthetics subplan is designed to explore the intersections of culture, race, the arts, and social transformation. In IDA courses taught by Stanford faculty, lecturers, and distinguished Visiting Artists, students learn how the arts, activism, and the academy interact to produce aesthetic and societal change.

The subplan is declared in Axess, and appears on the transcript and diploma. Students interested in IDA should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

Additionally, IDA subplan students must complete a creative senior project during CSRE 200X. Possible senior projects include a stage production, a set of recorded music, an anthology of creative writing, a curated or solo exhibition, or a community arts workshop. Students who elect to write an honors thesis may incorporate their project as the basis for their thesis.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Identity Diversity Aesthetics (IDA) subplan:

AFRICAAM 5IHamilton: An American Musical1
AFRICAAM 10AIntroduction to Identity, Diversity, and Aesthetics: Arts, Culture, and Pedagogy1
AFRICAAM 21African American Vernacular English3-5
AFRICAAM 37Contemporary Choreography: Chocolate Heads Performance Project2
AFRICAAM 43Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature3-5
AFRICAAM 45Dance Improvisation from Freestyle to Hip Hop1-2
AFRICAAM 71Introduction to Capoeira: An African Brazilian Art Form1
AFRICAAM 94Public Space in Iran: Murals, Graffiti, Performance3-4
AFRICAAM 117JRace, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Film4-5
AFRICAAM 128Roots Modern Experience - Mixed Level1
AFRICAAM 154GBlack Magic: Ethnicity, Race, and Identity in Performance Cultures3-4
AFRICAAM 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
AFRICAAM 159James Baldwin & Twentieth Century Literature5
AFRICAAM 160JConjure Art 101: Performances of Ritual, Spirituality and Decolonial Black Feminist Magic2
AFRICAAM 194Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Contemporary Black Rhetorics: Black Twitter and Black Digital Cultures4
AFRICAAM 194ATopics in Writing & Rhetoric: Freedom's Mixtape: DJing Contemporary African American Rhetorics4
AFRICAAM 200NFunkentelechy: Technologies, Social Justice and Black Vernacular Cultures4-5
AFRICAAM 258Black Feminist Theater and Theory4
AMSTUD 5IHamilton: An American Musical1
AMSTUD 12AIntroduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature3-5
AMSTUD 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
AMSTUD 91AAsian American Autobiography/W3-5
AMSTUD 117Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Film4-5
AMSTUD 151Migration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present4
AMSTUD 186DAsian American Art: 1850-Present4
AMSTUD 197Dance in Prison: The Arts, Juvenile Justice, and Rehabilitation in America3
AMSTUD 261Personal Narratives in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4-5
ANTHRO 320ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
ARTHIST 151Migration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present4
ARTHIST 186BAsian American Art: 1850-Present4
ARTHIST 221EPeripheral Dreams: The Art and Literature of Miró, Dalí, and other Surrealists in Catalonia3-5
ARTHIST 246NPacific Dreams: Art in California3
ARTHIST 351Migration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present4
ARTSTUDI 146BArt of Reclamation2
ARTSTUDI 270Advanced Photography Seminar4
ASNAMST 31NBehind the Big Drums: Exploring Taiko3
ASNAMST 91AAsian American Autobiography/W3-5
ASNAMST 117DRace, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Film4-5
ASNAMST 144Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class5
ASNAMST 151DMigration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present4
ASNAMST 157An Introduction to Asian American Literature: The Short Story3
ASNAMST 174SWhen Half is Whole: Developing Synergistic Identities and Mestiza Consciousness5
ASNAMST 186BAsian American Art: 1850-Present4
CHILATST 21Visual Storytelling in Community: The Casa Zapata Mural Archive & History Project3
COMPLIT 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
COMPLIT 55NBlack Panther, Hamilton, Díaz, and Other Wondrous Lives3-5
COMPLIT 133ALiterature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean4
COMPLIT 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
COMPLIT 348US-Mexico Border Fictions: Writing La Frontera, Tearing Down the Wall3-5
CSRE 5IHamilton: An American Musical1
CSRE 10AIntroduction to Identity, Diversity, and Aesthetics: Arts, Culture, and Pedagogy1
CSRE 10AYPacific Standard Time LA/LA creative projects in a Celebration Beyond Borders1-2
CSRE 21African American Vernacular English3-5
CSRE 47QHeartfulness: Mindfulness, Compassion, and Responsibility3
CSRE 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
CSRE 55NBlack Panther, Hamilton, Díaz, and Other Wondrous Lives3-5
CSRE 61Introduction to Dance Studies: Dancing Across Stages, Clubs, Screens, and Borders3-4
CSRE 78Art + Community: Division, Resilience & Reconciliation1-5
CSRE 82GMaking Palestine Visible3-5
CSRE 91DAsian American Autobiography/W3-5
CSRE 95ISpace, Public Discourse and Revolutionary Practices3-4
CSRE 117DRace, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Film4-5
CSRE 118DMusics and Appropriation Throughout the World3
CSRE 141ECounterstory in Literature and Education3
CSRE 142The Literature of the Americas5
CSRE 144Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class5
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 151DMigration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present4
CSRE 153DCreative Research for Artists1-2
CSRE 154DBlack Magic: Ethnicity, Race, and Identity in Performance Cultures3-4
CSRE 156TPerforming History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
CSRE 157APerforming Arabs and Others in Theory and Practice4
CSRE 160JConjure Art 101: Performances of Ritual, Spirituality and Decolonial Black Feminist Magic2
CSRE 160MIntroduction to Representations of the Middle East in Dance, Performance, & Popular Culture3-4
CSRE 174SWhen Half is Whole: Developing Synergistic Identities and Mestiza Consciousness5
CSRE 188QImagining Women: Writers in Print and in Person4-5
CSRE 194KTTopics in Writing & Rhetoric: The Last Hopi On Earth: The Rhetoric of Entertainment Inequity4
CSRE 201BThe Undocumented Migration Project Exhibition at Stanford3
CSRE 201DPublic Art Interventions in Social & Cultural Spaces4-5
CSRE 221DCrafting Challenging Conversations in a Conflicted World3
CSRE 258Black Feminist Theater and Theory4
CSRE 385Race, Ethnicity, and Language: Pedagogical Possibilities3-4
CSRE 389ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
DANCE 1Contemporary Modern I: Liquid Flow1
DANCE 2Introduction to Dance & Movement: Afro Flows1
DANCE 30Contemporary Choreography: Chocolate Heads Performance Project2
DANCE 45Dance Improvisation from Freestyle to Hip Hop1-2
DANCE 71Introduction to Capoeira: An African Brazilian Art Form1
DANCE 102Musical Theater Dance Styles1
DANCE 106IStanford Dance Community: Inter-Style Choreography Workshop1-2
DANCE 118Developing Creativity In Dance1
DANCE 128Roots Modern Experience - Mixed Level1
DANCE 153DCreative Research for Artists1-2
DANCE 160JConjure Art 101: Performances of Ritual, Spirituality and Decolonial Black Feminist Magic2
DANCE 160MIntroduction to Representations of the Middle East in Dance, Performance, & Popular Culture3-4
DANCE 161DIntroduction to Dance Studies: Dancing Across Stages, Clubs, Screens, and Borders3-4
DANCE 197Dance in Prison: The Arts, Juvenile Justice, and Rehabilitation in America3
EARTHSYS 95Liberation Through Land: Organic Gardening and Racial Justice2
EDUC 141Counterstory in Literature and Education3
EDUC 341Counterstory in Literature and Education3
EDUC 389ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
EDUC 389CRace, Ethnicity, and Language: Pedagogical Possibilities3-4
ENGLISH 12AIntroduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature3-5
ENGLISH 91AAsian American Autobiography/W3-5
ENGLISH 92APArab and Arab-American Poetry5
ENGLISH 159James Baldwin & Twentieth Century Literature5
FEMGEN 12SIBeyond the Athlete: Intersection of Diversity, Storytelling, and Athletics1-2
FEMGEN 13NWomen Making Music3
FEMGEN 21TStoryCraft: Sexuality, Intimacy & Relationships2
FEMGEN 97Bow Down: Queer Hip-Hop Pedagogy3
FEMGEN 113XFeminist Poetry in the U.S., 1973-20173-5
FEMGEN 117FRace, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Film4-5
FEMGEN 133Transgender Performance and Performativity4
FEMGEN 144XTransforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class5
FEMGEN 154GBlack Magic: Ethnicity, Race, and Identity in Performance Cultures3-4
FEMGEN 159James Baldwin & Twentieth Century Literature5
FEMGEN 160MIntroduction to Representations of the Middle East in Dance, Performance, & Popular Culture3-4
FEMGEN 205Songs of Love and War: Gender, Crusade, Politics3-5
FEMGEN 258XBlack Feminist Theater and Theory4
FEMGEN 261Personal Narratives in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4-5
FEMGEN 314Performing Identities4
FEMGEN 361Personal Narratives in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4-5
FILMSTUD 100CHistory of World Cinema III, 1960-Present3-5
FILMSTUD 132AIndian Cinema5
FILMSTUD 213Theories of Melodrama5
FILMSTUD 300CHistory of World Cinema III, 1960-Present3-5
FILMSTUD 332AIndian Cinema5
FILMSTUD 413Theories of Melodrama5
FRENCH 205Songs of Love and War: Gender, Crusade, Politics3-5
GLOBAL 145Space, Public Discourse and Revolutionary Practices3-4
HISTORY 3GHamilton: An American Musical1
HISTORY 82GMaking Palestine Visible3-5
HISTORY 182GMaking Palestine Visible3-5
ILAC 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
ILAC 281EPeripheral Dreams: The Art and Literature of Miró, Dalí, and other Surrealists in Catalonia3-5
ILAC 348US-Mexico Border Fictions: Writing La Frontera, Tearing Down the Wall3-5
LIFE 124Counterstory in Literature and Education3
LINGUIST 65African American Vernacular English3-5
LINGUIST 253Race, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
MUSIC 4SIInteractive Introduction to North American Taiko1
MUSIC 14NWomen Making Music3
MUSIC 31NBehind the Big Drums: Exploring Taiko3
MUSIC 37NKi ho'alu: The New Renaissance of a Hawaiian Musical Tradition2
MUSIC 184EMusical Theater Dance Styles1
NATIVEAM 221Crafting Challenging Conversations in a Conflicted World3
PWR 2JCWriting & Rhetoric 2: Walk(s) of Shame: The Rhetoric of Respectability4
PWR 194ABTopics in Writing & Rhetoric: Freedom's Mixtape: DJing Contemporary African American Rhetorics4
PWR 194ABATopics in Writing & Rhetoric: Contemporary Black Rhetorics: Prince2-3
PWR 194AJTopics in Writing & Rhetoric: Contemporary Black Rhetorics: Black Twitter and Black Digital Cultures4
PWR 194KTTopics in Writing & Rhetoric: The Last Hopi On Earth: The Rhetoric of Entertainment Inequity4
STS 200NFunkentelechy: Technologies, Social Justice and Black Vernacular Cultures4-5
TAPS 20NPrisons and Performance3
TAPS 21TStoryCraft: Sexuality, Intimacy & Relationships2
TAPS 133TTransgender Performance and Performativity4
TAPS 154GBlack Magic: Ethnicity, Race, and Identity in Performance Cultures3-4
TAPS 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
TAPS 157PPerforming Arabs and Others in Theory and Practice4
TAPS 160MIntroduction to Representations of the Middle East in Dance, Performance, & Popular Culture3-4
TAPS 161DIntroduction to Dance Studies: Dancing Across Stages, Clubs, Screens, and Borders3-4
TAPS 197Dance in Prison: The Arts, Juvenile Justice, and Rehabilitation in America3
TAPS 257PPerforming Arabs and Others in Theory and Practice4
TAPS 258Black Feminist Theater and Theory4
TAPS 314Performing Identities4
TAPS 356Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
WELLNESS 180The Flourishing Activist: Mindfully Being the Revolution1-2

Subplan in Politics, Policy & Equity

The Politics, Policy & Equity subplan is designed for students who wish to focus on the ways that political institutions, public policy, non-profits and social movements shape and are shaped by race and ethnicity. This subplan allows students the opportunity to examine the ramifications that politics and policy have on society through the lens of race and ethnicity.

The subplan is declared on Axess, and appears on the transcript and diploma. Students interested in the Politics, Policy & Equity subplan should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Politics, Policy & Equity subplan:

AMSTUD 183Re- Imagining American Borders5
COMPLIT 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 14NGrowing Up Bilingual3
CSRE 45QUnderstanding Race and Ethnicity in American Society4
CSRE 108Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4-5
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 201BThe Undocumented Migration Project Exhibition at Stanford3
EDUC 114NGrowing Up Bilingual3
EDUC 201History of Education in the United States3-5
HISTORY 50BNineteenth Century America3
HISTORY 150CThe United States in the Twentieth Century5
POLISCI 120BCampaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections4-5
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3-4
SOC 155The Changing American Family4
AFRICAAM 256EThe American Civil War: The Lived Experience3-5
ANTHRO 132Religion and Politics in the Muslim World5
ASNAMST 110The Development of the Southeast Asian American Communities: A comparative analysis3
CHILATST 125SChicano/Latino Politics5
CSRE 1VA History of Race1-3
CSRE 109BNative Nation Building3
CSRE 141SImmigration and Multiculturalism5
CSRE 141XActivism and Intersectionality3-4
CSRE 147ARace and Ethnicity Around the World4
CSRE 154TThe Politics of Algorithms4-5
CSRE 252CThe Old South: Culture, Society, and Slavery5
ETHICSOC 136RIntroduction to Global Justice4
HISTORY 50BNineteenth Century America3
HISTORY 150CThe United States in the Twentieth Century5
POLISCI 120BCampaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections4-5
SOC 118Social Movements and Collective Action4
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3-4
SOC 218Social Movements and Collective Action4

Subplan in Race, Gender & Sexuality

The Race, Gender & Sexuality subplan is designed for students who wish to explore the intersections between race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality. This subplan gives students the tools to analyze intersecting aspects of race, gender and sexuality. Students will examine the construction of power systems to better contextualize how certain identities become privileged over others. Students who select this subplan can use courses from a range of departments and programs to come away with a better understanding of how these three kinds of categories shape each other. Drawing from contributions of women of color feminism and queer of color studies, this concentration challenges normative constructions of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ by equipping students with analytical tools from feminist theory, queer theory, post-colonial theory, critical race theory, and other critical methods.

The subplan is declared on Axess, and appears on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in Race, Gender & Sexuality should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Race, Gender & Sexuality subplan:

CSRE 63NThe Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality3-4
CSRE 108Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4-5
CSRE 162The Politics of Sex: Work, Family, and Citizenship in Modern American Women's History3-5
CSRE 183Re- Imagining American Borders5
CSRE 192EHistory of Sexual Violence in America4-5
FEMGEN 103Feminist and Queer Theories and Methods Across the Disciplines2-5
FEMGEN 188QImagining Women: Writers in Print and in Person4-5
HISTORY 257CLGBTQ History of the United States4-5
LINGUIST 156Language, Gender, & Sexuality4
NATIVEAM 103SGender in Native American Societies5
AFRICAAM 28Health Impact of Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse across the Lifecourse1-3
CHINA 115Sex, Gender, and Power in Modern China3-5
CSRE 63NThe Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality3-4
CSRE 103SGender in Native American Societies5
CSRE 108Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4-5
CSRE 117Expanding Engineering Limits: Culture, Diversity, and Equity3
CSRE 141XActivism and Intersectionality3-4
CSRE 162The Politics of Sex: Work, Family, and Citizenship in Modern American Women's History3-5
CSRE 174SWhen Half is Whole: Developing Synergistic Identities and Mestiza Consciousness5
CSRE 188QImagining Women: Writers in Print and in Person4-5
CSRE 192EHistory of Sexual Violence in America4-5
FEMGEN 20QMaking of the Modern Woman: Robots, Aliens, & the Feminine in Science Fiction3
FEMGEN 135Body Politics1-2
LATINAM 248Racial and Gender Inequalities in Latin America3-5
SOC 155The Changing American Family4

Subplan in Race, Space & Belonging

The Race, Space & Belonging subplan allows students to examine issues of immigration, citizenship, empire and expansion, gentrification, segregation, urban, suburban, and rural spaces, human rights, public welfare, social justice and law. Students can take courses from a range of departments and programs to delve deeper into the ways in which race and ethnicity intertwine with access to space, nations, and resources.

The subplan is declared on Axess, and appears on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in the Race, Space & Belonging subplan should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Race, Space & Belonging subplan:

CSRE 260Race and Ethnicity in Urban California4-5
PEDS 250Social and Environmental Determinants of Health3
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3-4
SOC 155The Changing American Family4
URBANST 112The Urban Underclass4
URBANST 114Urban Culture in Global Perspective5
ANTHRO 27NEthnicity and Violence: Anthropological Perspectives3-5
ANTHRO 42Megacities5
ASNAMST 110The Development of the Southeast Asian American Communities: A comparative analysis3
CSRE 14NGrowing Up Bilingual3
CSRE 30QThe Big Shift4
CSRE 45QUnderstanding Race and Ethnicity in American Society4
CSRE 141Gentrification5
CSRE 141SImmigration and Multiculturalism5
CSRE 147ARace and Ethnicity Around the World4
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 151DMigration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present4
CSRE 156The Changing American City4
CSRE 183Re- Imagining American Borders5
CSRE 252CThe Old South: Culture, Society, and Slavery5
HISTORY 50BNineteenth Century America3
HISTORY 200CDoing the History of Race and Ethnicity5
HUMBIO 122MChallenges of Human Migration: Health and Health Care of Migrants and Autochthonous Populations3
NATIVEAM 16Native Americans in the 21st Century: Encounters, Identity, and Sovereignty in Contemporary America5
POLISCI 141AImmigration and Multiculturalism5
SOC 152The Social Determinants of Health4
SOC 349Race, Space, and Stratification4

Subplan in Technology & Media

Technology’s impact on society is large and the technology itself changes rapidly. From type, photographs, film and radio, to social media, artificial intelligence and algorithms, students in this subplan will look at the relationship between technology, media, race and ethnicity and the role technology played and continues to play in our society. What lenses can the study of race and ethnicity provide to engineering, computer science, and other STEM disciplines? How can technology be harnessed to actualize a more just and equitable world?

The concentration is declared on Axess, and it appears on the transcript and diploma. Students interested in the Technology & Media subplan should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Technology & Media subplan:

AFRICAAM 194Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Contemporary Black Rhetorics: Black Twitter and Black Digital Cultures4
AFRICAAM 200NFunkentelechy: Technologies, Social Justice and Black Vernacular Cultures4-5
CHILATST 140Migration in 21st Century Latin American Film3-5
CS 106SCoding for Social Good1
CSRE 117Expanding Engineering Limits: Culture, Diversity, and Equity3
CSRE 154TThe Politics of Algorithms4-5
ECON 47Media Markets and Social Good5
FEMGEN 20QMaking of the Modern Woman: Robots, Aliens, & the Feminine in Science Fiction3
HISTORY 1CGlobal History: Modern Times3-5
HISTORY 40World History of Science3
HISTORY 194GHumanities Core: Technology and Media in Modern Japan3-5
INTLPOL 221Politics of Data: Algorithmic Culture, Big Data, and Information Waste4-5
MS&E 330Law, Order, & Algorithms3
PUBLPOL 147Ending Poverty with Technology5
PUBLPOL 148Ending Poverty with Technology: A Practicum.5
SOC 154The Politics of Algorithms4-5

Self-Designed Subplan

A proposal for a self-designed concentration should include a list of courses, a description of how each course meets the student's educational objectives, and a statement describing the self-designed subplan and how it differs from the subplans already offered. A proposal for a self-designed sublplan must be submitted in conjunction with a student's Major Declaration Proposal to be reviewed by the Undergraduate Program Director.

Students interested in designing their own subplan are strongly encouraged to meet with the Director of CSRE, the Associate Director of Academic Programs at CSRE, and/or the Student Services staff member at CSRE before the end of winter quarter of their sophomore year.

Bachelor of Arts in Jewish Studies

Director: Charlotte Fonrobert (Religious Studies)

The Jewish Studies major provides students with an understanding of Jewish history, language, literature, religion, thought and politics. Jewish culture originated in the ancient Near East and continues today in many different forms across the globe. Drawing from the Humanities, the Social Sciences and from courses offered by affiliated faculty in the School of Education, the Jewish Studies major seeks to help students understand Jewish identity, thought and self-expression within larger historical and social contexts, and to develop their ability to analyze human experience from different disciplinary perspectives.

In addition to the undergraduate major and minor offered through the interdepartmental program in CSRE, the Taube Center for Jewish Studies offers a full range of guest lectures, conferences, and symposia. Graduate students interested in Jewish Studies should see the separate Jewish Studies section of this bulletin for program information, opportunities, and additional course descriptions.

Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the major.

General Requirements

A total of 60 units of course work are required for the major.

  1. A minimum grade of 'C-' is required for a student to count a class towards the Core, Major-Core Foundational, and Methods requirements. Additional units toward the major require a minimum 'D-' passing grade.
  2. Comparative and Major-Core courses must be taken for the maximum units offered (4 or more) and for letter grade. Methods courses must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and for letter grade.
  3. All majors, minors, and interdisciplinary honors students in the CSRE Family of Programs must take Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C).
  4. Students may count 2 classes with the Satisfactory/No Credit (SNC) grading basis toward Additional Units.
    • Courses in which Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is the only grading basis option may always be counted toward the major.
  5. All majors are required to take at least one Community Engaged Learning course which must be CSRE, race, and/or ethnicity related.
    • Students may petition courses from outside departments to count, so long as they meet the race and/or ethnicity related requirement.
  6. Students may petition up to 5 units of Internship for Public Service (CSRE 198) to count toward the major or minor when the work completed relates directly to race, ethnicity, or area of study. CSRE 198, however, may be repeated multiple times for University credit and the 180 units required to graduate.
  7. Students may petition up to 5 units of Directed Reading classes (CSRE 200W) to count toward the major or minor. CSRE related courses offered only as Directed Reading (such as Muwekma House Seminar or ASB Prep courses) may be counted without a petition.
    1. Students must inform the student services coordinator and the Director of CSRE that they intend to petition a Directed Reading class to count toward their major before taking the class, and submit a petition for the class while they are in it.  
    2. A syllabus with a series of readings, including themes, set by the instructor and the student must be submitted with the petition.
    3. The Directed Reading must include assignments that go beyond the readings, such as response papers, a final paper, and/or creative project.
    4. Units earned must align with the University's Unit of Credit policy, i.e., 1 unit being equal to 3 hours/week of work. Meetings with the instructor of the Directed Reading may count up to one hour per unit of work per week.
    5. In general, students are discouraged from using Directed Reading units toward their major unit requirement. Petitions are evaluated and approved by the Program Director on a case-by-case basis.
  8. Students may major in two CSRE programs; see the "Multiple Majors" section of this bulletin for University rules concerning multiple majors. Such students may not double count courses between programs, with the exception of the course used to fulfill the Methodology requirement. In order to fulfill the WIM requirement, students write two papers during Autumn Quarter of the senior year, enrolling in both CSRE 200X and CSRE 201X.

Course Requirements

1. CSRE Core Curriculum

Jewish Studies majors must take the 15-unit CSRE core curriculum including Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), an additional comparative-core course, and a senior seminar taken in Autumn Quarter of the senior year.

ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5
CSRE 200XCSRE Senior Seminar5
CSRE 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
CSRE 246Constructing Race and Religion in America4-5
CSRE 389ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
JEWISHST 106Reflection on the Other: The Arab Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film3-5
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5

2. Major-Core Course

Majors are required to take one major-core course in Jewish Studies. 

JEWISHST 185BJews in the Contemporary World:  The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture,  Film, & TV4-5

3. Jewish Studies Focus Courses 

Jewish Studies majors complete 10-20 units of courses that focus on Jewish history, issues, and identity.  courses must have a Jewish Studies focus and primarily be selected from social science and humanities departments.

4. Language

One year of Hebrew or another approved Jewish language. Students able to satisfy the first year Hebrew requirement through a proficiency exam are still expected to take an additional year of Hebrew at a higher level or a first year in an additional Jewish language. 12-15 units of language may be counted toward the 60 unit total required for the major.

5. Research/Methodology

Majors are required to complete 3-5 units of coursework focused on research methods relevant to their disciplinary approach as a student in Jewish Studies. See the Methodology course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

6. Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement

To fulfill the Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement, students should take one 3-5 unit course from the Social Sciences and one 3-5 unit course from the Arts & Humanities that focus on race and ethnicity, especially if the courses are comparative.

  • Arts and Humanities classes Include: Art and Art History, Classics, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German Studies, Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Slavic Languages and Literatures, East Asian Languages and Cultures, English, History, Linguistics, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theater and Performance Studies
  • Social Science classes Include: Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology

7. Community Engaged Learning Requirement

All students are required to complete at least one service-learning experience. This requirement may be fulfilled by enrolling in a service-learning course, participating in an identity, race, or ethnicity focused service-learning Alternative Spring Break, participating in the Community Summer Research Internship program, or enrolling in CSRE 198 Internship for Public Service while completing independent service work. See the Community Engaged Learning course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

8. Senior Paper or Honors Thesis

All Jewish Studies majors must complete a culminating research paper under the supervision of a faculty adviser. All majors take CSRE 200X CSRE Senior Seminar (5 units) which fulfills the program's WIM requirement. Additionally, Honors students must also enroll in CSRE 200YCSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units) and CSRE 200Z CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units)in Winter and Spring quarters to continue to access peer and faculty support as they write their theses. Senior Honors Research (CSRE 200Y and CSRE 200Z) courses cannot count for the 60 units towards your major but do count for the 180 units towards your bachelor's degree. Students must complete their theses with a minimum grade of 'B+' to receive honors in CSRE.

Bachelor of Arts in Native American Studies

Director: Teresa LaFromboise (Education)

Native American Studies (NAS) provides an intensive approach to understanding the historical and contemporary experiences of Native American people. Attention is paid not only to the special relationship between tribes and the federal government, but to issues across national boundaries, including tribal nations within Canada, and North, Central, and South America. In using the term Native American, the NAS faculty recognize the heterogeneous nature of this population. Native Americans include the Alaska Native population, which comprises Aleuts, Eskimo, and other Native American people residing in Alaska, as well as Native Hawaiian communities.

The purpose of the Native American Studies major and minor is to introduce students to approaches in the academic study of Native American people, history, and culture. Students who major in Native American Studies have the opportunity of doing advanced work in related fields, including literature, sociology, education, and law. All courses in the program promote the discussion of how academic knowledge about Native Americans relates to the historical and contemporary experiences of Native American people and communities.

Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the major.

General Requirements

A total of 60 units of course work are required for the major.

  1. A minimum grade of 'C-' is required for a student to count a class towards the Core, Major-Core Foundational, and Methods requirements. Additional units toward the major require a minimum 'D-' passing grade.
  2. Comparative and Major-Core courses must be taken for the maximum units offered (4 or more) and for letter grade. Methods courses must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and for letter grade.
  3. All majors, minors, and interdisciplinary honors students in the CSRE Family of Programs must take Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C).
  4. Students may count 2 classes with the Satisfactory/No Credit (SNC) grading basis toward Additional Units.
    • Courses in which Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) is the only grading basis option may always be counted toward the major.
  5. All majors are required to take at least one Community Engaged Learning course which must be CSRE, race, and/or ethnicity related.
    • Students may petition courses from outside departments to count, so long as they meet the race and/or ethnicity related requirement.
  6. Students may petition up to 5 units of Internship for Public Service (CSRE 198) to count toward the major or minor when the work completed relates directly to race, ethnicity, or area of study. CSRE 198, however, may be repeated multiple times for University credit and the 180 units required to graduate.
  7. Students may petition up to 5 units of Directed Reading classes (CSRE 200W) to count toward the major or minor. CSRE related courses offered only as Directed Reading (such as Muwekma House Seminar or ASB Prep courses) may be counted without a petition.
    1. Students must inform the student services coordinator and the Director of CSRE that they intend to petition a Directed Reading class to count toward their major before taking the class, and submit a petition for the class while they are in it.  
    2. A syllabus with a series of readings, including themes, set by the instructor and the student must be submitted with the petition.
    3. The Directed Reading must include assignments that go beyond the readings, such as response papers, a final paper, and/or creative project.
    4. Units earned must align with the University's Unit of Credit policy, i.e., 1 unit being equal to 3 hours/week of work. Meetings with the instructor of the Directed Reading may count up to one hour per unit of work per week.
    5. In general, students are discouraged from using Directed Reading units toward their major unit requirement. Petitions are evaluated and approved by the Program Director on a case-by-case basis.
  8. Students may major in two CSRE programs; see the "Multiple Majors" section of this bulletin for University rules concerning multiple majors. Such students may not double count courses between programs, with the exception of the course used to fulfill the Methodology requirement. In order to fulfill the WIM requirement, students write two papers during Autumn Quarter of the senior year, enrolling in both CSRE 200X and CSRE 201X.

Course Requirements

1. CSRE Core Curriculum

Native American Studies majors must take the 15-unit CSRE core curriculum, including Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), an additional comparative-core course, and a senior seminar taken in Autumn Quarter of the senior year. One major-core course that focuses on a non-Native American group may be counted toward the 15-unit core requirement.

ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5
CSRE 200XCSRE Senior Seminar5
CSRE 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
CSRE 246Constructing Race and Religion in America4-5
CSRE 389ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
JEWISHST 106Reflection on the Other: The Arab Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film3-5
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5

2. Major-Core Courses

Majors are required to take one major-core course in Native American Studies.

Select one of the following:
NATIVEAM 115Introduction to Native American History5
NATIVEAM 16Native Americans in the 21st Century: Encounters, Identity, and Sovereignty in Contemporary America5

3. Area Study

Majors must complete an additional 25-32 units of course work from an approved list. Courses must have a Native American focus and primarily be selected from social science and humanities departments.

4. Language Study (optional)

Students may obtain credit for their study of a related native language towards their degree. If students take 15 or more units of an advanced, second-year native language, or first year special language course relevant to Native American Studies, they may apply 5 of those units toward their Native American Studies degree.

5. Research/Methodology Requirement

Majors are required to complete 3-5 units of coursework focused on research methods relevant to their disciplinary approach as a student in Native American Studies. See the Methodology course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

To fulfill the Interdisciplinary Breadth Requirement, students should take one 3-5 unit course from the Social Sciences and one 3-5 unit course from the Arts & Humanities that focus on race and ethnicity, especially if the courses are comparative.

  • Arts and Humanities classes Include: Art and Art History, Classics, Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German Studies, Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Slavic Languages and Literatures, East Asian Languages and Cultures, English, History, Linguistics, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theater and Performance Studies
  • Social Science classes Include: Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology

7. Community Engaged Learning Requirement

All students are required to complete at least one service-learning experience. This requirement may be fulfilled by enrolling in a service-learning course, participating in an identity, race, or ethnicity focused service-learning Alternative Spring Break, participating in the Community Summer Research Internship program, or enrolling in CSRE 198 Internship for Public Service while completing independent service work. See the Community Engaged Learning course list on ExploreCourses for offerings this year.

8. Senior Paper or Honors Thesis

All Native American Studies majors must complete a culminating research paper under the supervision of a faculty adviser. All majors take CSRE 200X CSRE Senior Seminar (5 units) which fulfills the program's WIM requirement. Additionally, Honors students must also enroll in CSRE 200YCSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units) and CSRE 200Z CSRE Senior Honors Research (1-10 units)in Winter and Spring quarters to continue to access peer and faculty support as they write their theses. Senior Honors Research (CSRE 200Y and CSRE 200Z) courses cannot count for the 60 units towards your major but do count for the 180 units towards your bachelor's degree. Students must complete their theses with a minimum grade of 'B+' to receive honors in CSRE.

Honors Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

For Majors in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

The Interdepartmental Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity offers a program leading to honors for majors in:

  • Asian American Studies
  • Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies
  • Comparative Studies
  • Jewish Studies
  • Native American Studies

The honors program offers an opportunity to do independent research for a senior thesis. It is open to majors who have maintained a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5 in the major and 3.3 overall. The honors thesis is intended to enable students to synthesize skills to produce a document or project demonstrating a measure of competence in their specialty.

The application for honors must be submitted by the Third Friday in May of the students' junior year, but students are encouraged to apply earlier. The application includes a proposal describing the project that is approved by the faculty adviser and director of the undergraduate program. Students are required to identify both a faculty adviser and a second reader for the thesis project. The faculty adviser for the honors thesis must be an academic council faculty member and affiliated faculty of the student's major. 

Honors students take CSRE 200X CSRE Senior Seminar, which fulfills the program's WIM requirement, and also enroll in CSRE 200Y CSRE Senior Honors Research and CSRE 200Z CSRE Senior Honors Research, in Winter and Spring quarters to continue to access peer and faculty support as they write their theses. Senior Honors Research (CSRE 200Y and CSRE 200Z) courses cannot count for the 60 units towards your major but do count for the 180 units towards your bachelor's degree. Students must complete their theses with a grade of 'B+' to receive honors in CSRE.

An honors colloquium held near the end of Spring Quarter affords students an opportunity to present their research formally. Prizes for best undergraduate honors thesis are awarded annually by the CSRE Program.

Applications are available in the CSRE Undergraduate Program office and on the program web site.

For Majors in Other Departments

The Interdisciplinary Honors Program for Non-Majors in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity is intended to complement study in any major. Students who participate in the honors program receive their degree from their program of study with departmental honors in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity.

Honors certification will be open to students majoring in any field with a GPA in their chosen major of 3.5 and an overall GPA of 3.3. As a prerequisite, students apply for entry by the Third Friday in May of their junior year, but students are encouraged to apply earlier. During the application process, students outline a plan for course work and design an honors project in consultation with their proposed thesis adviser and the CSRE senior seminar coordinator.

The application describes how the student may fulfill the course requirements for interdisciplinary honors in CSRE and includes a proposal describing the project that is approved by the faculty adviser and director of the undergraduate program. Students are required to identify both a faculty adviser and a second reader for the thesis project. The faculty adviser for the honors thesis must be an academic council faculty member and affiliated faculty of the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. Applications are available in the CSRE undergraduate program office and on the program web site.

Students pursuing a minor in Asian American Studies, Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies, Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, Jewish Studies or Native American Studies who wish to pursue honors in their area of study, apply through the process for non-majors. Students may use their course work for the minor toward the requirements of the interdisciplinary honors program.


Students applying for the interdisciplinary honors program in CSRE are required to take the following courses:

CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5

 And a second course identified as a comparative or major-core course within the CSRE Family of Programs.

Core Courses

ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
CSRE 149The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures3-5
CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5
CSRE 200XCSRE Senior Seminar5
CSRE 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
CSRE 246Constructing Race and Religion in America4-5
CSRE 389ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
JEWISHST 106Reflection on the Other: The Arab Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film3-5
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5

Major-Core Courses

AFRICAAM 43Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature3-5
AFRICAAM 105Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies5
ASNAMST 186BAsian American Art: 1850-Present4
CHILATST 173Mexican Migration to the United States3-5
CHILATST 180EIntroduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies5
JEWISHST 185BJews in the Contemporary World:  The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture,  Film, & TV4-5
NATIVEAM 16Native Americans in the 21st Century: Encounters, Identity, and Sovereignty in Contemporary America5
NATIVEAM 115Introduction to Native American History5

These courses must be completed with a grade of 'B+' or better for the honors program.

In addition, students are required to take:

A core, foundational, thematic, or cognate course related to the topic of the proposal or honors research (selected in consultation with the thesis advisor)
CSRE 200XCSRE Senior Seminar5
CSRE 200YCSRE Senior Honors Research (in Winter and Spring quarters)1-10
CSRE 200ZCSRE Senior Honors Research (in Winter and Spring quarters)1-10

Throughout the year, students work with faculty adviser, secondary reader, and the senior seminar coordinator to complete their theses. Students must complete their theses with a minimum grade of 'B+' to receive honors in CSRE.

Asian American Studies Minor

A total of 30 units of approved course work is required for the minor. Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), at least one Asian American Studies major-core course, and 20 units of Asian American focus courses are needed to fulfill the requirements for the minor. Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the minor.

Students in Asian American Studies may find the following courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

1. Comparative-Core Courses (5 units)

CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5

2. Major-Core Courses (5 Units)

Students who completed ASNAMST 159/HISTORY 159 or ENGLISH 43C/143C in previous years may count this toward their Major-Core Course Requirement.

ARTHIST 186BAsian American Art: 1850-Present4
ASNAMST 100Introduction to Asian American Studies5

3. Asian American Studies Focus Courses (20 Units)

The rest of the Asian American Studies courses needed to complete the minor are any and all other ASNAMST Classes. 

Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies Minor

A total of 30 units of approved course work is required for the minor. Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), at least one Chicanx/Latinx Studies major-core course, and 20 units of Chicanx/Latinx focus courses are needed to fulfill the requirements for the minor. Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the minor.

Students in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies may find the following courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

1. Comparative-Core Courses (5 Units)

CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5

2. Major-Core Courses (5 Units)

CHILATST 180EIntroduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies5

3. Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies Focus Courses (20 Units)

The rest of the Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies courses needed to complete the minor are any and all other CHILATST Classes. 

Comparative Studies Minor

A total of 30 units of approved course work is required for the minor. Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), either one more comparative-core or major-core course, and 20 units of Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity focus courses are needed to fulfill the requirements for the minor. Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the minor.

Students in Comparative Studies may find the following courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

1. Comparative-Core Courses (5 Units)

CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5

2. Major-Core Courses (5 Units)

AFRICAAM 43Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature3-5
AFRICAAM 105Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies5
ASNAMST 186BAsian American Art: 1850-Present4
CHILATST 173Mexican Migration to the United States3-5
CHILATST 180EIntroduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies5
JEWISHST 185BJews in the Contemporary World:  The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture,  Film, & TV4-5
NATIVEAM 16Native Americans in the 21st Century: Encounters, Identity, and Sovereignty in Contemporary America5
NATIVEAM 115Introduction to Native American History5

3. Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity Focus Courses (20 Units)

The rest of the Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity courses needed to complete the minor are any and all other CSRE Classes. 

Jewish Studies Minor

Students who wish to minor in Jewish Studies must complete Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), one Jewish Studies major-core course, at least one quarter of the Hebrew language or another approved Jewish language, and draw remaining courses from an approved list of Jewish Studies courses. A total of 30 units of approved course work is required for the Jewish Studies minor. Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the minor.

Students in Jewish Studies may find the following courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

1. Comparative-Core Courses (5 Units)

CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5

2. Major-Core Courses (5 Units)

JEWISHST 185BJews in the Contemporary World:  The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture,  Film, & TV4-5

3. Jewish Studies Focus Courses (20 Units)

The rest of theJewish Studies courses needed to complete the minor are any and all other JEWISHST Classes. 

Native American Studies Minor

A total of 30 units of approved course work is required for the minor. Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE 196C), at least one Native American Studies major-core course, and 20 units of Native American focus courses are needed to fulfill the requirements for the minor. Students should visit the CCSRE website for instructions on how to declare the minor.

Students in Native American Studies may find the following courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

1. Comparative-Core Courses (5 Units)

CSRE 196CIntroduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5

2. Major-Core Courses (5 Units)

NATIVEAM 115Introduction to Native American History5
NATIVEAM 16Native Americans in the 21st Century: Encounters, Identity, and Sovereignty in Contemporary America5

3. Native American Studies Focus Courses (20 Units)

The rest of the Native American Studies courses needed to complete the minor are any and all other NATIVEAM Classes. 

Directed Reading and Research 

Directed reading and research allows students to focus on a special topic of interest. In organizing a reading or research plan, the student consults with the director of the major and one or more faculty members specializing in the area or discipline. Students who want to petition directed reading units to count toward a major or minor should see the guidelines in the requirements for their program of interest.

Courses that fulfill directed reading and research requirements:

ASNAMST 200RDirected Research1-5
ASNAMST 200WDirected Reading1-5
CHILATST 200RDirected Research1-5
CHILATST 200WDirected Reading1-5
CSRE 200RDirected Research1-5
CSRE 200WDirected Reading1-5
NATIVEAM 200RDirected Research1-5
NATIVEAM 200WDirected Reading1-5

Ph.D. Minor in Comparative Race and Ethnicity

The Ph.D. minor in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity is sponsored by the Program in Modern Thought and Literature. The minor is administered by the Program in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity.

The purpose of the Ph.D. minor in CSRE is to promote and deepen the understanding of participating Stanford graduate students in the multiple meanings of racial and ethnic diversity in the United States and abroad. The Ph.D. minor takes an interdisciplinary approach to interrogating the ways that race and ethnicity operate in the real world. It also explores the ways that traditional disciplines study individuals, cultures, institutions, and policy with respect to personal and group identity, speaking to how they are shaped by often conflicting social and biological perspectives. Its purpose is, therefore, to provide participating students with the knowledge and conceptual framework needed to continue meaningful work on these subjects.

Unique to the Ph.D. minor in CSRE is the simultaneous focus on student exposure to the models of pedagogy, community engagement, and professional development that instill the valuable practical, life-skills needed to be a productive member of the university academy or private sectors.

Students who complete all the requirements receive the following notation on their transcript and diploma: Ph.D. Minor in Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity.

Students submit an annual progress report listing the courses completed towards the minor and courses planned in future quarters. This form is approved by both the main faculty adviser and the Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity faculty adviser. Students meet with their Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity faculty adviser to discuss their progress report.

Degree Requirements

Per University requirements, all coursework must be at the 200 level. Units taken for the minor can be counted as part of the overall Ph.D. residency requirement, consisting of 135 units of graduate coursework. They may not be used to also meet the requirements for a master’s degree.

To receive the Ph.D. Minor in CSRE, participating graduate students are expected to attain the minimum of 20 units required by University policy. Specifically, students must fulfill the following coursework requirements:

  1. CSRE 300 Theory and Methods for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
  2. B. A second Theory course, such as:
  3. Two electives in graduate-level courses, one of which may be from the student’s home department/school. (A list of possible electives will be posted here shortly.)
  4. CSRE 301, a three quarter colloquium (1 unit each) focusing on pedagogy, community engagement, and professional development

COVID-19 Policies

On July 30, the Academic Senate adopted grading policies effective for all undergraduate and graduate programs, excepting the professional Graduate School of Business, School of Law, and the School of Medicine M.D. Program. For a complete list of those and other academic policies relating to the pandemic, see the "COVID-19 and Academic Continuity" section of this bulletin.

The Senate decided that all undergraduate and graduate courses offered for a letter grade must also offer students the option of taking the course for a “credit” or “no credit” grade and recommended that deans, departments, and programs consider adopting local policies to count courses taken for a “credit” or “satisfactory” grade toward the fulfillment of degree-program requirements and/or alter program requirements as appropriate.

Undergraduate Degree Requirements


Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity counts all courses taken in academic year 2020-21 with a grade of 'CR' (credit) or 'S' (satisfactory) towards satisfaction of graduate degree requirements that otherwise require a letter grade provided that the instructor affirms that the work was done at a 'B-' or better level.

Graduate Degree Requirements


Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity counts all courses taken in academic year 2020-21 with a grade of 'CR' (credit) or 'S' (satisfactory) towards satisfaction of graduate degree requirements that otherwise require a letter grade provided that the instructor affirms that the work was done at a 'B-' or better level.

Asian American Studies

Director: Jeanne Tsai (Psychology)

Affiliated Faculty and Teaching Staff: Gordon Chang (History), Hien Do (Asian American Studies), Marci Kwon (Art History), Kathryn Gin Lum (Religious Studies), Pamela Lee (Art and Art History), Jean Ma (Art and Art History), David Palumbo-Liu (Comparative Literature), Stephen Sano (Music), Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu (Asian American Studies), Anthony Lising Antonio (Education), Linda Uyechi (Music), Barbara Voss (Anthropology), Christine Min Wotipka (Education), Sylvia Yanagisako (Anthropology)

Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies

Director: Jonathan Rosa (Education)

Affiliated Faculty and Teaching Staff: Albert Camarillo (History), Susana Gallardo (Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies), Angela Garcia (Anthropology), Kenji Hakuta (Education), Tomás Jiménez (Sociology), Ramón Martínez (Education), Melissa Michaelson (Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies),  Ana Minian (History), Cherríe Moraga (Drama), Paula Moya (English), Amado Padilla (Education), José David Saldívar (Comparative Literature), Ramón Saldívar (English), Gary Segura (Political Science), Guadalupe Valdés (Education), Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano (Iberian and Latin American Cultures)

Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity

Director: Vaughn Rasberry (English)

Core Affiliated Faculty: 

  • Anthropology: Duana Fullwiley, Angela Garcia, Barbara Voss, Sylvia Yanagisako
  • Art & Art History: Jonathan Calm, Marci Kwon
  • Comparative Literature: David Palumbo-Liu, José David Saldívar, Alexander Key
  • Drama: Jennifer Brody, Harry Elam
  • English: Michele Elam, Chang-rae Lee, Paula Moya, Vaughn Rasberry, Ramón Saldívar
  • History: Al Camarillo, James Campbell, Gordon Chang, Allyson Hobbs, Ana Minian
  • Iberian and Latin American Cultures: Lisa Surwillo, Hector Hoyos
  • Linguistics: John Rickford
  • Music: Stephen Sano, Charlie Kronengold
  • Political Science: Lauren Davenport
  • Psychology: Jennifer Eberhardt, Hazel Markus, Jeanne Tsai, Steven Roberts
  • Religious Studies: Kathryn Gin Lum, Charlotte Fonrobert
  • Sociology: Tomás Jiménez, Matthew Snipp, Aliya Saperstein, Jackelyn Hwang, Matthew Clair, Asad Asad
  • Theater & Performance Studies: Jennifer DeVere Brody, Samer Al-Saber
  • Taube Center for Jewish Studies: Vered Shemtov
  • Graduate School Education: Anthony Antonio, Prudence Carter, Teresa LaFromboise, Guadalupe Valdés, Christine Min Wotipka, Ari Kelman, Jonathan Rosa, Ramón Martínez
  • School of Law: Richard Banks, Richard Ford, Joan Petersilia

Affiliated Faculty and Teaching Staff: David Abernethy (Political Science, emeritus), Samer Al-Saber (Theater & Performance Studies), Asad Asad (Sociology), Arnetha Ball (Education), Lucius Barker (Political Science, emeritus), Donald Barr (Pediatrics), Bryan Brown (Education), Cheryl Brown (African and African American Studies), Martin Carnoy (Education), Clayborne Carson (History), Jeff Chang (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Matthew Clair (Sociology), Karen Cook (Sociology), Michele Dauber (Law), Linda Darling-Hammond (Education), Carolyn Duffey (American Studies), Jennifer Eberhardt (Psychology), Ala Ebtekar (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Paulla Ebron (Anthropology), Penny Eckert (Linguistics), James Ferguson (Anthropology), Shelley Fisher Fishkin (English), James Fishkin (Communication), Estelle Freedman (History), Susana Gallardo (Chicana/o Studies), Gabriel Garcia (Medicine), Kathryn Gin Lum (Religious Studies), Leah Gordon (Education), David Grusky (Sociology), Sean Hanretta (History), Gina Hernandez-Clarke (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Miyako Inoue (Anthropology), Shanto Iyengar (Communication), Tomás Jiménez (Sociology), Gavin Jones (English), Terry Karl (Political Science), Pamela Karlan (Law), Matthew Kohrman (Anthropology), Jan Krawitz (Art and Art History), Jon Krosnick (Communication), Charlie Kronengold (Music), Teresa LaFromboise (Education), David Laitin (Political Science), Liisa Malkki (Anthropology), Hazel Markus (Psychology), Ramón Martínez (Education), Ruben Martinéz (Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz (Art and Art History), Douglas McAdam (Sociology), Jisha Menon (Theater and Performance Studies), Ana Minian (History), Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi (French and Italian), Thomas S. Mullaney (History), Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu (Asian American Studies), Hilton Obenzinger (American Studies), Susan Olzak (Sociology), Amado Padilla (Education), Arnold Rampersad (English), Vaughn Rasberry (English), Robert Reich (Political Science), Cecilia Ridgeway (Sociology), Richard Roberts (History), Aron Rodrigue (History), Jonathan Rosa (Education), Michael Rosenfeld (Sociology), Joel Samoff (History), Debra Satz (Philosophy), Vered Shemtov (Division of Literatures, Cultures and Languages), C. Matthew Snipp (Sociology), Paul Sniderman (Political Science), Jayashiri Srikantiah (Law), Ewart Thomas (Psychology), Jeanne L. Tsai (Psychology), Linda Uyechi (Music), Gregory Walton (Psychology), Richard White (History), Jeremy Weinstein (Political Science), Michael Wilcox (Anthropology), Bryan Wolf (Art and Art History), Sylvia Yanagisako (Anthropology), Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano (Iberian and Latin American Cultures), Steven Zipperstein (History)

Teaching Fellows: Kyle Beckham, Maxwell Suechting

Senior Seminar Coordinator: Takuya Sawaoka

Jewish Studies

Director: Charlotte Fonrobert (Religious Studies)

Affiliated Faculty and Teaching Staff: Zachary Baker (Stanford University Libraries), Joel Beinin (History), Jonathan Berger (Music), Arnold Eisen (Religious Studies, emeritus), Amir Eshel (German Studies), John Felstiner (English, emeritus), Shelley Fisher Fishkin (English), Charlotte Fonrobert (Religious Studies), Avner Greif (Economics), Katherine Jolluck (History), Ari Kelman (Education), Jon Levitow (Language Center), Mark Mancall (History, emeritus), Norman Naimark (History), Reviel Netz (Classics), Jack Rakove (History), Aron Rodrigue (History), Noah Rosenberg (Biology), Gabriella Safran (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Vered Karti Shemtov (Language Center, Comparative Literature), Lee Shulman (Education, emeritus), Peter Stansky (History, emeritus), Marie-Pierre Ulloa (French), Amir Weiner (History), Sam Wineburg (Education), Steven Zipperstein (History)

Writer in Residence: Maya Arad

Native American Studies

Director: Teresa LaFromboise (Education)

Affiliated Faculty and Teaching Staff: JoEllen Anderson (Native American Studies), Jared Aldern (Native American Studies), Karen Biestman (Native American Studies), Kenneth Fields (English), Teresa LaFromboise (Education), Samantha Peralto (Language Center), Delphine Red Shirt Shaw (Native American Studies), C. Matthew Snipp (Sociology), Michael Wilcox (Anthropology)

Asian American Studies

Students in Asian American Studies may find the following related courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

EDUC 181Multicultural Issues in Higher Education4
EDUC 193FPsychological Well-Being on Campus: Asian American Perspectives1
PSYCH 217Topics and Methods Related to Culture and Emotion3-5
ASNAMST 31NBehind the Big Drums: Exploring Taiko3
ASNAMST 110The Development of the Southeast Asian American Communities: A comparative analysis3
ASNAMST 174SWhen Half is Whole: Developing Synergistic Identities and Mestiza Consciousness5
ASNAMST 186BAsian American Art: 1850-Present4

Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies

Students in Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies may find the following related courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

EDUC 149Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism3-5
EDUC 193BPeer Counseling in the Chicano/Latino Community1
EDUC 277Education of Immigrant Students: Psychological Perspectives4
HISTORY 201From Confederate Monuments to Wikipedia: The Politics of Remembering the Past5
ILAC 193Pedro Almodóvar and Beyond: Monsters, Identity, and Transformation3-5
CHILATST 110Sabias Creadoras y Activistas: Chicana/Latina Ways of Knowing4
CHILATST 201BThe Undocumented Migration Project Exhibition at Stanford3

Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

Students in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity may find the following related courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

AFRICAAM 21African American Vernacular English3-5
AFRICAAM 37Contemporary Choreography: Chocolate Heads Performance Project2
AFRICAAM 43Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature3-5
AFRICAAM 47History of South Africa3
AFRICAAM 52NMixed-Race Politics and Culture3
AFRICAAM 105Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies5
AFRICAAM 132Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
AFRICAAM 147History of South Africa5
AFRICAAM 159James Baldwin & Twentieth Century Literature5
AFRICAAM 194Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Contemporary Black Rhetorics: Black Twitter and Black Digital Cultures4
AFRICAAM 194ATopics in Writing & Rhetoric: Freedom's Mixtape: DJing Contemporary African American Rhetorics4
AFRICAAM 241Race, Justice, and Integration3
AFRICAAM 256EThe American Civil War: The Lived Experience3-5
AFRICAST 119Novel Perspectives on South Africa2-3
AFRICAST 211Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa3-5
AFRICAST 212AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa3-5
AMSTUD 236Interfaith Dialogue on Campus: Religion, Diversity, and Higher Education2-5
ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
ANTHRO 82Medical Anthropology5
ANTHRO 162Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Problems3-5
ANTHRO 320ARace, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations3-5
CHINA 115Sex, Gender, and Power in Modern China3-5
CSRE 1VA History of Race1-3
CSRE 10AIntroduction to Identity, Diversity, and Aesthetics: Arts, Culture, and Pedagogy1
CSRE 47QHeartfulness: Mindfulness, Compassion, and Responsibility3
CSRE 102AArt and Social Criticism5
CSRE 108Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies4-5
CSRE 122SSocial Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
CSRE 141XActivism and Intersectionality3-4
CSRE 151DMigration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present4
DANCE 1Contemporary Modern I: Liquid Flow1
DANCE 30Contemporary Choreography: Chocolate Heads Performance Project2
DANCE 45Dance Improvisation from Freestyle to Hip Hop1-2
DANCE 197Dance in Prison: The Arts, Juvenile Justice, and Rehabilitation in America3
EDUC 100AEAST House Seminar: Current Issues and Debates in Education1
EDUC 100BEAST House Seminar: Current Issues and Debates in Education1
EDUC 103BRace, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices3-5
EDUC 149Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism3-5
EDUC 165History of Higher Education in the U.S.3-5
EDUC 181Multicultural Issues in Higher Education4
EDUC 192DInterpersonal Learning and Leadership: Working with Ethnically Diverse Communities2
EDUC 193BPeer Counseling in the Chicano/Latino Community1
EDUC 193FPsychological Well-Being on Campus: Asian American Perspectives1
EDUC 201History of Education in the United States3-5
EDUC 232Culture, Learning, and Poverty2-3
EDUC 277Education of Immigrant Students: Psychological Perspectives4
EDUC 340Psychology and American Indian/Alaska Native Mental Health3-5
EDUC 367Cultural Psychology3-5
EDUC 381Multicultural Issues in Higher Education4
ENGLISH 91AAsian American Autobiography/W3-5
ENGLISH 92APArab and Arab-American Poetry5
FEMGEN 50QLife and Death of Words4
FEMGEN 140DLGBTQ History of the United States4-5
FEMGEN 188QImagining Women: Writers in Print and in Person4-5
HISTORY 48QSouth Africa: Contested Transitions4
HISTORY 50BNineteenth Century America3
HISTORY 50CThe United States in the Twentieth Century3
HISTORY 150BNineteenth Century America5
HISTORY 150CThe United States in the Twentieth Century5
HISTORY 158CHistory of Higher Education in the U.S.3-5
HISTORY 201From Confederate Monuments to Wikipedia: The Politics of Remembering the Past5
HISTORY 252CThe Old South: Culture, Society, and Slavery5
HISTORY 257CLGBTQ History of the United States4-5
HUMBIO 120Health Care in America: An Introduction to U.S. Health Policy4
HUMBIO 121EEthnicity and Medicine1-3
HUMBIO 122SSocial Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
ILAC 193Pedro Almodóvar and Beyond: Monsters, Identity, and Transformation3-5
JEWISHST 185BJews in the Contemporary World:  The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture,  Film, & TV4-5
JEWISHST 291XLearning Religion: How People Acquire Religious Commitments4
LAWGEN 112NLaw and Inequality3
LINGUIST 65African American Vernacular English3-5
LINGUIST 150Language and Society3-4
LINGUIST 156Language, Gender, & Sexuality4
LINGUIST 265African American Vernacular English3-5
MUSIC 37NKi ho'alu: The New Renaissance of a Hawaiian Musical Tradition2
NATIVEAM 111BMuwekma: Landscape Archaeology and the Narratives of California Natives3-5
PEDS 150Social and Environmental Determinants of Health3
POLISCI 28NThe Changing Nature of Racial Identity in American Politics3
POLISCI 120BCampaigns, Voting, Media, and Elections4-5
POLISCI 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5
PSYCH 101Community Health Psychology4
PSYCH 150Race and Crime3
PSYCH 215Mind, Culture, and Society3
PSYCH 217Topics and Methods Related to Culture and Emotion3-5
PWR 194ABTopics in Writing & Rhetoric: Freedom's Mixtape: DJing Contemporary African American Rhetorics4
PWR 194DHTopics in Writing and Rhetoric: Empathy, Ethics, and Compassion Meditation4
RELIGST 135Contemporary Islam and Muslims in America4
SOC 14NInequality in American Society4
SOC 118Social Movements and Collective Action4
SOC 119Understanding Large-Scale Societal Change: The Case of the 1960s5
SOC 120Interpersonal Relations4
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3-4
SOC 136Sociology of Law4
SOC 142Sociology of Gender3
SOC 145Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA4
SOC 149The Urban Underclass4
SOC 154The Politics of Algorithms4-5
SOC 155The Changing American Family4
SOC 156AThe Changing American City4
SOC 218Social Movements and Collective Action4
TAPS 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
TAPS 161DIntroduction to Dance Studies: Dancing Across Stages, Clubs, Screens, and Borders3-4
URBANST 112The Urban Underclass4
URBANST 114Urban Culture in Global Perspective5
URBANST 123BApproaching Research in the Community: Design and Methods3

Jewish Studies

Students in Jewish Studies may find the following related courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

JEWISHST 106Reflection on the Other: The Arab Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film3-5
JEWISHST 155DJewish American Literature and Film5
JEWISHST 185BJews in the Contemporary World:  The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture,  Film, & TV4-5
JEWISHST 284CGenocide and Humanitarian Intervention3

Native American Studies

Students in Native American Studies may find the following related courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

ANTHRO 162Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Problems3-5
MUSIC 37NKi ho'alu: The New Renaissance of a Hawaiian Musical Tradition2
SPECLANG 189AFirst-Year Hawaiian, First Quarter4
SPECLANG 189BFirst-Year Beginning Hawaiian, Second Quarter4
SPECLANG 189CFirst-Year Hawaiian, Third Quarter4
SPECLANG 247AFirst-Year Lakota, First Quarter4
SPECLANG 247BFirst-Year Lakota, Second Quarter4
SPECLANG 247CFirst-Year Lakota, Third Quarter4

Overseas Studies Courses in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

The Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) manages Stanford international and domestic study away programs for Stanford undergraduates. Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.

The BOSP course search site displays courses, locations, and quarters relevant to specific majors.

For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses or Bing Overseas Studies.

Due to COVID-19, all BOSP programs have been suspended for Autumn Quarter 2020-21. All courses and quarters of operation are subject to change.

OSPCPTWN 38Genocide: African Experiences in Comparative Perspective3-5
OSPCPTWN 55Arts of Change3
OSPMADRD 47Cultural Relations between Spain and the United States:Historical Perceptions and Influences, 1776-24
OSPMADRD 60Integration into Spanish Society: Service Learning and Professional Opportunities4
OSPMADRD 74Islam in Spain and Europe: 1300 Years of Contact4
OSPMADRD 75Sefarad: The Jewish Community in Spain4
OSPSANTG 118XArtistic Expression in Latin America5

Asian American Studies Courses

ASNAMST 27SI. Revolution and the Pilipinx Diaspora: Exploring Global Activism in Local Communities. 1-2 Unit.

This course aims to provide students with an opportunity to not only learn about current issues in the local Filipino American community, but also develop their own plans to take action on social justice issues. Through mediums of art and reflection, we will explore themes of diaspora and liberation by focusing on the Filipino experience and the local and vocal histories of activism in the Bay Area. We will be connecting local histories to the current global narrative while also connecting our past to our own identity formation as activists and community leaders. In doing so, we hope to explore the implications of local activism within the greater context of global organizing. The course will expose students to local community leaders and ways in which they can support and plug in to local initiatives.
Same as: CSRE 27SI

ASNAMST 31N. Behind the Big Drums: Exploring Taiko. 3 Units.

Preference to Freshman. Since 1992 generations of Stanford students have heard, seen, and felt the power of taiko, big Japanese drums, at Admit Weekend, NSO, or Baccalaureate. During a time of COVID, this online version of the seminar takes students behind the taiko. Taiko is a relative newcomer to the American music scene. The contemporary ensemble drumming form, or kumidaiko, developed in Japan in the 1950s. The first North American taiko groups emerged from the Japanese American community shortly after and coincided with increased Asian American activism. In the intervening years, taiko has spread into communities in the UK, Europe, Australia, and South America. What drives the power of these drums? In this course, we explore the musical, cultural, historical, and political perspectives of taiko through readings and discussion, conversations with taiko artists, and online taiko lessons. With the taiko as our focal point, we find intersections of Japanese music, Japanese American history, and Asian American activism, and explore relations between performance, cultural expression, community, and identity.
Same as: MUSIC 31N

ASNAMST 90E. Investigating Identity Through Filipinx Fiction. 5 Units.

This course is both a reading seminar featuring canonical and contemporary Filipinx authors (including Mia Alvar, Carlos Bulosan, Elaine Castillo, Bienvenido Santos, Lysley Tenorio and José Rizal) and a writing workshop where students generate short stories exploring identity. Rizal's seminal novels Noli Me Tangere and El filibusterismo are ¿the earliest artistic expressions of the Asian colonial experience from the point of view of the oppressed¿ and through his work and the work of other Filipinx authors, we discover how both national and individual identities are not only challenged by adversity, trauma, violence, and war but also forged and strengthened by them. Note: First priority to undergrads. Students must attend the first class meeting to retain their roster spot.
Same as: COMPLIT 89, ENGLISH 90E

ASNAMST 91A. Asian American Autobiography/W. 3-5 Units.

This is a dual purpose class: a writing workshop in which you will generate autobiographical vignettes/essays as well as a reading seminar featuring prose from a wide range of contemporary Asian-American writers. Some of the many questions we will consider are: What exactly is Asian-American memoir? Are there salient subjects and tropes that define the literature? And in what ways do our writerly interactions both resistant and assimilative with a predominantly non-Asian context in turn recreate that context? We'll be working/experimenting with various modes of telling, including personal essay, the epistolary form, verse, and even fictional scenarios. First priority to undergrads. Students must attend the first class meeting to retain their roster spot.
Same as: AMSTUD 91A, CSRE 91D, ENGLISH 91A

ASNAMST 100. Introduction to Asian American Studies. 4 Units.

What is meant by the term Asian American? How have representations of Asian Americans influenced concepts of US citizenship and belonging? What are the social and political origins of the Asian American community? This course provides a critical introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Asian American studies. Drawing on historical, creative, and scholarly texts, the course examines the history and possibilities of Asian American community. To do this, we place the Asian American experience within a transnational context, paying particular attention to the ways that Asian American lives have been shaped by the legacies of US wars in Asia and by the history of US racism. In the process, we examine the role that representations of Asian Americans have played in shaping the boundaries of US citizenship and belonging. Throughout the course, we utilize our discussions of Asian American racialization and community formation to think critically about the social and political ramifications that the designation Asian American entails.
Same as: AMSTUD 100

ASNAMST 110. The Development of the Southeast Asian American Communities: A comparative analysis. 3 Units.

This course will examine the establishment of the Cambodian, Hmong, and Vietnamese communities in the US. We will focus on the historical events that resulted in their immigration and arrival to the US as well as the similarities and differences in the ways in which they were received. In addition, the course will focus on issues that impacted in the development of these communities focusing on the social, political, and economic processes by which new immigrant groups are incorporated into the American society. The second part of the course will be devoted to analyzing contemporary issues including but not limited to: class status, educational attainment, ethnic identity, racialization, second generation, mass media representation, poverty, and economic mobility.

ASNAMST 115. Asian American Film and Popular Culture. 5 Units.

Tracing the evolution of Asian American cultural representations from the silent film era through the first generation of Asian American YouTube stars, this course examines the economic, political, and cultural influence of Asian American screen images on U.S. society. Through a focus on both mainstream and independent productions, we discuss the work of Asian American actors, audience members, media producers, consumers, and activists. Possible films and TV shows to be discussed include The Cheat (1915), Shanghai Express (1932), Flower Drum Song (1961), Chan is Missing (1983) Who Killed Vincent Chin? (1989), Sa-I-Gu, (1992), aka Don Bonus (1995), Saving Face (2004), Crazy Rich Asians (2018) TV episodes of the Mindy Project, and work by early Asian American YouTube stars including Michelle Phan, HappySlip, and KevJumba. nn nnStudents will be accepted to the course by application. Please fill out the google form to apply:
Same as: AMSTUD 115, COMPLIT 159, ENGLISH 169C

ASNAMST 117D. Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Film. 4-5 Units.

This course introduces students to the theoretical and analytical frameworks necessary to critically understand constructions of race, gender, and sexuality in contemporary American film. Through a sustained engagement with a range of independent and Hollywood films produced since 2000, students analyze the ways that cinematic representations have both reflected and constructed dominant notions of race, gender, and sexuality in the United States. Utilizing an intersectional framework that sees race, gender, and sexuality as always defined by one another, the course examines the ways that dominant notions of difference have been maintained and contested through film in the United States. Readings include work by Michael Omi & Howard Winant, Patricia Hill Collins, Jodi Melamed, Stuart Hall, Lisa Duggan and bell hooks. Films to be discussed include Moonlight, Mosquita y Mari, Kumu Hina, Hustlers, and Crazy Rich Asians. To enroll in the course, please fill out the following form:
Same as: AFRICAAM 117J, AMSTUD 117, CSRE 117D, FEMGEN 117F

ASNAMST 118S. Critical Family History: Narratives of Identity and Difference. 4 Units.

This course examines family history as a site for understanding identity, power, and social difference in American society. Focusing in particular on the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality, we approach the family as an archive through which we might write alternative histories to the ones that dominate the national historical consciousness. To do this, we examine memoirs, oral histories, and first-person documentaries as historical texts that can be used to foreground marginalized historical voices. Students will then be asked to apply course readings and theories to their own family histories as a means of better understanding issues of identity and difference.
Same as: AFRICAAM 118X, AMSTUD 118, CSRE 118S

ASNAMST 123. Asian Americans and Environmental Justice. 3-5 Units.

One central tenet of the environmental justice movement is centering the leadership of frontline communities. Unfortunately, the struggles of Asian Americans on the frontlines of corporate environmental pollution and extraction are less visible and less well-known. In this course, we will explore the Asian American voices that have contributed to the development of the environmental justice movement and the leadership that is shaping the future of this movement.nThis course is designed to provide students with education about the history of the environmental justice movement, the future being envisioned, and the strategies that are needed to get to the vision. It will draw on lectures, readings, guest presentations, case studies, and the instructor's more than 15 years of experience with organizing and social justice campaigns. Students will learn about the principles guiding the environmental justice movement; the vision and framework of how we achieve a just transition to a regenerative economy; the process of organizing and campaign work to advance a community agenda; and skills in collecting, analyzing, and communicating information.
Same as: EARTHSYS 123

ASNAMST 125A. Archaeological Field Survey Methods. 3 Units.

Practicum applying a variety of survey techniques to discover, map, and record archaeological sites. Basic cartographic skills for archaeologists and an introduction to GIS tools, GPS instruments, and geophysical techniques. Participants should be able to walk 3 - 4 miles over uneven terrain or make special arrangements with the instructor for transportation.
Same as: ARCHLGY 125, ARCHLGY 225

ASNAMST 144. Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class. 5 Units.

Exploration of crossing borders within ourselves, and between us and them, based on a belief that understanding the self leads to understanding others. How personal identity struggles have meaning beyond the individual, how self healing can lead to community healing, how the personal is political, and how artistic self expression based in self understanding can address social issues. The tensions of victimization and agency, contemplation and action, humanities and science, embracing knowledge that comes from the heart as well as the mind. Studies are founded in synergistic consciousness as movement toward meaning, balance, connectedness, and wholeness. Engaging these questions through group process, journaling, reading, drama, creative writing, and storytelling. Study is academic and self-reflective, with an emphasis on developing and presenting creative works in various media that express identity development across borders.
Same as: CSRE 144, FEMGEN 144X, LIFE 144

ASNAMST 151D. Migration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present. 4 Units.

This lecture course explores American art through the lens of immigration, exile, and diaspora. We will examine a wide range of work by immigrant artists and craftsmen, paying special attention to issues of race and ethnicity, assimilation, displacement, and political turmoil. Artists considered include Emmanuel Leutze, Thomas Cole, Joseph Stella, Chiura Obata, Willem de Kooning, Mona Hatoum, and Julie Mehretu, among many others. How do works of art reflect and help shape cultural and individual imaginaries of home and belonging?.
Same as: AMSTUD 151, ARTHIST 151, ARTHIST 351, CSRE 151D

ASNAMST 157. An Introduction to Asian American Literature: The Short Story. 3 Units.

This course introduces students to Asian American literature and its sociohistorical contexts through close-reading a selection of short stories by writers from various ethnic groups.

ASNAMST 168B. Asian-American Literature and Criticism. 5 Units.

This course provides a broad overview of twentieth and twenty-first century Asian-American fiction and memoirs as well as the major critical frameworks that have arisen since the emergence of the Asian-American studies as a formal discipline in the 1960s. We'll begin by reading early works such as the Filipino-American writer Carlos Bulosan's 1947 novel America is in the Heart within the context of Cold War America and end with an examination of post-9/11 Asian-American literature, including Ruth Ozeki's A Tale for the Time Being and Qais Akbar Omar's A Fort of Nine Towers. By comparing the experiences of writers from East, Southeast, and Central Asia, we'll aim to arrive at a nuanced understanding of how imperialism, war, immigration, and legal battles have shaped the experiences of Asian-Americans. In addition to our weekly discussions, this seminar will also feature intensive writing tutorials designed to challenge students to produce a work of original scholarship.
Same as: ENGLISH 169B

ASNAMST 169D. Contemporary Asian American Stories. 5 Units.

This course will examine the aesthetics and politics of contemporary Asian American storytellers, with an emphasis on work produced within the past five years. We will investigate the pressures historically placed on Asian Americans to tell a certain kind of story¿e.g. the immigrant story in a realist mode¿and the ways writers have found to surprise, question, and innovate, moving beyond those boundaries to explore issues of race, sexuality, science, memory, citizenship, and belonging. Course materials will consist of novels, short stories, graphic narrative, and film, and may include work by Ocean Vuong, Mira Jacobs, Gish Jen, Charles Yu, and Adrian Tomine, as well as Lulu Wang¿s 2019 film The Farewell. This seminar will feature both analytical and creative components, and students will be encouraged to produce both kinds of responses to the material.
Same as: ENGLISH 169D

ASNAMST 174S. When Half is Whole: Developing Synergistic Identities and Mestiza Consciousness. 5 Units.

This is an exploration of the ways in which individuals construct whole selves in societies that fragment, label, and bind us in categories and boxes. We examine identities that overcome the destructive dichotomies of ¿us¿ and ¿them, ¿ crossing borders of race, ethnicity, culture, nation, sex, and gender. Our focus is on the development of hybrid and synergistic forms of identity and mestiza consciousness in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Same as: CSRE 174S, LIFE 174S

ASNAMST 186B. Asian American Art: 1850-Present. 4 Units.

What does it mean, and what has it meant historically, to be "Asian American" in the United States? This lecture course explores this question through the example of artists, craftspeople, and laborers of Asian descent. We will consider their work alongside the art, visual culture, and literature of the United States. Key themes will include the history of immigration law; questions of home and belonging; art, activism, and community; interethnic solidarity; and gender and queerness. Artists and authors will include Isamu Noguchi, Grace Lee Boggs, Nam June Paik, Yoko Ono, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Grace Lee Boggs, Zarina, Carlos Villa, Takashi Murakami, Anne Cheng, Lisa Lowe, among many others. In addition to learning the history of Asian Americans and reading key texts in Asian American studies, this course will also teach the foundational skills of close looking and primary source research.
Same as: AMSTUD 186D, ARTHIST 186B

ASNAMST 193F. Psychological Well-Being on Campus: Asian American Perspectives. 1 Unit.

Topics: the Asian family structure, and concepts of identity, ethnicity, culture, and racism in terms of their impact on individual development and the counseling process. Emphasis is on empathic understanding of Asians in America. Group exercises.
Same as: EDUC 193F

ASNAMST 200R. Directed Research. 1-5 Unit.

May be repeated for credit.

ASNAMST 200W. Directed Reading. 1-5 Unit.


ASNAMST 201. Doing Community History: Asian Americans and the Pandemic. 5 Units.

Students utilize a community-engaged oral history methodology to produce short video documentaries focused on Asian Americans in the Covid-19 pandemic. In producing these collaborative digital history projects, students learn to evaluate the ways social power influences historical documentation at various levels including the making of sources, the construction of archives, and the telling of historical narratives. We ask: how have race and racism, ethnicity and community, gender and class, shaped the ways that the pandemic has influenced the lives of Asian Americans? To what extent have Asian American experiences with the pandemic been shaped by the recent global protests for racial justice and Black liberation? In studying the pandemic and its relationship to histories of race and racism, how should we understand the place of Asian Americans?.
Same as: AMSTUD 200R, HISTORY 200R

ASNAMST 261. Introduction to Asian American History. 5 Units.

This course provides an introduction to the field of Asian American history. Tracing this history between the arrival of the first wave of Asian immigrants to the US in the mid-nineteenth century and the present, we foreground the voices and personal histories of seemingly everyday Asian Americans. In the process, the course disrupts totalizing national historical narratives that center the US nation-state and its political leaders as the primary agents of historical change. To enroll in the course, please fill out the following form:
Same as: AMSTUD 261W, HISTORY 261E

ASNAMST 281. Asian Religions in America; Asian American Religions. 4 Units.

This course will analyze both the reception in America of Asian religions (i.e. of Buddhism in the 19th century), and the development in America of Asian American religious traditions.
Same as: AMSTUD 281, RELIGST 281, RELIGST 381

ASNAMST 287. Survey of Asian Health Issues. 1 Unit.

In this lecture series, students will explore Asian health topics. Specifically, the chronic disease risk and burden of Asians in the U.S. as a group is considered. Additionally, the necessity of the practice of disaggregation in the study and treatment of Asian Americans is emphasized. Topics will include cardiovascular disease, cancer, population health, precision health, pharmacogenomics and longevity in Asian-Americans. Class format is 30 minute lecture followed by 20 minutes for questions. No required readings. Opportunity to connect with guest speakers for research opportunities. Assignments will include short written reflections on lecture topics. This course is relevant for students interested in basic biology research, epidemiology, and public health policy, or clinical careers in medicine, psychology, or social work. Grading is satisfactory/no credit. All students are welcome, limit 25.
Same as: MED 287

ASNAMST 298. Race, Gender, & Sexuality in Chinese History. 5 Units.

This course examines the diverse ways in which identities--particularly race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality have been understood and experienced in Chinese societies, broadly defined, from the imperial period to the present day. Topics include changes in women's lives and status, racial and ethnic categorizations, homosexuality, prostitution, masculinity, and gender-crossing.
Same as: CSRE 298G, FEMGEN 298C, HISTORY 298C, HISTORY 398C

Chicana/o - Latina/o Studies Courses

CHILATST 1SI. English Language Learner Tutoring and Curriculum Development. 1 Unit.

The principal purpose of this course is to support Habla tutors in developing lesson plans and strategies to implement during their tutoring sessions with English language learners. The course equips students with a foundational understanding of English as a second language, practical experience with developing educational materials for language learning, and a collaborative space to reflect on the tutoring experience.

CHILATST 14N. Growing Up Bilingual. 3 Units.

This course is a Freshman Introductory Seminar that has as its purpose introducing students to the sociolinguistic study of bilingualism by focusing on bilingual communities in this country and on bilingual individuals who use two languages in their everyday lives. Much attention is given to the history, significance, and consequences of language contact in the United States. The course focuses on the experiences of long-term US minority populations as well as that of recent immigrants.
Same as: CSRE 14N, EDUC 114N

CHILATST 21. Visual Storytelling in Community: The Casa Zapata Mural Archive & History Project. 3 Units.

This mural history project was created by Stanford students at Casa Zapata over several years to explore and archive over twenty murals that are painted on the interior and exterior walls of this undergraduate residence in Lucie Stern Hall, Stanford University. The sheer number of painted works, many done with the direct involvement of students in collaboration with professional artists has become one of the largest repositories of visual storytelling through murals on any U.S. college campus. This course will explore the artists, content and methods of creating this treasure of work compiled over 4 decades. Research and programs to exhibit the murals are a critical component to the archive project. Student projects will contribute to efforts to share this body of mural works that has remained largely invisible to the public and critically unexplored at Stanford.

CHILATST 110. Sabias Creadoras y Activistas: Chicana/Latina Ways of Knowing. 4 Units.

(Open only to Undergraduates.) Chicana feminists have critically challenged masculine nationalist discourse as well as European and North American feminism. Through this course, we examine the diversity in thinking and methodology that defines these discourses from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives to understand the differential access to power experienced by Chicanas. How intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality are informed and practiced by everyday lived experiences such as family life, religion/spirituality, education, and work; political/civic engagement is also central to this course.

CHILATST 111. Curander@s, remedios y espiritualidad: Chican@/Latin@ healing practices. 3-5 Units.

Understanding Chican@/Latin@ curandero traditions, remedios, brujeria and spirituality provides insights into the importance of such healing practices in everyday Chican@/Latin@ life. Through this course, we examine curanderismo and folk healing practices from interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives to understand the mestizo and indigenous healing practices of Chican@s/Latin@s. How intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality inform such practices and traditions is also explored in this course.

CHILATST 112. (Afro)Latinx in Reggaeton & Hip Hop: Blackness, Feminisms, and Performances. 3 Units.

This course surveys Latinx participation in Hip-Hop and Reggaetón, highlighting women artists, the Hispanophone Caribbean, and U.S. urban centers. Students will analyze texts, lyrics, performance, and social issues the music addresses from multiple disciplinary perspectives.
Same as: AFRICAAM 112X

CHILATST 114. Brujas and Blackness: Transnational Feminist Perspectives of AfroLatinidad. 3-4 Units.

Blackness and brujería are taboo topics within Latinx communities; both typically connote negative imagery and are actively avoided. Recently, the bruja identity has been reclaimed by many AfroLatinx women who see it as an outward expression of their AfroLatinidad and source of personal empowerment. Lara (2005) describes this as a bruja positionality ¿ ¿the re-membering, revising, and constructing of knowledge as well as participation in other forms of social change¿built on healing the internalized desconocimientos that demonize la Bruja and the transgressive spirituality and sexuality that she represents¿ (p 13). Latinx spiritual practices such as espiritismo, Santeria, curanderismo, among others, will become avenues through which will explore key themes in Black/Latina/Chicana feminisms, including the politics of representation, stigmatization, multiple forms of state and interpersonal violence, intersecting forms of oppression, economic justice, reproductive justice, queerness/sexuality/lesbianism, and strategies of empowerment and resistance. Through a variety of course materials ¿ academic articles, personal reflections, performance, and art ¿ we will critically examine the construction of Afro-indigenous feminist identities within the contexts of Latin America and the diaspora.

CHILATST 124A. Latinx Literature. 3-5 Units.

Emerging from the demographic, political, and cultural shifts of the late twentiethnncentury, LatinX Literature flourishes in the twenty-first century as a hemisphericallynnAmerican corpus of texts. Like both ChicanX and Puerto Rican literatures before it,nnLatinX Literature emerges from various movements for social justice to challengennboth the Anglo and the Hispanic established literary traditions of the Americas. As anntransnational, pluralistic, heterogeneous, and dynamic category that considers thennwritings of diverse peoples with cultural ties to Latin America residing in the U.S., itnncomplicates and transgresses the linguistic, geopolitical and cultural borders ofnnthe Americas, including those of the Afro-Caribbean, Luso-Brazilian, and the NativennFirst Nations. Aligning itself with the issues, styles, and topics of the Global South,nnLatinX Literature is a product of the kind of ¿border thinking¿ that critic WalternnMignolo has described as a ¿pluriversal . . . epistemology that interconnects thennplurality and diversity of decolonial projects.¿ Acknowledging its emergence fromnnliteral and theoretical border spaces and decolonizing epistemologies, the ¿X¿ ofnnLatinX intentionally inflects the link to an origin in LGBTQI discourses signifying ¿annmore inclusive, non-gender-binary designation for LatinX peoples¿ and as a bordernnliterature that articulates heterogeneous ways of making meaning¿. Authors maynninclude Jesus Colón, Sandra Cisneros, Helena Maria Viramontes, Christina Garcia,nnJunot Diaz, Ire´ne Lara Silva, Julia Alvarez, Américo Paredes, Daniel Alarcón,nnFrancisco Goldman, Gloria Anzaldúa, Cherríe Moraga, Tato Laviera, ErnestonnQuinonez, Erika Sanchez, Elizabeth Acevedo, Luis Valdez, Lorna Dee Cervantes,nnSilvia Moreno-Garcia, Fernando Flores, or Oscar Cásares.
Same as: CSRE 124A, ENGLISH 124A

CHILATST 124C. Cultures of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. 3-5 Units.

Cultures of the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands: Since becoming president, Donald Trump has deported more than a million migrants and started building a multi-billion-dollar border wall. Although some of Trump¿s actions have seemed anomalous, they have all relied on and reaffirmed longstanding legacies of settler colonialism and racial capitalism. In this seminar, we will look at these legacies through the eyes of the Natives, Latinxs, whites, and others who have lived in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands. Within the confines of literature, we will read novelists like Willa Cather, essayists like Valeria Luiselli, and poets like Simon Ortiz (Acoma Pueblo). Meanwhile, across the more capacious category of culture, we will engage with promoters who encouraged whites to claim homesteads, periodistas who emboldened Latinxs to protect pueblos, and leaders who helped Natives fight for sovereignty. By blending literary studies and ethnic studies, we will gain a thorough grasp of the territories that have taken shape since the U.S.-Mexico War (1846¿48), especially the ones that we currently call Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas. From these concrete contexts, we will ask and answer more abstract questions: What are borders¿are they physical boundaries, or are they psychosocial conditions? Similarly, what are nations¿are they stable and homogeneous groups, or are they flexible and diverse communities? Ultimately, what are human beings¿can they be branded as illegal aliens, or do they have inalienable rights? During the quarter, we will work through these questions both collectively and individually: to enrich our in-class discussions, each five-unit student will complete a four- to five-page reading of a single source, a six- to eight-page paper on several sources, and a multimedia borderlands map.
Same as: AMSTUD 124, ENGLISH 124C

CHILATST 125S. Chicano/Latino Politics. 5 Units.

The political position of Latinos and Latinas in the U.S.. Focus is on Mexican Americans, with attention to Cuban Americans, Puerto Ricans, and other groups. The history of each group in the American polity; their political circumstances with respect to the electoral process, the policy process, and government; the extent to which the demographic category Latino is meaningful; and group identity and solidarity among Americans of Latin American ancestry. Topics include immigration, education, affirmative action, language policy, and environmental justice.
Same as: POLISCI 125S

CHILATST 128. Spanish Literature and Language through Comics. 3-5 Units.

The course, an exploration of the graphic narrative medium in Spanish, is open to intermediate and advanced Spanish speakers. We'll analyze vignettes, sections, or chapters from both auteur and pop-culture series. These may include: Mortadelo y Filemón and Arrugas (Spain), Mafalda and El eternauta (Argentina), Ídolo and Condorito (Chile), Los once and Caminos condenados (Colombia), Vampiros en La Habana (Cuba), Virus tropical (Ecuador/ Colombia), Vivos se los llevaron (Mexico), as well as Spy vs. Spy and My Favorite Thing is Monsters (ChicanX/LatinX). Secondary sources include McCloud and Dorfman and Mattelart. The through line will be representations and instantiations of power struggles in this deceivingly naive form. Visual narratological aspects and the specificity of the medium will also be discussed at length. Language learners must enroll in the cognate course SPANLANG 128 "Concurrent Writing Support.".
Same as: ILAC 128

CHILATST 131. Raza Youth in Urban Schools: Mis-educating Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x Communities. 3-5 Units.

This course focuses on the experiences of Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x youth in U.S. public schools. We will connect historical patterns with contemporary issues in some of this nation¿s largest urban school districts in order to uncover the ways in which urban schools both reflect and reproduce structural inequalities that marginalize Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x youth. As we consider the origins and persistence of educational inequalities in relation to longstanding forms of violence, domination, and subordination, we will also highlight histories of activism and resistance, including organized struggles for educational justice in Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x communities. Issues to be addressed include school (de)segregation, standardized testing, educational tracking, unequal opportunities to learn, deficit perspectives, bilingualism and bilingual education, immigration and undocumented students, ethnic studies curricula, and culturally relevant/responsive/sustaining approaches to pedagogy. This course will invite students to visit and observe in urban school settings, interview key stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, and/or policy makers), and reflect on their own K-12 schooling experiences in relation to course themes.
Same as: EDUC 131

CHILATST 140. Migration in 21st Century Latin American Film. 3-5 Units.

Focus on how images and narratives of migration are depicted in recent Latin American film. It compares migration as it takes place within Latin America to migration from Latin America to Europe and to the U.S. We will analyze these films, and their making, in the global context of an ever-growing tension between "inside" and "outside"; we consider how these films represent or explore precariousness and exclusion; visibility and invisibility; racial and gender dynamics; national and social boundaries; new subjectivities and cultural practices. Films include: Bolivia, Copacabana, La teta asustada, Norteado, Sin nombre, Migración, Ulises, among others. Films in Spanish, with English subtitles. Discussions and assignments in Spanish.
Same as: ILAC 140

CHILATST 148. Inglés Personal: Coaching Everyday Community English. 1-5 Unit.

This course is a 1 to 5 unit service learning course that prepares students to provide direct one-on-one service to adult English language learners in East Palo Alto and other surrounding communities. Students meet with and "coach" an adult learner on a weekly basis. Can be repeated for credit.
Same as: CSRE 148D, EDUC 148

CHILATST 162. Latin/x America in Motion: An Introduction to Dance Studies. 3-4 Units.

This course introduces students to the field of Dance Studies by examining the histories of Latin American and Caribbean dances and their relationship to developing notions of race and nation in the Americas. We will study the historical emergence and transformation of ¿indigeneity,¿ ¿blackness,¿ ¿whiteness,¿ and ¿Latin/@/x¿ and consider how dance practices interacted with these identifications. No prior experience with Dance or Latin America and the Caribbean necessary.
Same as: CSRE 162D, DANCE 162L, TAPS 162L, TAPS 262L

CHILATST 173. Mexican Migration to the United States. 3-5 Units.

(HISTORY 73 is 3 units; HISTORY 173 is 5 units.) This course is an introduction to the history of Mexican migration to the United States. Barraged with anti-immigrant rhetoric and calls for bigger walls and more restrictive laws, few people in the United States truly understand the historical trends that shape migratory processes, or the multifaceted role played by both US officials and employers in encouraging Mexicans to migrate north. Moreover, few have actually heard the voices and perspectives of migrants themselves. This course seeks to provide students with the opportunity to place migrants' experiences in dialogue with migratory laws as well as the knowledge to embed current understandings of Latin American migration in their meaningful historical context.
Same as: AMSTUD 73, HISTORY 73, HISTORY 173

CHILATST 177A. Well-Being in Immigrant Children & Youth: A Service Learning Course. 4 Units.

This is an interdisciplinary course that will examine the dramatic demographic changes in American society that are challenging the institutions of our country, from health care and education to business and politics. This demographic transformation is occurring first in children and youth, and understanding how social institutions are responding to the needs of immigrant children and youth to support their well-being is the goal of this course.
Same as: CSRE 177E, EDUC 177A, HUMBIO 29A

CHILATST 177B. Well-Being in Immigrant Children & Youth: A Service Learning Course. 4 Units.

This is an interdisciplinary course that will examine the dramatic demographic changes in American society that are challenging the institutions of our country, from health care and education to business and politics. This demographic transformation is occurring first in children and youth, and understanding how social institutions are responding to the needs of immigrant children and youth to support their well-being is the goal of this course.
Same as: CSRE 177F, EDUC 177B

CHILATST 180E. Introduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies. 5 Units.

This course draws on intersectional and interdisciplinary approaches to introduce students to the range of issues, experiences, and methodologies that form the foundation of Latina/o/x studies. By considering the relationship between the creation of "Latinx" and "American" identities, students will critically reconsider the borders that constitute the U.S. as a political and cultural formation. The course balances depth and breadth in its study of the variety of perspectives and experiences that come to be associated with U.S. Latinxs. Thus, we will analyze the histories of predominant U.S. Latinx sub-groups, such as Mexicans/Chicanxs and Puerto Ricans, while also incorporating considerations of the ways in which broader populations with ties to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean play crucial roles in constituting U.S. Latinx identities. Topics include the U.S./Mexico border and the borderlands; (im)migration and diaspora; literary and cultural traditions; music and expressive practices; labor and structural inequality; social movements; Latinx urbanism; gender and sexuality; political and economic shifts; and inter- and intra-group relations. Sources include a range of social science and humanities scholarship. This course will meet at Sequoia High School. Transportation will be provided.
Same as: CSRE 180E, EDUC 179E

CHILATST 181. Latino Social Movements. 5 Units.

Social movements are cooperative attempts to change the world. This course reviews historically significant and contemporary political and social movements in Latino communities in the U.S., including the movements of the 1960s and events of the modern era such as the Spring 2006 marches and student walkouts, the 2010 resistance to Arizona¿s SB1070, and ongoing efforts in 2017 related to detention and deportation policies.
Same as: POLISCI 125M

CHILATST 193B. Peer Counseling in the Chicano/Latino Community. 1 Unit.

Topics: verbal and non-verbal attending and communication skills, open and closed questions, working with feelings, summarization, and integration. Salient counseling issues including Spanish-English code switching in communication, the role of ethnic identity in self-understanding, the relationship of culture to personal development, and Chicana/o student experience in University settings. Individual training, group exercises, role play, and videotape practice.
Same as: EDUC 193B

CHILATST 195. U.S. Latinx Art. 5 Units.

This course surveys art made by Latinas/os/xs who have lived and worked in the United States since the 1700s, including Chicanos, Nuyoricans, and other Black, Brown, and Indigenous artists. While exploring the diversity of Latinx art, students will consider artists' relationships to identity, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Students will also study how artists have responded to and challenged discrimination, institutional exclusion, and national debates through their work. Attendance on the first day of class is a requirement for enrollment.
Same as: ARTHIST 194, CSRE 195

CHILATST 198. Internship for Public Service. 1-5 Unit.

Students should consult with CCSRE Director of Community Engaged Learning ( to develop or gain approval for an internship that addresses race/ethnicity, public service, and social justice. Students will read a selection of short readings relevant to their placement, write bi-weekly reflections, and meet bi-weekly with the Director of Community Engaged Learning. Units are determined by the number of hours per week at the internship (2 hours/week = 1 unit; 5 hours/week = 2 units; 8 hours/week = 3 units; etc.) Group meetings may be required. May be repeated for credit.
Same as: CSRE 198

CHILATST 200R. Directed Research. 1-5 Unit.


CHILATST 200W. Directed Reading. 1-5 Unit.


CHILATST 201B. The Undocumented Migration Project Exhibition at Stanford. 3 Units.

Are you an artist seeking a greater purpose for you art? Would you like to gain a sense of history and best practices for engaging your community in creative work? nnHuman Rights policy experts and activists, artists and scholars will participate in this (online via student & community course on contemporary immigration policy and human rights issues.The course is structured around the ideas of art, activism and scholarship as they intersect with the subject of migration. Often considered distinct fields, we will explore the ways they merge together, and engage in dialogue with an array of guests from a multitude of backgrounds.nn In addition to learning about the Hostile Terrain94 project through tagging the identities of lives of those lost along the Sonoran desert and considering the U.S. policy of prevention through deterrence to crossing the U.S. Mexican Border, this class will explore art making with paper as the primary media. Paper with its material qualities can provide diverse and accessible entryways into the processes of inclusion, recordation, and mass participation. Through the interconnecting of the practical task of filling information onto toe tags to create the exhibition at the Anderson Collection, which documents the human remains of migrants identified for the exhibition (Fall 2020) with creating new objects in paper, the projects in this course will discover and recover identity through articulations of identity in paper.
Same as: CSRE 201B

CHILATST 212. Biology, Culture and Social Justice in Latin America: Perspectives from Forensic Anthropology. 5 Units.

This course will only take place in the first 5 weeks of the quarter.nnAs forensic anthropologists, we are routinely asked to make identifications of unknown human remains and provide courtroom testimony. Latin America has become a nexus for social justice work, as we respond to the humanitarian crisis along the U.S.-México Border. To improve identification methods of the undocumented dead, we must understand the diversity in Latinx people and adopt best scientific practices. This course provides a cross-disciplinary, bio-cultural approach to Latin American variation and training in applied methods of forensic anthropology. Explore how tools of biological and cultural anthropology are used jointly in human rights investigation and social justice advancement. Discover the breadth of Latinx diversity and how historical, geographic, and socio-cultural factors shape this variation. Gain hands-on experience in case analysis, using skeletal, genetic, and recovery context information to estimate key parameters of identity. Use case studies to contextualize this work through an intersectional lens that attends to the living families and the applicable historical, geo-political and socio-cultural conditions.
Same as: ANTHRO 212B, CSRE 212

CHILATST 274. The History of Mexicans and Mexican Americans. 4-5 Units.

This course will explore the history of Mexican migrants and Mexican Americans from 1848 to the present.
Same as: HISTORY 274C, HISTORY 374C

Compar Stud in Race & Ethnic Courses

CSRE 1A. My Journey: Conversations on Race and Ethnicity. 1 Unit.

This course meets once a week for one hour, over lunch (provided). Students will meet with CSRE faculty who will share their work, their life stories, their reasons for believing that race and ethnicity are of central concern to all members of our society. Diverse fields will be represented: sociology, history, literature, psychology and others.

CSRE 1T. The Public Life of Science and Technology. 4 Units.

The course focuses on key social, cultural, and values issues raised by contemporary scientific and technological developments. The STS interdisciplinary lens helps students develop and apply skills in three areas: (a) Historical analysis of contemporary global affairs (e.g., spread of technologies; responses to climate change); (b) Bioethical reasoning around health issues (e.g., disease management; privacy rights); and (c) The sociological study of knowledge (e.g., intellectual property, science publishing). A discussion section is required. Discussion sections meet once per week immediately after lecture. International time zone students are encouraged to fill out the following Google Form:
Same as: STS 1

CSRE 1V. A History of Race. 1-3 Unit.

This course will survey the idea of race and its history. We will focus our attention on the construction of the idea of race, and we will trace the ways in which this concept has changed over time. The course will start with a panel discussion on definitions of race in history, and as presented in different academic disciplines today. This discussion will be followed by two lectures tracing histories of race from Antiquity until the twentieth century. The last session will be a roundtable on the continuing role of race in the United States today. Covered topics will include explicit and implicit bias, institutionalized racism, race and criminal justice, equal justice initiatives and protests, racial stratification. The roles of politics, economics, science, religion, and nationalism, as well as the relationships between race, gender, and class will also be discussed. Course must be taken for 3 units to count toward WAYS requirement. This course will meet 5 times, starting MONDAY January 14th, and ending the last day of class Monday, February 25th.

CSRE 3P. America: Unequal. 4 Units.

It was never imagined "when the U.S. was founded" that the rich would be so rich and the poor so poor. It was never imagined "when the U.S. was founded" that opportunities to get ahead would depend so profoundly on one's family circumstances and other starting conditions. How could this have happened in the "land of opportunity?" What are the effects of such profound inequality? And what, if anything, should be done about it?.
Same as: PUBLPOL 113, SOC 3

CSRE 4. The Sociology of Music. 3-5 Units.

This course examines music¿its production, its consumption, and it contested role in society¿from a distinctly sociological lens. Why do we prefer certain songs, artists, and musical genres over others? How do we ¿use¿ music to signal group membership and create social categories like class, race, ethnicity, and gender? How does music perpetuate, but also challenge, broader inequalities? Why do some songs become hits? What effects are technology and digital media having on the ways we experience and think about music? Course readings and lectures will explore the various answers to these questions by introducing students to key sociological concepts and ideas. Class time will be spent moving between core theories, listening sessions, discussion of current musical events, and an interrogation of students¿ own musical experiences. Students will undertake a number of short research and writing assignments that call on them to make sociological sense of music in their own lives, in the lives of others, and in society at large.
Same as: AFRICAAM 4, SOC 4

CSRE 5C. Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives. 3 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 105C. History majors and others taking 5 units, enroll in 105C.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.

CSRE 5I. Hamilton: An American Musical. 1 Unit.

"Hamilton" is one the most popular and most celebrated musicals in American history. It has received 11 Tony Awards, including best musical, and 16 Tony nominations, the most nominations in Broadway history. It won the Pulitzer Prize and a Grammy Award. The musical draws on the language and rhythms of hip-hop and R & B, genres that are underrepresented in the musical theater tradition. "Hamilton" has redefined the American musical, particularly in terms of sound, casting, and storytelling. What explains the deep cultural impact and acclaim for this play?n nThis interdisciplinary course examines Alexander Hamilton and his world as well as Hamilton: An American Musical through a series of lectures from faculty in History, Theater and Performance Studies, English, Music, and Writing and Rhetoric.

CSRE 10A. Introduction to Identity, Diversity, and Aesthetics: Arts, Culture, and Pedagogy. 1 Unit.

This weekly lecture series introduces students to the study of identity, diversity, and aesthetics through the work of leading artists and scholars affiliated with the Institute for Diversity in the Arts (IDA). This year's course highlights the educational impact of arts and culture. How can arts and culture help to advance pedagogies of liberation? Among other things, we will examine hip-hop education and how it illuminates ideas around culturally relevant and culturally sustaining pedagogies, indigenous knowledges, embodied knowledges, hip-hop feminisms, and community engaged research. We will look at case studies from East Palo Alto, CA and Cape Town, South Africa.
Same as: AFRICAAM 10A

CSRE 10AY. Pacific Standard Time LA/LA creative projects in a Celebration Beyond Borders. 1-2 Unit.

Students will have the opportunity to develop written and creative responses to the exploration of the region wide collaboration Pacific Standard Time LA/LA.

CSRE 11AX. Public Art Practice: Site Specific Installation. 2 Units.

In collaboration with the EPACenter youth arts center in East Palo Alto this class is an immersive introduction to contemporary public art practices, with a focus on community engagement, program design and installation. Day trips to local public art sites and collaboration with EPACENTER instructors and youth are included and will introduce students to the work of EPACENTER. Students will work with instructors and community members to research and develop a sustained community partnership with the center and Stanford's Institute for Diversity in the Arts. Students with interests in painting, visual art, design and arts administration will gain a multifaceted look into the process of site-specific public art practice.

CSRE 11SI. Leadership at Stanford. 1 Unit.

This class will explore the role of student government, decision-making and advocacy in a major research university setting such as Stanford. Designed to prepare new student leaders for their legislative responsibilities, the class will incorporate presentations from university stakeholders along with experiential learning exercises and individual class projects. Topics of study include understanding the role and responsibilities of student government in a university setting, institutional change, decision-making, advocacy and conflict resolution. Students will also study ASSU governing documents, effective funding and event planning processes and roles. They will gain awareness of how to understand and engage with a complex and decentralized organization such as Stanford while honing their leadership skills. They will develop a project they wish to pursue as an elected leader and receive mentorship from university administrators.

CSRE 12. Community Organizing: People, Power, and Change. 4 Units.

Mobilizing communities for positive social change requires educated leaders equipped with the skills to organize people and power. Organizing can make a difference in addressing major public challenges that demand full engagement of the citizenry, especially those whose voices are not heard unless they organize. Leadership is accepting responsibility to enable others to achieve shared purpose in the face of uncertainty. Organizing is a way to lead by identifying, recruiting and developing more leadership; building community around that leadership; and building power from the resources of that community.

CSRE 14N. Growing Up Bilingual. 3 Units.

This course is a Freshman Introductory Seminar that has as its purpose introducing students to the sociolinguistic study of bilingualism by focusing on bilingual communities in this country and on bilingual individuals who use two languages in their everyday lives. Much attention is given to the history, significance, and consequences of language contact in the United States. The course focuses on the experiences of long-term US minority populations as well as that of recent immigrants.
Same as: CHILATST 14N, EDUC 114N

CSRE 16A. Dynamic Australia: immigrant and indigenous experiences. 1 Unit.

How did modern Australian society take shape? Within this larger framework, several more focused questions will guide us: What have been the experiences of immigrants, of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, and how have their relations evolved over time? To what degree has Australia been formed by successive waves of immigration? What has been the fate of the Aboriginal peoples? How have intergroup relations evolved since the start of colonialism in the late 18th century? What have been the elements of racial formation, and how have they changed over time? What does it mean to be Australian in the 21st century? How might the creative arts (e.g. music, literature, drama, painting, dance) help us understand Australian identities and intergroup dynamics? As a course project, students will informally interview someone whose life history has involved large-scale displacement, voluntary or otherwise. This is intended as a means of sharpening awareness of migration in history - as articulated at the level of individuals and communities. This course is primarily intended for students enrolled in or waitlisted for the BOSP Summer Seminar in Sydney (June-July 2019), and as such focuses on historical and social milieux. However, all participants will find it a wide-ranging introduction to Australian society and a case study in intergroup dynamics.

CSRE 18. Antiracism and Health Equity: A project-based community service course. 1 Unit.

This class will examine the structural racialized bias in medicine, biomedical research and health care delivery by using short form media to address the dismantling of systemic racist practices. In understanding that inequity is a feature and not a flaw of health status and health care delivery in the United States, students will design and deliver creative, serviceable solutions for community partner-generated problems/issues. This course is designed for human biology students but, all majors are welcome.

CSRE 20N. What counts as "race," and why?. 4 Units.

Preference to freshmen. Seminar discussion of how various institutions in U.S. society employ racial categories, and how race is studied and conceptualized across disciplines. Course introduces perspectives from demography, history, law, genetics, sociology, psychology, and medicine. Students will read original social science research, learn to collect and analyze data from in-depth interviews, and use library resources to conduct legal/archival case studies.
Same as: SOC 20N

CSRE 21. African American Vernacular English. 3-5 Units.

Vocabulary, pronunciation and grammatical features of the systematic and vibrant vernacular English [AAVE] spoken by African Americans in the US, its historical relation to British dialects, and to English creoles spoken on the S. Carolina Sea Islands (Gullah), in the Caribbean, and in W. Africa. The course will also explore the role of AAVE in the Living Arts of African Americans, as exemplified by writers, preachers, comedians and actors, singers, toasters and rappers, and its connections with challenges that AAVE speakers face in the classroom and courtroom. Service Learning Course (certified by Haas Center). UNITS: 3-5 units. Most students should register for 4 units. Students willing and able to tutor an AAVE speaking child in East Palo Alto and write an additional paper about the experience may register for 5 units, but should consult the instructor first. Students who, for exceptional reasons, need a reduced course load, may request a reduction to 3 units, but more of their course grade will come from exams, and they will be excluded from group participation in the popular AAVE Happenin at the end of the course.

CSRE 21N. How to Make a Racist. 3 Units.

How does a child, born without beliefs or expectations about race, grow up to be racist? To address this complicated question, this seminar will introduce you to some of the psychological theories on the development of racial stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Together, these theories highlight how cognitive, social, and motivational factors contribute to racist thinking. We will engage thoughtfully and critically with each topic through reflection and discussion. Occasionally, I will supplement the discussion and class activities with a brief lecture, in order to highlight the central issues, concepts, and relevant findings. We will share our own experiences, perspectives, and insights, and together, we will explore how racist thinking takes root. Come to class with an open mind, a willingness to be vulnerable, and a desire to learn from and with your peers. Students with diverse opinions and perspectives are encouraged to enroll.
Same as: AFRICAAM 121N, PSYCH 21N

CSRE 22. Lockdown America: Race and Incarceration in the Land of the Free. 3-5 Units.

This course is about prisons, jails, and the place they hold in American life, drawing heavily from the instructor's experiences of fieldwork in prisons and jails in the San Francisco Bay Area. Prisons and Jails are commonly imagined as isolated places, behind high walls, wire fences, and metal doors. The story ends as the 'bad guy' is sent to prison, after all. The reality is far from this; what happens in and around prison and jails impacts American society, culture, economics, geography, and daily life in myriad ways. This course undertakes to undo many of the myths and misconceptions about incarceration and place the prison back in the American landscape. Using a wide variety of sources of data (news articles, blog posts, essays, academic articles and book chapters, podcasts and documentaries) and prioritizing the voices of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people, this course encourages students to critically interrogate the terms used to describe and justify mass incarceration. Particular attention will be payed to the role of racial inequality in the perpetuation of incarceration, and the role of incarceration in the perpetuation of racial inequality. As such, there will be no week 'on race' but race will be a constant and consistent element of every week of this course. This course is also designed to improve participants' writing and will involve multiple opportunities for directed feedback to develop participants' prose style and argumentation.

CSRE 22SI. SENSA Labs Social Enterprise Seminar. 1-2 Unit.

As a social entrepreneur, how do you know you¿re solving the right problem? What values, approaches, and strategies differentiate a social enterprise from other startups? What does it take to build a venture that is both socially-minded and profitable? Through engaging with influential speakers, course-long mentors, case studies, and hands-on workshops, students will gain the skills needed to build, pitch, and manage a social venture. Expert Silicon Valley speakers and mentors encourage networking as well as peer to peer learning. The course culminates in Demo Day, an event in which teams pitch their ideas directly to experienced investors. At the end of the course, students will be able to understand the field of social entrepreneurship through the tenets of Sustainability, Impact and Performance, Innovation, and Leadership; apply the theories from the Lean Startup and Social Business Models to an identified need; and measure the impact of a social enterprise and synthesize social entrepreneurship concepts through investor pitching. Limited enrollment. Application required:

CSRE 23. Race and the War on Drugs: Long Roots and Other Futures. 3-5 Units.

Current discussions of the war on drugs reference Richard Nixon's 1971 declaration as a starting point. This class will encourage students instead to see the war on drugs beyond seemingly self-evident margins and imaginaries. In this course, we will explore the racialized and gendered history of coca and cocaine in the Americas, and follow the war on drugs as it targets different aspects of drug production and consumption within and beyond the borders of the United States. In examining how drugs and drug policies have been used as tools of discrimination and exploitation from colonialism through to present systems of mass incarceration, we will analyze racialization as it is constructed and experienced through time and imposed onto nations and bodies. Readings and discussion will emphasize Black and Latinx feminist theories, critical race theory, and decoloniality, drawing on anthropological and interdisciplinary scholarship while incorporating other forms of writing (prose, fiction, poetry) and media (graphic novels, visual art, film clips, documentaries). Students will learn to interrogate the longstanding racialized and gendered roots of the drug war and explore critical calls towards other futures.
Same as: ANTHRO 23B

CSRE 24. Race and Environment. 3 Units.

From the moment colonizers began arriving in the space now referred to as the Americas until the moments these words were written and read, coloniality and one its central mechanisms¿race¿have shaped the ways that people think about the spaces in which they live. Western culture¿s belief in the division between nature and culture, between the human and non-human, is rooted in racialized beliefs that guided the settler project¿s goal of converting Indigenous and Black spaces and bodies into reflections of colonial aspirations. We will analyze the processes through which race and space are mutually-constructed, including the racialization of space labelled the ¿environment;¿ and how organizing, research, and activism in relation to the environment can undermine the racial hierarchies that still manifest via the environment.

CSRE 24SI. The Continuity of Abu Nuwas's Homoeroticism in Arab Queer Literary Modernity. 2 Units.

This course will hold space for discussions surrounding the precolonial poetic foundations of Arab Queerness, the continuity of such foundations in its modern literary representations, and he potential Arab Queer futurities that such modern representations move toward. How are representations of homoeroticism in Abu Nuwas's poetry definitive of a pre-colonial Arab Queer identity that is separate from Western definitions of Queerness rooted in the Gay Liberation movement of the 1970s? Do modern literary representations of queerness in Arab literature, even after US sociopolitical imperialism, carry a central understanding of Arab Queerness? How is the earlier explored Pre-Colonial Arab Queerness carried forward in these modern Arab Queer literary representations? Are there differences? How do these literary understandings and analyses inform the greater theoretical discussion of queer past, present, and future? Readings will include poetry by classical Arab-Persian poet Abu Nuwas, and novels by Saleem Haddad, Abdellah Taïa, and Mohammed Abdel Nabi. These works will be discussed within a theoretical framework informed by the works of Joseph Massad, Sara Ahmed, Jose Esteban Muñoz, Eve Sedgwick, and Jaspir Puar.

CSRE 27SI. Revolution and the Pilipinx Diaspora: Exploring Global Activism in Local Communities. 1-2 Unit.

This course aims to provide students with an opportunity to not only learn about current issues in the local Filipino American community, but also develop their own plans to take action on social justice issues. Through mediums of art and reflection, we will explore themes of diaspora and liberation by focusing on the Filipino experience and the local and vocal histories of activism in the Bay Area. We will be connecting local histories to the current global narrative while also connecting our past to our own identity formation as activists and community leaders. In doing so, we hope to explore the implications of local activism within the greater context of global organizing. The course will expose students to local community leaders and ways in which they can support and plug in to local initiatives.
Same as: ASNAMST 27SI

CSRE 29SI. Migration is Beautiful: Histories, Realities, and Policies of Immigrant Justice. 1 Unit.

In the current political landscape, many political stakeholders have endorsed anti-immigrant policies using inflammatory rhetoric that has disturbed American attitudes toward immigration. This course challenges the underlying assumptions of this discourse. We will begin by analyzing the history of immigration policy and politics in the United States. We will discuss specific issues related to border control, detention, and law enforcement and then delve into the intersections of immigration, criminal justice, health, and education policies. Throughout, we will emphasize the importance of using empirical data and personal narratives when analyzing and participating in the contemporary discourse on immigration-related issues.

CSRE 30N. The Science of Diverse Communities. 3 Units.

This course is an exploration. Most generally, its aim is to identify distinguishing features of good diverse communities and articulate them well enough to offer principles or guidelines for how to design and manage such communities - all with a particular focus on educational communities like schools, universities, academic disciplines, etc., but with the hope that such principles might generalize to other kinds of organizations and the broader society. The readings range from those on the origins of human communities and social identities to those on intergroup trust building. They also aim to embed our discussions in the major diversity issues of the day, or example, what's in the news about campus life. nnnThus the course has a practical purpose: to develop testable ideas for improving the comfort level, fairness and goodness-for-all of identity diverse communities--especially in educational settings. nnnThe course also has a basic science purpose: to explore the psychological significance of community. Is there a psychological need for community? Is there something about a need for community that can't be reduced to other needs, for example, for a gender, racial or sexual-orientation identity? How strong is the need for community against other needs? What kinds of human groupings can satisfy it? In meeting this need, can membership in one community substitute for membership in others? What do people need from communities in order to thrive in them? Do strong diverse communities dampen intergroup biases? Can strong community loyalty mitigate identity tensions within communities? nnnSuch questions, the hope is, will help us develop a more systematic understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in diverse human communities.
Same as: EDUC 30N, PSYCH 30N, SOC 179N

CSRE 30Q. The Big Shift. 4 Units.

Is the middle class shrinking? How do people who live at the extremes of American society- the super rich, the working poor and those who live on the margins, imagine and experience "the good life"? How do we understand phenomena such as gang cultures, addiction and the realignment of white consciousness? This class uses the methods and modes of ethnographic study in an examination of American culture. Ethnographic materials range from an examination of the new American wealth boom of the last 20 years (Richistan by Robert Frank) to the extreme and deadlynworld of the invisible underclass of homeless addicts on the streets of San Francisco (Righteous Dopefiend by Phillipe Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg). The experiences of Hispanic immigrants and the struggle to escape gang life in Los Angeles are highlighted in the story of Homeboy Industries a job creation program initiated by a priest working in LA's most deadly neighborhoods (G-Dog and the Homeboys by Celeste Fremon). Finally in Searching for Whitopia: an improbable journeyninto the heart of White America, Rich Benjamin explores the creation on ethnic enclaves (whitopias) as fear over immigration and the shrinking white majority redefine race consciousnessnin the 21st century. Each of these narratives provides a window into the various ways in which Americans approach the subjects of wealth and the good life, poverty and the underclass, and thenconstruction of class, race, and gender in American society. Students will not be required to have any previous knowledge, just curiosity and an open mind.
Same as: ANTHRO 31Q

CSRE 31N. Does Science Have Culture?. 3-5 Units.

In this course students will engage with the anthropology of science and medicine to explore the how cultural norms shape scientific understandings. Through a series of diverse global case studies, seminar participants will assess how historical conditions yield political possibilities that inflect discoveries. Lastly, students will probe how cultural understandings of nature, human difference and national esteem influence how scientific facts come to cohere as reflections of the societies in which they emerge.
Same as: ANTHRO 30N

CSRE 32. Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective. 5 Units.

This undergraduate course employs an anthropological and historical perspective to introduce students to ideas and concepts of race and ethnicity that emerged primarily in Europe and the United States in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and that continue to shape contemporary racial attitudes, interactions, and inequalities. Ideas about race and ethnicity forged outside the U.S. and case studies from other nations are presented to broaden students' understanding and to overcome the limitations of an exclusive focus on the U.S. This course is geared to sophomores and juniors who have already taken at least one course on race and ethnicity, anthropology, African American Studies, Asian American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Jewish Studies or Native American Studies.
Same as: ANTHRO 32

CSRE 33SI. Examining Access for FLI Students in Higher Education. 1 Unit.

Stanford's past two presidents have steadfastly declared Stanford as a vehicle of upwards mobility and to correct inequalities. Essentially, this means providing sufficient access to students who often are most in need: first-generation and/or low-income (FLI) students. However, what exactly is access? How can we understand different kinds of access in order to improve the holistic quality of education students receive?nnTo answer these questions, we will define access and the forces which shape it, such as economic systems, intersectionality, and the educational pipeline. Next, to better prepare ourselves as advocates for educational improvement, we will examine the historical trend of access at colleges as case studies (Stanford, Berkeley, Foothills, and Brown). Finally, we will ask how accessibility influences how students fare after leaving the educational system.nnUltimately, we will gain analytical and heuristic techniques to pinpoint and advocate for improvements to educational access for FLI students.

CSRE 35SI. An Introduction to Labor Organizing on Campus. 1-2 Unit.

Campus Workers are critical to maintaining our university, so how can you support them as a student? What is campus labor organizing and how does it work on a practical level? How can students make a difference in the lives of workers on campus? This class offers an opportunity to gain knowledge of and firsthand experience in campus labor and campus labor organizing. Classes will consist of seeking to understand how race, class, and gender affect laborers experiences at Stanford, as well as how to build an intersectional labor movement.

CSRE 39. Long Live Our 4Bil. Year Old Mother: Black Feminist Praxis, Indigenous Resistance, Queer Possibility. 1-4 Unit.

How can art facilitate a culture that values women, mothers, transfolks, caregivers, girls? How can black, indigenous, and people of color frameworks help us reckon with oppressive systems that threaten safety and survival for marginalized people and the lands that sustain us? How can these questions reveal the brilliant and inventive forms of survival that precede and transcend harmful systems toward a world of possibility? Each week, this course will call on artists, scholars, and organizers of color who clarify the urgency and interconnection of issues from patriarchal violence to environmental degradation; criminalization to legacies of settler colonialism. These same thinkers will also speak to the imaginative, everyday knowledge and creative healing practices that our forebears have used for millennia to give vision and rise to true transformation.

CSRE 41A. Genes and Identity. 4 Units.

In recent decades genes have increasingly become endowed with the cultural power to explain many aspects of human life: physical traits, diseases, behaviors, ancestral histories, and identity. In this course we will explore a deepening societal intrigue with genetic accounts of personal identity and political meaning. Students will engage with varied interdisciplinary sources that range from legal cases to scientific articles, medical ethics guidelines, films, and anthropological works (ethnographies). We will explore several case studies where the use of DNA markers (as proof of heritage, disease risk, or legal standing) has spawned cultural movements that are biosocial in nature. Throughout we will look at how new social movements are organized around gene-based definitions of personhood, health, and legal truth. Several examples include political analyses of citizenship and belonging. On this count we will discuss issues of African ancestry testing as evidence in slavery reparations cases, revisit debates on whether Black Freedman should be allowed into the Cherokee and Seminole Nations, and hear arguments on whether people with genetic links to Jewish groups should have a right of return to Israel. We will also examine the ways genetic knowledge may shape different health politics at the individual and societal level. On this count we will do close readings of how personal genomics testing companies operate, we will investigate how health disparities funding as well as orphan disease research take on new valences when re-framed in genetic terms, and we will see how new articulations of global health priorities are emerging through genetic research in places like Africa. Finally we will explore social implications of forensic uses of DNA. Here we will examine civil liberties concerns about genetic familial searching in forensic databases that disproportionately target specific minority groups as criminal suspects, and inquire into the use of DNA to generate digital mugshots of suspects that re-introduce genetic concepts of race.
Same as: AFRICAAM 41, ANTHRO 41

CSRE 41Q. Black & White Race Relations in American Fiction & Film. 3-5 Units.

Movies and the fiction that inspires them; power dynamics behind production including historical events, artistic vision, politics, and racial stereotypes. What images of black and white does Hollywood produce to forge a national identity? How do films promote equality between the races? What is lost or gained in film adaptations of books? NOTE: Students must attend the first day; admission to the class will be determined based on an in class essay.
Same as: AFRICAAM 101Q, AMSTUD 42Q

CSRE 45Q. Understanding Race and Ethnicity in American Society. 4 Units.

Preference to sophomores. Historical overview of race in America, race and violence, race and socioeconomic well-being, and the future of race relations in America. Enrollment limited to 16.
Same as: SOC 45Q

CSRE 47Q. Heartfulness: Mindfulness, Compassion, and Responsibility. 3 Units.

We practice mindfulness as a way of enhancing well-being, interacting compassionately with others, and engaging in socially responsible actions as global citizens. Contemplation is integrated with social justice through embodied practice, experiential learning, and creative expression. Class activities and assignments include journaling, mindfulness practices, and expressive arts. We build a sense of community through appreciative intelligence, connected knowing, deep listening and storytelling.

CSRE 50Q. Life and Death of Words. 4 Units.

In this course, we explore the world of words: their creation, evolution, borrowing, change, and death. Words are the key to understanding the culture and ideas of a people, and by tracing the biographies of words we are able to discern how the world was, is, and might be perceived and described. We trace how words are formed, and how they change in pronunciation, spelling, meaning, and usage over time. How does a word get into the dictionary? What do words reveal about status, class, region, and race? How is the language of men and women critiqued differently within our society? How does slang evolve? How do languages become endangered or die, and what is lost when they do? We will visit the Facebook Content Strategy Team and learn more about the role words play in shaping our online experiences. Together, the class will collect Stanford language and redesign the digital dictionary of the future. Trigger Warning: Some of the subject matter of this course is sensitive and may cause offense. Please consider this prior to enrolling in the course.

CSRE 50S. Nineteenth Century America. 3 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 150B. History majors and others taking 5 units, register in 150B.) Territorial expansion, social change, and economic transformation. The causes and consequences of the Civil War. Topics include: urbanization and the market revolution; slavery and the Old South; sectional conflict; successes and failures of Reconstruction; and late 19th-century society and culture.

CSRE 51A. Race in Science. 1 Unit.

What are the roles of race and racism in science, technology, and medicine? 3-course sequence; each quarter can be taken independently. Fall quarter focuses on science. What is the science of race and racism? How does race affect scientific work? Weekly guest speakers will address such issues as the psychology and anthropology of race and racism; how race, language, and culture affect education; race in environmental science and environmental justice; the science of reducing police violence; and the role of race in genomic research. Talks will take a variety of forms, from panel discussions to interviews and lectures. Weekly assignments: read a related article and participate in an online discussion.
Same as: AFRICAAM 51A, CEE 151A, COMM 51A, HUMBIO 71A, STS 51A

CSRE 51B. Race in Technology. 1 Unit.

What are the roles of race and racism in science, technology, and medicine? 3-course sequence; each quarter can be taken independently. Winter quarter focuses on technology. How do race and racism affect the design and social impact of technology, broadly defined? Can new or different technology help to reduce racial bias? Invited speakers will address the role of race in such issues as energy infrastructure, nuclear arms control, algorithmic accountability, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and synthetic biology. Talks will take a variety of forms, ranging from panel discussions to interviews and lectures. Weekly assignments: read a related article and participate in an online discussion.
Same as: AFRICAAM 51B, BIOE 91B, CEE 151B, COMM 51B, HUMBIO 71B, STS 51B

CSRE 51C. Race in Medicine. 1 Unit.

What are the roles of race and racism in science, technology, and medicine? 3-course sequence; each quarter can be taken independently. Spring quarter focuses on medicine. How do race and racism affect medical research and medical care? What accounts for health disparities among racial groups? What are the history, ethics, legal, and social issues surrounding racialized medical experiments and treatments? Invited speakers will address these and other issues. Talks will take a variety of forms: conversations, interviews, panels, and others. Weekly assignments: read a related article and participate in an online discussion.
Same as: AFRICAAM 51C, BIOE 91C, CEE 151C, HUMBIO 71C, STS 51C

CSRE 51Q. Comparative Fictions of Ethnicity. 4 Units.

We may "know" "who" we "are," but we are, after all, social creatures. How does our sense of self interact with those around us? How does literature provide a particular medium for not only self expression, but also for meditations on what goes into the construction of "the Self"? After all, don't we tell stories in response to the question, "who are you"? Besides a list of nouns and names and attributes, we give our lives flesh and blood in telling how we process the world. Our course focuses in particular on this question--Does this universal issue ("who am I") become skewed differently when we add a qualifier before it, like "ethnic"? Note: To be eligible for WAYS credit, you must take course for a Letter Grade.
Same as: AMSTUD 51Q, COMPLIT 51Q

CSRE 52H. I, Scientist: Diversity Improves the Scientific Practice. 1 Unit.

Disciplinary priorities, research agendas, and innovations are determined by the diversity of participants and problem-solving is more successful with a broad range of approaches. Using case studies in scientific research, we propose to use these insights to help our students learn why a diverse scientific community leads to better discovery and improves the relevance of science to society. Our premise is that a diverse set of perspectives will impact not only how we learn science, but how we do science.
Same as: BIO 52

CSRE 55M. MMUF Seminar. 1 Unit.

This seminar is designed to help MMUF honor students in the following ways: (1) developing and refining research paper topics, (2) learning about the various approaches to research and writing, and (3) connecting to Stanford University resources such as the library and faculty. May be repeat for credit.

CSRE 55N. Black Panther, Hamilton, Díaz, and Other Wondrous Lives. 3-5 Units.

This seminar concerns the design and analysis of imaginary (or constructed) worlds for narratives and media such as films, comics, and literary texts. The seminar's primary goal is to help participants understand the creation of better imaginary worlds - ultimately all our efforts should serve that higher purpose. Some of the things we will consider when taking on the analysis of a new world include: What are its primary features - spatial, cultural, biological, fantastic, cosmological? What is the world's ethos (the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize the world)? What are the precise strategies that are used by the artist to convey the world to us and us to the world? How are our characters connected to the world? And how are we - the viewer or reader or player - connected to the world? Note: This course must be taken for a letter grade to be eligible for WAYS credit. In AY 2020-21, a `CR' grade will satisfy the WAYS requirement.
Same as: COMPLIT 55N

CSRE 61. Introduction to Dance Studies: Dancing Across Stages, Clubs, Screens, and Borders. 3-4 Units.

This introduction to dance studies course explores dance practice and performance as means for producing cultural meaning. Through theoretical and historical texts and viewing live and recorded dance, we will develop tools for analyzing dance and understanding its place in social, cultural, and political structures. This uses dance and choreography as a lens to more deeply understand a wide range of identity and cultural formations, such as gender, race, sexuality, (dis)ability, (trans)nationality, and empire. We will analyze dancing bodies that move across stages, dance clubs, film screens, and border zones. We will examine dance from diverse locales and time periods including ballet, modern and contemporary dance, contact improvisation, folkloric dance, burlesque, street dance, queer club dance, drag performance, music videos, TV dance competitions, and intermedia/new media performance. In addition to providing theoretical and methodological grounding in dance studies, this course develops performance analysis skills and hones the ability to write critically and skillfully about dance. No previous experience in dance is necessary to successfully complete the course.
Same as: DANCE 161D, FEMGEN 161D, TAPS 161D

CSRE 63N. The Feminist Critique: The History and Politics of Gender Equality. 3-4 Units.

This course explores the long history of ideas about gender and equality. Each week we read, dissect, compare, and critique a set of primary historical documents (political and literary) from around the world, moving from the 15th century to the present. We tease out changing arguments about education, the body, sexuality, violence, labor, politics, and the very meaning of gender, and we place feminist critics within national and global political contexts.

CSRE 68. American Prophet: The Inner Life and Global Vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.. 3-5 Units.

Martin Luther King, Jr., was the 20th-century's best-known African-American leader, but the religious roots of his charismatic leadership are far less widely known. The documents assembled and published by Stanford's King Research and Education Institute provide the source materials for this exploration of King's swift rise to international prominence as an articulate advocate of global peace and justice.

CSRE 74. History of South Africa. 3 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 147. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 147.) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Same as: AFRICAAM 47, HISTORY 47

CSRE 78. Art + Community: Division, Resilience & Reconciliation. 1-5 Unit.

Violence and trauma isolates and segregates us. Part of the healing process must be about coming back into community. Freedom is meaningful only insofar as it lifts all, especially those who have been done the most harm. In times of violence and polarization, art can heal and brings people together. In this course, we will explore how we make and sustain community, especially in the face of threats from within and without. We will do this especially through examining how artists and culture workers of color develop and advance practices that build mutuality, criticality, renewal, trust, and joy in the face of ongoing racial injustice and cultural inequity.
Same as: AFRICAAM 78

CSRE 82G. Making Palestine Visible. 3-5 Units.

Israel-Palestine is one of the most difficult subjects to talk about, in large part because we in the United States do not have much exposure to Palestinian history, culture, and politics in their own terms. This course aims to humanize Palestinians and asks why Palestinian claims to rights are illegible for much of the American public. We begin to answer this question by examining a broad sampling of history, structures of power and law, culture, and contemporary political issues.
Same as: HISTORY 82G, HISTORY 182G

CSRE 85B. Jews in the Contemporary World: The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture, Film, & TV. 3 Units.

(HISTORY 85B is 3 units; HISTORY 185B is 5 units.) Who are American Jews as depicted in popular media-- film, television, etc.-- since the Second World War? How are their religion, politics, mores, and practices represented and what ways, if at all, do such portraits reflect historical trends among Jews and society in general? What can be learned from film or tv about Jewish identity, notions of Jewish power and powerlessness, communal cohesiveness and assimilation, sexuality and the wages of intermarriage or race?.

CSRE 91. Exploring American Religious History. 4 Units.

This course will trace how contemporary beliefs and practices connect to historical trends in the American religious landscape.
Same as: AMSTUD 91, HISTORY 260K, RELIGST 91

CSRE 91D. Asian American Autobiography/W. 3-5 Units.

This is a dual purpose class: a writing workshop in which you will generate autobiographical vignettes/essays as well as a reading seminar featuring prose from a wide range of contemporary Asian-American writers. Some of the many questions we will consider are: What exactly is Asian-American memoir? Are there salient subjects and tropes that define the literature? And in what ways do our writerly interactions both resistant and assimilative with a predominantly non-Asian context in turn recreate that context? We'll be working/experimenting with various modes of telling, including personal essay, the epistolary form, verse, and even fictional scenarios. First priority to undergrads. Students must attend the first class meeting to retain their roster spot.

CSRE 92D. Arab and Arab-American Poetry. 5 Units.

In this introductory course, students will write and read widely, exploring various aspects of poetic craft, including imagery, metaphor, line, stanza, music, rhythm, diction, and tone. The course will focus primarily on the rich and varied tradition of Arab and Arab-American poets, with a special emphasis on contemporary poets exploring the intersections of cultural identity, nationhood, race, gender, and sexuality. The first half of the course will consist of close reading a selection of poems, while the second half of the course will consist of workshopping student writing. Through peer critique, students respond closely to the work of fellow writers in a supportive workshop. Writers at all levels of experience and comfort with poetry are welcome.nNOTE: First priority to undergrads. Students must attend the first class meeting to retain their roster spot.
Same as: ENGLISH 92AP

CSRE 94. Topics in Writing and Rhetoric: Empathy, Ethics, and Compassion Meditation. 4 Units.

Does not fulfill NSC requirement. In this course, we'll extend this discussion by expanding our thinking about rhetoric as a means of persuasion to consider its relation to empathy-as a mode of listening to and understanding audiences and communities we identify with as well as those whose beliefs and actions can be lethal. We'll also practice compassion medication and empathetic rhetoric to see how these ethical stances affect us individually and investigate the ways they may and may not be scaled to address social justice more broadly. Finally, with the course readings and discussions in mind, you will explore a social justice issue and create an essay, a workshop, campaign or movement strategy, podcast, vlog, infographic, Facebook group, syllabus, etc. to help move us closer to positive change. Prerequisite: first two levels of the writing requirement or equivalent transfer credit. For topics, see
Same as: PWR 194DH

CSRE 95. Liberation Through Land: Organic Gardening and Racial Justice. 2 Units.

Through field trips, practical work and readings, this course provides students with the tools to begin cultivating a relationship to land that focuses on direct engagement with sustainable gardening, from seed to harvest. The course will take place on the O'Donohue Family Stanford Educational Farm, where students will be given the opportunity to learn how to sow seeds, prepare garden beds, amend soils, build compost, and take care of plants. The history of forced farm labor in the U.S., from slavery to low-wage migrant labor, means that many people of color encounter agricultural spaces as sites of trauma and oppression. In this course we will explore the potential for revisiting a narrative of peaceful relation to land and crop that existed long before the trauma occurred, acknowledging the beautiful history of POC coexistence with land. Since this is a practical course, there will be a strong emphasis on participation. Application available at; deadline to apply is September 18, 2018, at midnight. The course is co-sponsored by the Institute for Diversity in the Arts (IDA) and the Earth Systems Program.

CSRE 95I. Space, Public Discourse and Revolutionary Practices. 3-4 Units.

This course examines the mediums of public art that have been voices of social change, protestnand expressions of community desire. It will offer a unique glimpse into Iran¿sncontemporary art and visual culture through the investigation of public art practices such asngraffiti and street art, as well as older traditions of Naghali and Iranian Coffeehouse Painting.nnBeginning Iranian case studies will be expanded in comparison with global examples that spannprojects that include Insite (San Diego/Tijuana), Project Row Houses (Houston, TX) the DMZnProject (Korea), Munster Skulpture Projects (Germany), among others. Students will alsonexamine the infrastructural conditions of public art, such as civic, public, and private funding,nrelationships with local communities, and the life of these projects as they move in and out ofnthe artworld. This encompassing view anchors a legacy of Iranian cultural contributions in largerntrajectories of art history, contemporary art, and community arts practice. Guest artists,ncurators, and researchers with site visits included. Students will propose either new public artnproposals, exhibitions, or research to provoke their own ideas while engaging the ever changingnstate of public discourse in these case studies.
Same as: ARTHIST 118A, GLOBAL 145

CSRE 99C. EAST House Seminar: Readings on Ethnic, Racial, and Religious Identity. 1 Unit.

Education and Society Theme (EAST) House seminar. In autumn quarter, faculty and other scholars from around the University discuss the latest issues, debates, and research in the field of Education. In winter quarter, the theme is "Ten Careers in Education in Ten Weeks." Each week will feature a speaker from a different sector in education including school administration, arts education, information technology, special education, international development, student affairs, education consulting, and education policy. In the spring, the seminar is a small group discussion of weekly readings on a focused topic in Education. Contact instructor for details. Notes: Attendance at first class required. Seminar meets in the EAST House Dining Hall located at 554 Governor's Ave. The seminar is open to all students at Stanford with first-priority given to pre-assign residents of EAST House followed by other residents of EAST and all other undergraduates. Graduate students are allowed to enroll on a space-available basis. Visitors/auditors are not allowed. The seminar is required for all pre-assigned residents of EAST House and is repeatable for credit.
Same as: EDUC 100C

CSRE 100P. Student and Community Organizing for Social Change. 3 Units.

CSRE 100P is a series of community organizing trainings focused on how to use grassroots techniques as a means of political participation. The course is run in partnership with Stanford in Government (SIG), Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU), and different campus groups. Students will have the opportunity to hear from top experts in grassroots and community organizing. They will also have the chance to engage directly with the speakers on how their experiences have shaped their approach to and understanding political organizing in the current political environment. This course will meet over six sessions, two Friday sessions and four Saturday sessions. Dates of Saturday Trainings are April 13, May 4, May 11and June 1. Friday sessions are April 5th and June 7th (12:00pm-2:00pm).

CSRE 101P. Student and Community Organizing for Social Change. 3-5 Units.

In this course, we will learn from long-time organizers and change agents by studying movement histories, participating in skill-building workshops, and engaging directly in movement-building work with community partners from the Bay Area. Through selected readings curated in collaboration with community partners, we will dive into the stories, tactics, principles, methodologies, and theories of what it means to build community, enact social change, and challenge institutional forms of knowledge production. The goal of this course is to provide us with strategic frameworks and hands-on experiences of creating alternative futures in the now. To meet these goals, students will volunteer a total of 25 hours with a local community partner.

CSRE 102. Advanced Methods in Comparative studies in race and ethnicity. 5 Units.

This course examines the key theoretical paradigms issues themes and debates as well as the methodological approach is in the field of critical race and comparative ethnic studies. The course also assesses the relative strengths and weaknesses of key methodological paradigms. Perspectives and methods include ethnographic methods, oral history, archival research, literary and cultural analysis, artistic projects as well as decolonizing, queer theory, Gender studies, and indigenous methodologies.nnnThis course uses individual project studies to examine how comparative and relational problems are posed as research projects, how we construct research questions and interrogate those questions, and which methodological approaches are best suited to frame projects, And engage in meaningful research That actively engages ethics, considerations of impact on community and the most powerful format of expression. Traditional academic papers, web based communication such as ESRI as well as multi media artistic musical and performative projects are explored.

CSRE 102A. Art and Social Criticism. 5 Units.

Visual artists have long been in the forefront of social criticism in America. Since the 1960s, various visual strategies have helped emergent progressive political movements articulate and represent complex social issues. Which artists and particular art works/projects have become key anchors for discourses on racism, sexism, economic and social inequality, immigrant rights and climate change? We will learn about a spectrum of political art designed to raise social awareness, spark social change and rouse protest. The Art Workers Coalition's agit-prop opposing the Vietnam War and ACT-UP's emblematic signs and symbols during the AIDS/HIV crisis of the 1980s galvanized a generation into action. Works such as Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party (1979), Fred Wilson's Mining the Museum (1992), and Glenn Ligon's paintings appropriating fragments from African-American literature all raised awareness by excavating historical evidence of the long legacy resisting marginalization. For three decades feminist artists Adrian Piper, Barbara Kruger and the Guerilla Girls have combined institutional critique and direct address into a provocative form of criticality. Recent art for social justice is reaching ever broadening publics by redrawing the role of artist and audience exemplified by the democratization of poster making and internet campaigns of Occupy and the Movement for Black Lives. We will also consider the collective aesthetic activisms in the Post-Occupy era including Global Ultra Luxury Faction, Climate Justice art projects, and the visual culture of Trump era mass protests. Why are each of these examples successful as influential and enduring markers of social criticism? What have these socially responsive practices contributed to our understanding of American history?.
Same as: AFRICAAM 102B, AMSTUD 102, ARTHIST 162B, FEMGEN 102

CSRE 103. Intergroup Communication. 3 Units.

In an increasingly globalized world, our ability to connect and engage with new audiences is directly correlated with our competence and success in any field How do our intergroup perceptions and reactions influence our skills as communicators? This course uses experiential activities and discussion sections to explore the role of social identity in effective communication. The objective of the course is to examine and challenge our explicit and implicit assumptions about various groups to enhance our ability to successfully communicate across the complex web of identity. NOTE: Please check the Notes section under each quarter to view the current enrollment survey.
Same as: PSYCH 103

CSRE 103B. Race, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices. 3-5 Units.

Focus is on classrooms with students from diverse racial, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. Studies, writing, and media representation of urban and diverse school settings; implications for transforming teaching and learning. Issues related to developing teachers with attitudes, dispositions, and skills necessary to teach diverse students.
Same as: AFRICAAM 106, EDUC 103B, EDUC 337

CSRE 103F. Intergroup Communication Facilitation. 2 Units.

Are you interested in strengthening your skills as a facilitator or section leader? Interested in opening up dialogue around identity within your community or among friends? This course will provide you with facilitation tools and practice, but an equal part of the heart of this class will come from your own reflection on the particular strengths and challenges you may bring to facilitation and how to craft a personal style that works best for you. This reflection process is ongoing, for the instructors as well as the students.
Same as: PSYCH 103F

CSRE 103S. Gender in Native American Societies. 5 Units.

Seminar examines the impact of colonialism on gender roles & gender relations in American Indian communities beginning with the 17th century to the present. Topics include demographic changes; social, political & economic transformations associated with biological & spiritual assaults; the dynamism & diversity of native societies. Sources include history, ethnography, biography, autobiography, the novel & film.
Same as: FEMGEN 103S, NATIVEAM 103S

CSRE 105C. Human Trafficking: Historical, Legal, and Medical Perspectives. 5 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 5C. History majors and others taking 5 units, enroll in 105C.) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding the extent and complexity of the global phenomenon of human trafficking, especially for forced prostitution, labor exploitation, and organ trade, focusing on human rights violations and remedies. Provides a historical context for the development and spread of human trafficking. Analyzes the current international and domestic legal and policy frameworks to combat trafficking and evaluates their practical implementation. Examines the medical, psychological, and public health issues involved. Uses problem-based learning. Required weekly 50-min. discussion section, time TBD. Students interested in service learning should consult with the instructor and will enroll in an additional course.

CSRE 106A. A.I.-Activism-Art. 3-5 Units.

Lecture/studio course exploring arts and humanities scholarship and practice engaging with, and generated by, emerging emerging and exponential technologies. Our course will explore intersections of art and artificial intelligence with an emphasis on social impact and racial justice. Open to all undergraduates.
Same as: ARTHIST 168A, ENGLISH 106A, SYMSYS 168A

CSRE 108. Introduction to Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. 4-5 Units.

Introduction to interdisciplinary approaches to gender, sexuality, queer, trans and feminist studies. Topics include the emergence of sexuality studies in the academy, social justice and new subjects, science and technology, art and activism, history, film and memory, the documentation and performance of difference, and relevant socio-economic and political formations such as work and the family. Students learn to think critically about race, gender, and sexuality from local and global perspectives.
Same as: AMSTUD 107, FEMGEN 101, TAPS 108

CSRE 108S. American Indian Religious Freedom. 3 Units.

The persistence of tribal spiritual beliefs and practices in light of legal challenges (sacred geography and the 1st Amendment), treatment of the dead and sacred objects (repatriation), consumerism (New Age commodification), and cultural intellectual property protection (trademark, copyright, patent law). Focus is on contemporary issues and cases, analyzed through interdisciplinary scholarship and practical strategies to protect the fundamental liberty of American Indian religious freedom.
Same as: NATIVEAM 108S

CSRE 108X. The Changing Face of America. 4-5 Units.

This upper-division seminar will explore some of the most significant issues related to educational access and equity facing American society in the 21st century. Designed for students with significant leadership potential who have already studied these topics in lecture format, this seminar will focus on in-depth analysis of the impact of race on educational access and a variety of educational reform initiatives. Please submit a brief statement with "EDUC 108" in the subject line that details your reasons for applying and what leadership skills, experience, and perspectives you would contribute to the course to: Ginny Smith ( and Wilson Tong ( The deadline is rolling.
Same as: EDUC 108, POLISCI 226A

CSRE 109A. Federal Indian Law. 3 Units.

Cases, legislation, comparative justice models, and historical and cultural material. The interlocking relationships of tribal, federal, and state governments. Emphasis is on economic development, religious freedom, and environmental justice issues in Indian country.
Same as: NATIVEAM 109A

CSRE 109B. Native Nation Building. 3 Units.

The history of competing tribal and Western economic models, and the legal, political, social, and cultural implications for tribal economic development. Case studies include mineral resource extraction, gaming, and cultural tourism. 21st-century strategies for sustainable economic development and protection of political and cultural sovereignty.
Same as: NATIVEAM 109B

CSRE 110P. Mindful Leadership. 1-2 Unit.

An exploration of one's inner life, ways of being in the world, and their expression in how one leads. Addresses the paradoxical task of merely paying attention to enhance our awareness of the socially constructed nature of reality and to feel comfortable to act with simplicity, empathy, and conviction. Through self-reflection, embodied practice, and creative expression through crossing borders students examine us and them. Mindful inquiry in expressed storytelling, collective knowing, appreciative intelligence, and is both scholarly and experiential.
Same as: LEAD 110

CSRE 112X. Urban Education. 3-5 Units.

(Graduate students register for EDUC 212 or SOC 229X). Combination of social science and historical perspectives trace the major developments, contexts, tensions, challenges, and policy issues of urban education.
Same as: AFRICAAM 112, EDUC 112, EDUC 212, SOC 129X, SOC 229X

CSRE 113V. Freedom in Chains: Black Slavery in the Atlantic, 1400s-1800s. 3-5 Units.

This course will focus on the history of slavery in the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch Atlantic world(s), from the late 1400s to the 1800s. Its main focus will be on the experiences of enslaved Africans and their descendants. Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Europeans forcibly embarked over 10 million Africans to the Americas. Drawing on methodologies used by historians, archaeologists and anthropologists, the course will reconstruct the daily lives and the socio-economic, cultural and political histories of these captives. We will seek to hear their voices by investigating a variety of historical testimonies and recent scholarship. The course will examine slavery in the context of broader trends in Atlantic World studies, a field that has grown considerably in recent years, providing new ways of understanding historical developments across national boundaries. We will seek to identify commonalities and differences across time periods and regions and the reasons for those differences. Covered topics will include slave ship voyages, labor, agency, the creation of new identities (creolization), religion, race, gender, resistance, legacies, and memory.

CSRE 114C. America Never was America to me: Race and Equity in US Public Schools. 1 Unit.

This cross-disciplinary course will use the 10-part docu-series "America to Me" to discuss the complexities of race and equity in US schools. The series follows a year in the life of a racially diverse, well-resourced high school outside Chicago, providing an in-depth look at the effects of race, equity, culture and privilege on educational opportunities, and offers insights into the teenage search for personal identity in today's climate. Two of the people featured in the series will be a part of the class, and after screening each episode, a Stanford professor will give a short talk inspired by the content of that episode. The talks will span several disciplines and theoretical perspectives, including Critical Race Theory, History, Psychology, Youth Development, Film Studies, Linguistics, and Teacher Education. Following each talk, students will engage in critical discussion around race and equity in education. Episode 10 will air during Final Exam week, but there will be no final exam.
Same as: AFRICAAM 114C, EDUC 114C, EDUC 314C

CSRE 116. Decolonizing the Indigenous Classroom. 3-5 Units.

Using Indigenous and decolonizing perspectives on education, this interdisciplinary course will examine interaction and language in cross-cultural educational situations, including language, literacy and interethnic communication as they relate to Indigenous American classrooms. Special attention will be paid to implications of social, cultural and linguistic diversity for educational practice, along with various strategies for bridging intercultural differences between schools and Native communities.
Same as: CSRE 302, EDUC 186, EDUC 286, NATIVEAM 116

CSRE 117. Expanding Engineering Limits: Culture, Diversity, and Equity. 3 Units.

This course investigates how culture and diversity shape who becomes an engineer, what problems get solved, and the quality of designs, technology, and products. As a course community, we consider how cultural beliefs about race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, abilities, socioeconomic status, and other intersectional aspects of identity interact with beliefs about engineering, influence diversity in the field, and affect equity in engineering education and practice. We also explore how engineering cultures and environments respond to and change with individual and institutional agency. The course involves weekly presentations by scholars and engineers, readings, short writing assignments, small-group discussion, and hands-on, student-driven projects. Students can enroll in the course for 1 unit (lectures only), or 3 units (lectures+discussion+project). For 1 unit, students should sign up for Section 1 and Credit/No Credit grading, and for 3 units students should sign up for Section 2 and either the C/NC or Grade option.
Same as: CSRE 217, ENGR 117, ENGR 217, FEMGEN 117, FEMGEN 217

CSRE 117D. Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Film. 4-5 Units.

This course introduces students to the theoretical and analytical frameworks necessary to critically understand constructions of race, gender, and sexuality in contemporary American film. Through a sustained engagement with a range of independent and Hollywood films produced since 2000, students analyze the ways that cinematic representations have both reflected and constructed dominant notions of race, gender, and sexuality in the United States. Utilizing an intersectional framework that sees race, gender, and sexuality as always defined by one another, the course examines the ways that dominant notions of difference have been maintained and contested through film in the United States. Readings include work by Michael Omi & Howard Winant, Patricia Hill Collins, Jodi Melamed, Stuart Hall, Lisa Duggan and bell hooks. Films to be discussed include Moonlight, Mosquita y Mari, Kumu Hina, Hustlers, and Crazy Rich Asians. To enroll in the course, please fill out the following form:

CSRE 117S. History of Native Americans in California. 3-5 Units.

This course examines the political histories and cultural themes of Native Americans in California, 1700s1950s. Throughout the semester we will focus on: demographics, diversity of tribal cultures; regional environmental backgrounds; the Spanish Era and missionization; the Mexican Era and secularization; relations with the United States Government and the State of California, including the gold rush period, statehood, unratified treaties, origin of reservations/rancherias, and other federal policies, e.g., Allotment Act, Indian Reorganization Act and termination.
Same as: HISTORY 250A, NATIVEAM 117S

CSRE 118D. Musics and Appropriation Throughout the World. 3 Units.

This course critically examines musical practices and appropriation through the amplification of intersectionality. We consider musics globally through recourse to ethnomusicological literature and critical race theories. Our approach begins from an understanding that the social and political contexts where musics are created, disseminated, and consumed inform disparate interpretations and meanings of music, as well as its sounds. Our goal is to shape our ears to hear the effects of slavery, colonialism, capitalism, nationalism, class, gender difference, militarism, and activism. We interrogate the process of appropriating musics throughout the world by making the power structures that shape privileges and exclusions audible.
Same as: AFRICAAM 218, MUSIC 118

CSRE 118E. Heritage, Environment, and Sovereignty in Hawaii. 4 Units.

This course explores the cultural, political economic, and environmental status of contemporary Hawaiians. What sorts of sustainable economic and environmental systems did Hawaiians use in prehistory? How was colonization of the Hawaiian Islands informed and shaped by American economic interests and the nascent imperialsm of the early 20th centrury? How was sovereignty and Native Hawaiian identity been shaped by these forces? How has tourism and the leisure industry affected the natural environment? This course uses archaeological methods, ethnohistorical sources, and historical analysis in an exploration of contemporary Hawaiian social economic and political life.
Same as: EARTHSYS 118, NATIVEAM 118

CSRE 118S. Critical Family History: Narratives of Identity and Difference. 4 Units.

This course examines family history as a site for understanding identity, power, and social difference in American society. Focusing in particular on the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality, we approach the family as an archive through which we might write alternative histories to the ones that dominate the national historical consciousness. To do this, we examine memoirs, oral histories, and first-person documentaries as historical texts that can be used to foreground marginalized historical voices. Students will then be asked to apply course readings and theories to their own family histories as a means of better understanding issues of identity and difference.
Same as: AFRICAAM 118X, AMSTUD 118, ASNAMST 118S

CSRE 119. Novel Perspectives on South Africa. 2-3 Units.

21st-century South Africa continues its literary effervescence. In this class we'll sample some recent novels and related writings to tease out the issues shaping the country (and to some degree the continent) at present. Is `South African literature' a meaningful category today? What are the most significant features we can identify in new writings and how do they relate to contemporary social dynamics? The course will appeal to anyone interested in present-day Cape Town or Johannesburg, including students who have spent a term in BOSP-Cape Town or plan to do so in future. Both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome. 2-3 units. Course may be repeated for credit.nn nnAll students will write short analyses from the prescribed texts. Students taking the course for three units will write an extended essay on a topic agreed with the instructor.

CSRE 120P. Poverty and Inequality in Israel and the US: A Comparative Approach. 3 Units.

Poverty rates in Israel are high and have been relatively stable in recent decades, with about one fifth of all households (and a third of all children) living below the poverty line. In this class we will learn about poverty and inequality in Israel and we will compare with the US and other countries.nnIn the first few weeks of this class we will review basic theories of poverty and inequality and we will discuss how theories regarding poverty have changed over the years, from the "culture of poverty" to theories of welfare state regimes. We will also learn about various ways of measuring poverty, material hardship, and inequality, and we will review the methods and data used.nnIn the remaining weeks of the class we will turn to substantive topics such as gender, immigration, ethnicity/nationality, welfare policy, age, and health. Within each topic we will survey the debates within contemporary scholarship and we will compare Israel and the US. Examination of these issues will introduce students to some of the challenges that Israeli society faces today.
Same as: JEWISHST 131VP, SOC 120VP

CSRE 121. Discourse of the Colonized: Native American and Indigenous Voices. 5 Units.

Using the assigned texts covering the protest movements in the 20th century to the texts written from the perspective of the colonized at the end of the 20th century, students will engage in discussions on decolonization. Students will be encouraged to critically explore issues of interest through two short papers and a 15-20 minute presentation on the topic of interest relating to decolonization for Native Americans in one longer paper. Approaching research from an Indigenous perspective will be encouraged throughout.
Same as: NATIVEAM 121

CSRE 121L. Racial-Ethnic Politics in US. 5 Units.

Why is contemporary American politics so sharply divided along racial and party lines? Are undocumented immigrants really more likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens? What makes a political ad "racist?" The U.S. population will be majority-minority by 2050; what does this mean for future electoral outcomes? We will tackle such questions in this course, which examines various issues surrounding the development of political solidarity within racial groups; the politics of immigration, acculturation, and identification; and the influence of race on public opinion, political behavior, the media, and in the criminal justice system. Prior coursework in Economics or Statistics strongly recommended.
Same as: POLISCI 121L, PUBLPOL 121L

CSRE 122B. Reality Television and All Things Basic. 3-5 Units.

In ¿Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema¿ (1975), feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey argues that ¿the cinema poses questions of the ways the unconscious (formed by the dominant order) structures ways of seeing and pleasure in looking,¿ (804-805), conceptualizing what has become ubiquitously known as ¿the male gaze.¿ Mulvey's theory of the male gaze in film centers on two processes, the pleasures produced through objectification and those produced through identification. Feminists of color who study the politics of popular media have critiqued as well as expanded on Mulvey's notion of the male gaze, including bell hook's articulation of an oppositional gaze¿a critical gaze¿a possible site of resistance for colonized black people.nnWithin the last two decades, reality television has become a staple of popular culture in the U.S., a key component of the representational politics of audiovisual media. Thinking the processes of objectification and identification more expansively and privileging bell hook¿s formulation of critical spectatorship, what types of pleasures are produced through the addition of the category ¿reality?¿ How does this relate to our understandings of racialized gender in the U.S.? Is reality television ¿this generation¿s¿ soap opera, a feminized genre of (melo)drama? And does this form of reality simply reproduce the heteronormative order, or can this form of media ever subvert normative prescriptions regarding gender, age, race, class, and sex(uality)?.
Same as: FEMGEN 122

CSRE 122F. Histories of Race in Science and Medicine at Home and Abroad. 4 Units.

This course has as its primary objective, the historical study of the intersection of race, science and medicine in the US and abroad with an emphasis on Africa and its Diasporas in the US. By drawing on literature from history, science and technology studies, sociology and other related disciplines, the course will consider the sociological and cultural concept of race and its usefulness as an analytical category. The course will explore how the study of race became its own ¿science¿ in the late-Enlightenment era, the history of eugenics--a science of race aimed at the ostensible betterment of the overall population through the systematic killing or "letting die" of humanity¿s "undesirable" parts, discuss how the ideology of pseudo-scientific racism underpinned the health policies of the French and British Empires in Africa, explore the fraught relationship between race and medicine in the US, discuss how biological notions of race have quietly slipped back into scientific projects in the 21st century and explore how various social justice advocates and scholars have resisted the scientific racisms of the present and future and/or proposed new paths towards a more equitable and accessible science.

CSRE 122S. Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health. 4 Units.

Examines health disparities in the U.S., looking at the patterns of those disparities and their root causes. Explores the intersection of lower social class and ethnic minority status in affecting health status and access to health care. Compares social and biological conceptualizations of race and ethnicity. Upper division course with preference given to upperclassmen. Prerequisite: Human Biology Core or Biology Foundations.
Same as: AFRICAAM 132, HUMBIO 122S

CSRE 123C. "Third World Problems?" Environmental Justice Around the World. 3-4 Units.

As the Flint, Michigan water situation began to attract attention and condemnation, Michigan State Representative, Sheldon Neeley, describing the troops on the ground and the Red Cross distributing water bottles, said that the Governor had "turned an American city into a Third World country [...] it's terrible what he's done [...] no fresh water. Then, at a Congressional hearing, the Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee said, "This is the United States of America - this isn't supposed to happen here. We are not some Third World country."nnWhat is a "third world problem?" This introductory environmental anthropology course examines how such imaginaries materialize in development programmes and literature, and bespeak charged geopolitical and racial histories; and invites reflection on what futures for working in common they enable/constrain. We will examine how crises are imagined and constructed, and the governance regimes they give rise to. How does water - as natural resource, public good, human right, need, or commodity - determine the contours of such regimes? We will also study chronic, quieter environmental problems and the responses they (do not) generate. Working through a variety of writing genres - ethnographies, policy literature, and legal and corporate publicity material - will enable students to appreciate what anthropology can contribute to the conversation on environmental justice, and state and corporate bureaucracies and their mandates. The course draws on examples from a wide range of settings. The course is offered as an introduction to environmental anthropology and takes students through key themes - infrastructure, race, class, privatization, justice, violence - by focusing on water. It requires no background in anthropology.
Same as: ANTHRO 123C

CSRE 123F. Navigating a Multicultural World: Practical recommendations for individuals, groups, & institutions. 4 Units.

The world is becoming increasing multicultural, as groups of different races, ethnicities, ages, genders, and socioeconomic classes are coming into closer and more frequent contact than ever before. With increased cultural contact comes the need to create spaces that are inclusive and culturally sensitive. In addition, individuals must learn to live, work, and communicate in a multicultural world. How can we leverage research from cultural psychology to promote the best possible individual, interpersonal, and institutional outcomes for all groups?nThis course will serve as an introduction on how to create multicultural worlds and individuals.nDrawing heavily on research, this course begins with a review of what culture is and how itninfluences individual thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. We then discuss multiculturalism (e.g.,nwhat is it, what are some costs and benefits) before addressing how to promote optimalnfunctioning in multicultural settings.
Same as: PSYCH 123F

CSRE 124A. Latinx Literature. 3-5 Units.

Emerging from the demographic, political, and cultural shifts of the late twentiethnncentury, LatinX Literature flourishes in the twenty-first century as a hemisphericallynnAmerican corpus of texts. Like both ChicanX and Puerto Rican literatures before it,nnLatinX Literature emerges from various movements for social justice to challengennboth the Anglo and the Hispanic established literary traditions of the Americas. As anntransnational, pluralistic, heterogeneous, and dynamic category that considers thennwritings of diverse peoples with cultural ties to Latin America residing in the U.S., itnncomplicates and transgresses the linguistic, geopolitical and cultural borders ofnnthe Americas, including those of the Afro-Caribbean, Luso-Brazilian, and the NativennFirst Nations. Aligning itself with the issues, styles, and topics of the Global South,nnLatinX Literature is a product of the kind of ¿border thinking¿ that critic WalternnMignolo has described as a ¿pluriversal . . . epistemology that interconnects thennplurality and diversity of decolonial projects.¿ Acknowledging its emergence fromnnliteral and theoretical border spaces and decolonizing epistemologies, the ¿X¿ ofnnLatinX intentionally inflects the link to an origin in LGBTQI discourses signifying ¿annmore inclusive, non-gender-binary designation for LatinX peoples¿ and as a bordernnliterature that articulates heterogeneous ways of making meaning¿. Authors maynninclude Jesus Colón, Sandra Cisneros, Helena Maria Viramontes, Christina Garcia,nnJunot Diaz, Ire´ne Lara Silva, Julia Alvarez, Américo Paredes, Daniel Alarcón,nnFrancisco Goldman, Gloria Anzaldúa, Cherríe Moraga, Tato Laviera, ErnestonnQuinonez, Erika Sanchez, Elizabeth Acevedo, Luis Valdez, Lorna Dee Cervantes,nnSilvia Moreno-Garcia, Fernando Flores, or Oscar Cásares.
Same as: CHILATST 124A, ENGLISH 124A

CSRE 124F. The Mothership Connection: Black Science Fiction Across Media. 4 Units.

As science fiction becomes the lingua franca of American popular culture and race takes center stage in our contemporary social and political discourses, the works of black SF creators offer a number of powerful conceptual tools for thinking about race, and particularly for exploring the experience and effects of the African diaspora. This course will consider how black authors, artists, musicians, and filmmakers have responded to or engaged the transmedia genre of SF, as well as the role that race plays in the history of science fiction. What is Afrofuturism, and is it distinct from black science fiction? How does black SF relate to other speculative genres and aesthetics (horror, fantasy, new age, psychedelia, etc.)? Is there something inherently science fictional about the Afro-diasporic experience? How do typical SF tropes - robots, spaceships, technology, the apocalypse, the posthuman - change when considered in the aftermath of the Miiddle Passage and chattel slavery?.
Same as: AFRICAAM 124F

CSRE 125E. Shades of Green: Exploring and Expanding Environmental Justice in Practice. 3-4 Units.

Historically, discussions of race, ethnicity, culture, and equity in the environment have been shaped by a limited view of the environmental justice movement, often centered on urban environmental threats and separated from other types of environmental and climate advocacy. This course will seek to expand on these discussions by exploring topics such as access to outdoor spaces, definitions of wilderness, inclusion in environmental organizations, gender and the outdoors, the influence of colonialism on ways of knowing, food justice and ethics, and the future of climate change policy. The course will also involve a community partnership project. In small groups students will work with an environmental organization to problem-solve around issues of equity, representation, and access. We value a diversity of experiences and epistemologies and welcome undergraduates from all disciplines. Since this is a practical course, there will be a strong emphasis on participation and commitment to community partnerships. This course requires instructor approval, please submit an application by March 16th at midnight. Application available at
Same as: EARTHSYS 125, EARTHSYS 225, URBANST 125

CSRE 126C. Ethics and Leadership in Public Service. 3-4 Units.

This course explores ethical questions that arise in public service work, as well as leadership theory and skills relevant to public service work. Through readings, discussions, in-class activities, assignments, and guest lectures, students will develop a foundation and vision for a future of ethical and effective service leadership. This course serves as a gateway for interested students to participate in the Haas Center's Public Service Leadership Program.
Same as: EDUC 126A, ETHICSOC 79, URBANST 126A

CSRE 127C. Human in a Time of War. 3-5 Units.

It has often been said that the post-9/11 era has been one of never-ending war for the United States. Privatization and the increasing proliferation of ever more removed technologies of killing have raised questions regarding the disposability of racialized populations targeted for submission or containment. The global, ubiquitous nature of the U.S. military industrial complex has made war synonymous with impunity.nnHowever, racialized populations have arguably been under siege and positioned as disposable since the colonization of the Americas. This course draws upon Alexander Weheliye¿s (2014) challenge to move beyond the particular, querying how racialized, gendered experiences condition more expansive notions of the human. Following Jodi Kim¿s notion of the protracted afterlife of the Cold War as epistemological structure, this course traces the continuities and transformations in constructions of populations as more or less human, from settler colonial conquest to the post-9/11 era. How has racial and gendered violence functioned to determine not only which bodies matter but which lives are legible and which subjects granted the full range of human complexity? Recognizing the ¿layered interconnectedness of political violence, racialization, and the human,¿ this course also engages ¿the existence of alternative modes of life alongside the violence, subjection, exploitation, and racialization that define the modern human¿ (Weheliye, 1-2).
Same as: FEMGEN 127

CSRE 129. Camus. 4-5 Units.

"The admirable conjunction of a man, of an action, and of a work" for Sartre, "the ideal husband of contemporary letters" for Susan Sontag, reading "Camus's fiction as an element in France's methodically constructed political geography of Algeria" for Edward Said, Camus embodies the very French figure of the "intellectuel engagé," or public intellectual. From his birth in 1913 into a poor European family in Algeria to the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957, from the Mediterranean world to Paris, Camus engaged in the great ethical and political battles of his time, often embracing controversial positions. Through readings and films, we will explore his multiple legacies. Readings from Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Assia Djebar, Kamel Daoud, Mouloud Feraoun, Alice Kaplan, Edward Said, Edwidge Danticat. Students will work on their production of written French, in addition to speaking French and reading comprehension. Taught in French. Students are highly encouraged to complete FRENLANG 124 or to successfully test above this level through the Language Center. This course fulfills the Writing in the Major (WIM) requirement.
Same as: COMPLIT 229B, FRENCH 129, HISTORY 235F

CSRE 130. Community-based Research As Tool for Social Change:Discourses of Equity in Communities & Classrooms. 3-5 Units.

Issues and strategies for studying oral and written discourse as a means for understanding classrooms, students, and teachers, and teaching and learning in educational contexts. The forms and functions of oral and written language in the classroom, emphasizing teacher-student and peer interaction, and student-produced texts. Individual projects utilize discourse analytic techniques.
Same as: AFRICAAM 130, EDUC 123, EDUC 322

CSRE 132A. Social Inequality in Israel. 3 Units.

Like the US, Israel is a nation of immigrants. Israel additionally shares with the US vast economic, ethnic/racial and gender gaps, which are shaped and are being shaped by the demographic diversity characterizing its society. The course will provide a comparative framework for analyzing social inequality in Israel. We will start by reviewing essential concepts and theories in the study of social stratification. We will then review the main cleavages characterizing Israeli society, while comparing them to gaps in other advances societies and particularly the US. We will focus on class, gender and ethnicity as the main distinctions and will examine their implications for differences in life chances in several domains across the life course. We will conclude with a discussion of possible scenarios for change, which are relevant to both Israel and the US. Throughout the course, we will study critical thinking techniques and will use them for analyzing issues that are central for the analysis of social inequality in Israel and elsewhere.
Same as: JEWISHST 132A, SOC 102A

CSRE 132C. Technology and Inequality. 4-5 Units.

In this advanced interdisciplinary seminar we will examine the ways that technologies aimed to make human lives better (healthier, freer, more connected, and informed) often also harbor the potential to exacerbate social inequalities. Drawing from readings in the social sciences on power and ethics, we will pay special attention to issues of wealth, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, globalization and humanitarianism.
Same as: ANTHRO 132C

CSRE 133E. Literature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean. 4 Units.

This course provides students with an introductory survey of literature and cinema from Francophone Africa and the Caribbean in the 20th and 21st centuries. Students will be encouraged to consider the geographical, historical, and political connections between the Maghreb, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa by reading course materials, completing writing assignments, participating in class activities, listening to contextualizing lectures, and conducting student-led presentations. This course will help students improve their ability to speak and write in French by introducing students to new academic registers, vocabulary, and syntax. While analyzing novels and films, students will be exposed to a diverse number of intersectional topics such as national and cultural identity, race and class, gender and sexuality, orality and textuality, transnationalism and migration, colonialism and decolonization, history and memory, and the politics of language. Readings include the works of writers and filmmakers such as Aimé Césaire, Albert Memmi, Assia Djebar, Dani Laferrière, Djibril Tamsir Niane, Fatou Diome, Leïla Sebbar, Léopold Senghor, Mariama Bâ, Maryse Condé, and Ousmane Sembène. Taught in French. Students are encouraged to complete FRENLANG 124 or to successfully test above this level through the Language Center.


Early theorists of the welfare state described it as a reaction to the emergence of needs and interests of specific social groups during processes of economic development and change. Later theorists countered that the welfare state does not merely react to social cleavages during times of economic change but rather works to actively shape them, in line with worldviews or the interests of dominant group members. Adopting the latter approach, the goal of this course is to provide the tools and knowledge necessary for a critical evaluation of the social services provided to Israeli citizens and their impact on social and economic inequalities. The course will survey various approaches to the understanding of the goals of the welfare state. A comparative and historical account of the development of the welfare state will be presented, while highlighting recent developments, such as the increase in poverty rates and the aging of the population. During the course, we will examine the diverse needs that are served by the welfare state, as well as major dilemmas associated with the provision of services. Throughout the course, we will study critical thinking techniques and will use them for analyzing issues that are central for the development of social policies in Israel and the US.
Same as: JEWISHST 133A, SOC 103A

CSRE 133P. Ethics and Politics in Public Service. 4 Units.

This course examines ethical and political questions that arise in doing public service work, whether volunteering, service learning, humanitarian endeavors overseas, or public service professions such as medicine and teaching. What motives do people have to engage in public service work? Are self-interested motives troublesome? What is the connection between service work and justice? Should the government or schools require citizens or students to perform service work? Is mandatory service an oxymoron?.

CSRE 135. Contemporary Islam and Muslims in America. 4 Units.

In this course, we will explore contemporary Islam and Muslims in a post-9/11 and post-Trump America. Following some brief grounding history in Week 1, we will use ethnographic studies and digital media content to understand the American Muslim experience in the 21st century. Each week, we will also address how the lived experience of American Muslims interacts with "theoretical" and "normative" conceptions of Islam, and whether these interactions eventually create a distinctive "American Islam." Topics covered will include: internal and external racial & gender dynamics, ideological debates, institutions, social media wars, politics, and specific communities as case studies. Together we will develop a critical perspective on the American Muslim experience, particularly as a case of how one diverse religious community negotiates religion in a complex sociopolitical setting.
Same as: AFRICAAM 135A, AMSTUD 135X, GLOBAL 137, RELIGST 135

CSRE 135P. The Psychology of Diverse Community. 3 Units.

This course is an exploration. Its aim is to identify distinguishing features of good diverse communities and articulate them well enough to offer principles or guidelines for how to design and mange such communities e.g. schools, universities, academic disciplines, etc.
Same as: PSYCH 135

CSRE 136. White Identity Politics. 3-5 Units.

Pundits proclaim that the 2016 Presidential election marks the rise of white identity politics in the United States. Drawing from the field of whiteness studies and from contemporary writings that push whiteness studies in new directions, this upper-level seminar asks, does white identity politics exist? How is a concept like white identity to be understood in relation to white nationalism, white supremacy, white privilege, and whiteness? We will survey the field of whiteness studies, scholarship on the intersection of race, class, and geography, and writings on whiteness in the United States by contemporary public thinkers, to critically interrogate the terms used to describe whiteness and white identities. Students will consider the perils and possibilities of different political practices, including abolishing whiteness or coming to terms with white identity. What is the future of whiteness? n*Enrolled students will be contacted regarding the location of the course.
Same as: AFRICAAM 136B, ANTHRO 136B

CSRE 136A. Interfaith Dialogue on Campus: Religion, Diversity, and Higher Education. 2-5 Units.

How are we to talk across religious and spiritual differences? What is the purpose of such dialogues? What do we hope to gain from them? How do such dialogues take shape on college campuses, and what do they indicate about how students cultivate spiritual, political, and civic commitments? This course will explore these questions and others through seminar discussions, fieldwork, and writing that will examine the concepts, assumptions, and principles that shape how we think about interfaith dialogue.
Same as: AMSTUD 236, EDUC 436, RELIGST 336X

CSRE 136U. The Psychology of Scarcity: Its Implications for Psychological Functioning and Education. 3 Units.

This course brings together several literatures on the psychological, neurological, behavioral and learning impact of scarcities, especially those of money (poverty) time and food. It will identify the known psychological hallmarks of these scarcities and explore their implications for psychological functioning, well-being and education--as well as, how they can be dealt with by individuals and in education.
Same as: PSYCH 136, PSYCH 236A

CSRE 138. Medical Ethics in a Global World: Examining Race, Difference and Power in the Research Enterprise. 5 Units.

This course will explore historical as well as current market transformations of medical ethics in different global contexts. We will examine various aspects of the research enterprise, its knowledge-generating and life-saving goals, as well as the societal, cultural, and political influences that make medical research a site of brokering in need of oversight and emergent ethics.nThis seminar will provide students with tools to explore and critically assess the various technical, social, and ethical positions of researchers, as well as the role of the state, the media, and certain publics in shaping scientific research agendas. We will also examine how structural violence, poverty, global standing, and issues of citizenship also influence issues of consent and just science and medicine.
Same as: ANTHRO 138, ANTHRO 238

CSRE 140S. Casablanca - Algiers - Tunis : Cities on the Edge. 3-5 Units.

Casablanca, Algiers and Tunis embody three territories, real and imaginary, which never cease to challenge the preconceptions of travelers setting sight on their shores. In this class, we will explore the myriad ways in which these cities of North Africa, on the edge of Europe and of Africa, have been narrated in literature, cinema, and popular culture. Home to Muslims, Christians, and Jews, they are an ebullient laboratory of social, political, religious, and cultural issues, global and local, between the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries. We will look at mass images of these cities, from films to maps, novels to photographs, sketching a new vision of these magnets as places where power, social rituals, legacies of the Ottoman and French colonial pasts, and the influence of the global economy collude and collide. Special focus on class, gender, and race.

CSRE 141. Gentrification. 5 Units.

Neighborhoods in the Bay Area and around the world are undergoing a transformation known as gentrification. Middle- and upper-income people are moving into what were once low-income areas, and housing costs are on the rise. Tensions between newcomers and old timers, who are often separated by race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, can erupt; high rents may force long-time residents to leave. In this class we will move beyond simplistic media depictions to explore the complex history, nature, causes and consequences of this process. Students will learn through readings, films, class discussions, and engagement with a local community organization. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Same as: AFRICAAM 241A, URBANST 141

CSRE 141E. Counterstory in Literature and Education. 3 Units.

Counterstory is a method developed in critical legal studies that emerges out of the broad "narrative turn" in the humanities and social science. This course explores the value of this turn, especially for marginalized communities, and the use of counterstory as analysis, critique, and self-expression. Using an interdisciplinary approach, we examine counterstory as it has developed in critical theory, critical pedagogy, and critical race theory literatures, and explore it as a framework for liberation, cultural work, and spiritual exploration.
Same as: EDUC 141, EDUC 341, LIFE 124

CSRE 141S. Immigration and Multiculturalism. 5 Units.

What are the economic effects of immigration? Do immigrants assimilate into local culture? What drives native attitudes towards immigrants? Is diversity bad for local economies and societies and which policies work for managing diversity and multiculturalism? We will address these and similar questions by synthesizing the conclusions of a number of empirical studies on immigration and multiculturalism. The emphasis of the course is on the use of research design and statistical techniques that allow us to move beyond correlations and towards causal assessments of the effects of immigration and immigration policy.
Same as: POLISCI 141A

CSRE 141X. Activism and Intersectionality. 3-4 Units.

How are contemporary U.S. social movements shaped by the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality? This course explores the emergence, dynamics, tactics, and targets of social movements. Readings include empirical and theoretical social movement texts, including deep dives into Black, White, and Chicana feminisms; the KKK; and queer/LGBT movements. We will explore how social movement emergence and persistence is related to participants¿ identities and experiences with inequality; how the dynamics, targets, and tactics of mobilized participants are shaped by race, class, gender, and/or sexuality; and how social movement scholars have addressed the intersectional nature of inequality, identity, and community.
Same as: AFRICAAM 141X, FEMGEN 141, SOC 153

CSRE 142. The Literature of the Americas. 5 Units.

A wide-ranging overview of the literatures of the Americas inncomparative perspective, emphasizing continuities and crises that are common to North American, Central American, and South American literatures as well as the distinctive national and cultural elements of a diverse array of primary works. Topics include the definitions of such concepts as empire and colonialism, the encounters between worldviews of European and indigenous peoples, the emergence of creole and racially mixed populations, slavery, the New World voice, myths of America as paradise or utopia, the coming of modernism, twentieth-century avant-gardes, and distinctive modern episodes--the Harlem Renaissance, the Beats, magic realism, Noigandres--in unaccustomed conversation with each other.
Same as: AMSTUD 142, COMPLIT 142, ENGLISH 172E

CSRE 142C. Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice. 3-5 Units.

This seminar is part of a broader program on Social Entrepreneurship at CDDRL in partnership with the Haas Center for Public Service. It will use practice to better inform theory. Working with three visiting social entrepreneurs from developing and developed country contexts students will use case studies of successful and failed social change strategies to explore relationships between social entrepreneurship, gender, democracy, development and justice. It interrogates current definitions of democracy and development and explores how they can become more inclusive of marginalized populations. This is a service learning class in which students will learn by working on projects that support the social entrepreneurs' efforts to promote social change. Students should register for either 3 OR 5 units only. Students enrolled in the full 5 units will have a service-learning component along with the course. Students enrolled for 3 units will not complete the service-learning component. Limited enrollment. Attendance at the first class is mandatory in order to participate in service learning.

CSRE 144. Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class. 5 Units.

Exploration of crossing borders within ourselves, and between us and them, based on a belief that understanding the self leads to understanding others. How personal identity struggles have meaning beyond the individual, how self healing can lead to community healing, how the personal is political, and how artistic self expression based in self understanding can address social issues. The tensions of victimization and agency, contemplation and action, humanities and science, embracing knowledge that comes from the heart as well as the mind. Studies are founded in synergistic consciousness as movement toward meaning, balance, connectedness, and wholeness. Engaging these questions through group process, journaling, reading, drama, creative writing, and storytelling. Study is academic and self-reflective, with an emphasis on developing and presenting creative works in various media that express identity development across borders.
Same as: ASNAMST 144, FEMGEN 144X, LIFE 144

CSRE 145. Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA. 4 Units.

(Graduate students register for 245.) Race and ethnic relations in the U.S. and elsewhere. The processes that render ethnic and racial boundary markers, such as skin color, language, and culture, salient in interaction situations. Why only some groups become targets of ethnic attacks. The social dynamics of ethnic hostility and ethnic/racial protest movements.
Same as: SOC 145, SOC 245

CSRE 145H. Trauma, healing, and empowerment. 3 Units.

This course will look at the ways in which humans are affected by the legacy of war, occupation and colonialism through themes of home, displacement, community, roots, identity, and inter-generational trauma. The approach is integrative, including scholarly investigation, embodied practice, and creative approach. This self-reflective process uses narrative, oral and written, as a means of becoming whole and healing personal, historical, and collective wounds.
Same as: LIFE 145

CSRE 146A. Designing Research for Social Justice: Writing a Community-Based Research Proposal. 3-5 Units.

This course will support students in designing and writing a community-engaged research proposal. In contrast to "traditional" forms of research, community-engaged research uses a social justice lens in seeking to apply research to benefit communities most impacted. Community-engaged researchers also aim to challenge the power relationship between "researchers" and "researched" by working side by side with community partners in the design, conceptualization, and actualization of the research process. In this course, students will learn how to write a community-engaged research proposal. This involves forming a successful community partnership, generating meaningful research questions, and selecting means of collecting and analyzing data that best answer your research questions and support community partners. The course will also support students in developing a grounding in the theory and practice of community-engaged research, and to consider the ethical questions and challenges involved. By the end of the course, students should have a complete research proposal that can be used to apply for a number of summer funding opportunities including the Chappell Lougee Scholarship, the Community-Based Research Fellowship, Cardinal Quarter fellowships, and Major Grants. Please note that completion of the course does not guarantee funding-- rather, the course supports you in learning how to write a strong community-engaged research proposal that you can use to apply to any number of fellowships). This course is also useful for students in any academic year who are interested in pursuing community-engaged theses or capstone projects.
Same as: URBANST 123

CSRE 146B. Approaching Research in the Community: Design and Methods. 3 Units.

This course focuses on issues of research design and how to select specific methodological strategies to assure ethical and effective partnership-based research. In this course, students will plan for their own participation in a CBRF project. Topical themes will include best practice strategies for (a) defining and selecting community problems or issues to be addressed, (b) generating relevant and useful research questions, (c) choosing specific means and methods for data collection [e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.], (d) storing, organizing and analyzing data, (e) reflecting on and critiquing research findings, and (f) carrying out dissemination in ways that can be expected to enhance community power and advance community development. Students will be provided with opportunities to workshop their respective projects-in-development, (e.g., developing and sharing research questions, data collection instruments, strategies for engaging community constituents as co-researchers, etc.). This is a required course for students participating in the Haas Center for Public Service Community-based Research Fellows Program, but enrollment is open to all Stanford students.
Same as: CSRE 346B, URBANST 123B

CSRE 146D. New Keywords in African Sound. 3-4 Units.

This course identifies and considers new keywords for the study of contemporary African music and sound. Each week we will foster discussion around a keyword and a constellation of case studies. The sonic practices we will encounter range from South African house music to Ghanaian honk horns; from Congolese rumba bands to Tunisian trance singers; from listening to the radio in a Tanzanian homestead to making hip hop music videos on the Kenyan coast. By exploring the unexpected interconnections between contemporary African musical communities, we will discuss new keywords arising in current scholarship, including technologies like the amplifier and the hard drive, spaces like the studio and the city, and analytics like pleasure and hotness. We will also engage with established concepts for the study of postcolonial African cultures, including nationalism, cosmopolitanism, globalization, diaspora, and Pan-Africanism. This is a seminar-based course open to graduate students, upper level undergraduate students, and other students with consent of the instructor. Proficiency in music is not required. WIM at 4 units only.

CSRE 147A. Race and Ethnicity Around the World. 4 Units.

(Graduate students register for 247.) How have the definitions, categories, and consequences of race and ethnicity differed across time and place? This course offers a historical and sociological survey of racialized divisions around the globe. Case studies include: affirmative action policies, policies of segregation and ghettoization, countries with genocidal pasts, invisible minorities, and countries that refuse to count their citizens by race at all.
Same as: SOC 147, SOC 247

CSRE 147D. Studies in Music, Media, and Popular Culture: Music and Urban Film. 3-4 Units.

How music and sound work in urban cinema. What happens when music's capacity to transform everyday reality combines with the realism of urban films? Provides an introduction to traditional theories of film music and film sound; considers how new technologies and practices have changed the roles of music in film. Readings discuss film music, realistic cinema, urban musical practices and urban culture. Viewing includes action/adventure, Hindi film, documentary, film noir, hip hop film, the musical, and borderline cases by Jean-Luc Godard, Spike Lee, Wong Kar-Wai and Tsai Ming-Liang. Pre- or corequisite (for music majors): MUSIC 22. (WIM at 4 unit level only.).
Same as: MUSIC 147K, MUSIC 247K

CSRE 147J. Studies in Music, Media, and Popular Culture: The Soul Tradition in African American Music. 3-4 Units.

1960s and 70s Black music, including rhythm and blues, Motown, Southern soul, funk, Philadelphia soul, and disco. Its origins in blues, gospel, and jazz to its influence on today's r&b, hip hop, and dance music. Soul's cultural influence and global reach; its interaction with politics, racism, gender, place, technology, and the economy. Synchronous and asynchronous remote learning, with class discussions, small-group activities, guest presenters, and opportunities for activism. Pre-/co-requisite (for music majors): MUSIC 22. (WIM at 4 units only.).
Same as: AFRICAAM 19, AMSTUD 147J, MUSIC 147J, MUSIC 247J

CSRE 148D. Inglés Personal: Coaching Everyday Community English. 1-5 Unit.

This course is a 1 to 5 unit service learning course that prepares students to provide direct one-on-one service to adult English language learners in East Palo Alto and other surrounding communities. Students meet with and "coach" an adult learner on a weekly basis. Can be repeated for credit.
Same as: CHILATST 148, EDUC 148

CSRE 148P. The Psychology of Bias: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination. 3 Units.

From Black Lives Matter to mansplaining, issues of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination grab our attention and draw our concern. This course brings together research from social, cognitive, affective, developmental, cultural, and neural perspectives to examine the processes that reflect and perpetuate group biases. Along with these various research perspectives, we will consider perspectives of both privileged and disadvantaged group members. Where do stereotypes come from? Why is race so hard to talk about? Can we be biased without knowing it? How can we reduce prejudice and conflict? We will address these and other questions through lectures, class discussion, and group presentations.
Same as: PSYCH 148S

CSRE 148R. Los Angeles: A Cultural History. 4 Units.

This course traces a cultural history of Los Angeles from the early twentieth century to the present. Approaching popular representations of Los Angeles as our primary source, we discuss the ways that diverse groups of Angelenos have represented their city on the big and small screens, in the press, in the theater, in music, and in popular fiction. We focus in particular on the ways that conceptions of race and gender have informed representations of the city. Possible topics include: fashion and racial violence in the Zoot Suit Riots of the Second World War, Disneyland as a suburban fantasy, cinematic representations of Native American life in Bunker Hill in the 1961 film The Exiles, the independent black cinema of the Los Angeles Rebellion, the Anna Deaver Smith play Twilight Los Angeles about the civil unrest that gripped the city in 1992, and the 2019 film Once Upon a Time¿in Hollywood.
Same as: AMSTUD 148, HISTORY 148C

CSRE 149. The Laboring of Diaspora & Border Literary Cultures. 3-5 Units.

Focus is given to emergent theories of culture and on comparative literary and cultural studies. How do we treat culture as a social force? How do we go about reading the presence of social contexts within cultural texts? How do ethno-racial writers re-imagine the nation as a site with many "cognitive maps" in which the nation-state is not congruent with cultural identity? How do diaspora and border narratives/texts strive for comparative theoretical scope while remaining rooted in specific local histories. Note: This course must be taken for a letter grade to be eligible for WAYS credit. In AY 2020-21, a "CR" grade will satisfy the WAYS requirement.
Same as: COMPLIT 149, ILAC 149

CSRE 149A. The Urban Underclass. 4 Units.

(Graduate students register for 249.) Recent research and theory on the urban underclass, including evidence on the concentration of African Americans in urban ghettos, and the debate surrounding the causes of poverty in urban settings. Ethnic/racial conflict, residential segregation, and changes in the family structure of the urban poor.
Same as: SOC 149, SOC 249, URBANST 112

CSRE 150A. Race and Crime. 3 Units.

The goal of this course is to examine social psychological perspectives on race, crime, and punishment in the United States. Readings will be drawn not only from psychology, but also from sociology, criminology, economics, and legal studies. We will consider the manner in which social psychological variables may operate at various points in the crimina; justice system- from policing, to sentencing, to imprisonment, to re-entry. Conducted as a seminar. Students interested in participating should attend the first session and complete online application for permission at
Same as: PSYCH 150, PSYCH 259

CSRE 150B. Race and Crime Practicum. 2-4 Units.

This practicum is designed to build on the lessons learned in PSYCH 150 Race & Crime. In this community service learning course, students participate in community partnerships relevant to race and crime, as well as reflection to connect these experiences to research and course content. Interested students should complete an application for permission at: Prerequisite: PSYCH 150 (taken concurrently or previously).
Same as: PSYCH 150B

CSRE 150G. Performing Race, Gender, and Sexuality. 4 Units.

In this theory and practice-based course, students will examine performances by and scholarly texts about artists who critically and mindfully engage race, gender, and sexuality. Students will cultivate their skills as artist-scholars through written assignments and the creation of performances in response to the assigned material. Attendance and written reflection about a live performance event on campus are required. Students will also learn various meditation practices as tools for making and critiquing performance, in both our seminar discussions and performance workshops. We will approach mindfulness as method and theory in our own practice, as well as in relation to the works studied. We will also consider the ethics and current debates concerning the mindfulness industry. Examples of artists studied include James Luna, Nao Bustamante, Renee Cox, William Pope.L, Cassils, boychild, Curious, Adrian Piper, Xandra Ibarra, Valérie Reding, Guillermo Gomez-Peña, and Ana Mendieta.
Same as: ARTSINST 150G, CSRE 350G, FEMGEN 150G, LIFE 150G, TAPS 150G

CSRE 150S. Nineteenth Century America. 5 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 50B. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 150B.) Territorial expansion, social change, and economic transformation. The causes and consequences of the Civil War. Topics include: urbanization and the market revolution; slavery and the Old South; sectional conflict; successes and failures of Reconstruction; and late 19th-century society and culture.

CSRE 151D. Migration and Diaspora in American Art, 1800-Present. 4 Units.

This lecture course explores American art through the lens of immigration, exile, and diaspora. We will examine a wide range of work by immigrant artists and craftsmen, paying special attention to issues of race and ethnicity, assimilation, displacement, and political turmoil. Artists considered include Emmanuel Leutze, Thomas Cole, Joseph Stella, Chiura Obata, Willem de Kooning, Mona Hatoum, and Julie Mehretu, among many others. How do works of art reflect and help shape cultural and individual imaginaries of home and belonging?.
Same as: AMSTUD 151, ARTHIST 151, ARTHIST 351, ASNAMST 151D

CSRE 151P. Transpacific Performance. 4 Units.

Building on exciting new work in transpacific studies, this course explores how performance reveals the many ways in which cultures and communities intersect across the diverse and dynamic Pacific Ocean world, covering works from the Americas and Asia, Pacific Islands, and Australia. In an era when the Pacific has emerged as the center of global cultural and financial power, what critical and ethical role does performance play in treating the region's entangled histories, its urgent contemporary issues, and possible futures?.
Same as: TAPS 151P, TAPS 351P

CSRE 152B. Black Music Revealed: Black composers, performers, and themes from the 18th century to the present. 3 Units.

Online seminar on the achievements of Black composers and performers in ragtime, jazz, and classical music, from Chevalier de Saint-Georges, whose music influenced Mozart, and George Bridgetower, for whom Beethoven composed his "Kreutzer" Sonata, to Anthony Davis's opera "The Central Park Five". Students will examine issues of cultural borrowing in operas by Mozart and Verdi, and shows like Showboat and Porgy and Bess. Guest speakers will include composers and performers. Students will work together in groups to produce materials on course topics in coordination with the African American Museum & Library at Oakland. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Same as: MUSIC 152B

CSRE 153C. Asylum: Knowledge, Politics, and Population. 3-5 Units.

This course draws from ethnography, social theory, media and literature to examines the place of the asylum in the constitution of knowledge, politics, and populations. An ancient juridical concept, asylum has been used to describe a fundamental political right, medical and penal institutions, as well as emergent spaces of care and safety. As such, thus course invites students to think of critical issues associated with asylum, including: illness, trauma, violence, immigration, displacement, human rights, sanctuary, and testimony.
Same as: ANTHRO 153

CSRE 153D. Creative Research for Artists. 1-2 Unit.

This generative lab is dedicated to juniors and seniors in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, African and African American Studies, or related fields in the arts who are pursuing an advanced creative honors thesis or capstone project around questions of identity, diversity and aesthetics. Students sharpen methodologies, get feedback on works in progress, and make formidable connections between their academic and artistic pursuits.
Same as: DANCE 153D

CSRE 153P. Black Artistry: Strategies of Performance in the Black Diaspora. 3-5 Units.

Charting a course from colonial America to contemporary London, this course explores the long history of Black performance throughout an Atlantic diaspora. Defining performance as "forms of cultural staging," from Thomas DeFrantz and Anita Gonzalez's Black Performance Theory, this course takes up scripted plays, live theatre, devised works, performance art, and cinematic performance in its survey of the field. We will engage with theorists, performer, artists, and revolutionaries such as Ignatius Sancho, Maria Stewart, William Wells Brown, Zora Neale Hurston, Derek Walcott, Danai Gurira, and Yvonne Orji. We will address questions around Black identity, history, time, and futurity, as well as other essential strategies Black performers have engaged in their performance making. The course includes essential methodological readings for Black Studies as well as formational writings in Black performance theory and theatre studies. Students will establish a foothold in both AAAS (theory & methodology) and in performance history (plays and performances). As a WIM course, students will gain expertise in devising, drafting, and revising written essays.
Same as: AFRICAAM 153P, TAPS 153P, TAPS 353P

CSRE 153Q. Reading and Writing the Gendered Story. 4-5 Units.

Exploration of novels, stories, memoirs and micro-narratives in which gender plays a major role. The texts are by writers of varied genders and sexual orientations as well as varied class, racial and national backgrounds. Written assignments present a mixture of academic and creative options.
Same as: FEMGEN 153Q

CSRE 153R. Before the Model Minority: South Asians in the US. 5 Units.

The model minority myth has been used to create a wedge between Asian and Black people in the United States, and masks the histories and lives of itinerant South Asian traders, laborers, and farmers. Beginning in the 1860s, South Asians (mostly male, and often undocumented) traveled to major ports in the US, such as New York City, New Orleans, and the California coast, where they found working-class jobs and married Puerto Rican, African American, Creole, and Mexican women. Some South Asians were double migrants, first brought to British colonies in the Caribbean and South America through indentured servitude, and later migrated to the United States. Their life stories expand to the racial history of the United States by looking beyond a Black/white binary. nnBy juxtaposing immigrant stories with exclusionary US immigration laws, the course touches upon major themes of migration, capitalism, surveillance, race and racism, multiracial couples and communities, resistance, intersectional activism, borderlands and cities in the US, and the formation of national identity. During the quarter, we will seek to connect experiences in the past with contemporary issues of political culture in the United States to engage with the continuing challenge of locating and attaining self-definition, justice, and social progress in a fraught and divided world.
Same as: HISTORY 253P

CSRE 154. Anthropology of Drugs: Experience, Capitalism, Modernity. 5 Units.

This course examines the significant role ¿drugs¿ play in shaping expressions of the self and social life; in the management populations, and in the production of markets and inequality. It engages these themes through cultural representations of drugs and drug use, analyses of scientific discourse, and social theory. Topics include: the social construction of the licit and illicit; the shifting boundaries of deviance, disease and pleasure; and the relationship between local markets and global wars.
Same as: ANTHRO 154, ANTHRO 254B

CSRE 154D. Black Magic: Ethnicity, Race, and Identity in Performance Cultures. 3-4 Units.

In 2013, CaShawn Thompson devised a Twitter hashtag, #blackgirlmagic, to celebrate the beauty and intelligence of black women. Twitter users quickly adopted the slogan, using the hashtag to celebrate everyday moments of beauty, accomplishment, and magic. The slogan offered a contemporary iteration of an historical alignment: namely, the concept of "magic" with both Black people as well as "blackness." This course explores the legacy of Black magic--and black magic--through performance texts including plays, poetry, films, and novels. We will investigate the creation of magical worlds, the discursive alignment of magic with blackness, and the contemporary manifestation of a historical phenomenon. We will cover, through lecture and discussion, the history of black magic representation as well as the relationship between magic and religion. Our goal will be to understand the impact and history of discursive alignments: what relationship does "black magic" have to and for "black bodies"? How do we understand a history of performance practice as being caught up in complicated legacies of suspicion, celebration, self-definition? The course will give participants a grounding in black performance texts, plays, and theoretical writings. *This course will also satisfy the TAPS department WIM requirement.*.
Same as: AFRICAAM 154G, FEMGEN 154G, TAPS 154G

CSRE 154T. The Politics of Algorithms. 4-5 Units.

Algorithms have become central actors in today's digital world. In areas as diverse as social media, journalism, education, healthcare, and policing, computing technologies increasingly mediate communication processes. This course will provide an introduction to the social and cultural forces shaping the construction, institutionalization, and uses of algorithms. In so doing, we will explore how algorithms relate to political issues of modernization, power, and inequality. Readings will range from social scientific analyses to media coverage of ongoing controversies relating to Big Data. Students will leave the course with a better appreciation of the broader challenges associated with researching, building, and using algorithms.
Same as: COMM 154, COMM 254, SOC 154, SOC 254C

CSRE 156. The Changing American City. 4 Units.

After decades of decline, U.S. cities today are undergoing major transformations. Young professionals are flocking to cities instead of fleeing to the suburbs. Massive increases in immigration have transformed the racial and ethnic diversity of cities and their neighborhoods. Public housing projects that once defined the inner city are disappearing, and crime rates have fallen dramatically. Do these changes signal the end of residential segregation and urban inequality? Who do these changes benefit? This course will explore these issues and strategies to address them through readings and discussion, analyzing a changing neighborhood in a major city in the Bay Area in groups (which will include at least one site visit), and studying a changing neighborhood or city of their choice for their final project. The course does not have pre-requisites.
Same as: SOC 156A, SOC 256A, URBANST 156A

CSRE 156T. Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson. 4 Units.

This course purposefully and explicitly mixes theory and practice. Students will read and discuss the plays of August Wilson, the most celebrated and most produced contemporary American playwright, that comprise his 20th Century History Cycle. Class stages scenes from each of these plays, culminating in a final showcase of longer scenes from his work as a final project.
Same as: AFRICAAM 156, TAPS 156, TAPS 356

CSRE 156X. Theater of Dissent: Social Movements, Migration, and Revolution in the Americas. 4 Units.

TAPS 156X is an introductory level course that considers how theatre and performance provide a vital platform to examine political dissonance, the mobilities and (im)mobilities that shape transnational migration, and the formation of Latinx/Chicanx identity in the Americas. We will further examine the differences between key terminology in performance, including the notion of Latinidad, by looking at different aesthetic and socio-cultural performance practices and methodologies, re-occuring performance themes, and site-specific performance in the Americas. This course will primarily concentrate on works written in/about the Western Pacific US Southwest, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Cuba, and Colombia through a variety of theatrical play texts, recorded performances, workshops, and creative projects.

CSRE 157A. Performing Arabs and Others in Theory and Practice. 4 Units.

How deeply must the artist engage to be satisfied with a representation? Is there such a thing as `good representation¿? When must artists persist and when should they resist? In this class, we will dare to make mistakes, challenge formulaic popular critiques and struggle to formulate our personal manifestos on casting. We¿ll let a diverse cast of Arab characters help us in a quarter-long rehearsal of the artist and scholar we wish to be. All course materials are in English, but proficient speakers of Arabic may be given Arabic language texts, if they ask. The majority of the works in our reading list will fit four categories: Orientalist representation, works by Arabs for Arabs, works by non-Arabs for non-Arabs, and works by Arab-Americans. In this class, we learn the theory, practice it, and intelligently attempt to compromise in a deeply flawed and gratifying artform.
Same as: TAPS 157P, TAPS 257P

CSRE 157B. Election 2020. 1 Unit.

(Also LAW 7101). We are living in extraordinary times. The historic convergence of social, economic, and public health challenges has profoundly impacted the lives of millions of Americans. In the midst of great uncertainty, the 2020 US presidential election will be perhaps the most important in our lifetimes. Will Donald J. Trump win reelection amid high unemployment, deep political polarization, and the COVID-19 pandemic that has upended life as we know it? Or will Joe Biden and a team of Democrats prevail? We will assemble a wide range of expert speakers-including preeminent political, business, foreign policy, and academic leaders-to explore these questions (and more) as we seek to cultivate a broad and informed view of this pivotal election.
Same as: EDUC 157

CSRE 157P. Solidarity and Racial Justice. 4-5 Units.

Is multiracial solidarity necessary to overcome oppression that disproportionately affects certain communities of color? What is frontline leadership and what role should people play if they are not part of frontline communities? In this course we will critically examine practices of solidarity and allyship in movements for collective liberation. Through analysis of historical and contemporary movements, as well as participation in movement work, we will see how movements have built multiracial solidarity to address issues that are important to the liberation of all. We will also see how racial justice intersects with other identities and issues. This course is for students that want to learn how to practice solidarity, whether to be better allies or to work more effectively with allies. There will be a community engaged learning option for this course. Students who choose to participate in this option will either work with Stanford's DGen Office or a community organization that is explicitly devoted to multiracial movement-building.
Same as: AFRICAAM 157P, AMSTUD 157P, FEMGEN 157P

CSRE 160J. Conjure Art 101: Performances of Ritual, Spirituality and Decolonial Black Feminist Magic. 2 Units.

Conjure Art is a movement and embodied practice course looking at the work and techniques of artists of color who utilize spirituality and ritual practices in their art making and performance work to evoke social change. In this course we will discuss the work of artists who bring spiritual ritual in their art making while addressing issues of spiritual accountability and cultural appropriation. Throughout the quarter we will welcome guest artists who make work along these lines, while exploring movement, writing, singing and visual art making. This class will culminate in a performance ritual co-created by students and instructor.
Same as: AFRICAAM 160J, DANCE 160J

CSRE 160M. Introduction to Representations of the Middle East in Dance, Performance, & Popular Culture. 3-4 Units.

This course will introduce students to the ways in which the Middle East has been represented and performed by/in the 'West' through dance, performance, and popular culture in both historical and contemporary contexts. A brief look through today's media sources exposes a wide range of racialized and gendered representations of the Middle East that shape the way the world imagines the Middle East to be. As postcolonial theorist Edward Said explains, the framework we call Orientalism establishes the ontological character of the Orient and the Oriental as inherently `Other'. Starting with 19th century colonialism and continuing into the post-9/11 era, this course will trace the Western production, circulation, and consumption of representations of the Middle East as 'Other' in relation to global geopolitics. We will further examine dance forms produced in mid-twentieth century Iran and Egypt, with particular attention to nation-state building and constructions of gender. Finally, we will examine artistic productions and practices from the Middle East and Middle Eastern diasporic communities that respond to colonialism, war, displacement, secularism, and Euro-American Empire. Using dance studies, postcolonial feminist, and critical race theoretical frameworks, we will consider the gender, racial, political, and cultural implications of selected performance works and practices in order to analyze how bodies produce meaning in dance, performance art, theater, film, photography, and new media. Students will engage in multiple modes of learning; the course will include lectures, engaged group discussions, viewing of live and recorded performance, embodied participation in dance practice, student oral presentations, and a variety of writing exercises. Course assignments will culminate in a final research project related to class themes and methods.
Same as: DANCE 160M, FEMGEN 160M, TAPS 160M

CSRE 161P. Entrepreneurship for Social and Racial Equity. 3 Units.

This course is designed for students of all backgrounds and provides an introduction to business ownership and an entrepreneurial mindset with a focus on operating businesses with racial equity as a core principle and/or within diverse communities with an aim to create social impact for future generations as well as profitability and sustainability models. The course will introduce the beginning elements of creating a business concept (formation, product, business strategy) as well as the additional overlay of social impact and cultural considerations. Types of financing as well as effective pitching will also be covered. Course materials will include instructor presentations, case studies, homework assignments, creation of students¿ own business concept plan and guest interviews with successful professionals working within social impact and diverse communities. Post COVID business considerations related to finance, policy and advocacy will also be covered.
Same as: NATIVEAM 161

CSRE 162. The Politics of Sex: Work, Family, and Citizenship in Modern American Women's History. 3-5 Units.

This course explores the transition from Victorian to modern American womanhood by asking how Native, European, African, Mexican, and Asian American women navigated the changing sexual, economic, and political landscapes of the twentieth century. Through secondary readings, primary sources, films, music, and literature we explore the opportunities and boundaries on groups of women in the context of historical events that included immigration, urbanization, wartime, depression, the Cold War, as well as recurrent feminist and conservative political movements.
Same as: AMSTUD 161, FEMGEN 161, HISTORY 61, HISTORY 161

CSRE 162A. Spirituality and Nonviolent Urban and Social Transformation. 3 Units.

A life of engagement in social transformation is often built on a foundation of spiritual and religious commitments. Case studies of nonviolent social change agents including Rosa Parks in the civil rights movement, César Chávez in the labor movement, and WIlliam Sloane Coffin in the peace movement; the religious and spiritual underpinnings of their commitments. Theory and principles of nonviolence. Films and readings. Service learning component includes placements in organizations engaged in social transformation. Service Learning Course (certified by Haas Center).
Same as: RELIGST 162X, URBANST 126

CSRE 162D. Latin/x America in Motion: An Introduction to Dance Studies. 3-4 Units.

This course introduces students to the field of Dance Studies by examining the histories of Latin American and Caribbean dances and their relationship to developing notions of race and nation in the Americas. We will study the historical emergence and transformation of ¿indigeneity,¿ ¿blackness,¿ ¿whiteness,¿ and ¿Latin/@/x¿ and consider how dance practices interacted with these identifications. No prior experience with Dance or Latin America and the Caribbean necessary.
Same as: CHILATST 162, DANCE 162L, TAPS 162L, TAPS 262L

CSRE 162V. Advanced Research in Black Performing Arts. 1 Unit.

What is the history of Committee for Black Performing Arts (CBPA)? How did it come into being and how do we carry/re-member the legacy forward and into the future? In this course students will engage in the research and archiving process as we dig into the history of CBPA on the eve of its 50th anniversary. Activities will include, digitizing and cataloguing film,video and documents,conducting interviews with former students and professors of CBPA, and guest lecturers with professional archivists.
Same as: DANCE 162V

CSRE 164A. Race and Performance. 3-5 Units.

How does race function in performance and dare we say ¿live and in living color?¿ How does one deconstruct discrimination at its roots?n nFrom a perspective of global solidarity and recognition of shared plight among BIPOC communities, we will read and perform plays that represent material and psychological conditions under a common supremacist regime. Where and when possible, we will host a member of the creative team of some plays in our class for a live discussion. Assigned materials include works by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Amiri Baraka, Young Jean Lee, Ayad Akhtar, Susan Lori Parks, David Henry Hwang, Betty Shamieh, Jeremy O. Harris, and Christopher Demos Brown.n nThis class offers undergraduate students a discussion that does not center whiteness, but takes power, history, culture, philosophy, and hierarchy as core points of debate. In the first two weeks, we will establish the common terms of the discussion about stereotypes, representation, and historical claims, but then we will quickly move toward an advanced conversation about effective discourse and activism through art, performance, and cultural production. In this class, we assume that colonialism, slavery, white supremacy, and oppressive contemporary state apparatuses are real, undeniable, and manifest. Since our starting point is clear, our central question is not about recognizing or delineating the issues, but rather, it is a debate about how to identify the target of our criticism in order to counter oppression effectively and dismantle long-standing structures.n nNot all BIPOC communities are represented in this syllabus, as such claim of inclusion in a single quarter would be tokenistic and disingenuous. Instead, we will aspire to understand and negotiate some of the complexities related to race in several communities locally in the U.S. and beyond.
Same as: AFRICAAM 164A, CSRE 364A, TAPS 164

CSRE 165. Identity and Academic Achievement. 3 Units.

How do social identities affect how people experience academic interactions? How can learning environments be better structured to support the success of all students? In this class, we will explore how a variety of identities such as race, gender, social class, and athletic participation can affect academic achievement, with the goal of identifying concrete strategies to make learning environments at Stanford and similar universities more inclusive. Readings will draw from psychology, sociology, education, and popular press. This class is a seminar format.
Same as: AFRICAAM 165, PSYCH 165

CSRE 170A. Unlearning Racism, Redefining Identity: Culture workers and the frontlines of Change. 1-4 Unit.

The fabric of racism is inextricably woven and constructed into the founding principles of the United States. Racism was done and it can be undone through effective anti-racist organizing with, and in accountability to the communities most impacted by racism. The People's Institute believes that effective community and institutional change happens when those who serve as agents of transformation understand the foundations of race and racism and how they continually function as a barrier to community self-determination and self-sufficiency.nnThis course focuses on understanding what racism is, where it comes from, how it functions, why it persists and how it can be undone. The classes, led by organizers of the People's Institute, guest artists and scholars, utilize a systematic approach that emphasizes learning from history, developing leadership, maintaining accountability to communities, creating networks, undoing internalized racial oppression and understanding the role of organizational gate keeping as a mechanism for perpetuating racism.
Same as: AFRICAAM 170A

CSRE 171. Peering into darkness: critical research practices in contemporary art & astrophysics. 4 Units.

¿We were peering into this darkness, crisscrossed with voices, when the change took place: the only real, great change I've ever happened to witness, and compared to it the rest is nothing¿ --Italo Calvinonn`Peering into darkness¿ is an interdisciplinary undergraduate research seminar guest taught by IDA visiting artist Janani Balasubramanian & collaborator Afra Ashraf. Together, we will joyfully open up science as a space to interrogate social questions and personal subjectivity. Students will explore weekly research themes such as observing, ghosts, abolition, fragmentation, and fables through critical texts, guest lectures, and practices of astrophysics and artmaking. Prerequisites include curiosity and play.
Same as: AFRICAAM 171

CSRE 174. History of South Africa. 5 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 47. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 147.) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Same as: AFRICAAM 147, HISTORY 147

CSRE 174S. When Half is Whole: Developing Synergistic Identities and Mestiza Consciousness. 5 Units.

This is an exploration of the ways in which individuals construct whole selves in societies that fragment, label, and bind us in categories and boxes. We examine identities that overcome the destructive dichotomies of ¿us¿ and ¿them, ¿ crossing borders of race, ethnicity, culture, nation, sex, and gender. Our focus is on the development of hybrid and synergistic forms of identity and mestiza consciousness in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Same as: ASNAMST 174S, LIFE 174S

CSRE 175W. Philosophy of Law: Protest, Punishment, and Racial Justice. 4 Units.

In this course, we will examine some of the central questions in philosophy of law, including: What is law? What gives law its authority? Must we obey the law? If so, when and why? How should we understand and respond to unjust laws? When is civil disobedience morally permissible? Is civil disobedience ever morally required?nWhat is punishment for? What are prisons for? What is the case for reparations?.
Same as: ETHICSOC 175W, PHIL 175W, PHIL 275W

CSRE 176B. The Social Life of Neighborhoods. 4 Units.

How do neighborhoods come to be? How and why do they change? What is the role of power, money, race, immigration, segregation, culture, government, and other forces? In this course, students will interrogate these questions using literatures from sociology, geography, and political science, along with archival, observational, interview, and cartographic (GIS) methods. Students will work in small groups to create content (e.g., images, audio, and video) for a self-guided ¿neighborhood tour,¿ which will be added to a mobile app and/or website.
Same as: AFRICAAM 76B, SOC 176, SOC 276, URBANST 179

CSRE 177E. Well-Being in Immigrant Children & Youth: A Service Learning Course. 4 Units.

This is an interdisciplinary course that will examine the dramatic demographic changes in American society that are challenging the institutions of our country, from health care and education to business and politics. This demographic transformation is occurring first in children and youth, and understanding how social institutions are responding to the needs of immigrant children and youth to support their well-being is the goal of this course.
Same as: CHILATST 177A, EDUC 177A, HUMBIO 29A

CSRE 177F. Well-Being in Immigrant Children & Youth: A Service Learning Course. 4 Units.

This is an interdisciplinary course that will examine the dramatic demographic changes in American society that are challenging the institutions of our country, from health care and education to business and politics. This demographic transformation is occurring first in children and youth, and understanding how social institutions are responding to the needs of immigrant children and youth to support their well-being is the goal of this course.
Same as: CHILATST 177B, EDUC 177B

CSRE 177I. Workshop with Young Jean Lee. 2-4 Units.

Instructor Young Jean Lee is a playwright and director who will have two plays premiering on Broadway in 2018-2019. In this workshop, students will help to collaboratively perform, direct, and rewrite the script of one of these plays, which is about the intersection of class and race. The class will involve acting for students who want to act, directing for students who want to direct, and writing for students who want to write. The current character breakdown is as follows: 2 black women, 1 Asian-American woman, 1 Colombian woman, 1 Mexican-American man, 2 black men, 2 white women, 2 white men.
Same as: TAPS 177W, TAPS 277W

CSRE 178. Ethics and Politics of Public Service. 3-5 Units.

Ethical and political questions in public service work, including volunteering, service learning, humanitarian assistance, and public service professions such as medicine and teaching. Motives and outcomes in service work. Connections between service work and justice. Is mandatory service an oxymoron? History of public service in the U.S. Issues in crosscultural service work. Integration with the Haas Center for Public Service to connect service activities and public service aspirations with academic experiences at Stanford.
Same as: ETHICSOC 133, PHIL 175A, PHIL 275A, POLISCI 133, PUBLPOL 103D, URBANST 122

CSRE 178B. Intensive Playwriting. 4 Units.

Intermediate level study of fundamentals of playwriting through an intensive play development process. Course emphasizes visual scripting for the stage and play revision. Script analysis of works by contemporary playwrights may include: Suzan-Lori Parks, Tony Kushner, Adrienne Kennedy, Edward Albee, Maria Irene Fornes and others. Table readings of full length work required by quarter¿s end.
Same as: TAPS 278

CSRE 178P. The Science and Practice of Effective Advocacy. 3-5 Units.

How can purposeful collective action change government policy, business practices and cultural norms? This course will teach students about the components of successful change campaigns and help develop the practical skills to carry out such efforts. The concepts taught will be relevant to both issue advocacy and electoral campaigns, and be evidence-based, drawing on lessons from social psychology, political science, communications, community organizing and social movements. The course will meet twice-a-week for 90 minutes, and class time will combine engaged learning exercises, discussions and lectures. There will be a midterm and final. Students will be able to take the course for 3 or 5 units. Students who take the course for 5 units will participate in an advocacy project with an outside organization during the quarter, attend a related section meeting and write reflections. For 5 unit students, the section meeting is on Tuesdays, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Same as: PUBLPOL 178, URBANST 178

CSRE 179A. Crime and Punishment in America. 4-5 Units.

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the way crime has been defined and punished in the United States. Recent social movements such as the Movement for Black Lives have drawn attention to the problem of mass incarceration and officer-involved shootings of people of color. These movements have underscored the centrality of the criminal justice system in defining citizenship, race, and democracy in America. How did our country get here? This course provides a social scientific perspective on America¿s past and present approach to crime and punishment. Readings and discussions focus on racism in policing, court processing, and incarceration; the social construction of crime and violence; punishment among the privileged; the collateral consequences of punishment in poor communities of color; and normative debates about social justice, racial justice, and reforming the criminal justice system. Students will learn to gather their own knowledge and contribute to normative debates through a field report assignment and an op-ed writing assignment.
Same as: AFRICAAM 179A, SOC 179A, SOC 279A

CSRE 179W. Du Bois and Democracy. 4 Units.

In this course, we will work together to develop a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the political philosophy of W. E. B. Du Bois, giving special attention to the development of his democratic theory. We will do so by reading a number of key texts by Du Bois as well as contemporary scholarship from philosophy and cognate fields.
Same as: ETHICSOC 179W, PHIL 179W, PHIL 279W

CSRE 180A. Foundations of Social Research. 4 Units.

Formulating a research question, developing hypotheses, probability and non-probability sampling, developing valid and reliable measures, qualitative and quantitative data, choosing research design and data collection methods, challenges of making causal inference, and criteria for evaluating the quality of social research. Emphasis is on how social research is done, rather than application of different methods. Limited enrollment; preference to Sociology and Urban Studies majors, and Sociology coterms.
Same as: SOC 180A, SOC 280A

CSRE 180B. Introduction to Data Analysis. 4 Units.

Preference to Sociology majors and minors. Enrollment for non-sociologists will open two weeks after winter enrollment begins. Methods for analyzing and evaluating quantitative data in sociological research. Students will be taught how to run and interpret multivariate regressions, how to test hypotheses, and how to read and critique published data analyses.
Same as: SOC 180B, SOC 280B

CSRE 180E. Introduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies. 5 Units.

This course draws on intersectional and interdisciplinary approaches to introduce students to the range of issues, experiences, and methodologies that form the foundation of Latina/o/x studies. By considering the relationship between the creation of "Latinx" and "American" identities, students will critically reconsider the borders that constitute the U.S. as a political and cultural formation. The course balances depth and breadth in its study of the variety of perspectives and experiences that come to be associated with U.S. Latinxs. Thus, we will analyze the histories of predominant U.S. Latinx sub-groups, such as Mexicans/Chicanxs and Puerto Ricans, while also incorporating considerations of the ways in which broader populations with ties to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean play crucial roles in constituting U.S. Latinx identities. Topics include the U.S./Mexico border and the borderlands; (im)migration and diaspora; literary and cultural traditions; music and expressive practices; labor and structural inequality; social movements; Latinx urbanism; gender and sexuality; political and economic shifts; and inter- and intra-group relations. Sources include a range of social science and humanities scholarship. This course will meet at Sequoia High School. Transportation will be provided.
Same as: CHILATST 180E, EDUC 179E

CSRE 180S. The Black Music 1980s: Turntables, Beat Machines and DJ Scholarship. 3 Units.

This course focuses on the regional rhythms and aesthetic trends of Black popular music of the Americas in the 1980s, a period of Black cultural production largely ignored by the academy. Students will investigate how technology, economic shifts, AIDS, and the War on Drugs impacted communities who produced, created, and danced to music in the face of hostile political terrain. Students will develop and employ careful listening practices that encompass the study of sampling, digging through crates of vinyl, analyzing album cover art, and closely reading liner notes. The musical forms we will cover range from New Jack Swing to Quiet Storm Music to Synthesizer Soul. Figures we will study include nontraditional scholars and practitioners, artists, activists, music journalists, and cultural critics. Finally, students will map the digital movement of music, people, and ideas through post-human platforms such as computer-based home recording studios, portable sound systems, beat-making equipment, keytars, turntables, and sampling machines.
Same as: AFRICAAM 180S

CSRE 181. Multicultural Issues in Higher Education. 4 Units.

The primary social, educational, and political issues that have surfaced in American higher education due to the rapid demographic changes occurring since the early 80s. Research efforts and the policy debates include multicultural communities, the campus racial climate, and student development; affirmative action in college admissions; multiculturalism and the curriculum; and multiculturalism and scholarship.
Same as: EDUC 181, EDUC 381

CSRE 183. Re- Imagining American Borders. 5 Units.

In this third volatile and violent year of the Trump presidency, American borders of all kinds seem to be dangerously tight. This is seen in the literal horror of immigrant detention centers filled with hungry, sick children taken from parents, ongoing mass incarceration and police attacks on young black and brown men and gendered violence targeting trans Americans and pro-choice movements. Additionally urban and rural antagonisms and constant social media anger with a kind of newly brutal linguistic framing are all underscoring a vision of an America of intractable difference. The hopeful transformation from the 2018 elections, which is having enormous reverberations in the present 2020 presidential campaigns, is interestingly also based in a discourse of difference. This course investigates sources of these borderlines and most crucially how novelists, filmmakers, poets, visual artists and essayists perceive racial, ethnic, gender, religious, sexual orientation and class borders in this country as they may re-imagine difference possibly via Vijay Prashad's polyculturalism or Gloria Anzaldùa's borderlands. Texts include those of Ta-Nehisi Coates, Boots Riley, Dee Rees, Ryan Coogler, Nelly Rosario, Janice Lobo Sapigao, Layli Long Soldier, Naomi Shihab Nye, Edwidge Danticat, Sherman Alexie, Shailja Patel, Kara Walker, and the podcast Ear Hustle, narratives created and produced from inside San Quentin, along with Shane Bauer's undercover expose of an American prison. Course guests will include actors and writers from the acclaimed web series, The North Pole, showing parts of the new second season of biting, humorous stories of gentrification, racism and immigration issues in West Oakland. And the Bay Area founder of the only women-run, inclusive mosque in the US, Rabi¿a Keeble, will speak with us about an American Islam with a Muslim community that embraces difference. Course work includes active discussion, journal entries, one comparative analytical essay and a creative final project/with analytical paper examining personal or community identities.
Same as: AMSTUD 183, FEMGEN 183

CSRE 185B. Jews in the Contemporary World:  The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture,  Film, & TV. 4-5 Units.

(HISTORY 185B is 5 units; HISTORY 85B IS 3 units.) Who are American Jews as depicted in popular media -- film, television, etc. -- since the Second World War? How are their religion, politics, mores, and practices represented and what ways, if at all, do such portraits reflect historical trends among Jews and society in general? What can be learned from film or tv about Jewish identity, notions of Jewish power and powerlessness, communal cohesiveness and assimilation, sexuality and the wages of intermarriage or race?.

CSRE 185C. Racial Inequality across the Lifespan. 3 Units.

Imagine two children, one Black and one White, born on the same day and in the same country. By adulthood, these two will likely have had two remarkably different social experiences (e.g., the Black child will have received less education, income, health, and years to live). Why? Students in this course will tackle this complicated question from a psychological perspective. Together, we will examine how thinking, feeling, and behaving in ways that perpetuate stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination contribute to racial inequality across the lifespan. The course will be conducted as a seminar, such that much of what you learn will be through group discussions, activities, and readings. A critical component of this class will be to practice writing about psychological research and social issues for the general audience. That is, students will write weekly opinion pieces that address and explain a particular area of inequality to a non-scientific audience.
Same as: AFRICAAM 185, PSYCH 185

CSRE 186. The Psychology of Racial Inequality. 3 Units.

Our topic is the psychology of racial inequality - thinking, feeling, and behaving in ways that contribute to racial stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination, and how these processes in turn maintain and perpetuate inequality between racial groups. We will examine how these processes unfold at both the individual and the institutional levels. Throughout this course, you will familiarize yourself with the psychological perspectives, methods, and findings that help explain racial inequality, and we will explore ways to promote racial equality. The course will be conducted as a seminar, but most of what you learn will be through the readings and discussions. That is, this course is minimally didactic; the goal is to have you engage thoughtfully with the issues and readings spurred in part by sharing perspectives, confusions, and insights through writing and discussion. Each student will facilitate at least one class session by providing an introductory framework for the readings (~10-minute presentation with handouts that overviews the concepts, issues, and controversies). Together, we will broaden our knowledge base on the subject and explain, from a psychological perspective, the pervasiveness of racial inequality. Prerequisites: PSYCH 1 and PSYCH 10.
Same as: AFRICAAM 286, PSYCH 186, PSYCH 286

CSRE 188Q. Imagining Women: Writers in Print and in Person. 4-5 Units.

Gender roles, gender relations and sexual identity explored in contemporary literature and conversation with guest authors. Weekly meetings designated for book discussion and meeting with authors. Interest in writing and a curiosity about diverse women's lives would be helpful to students. Students will use such tools as close reading, research, analysis and imagination. Seminar requires strong voice of all participants. Oral presentations, discussion papers, final projects.
Same as: FEMGEN 188Q

CSRE 189. Race and Immigration. 4-5 Units.

In the contemporary United States, supposedly race-neutral immigration laws have racially-unequal consequences. Immigrants from Mexico, Central America, and the Middle East are central to ongoing debates about who's includable, and who's excludable, from American society. These present-day dynamics mirror the historical forms of exclusion imposed on immigrants from places as diverse as China, Eastern Europe, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and much of Africa. These groups' varied experiences of exclusion underscore the long-time encoding of race into U.S. immigration policy and practice. Readings and discussions center on how immigration law has become racialized in its construction and in its enforcement over the last 150 years.
Same as: AFRICAAM 190, SOC 189, SOC 289

CSRE 191. African American Art. 5 Units.

This course explores major art and political movements, such as the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Arts Movement, and #BlackLivesMatter, that have informed and were inspired by African American artists. Students will read pivotal texts written by Black artists, historians, philosophers and activists; consider how artists have contended with issues of identity, race, gender, and sexuality; and learn about galleries, collections, and organizations founded to support the field. Attendance on the first day of class is a requirement for enrollment.
Same as: AFRICAAM 191B, ARTHIST 191

CSRE 192E. History of Sexual Violence in America. 4-5 Units.

This undergraduate/graduate colloquium explores the history of sexual violence in America, with particular attention to the intersections of gender and race in the construction of rape. We discuss the changing definitions of sexual violence in law and in cultural representations from early settlement through the late-twentieth century, including slavery, wartime and prison rape, the history of lynching and anti-lynching movements, and feminist responses to sexual violence. In addition to introducing students to the literature on sexual violence, the course attempts to teach critical skills in the analysis of secondary and primary historical texts. Students write short weekly reading responses and a final paper; no final exam; fifth unit research or CEL options.nnLimited enrollment, permission of instructor required. Submit application form and indicate interest in CEL option. Priority admission to History, FGSS, CSRE, AFRICAAM, and AMSTUD declared majors and minors. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Same as: AFRICAAM 192, AMSTUD 258, FEMGEN 258, FEMGEN 358, HISTORY 258, HISTORY 358

CSRE 194KT. Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: The Last Hopi On Earth: The Rhetoric of Entertainment Inequity. 4 Units.

While #OscarsSoWhite brought attention to the Academy's overwhelmingly White, male membership, the underbelly of the entertainment industry itself is rife with inequitable hiring of not only on-camera and on-stage performers but also directors, writers, and others behind the scenes. While there are several organizations from to the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media that seek to usher in more equitable representation, push back against the Industry's disparate employment practices has been documented for more than fifty years with what many argue is not proportionally positive movement. White males still garner almost half of all theatrical and television roles and represent more than 80% of episodic directors while entertainment hubs Los Angeles and New York City are more than 50% people of color and female. What will it take to attain equity in the entertainment industry? Why does it matter? nnIn this course, students will examine rhetorical issues in promoting, defending, and opposing entertainment industry practices - writing and speaking across genres in persuasive response - and ultimately develop a collaborative 5-year strategic plan to usher in equity.n nThis course is part of the PWR advanced elective track in Social and Racial Justice (SRJ). Prerequisite: first two levels of the writing requirement or equivalent transfer credit. For video course description, see
Same as: PWR 194KT

CSRE 194NCR. Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Introduction to Cultural Rhetorics. 4 Units.

All cultures have their own ways of communicating and making meaning through a range of situated rhetorical practices. In this gateway course to the Notation in Cultural Rhetorics, you'll explore the diverse contexts in which these practices are made and continue to be made;learn methodologies for examining their rhetorical production across media and modality; and study situated cultural practices and their historical and current developments.
Same as: PWR 194NCR

CSRE 194SS. Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: Making Rhetoric Matter: Human Rights at Home. 4 Units.

'Human rights' often sounds like it needs defending in far-off places: in distant public squares where soldiers menace gatherings of citizens, in dark jails where prisoners are tortured for their politics, in unknown streets where gender inequality has brutal consequences. But Bryan Stevenson, a lawyer fighting for social and racial justice in the jails of Alabama, proposes that we try 'proximity': that we get close to the injustices that are already close to us. This class thus takes human rights as a local issue, focusing on how terms like 'human' and 'rights' are interpreted on our campus and in our neighborhoods, cities, and region. Instead of a traditional human rights policy framework, we'll use the lens of intersectional ethics to explore specific rhetorical issues in gender politics, citizenship, higher education, police brutality, and mass incarceration. We will write, speak, and move across genres, responding to the work of incarcerated artists, creating embodied workshops, 'translating' ideas into new media (does someone you know need an animated video about gender pronouns? Or maybe it's time for a podcast about #PrisonRenaissance?), doing collaborative research, and 'writing back' to our audiences. For course video and full description see: course is part of the PWR advanced elective track in Social and Racial Justice (SRJ). Prerequisite: first two levels of the writing requirement or equivalent transfer credit. For topics, see
Same as: PWR 194SS

CSRE 195. U.S. Latinx Art. 5 Units.

This course surveys art made by Latinas/os/xs who have lived and worked in the United States since the 1700s, including Chicanos, Nuyoricans, and other Black, Brown, and Indigenous artists. While exploring the diversity of Latinx art, students will consider artists' relationships to identity, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Students will also study how artists have responded to and challenged discrimination, institutional exclusion, and national debates through their work. Attendance on the first day of class is a requirement for enrollment.
Same as: ARTHIST 194, CHILATST 195

CSRE 196C. Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. 5 Units.

How different disciplines approach topics and issues central to the study of ethnic and race relations in the U.S. and elsewhere. Lectures by senior faculty affiliated with CSRE. Discussions led by CSRE teaching fellows. Includes an optional Haas Center for Public Service certified Community Engaged Learning section. In accordance with Stanford virtual learning policies implemented for the Spring Quarter, all community engagement activities for this section will be conducted virtually. Please sign up for section 2 #33285 with Kendra, A. if you are interested in participating in virtual community engagement.
Same as: ENGLISH 172D, PSYCH 155, SOC 146, TAPS 165

CSRE 196D. Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity: Continuing Community Engagement. 1-5 Unit.

In this continuation of CSRE 196C, students will continue to develop an interactive map that explores race and community in the Bay Area, through the work of local musicians. In collaboration with the SF-based non-profit, PeaceTones, you will interview musicians and contribute to an online map. The working map can be found at Students will complete readings to explore diversity in the arts, specifically focusing on policy and advocacy implications as we develop the map as a tool for this work. Students will also meet as a group every other week for 50 minutes to reflect and discuss the work (we will set a time that works for everyone) and submit bi-weekly reflections of 500 words.

CSRE 198. Internship for Public Service. 1-5 Unit.

Students should consult with CCSRE Director of Community Engaged Learning ( to develop or gain approval for an internship that addresses race/ethnicity, public service, and social justice. Students will read a selection of short readings relevant to their placement, write bi-weekly reflections, and meet bi-weekly with the Director of Community Engaged Learning. Units are determined by the number of hours per week at the internship (2 hours/week = 1 unit; 5 hours/week = 2 units; 8 hours/week = 3 units; etc.) Group meetings may be required. May be repeated for credit.
Same as: CHILATST 198

CSRE 199. Preparation for Senior Thesis. 2-3 Units.

This course is designed for juniors (majors, minors, and those seeking Interdisciplinary Honors in CSRE or FGSS) who intend to write a senior thesis in one of the CSRE Family of Programs or FGSS Interdisciplinary Honors. The course offers resources and strategies for putting together a significant and original senior thesis. Topics to be covered include: getting funding; finding an advisor; navigating the institutional review board; formulating an appropriate question; and finding the right data/medium/texts.
Same as: AFRICAAM 199X, ANTHRO 189X, FEMGEN 199X

CSRE 200R. Directed Research. 1-5 Unit.


CSRE 200W. Directed Reading. 1-5 Unit.


CSRE 200X. CSRE Senior Seminar. 5 Units.

Required for CSRE-related students, including those who opt to write honors theses in other departments and programs. Research and the writing of the senior honors thesis or senior paper under the supervision of a faculty project adviser. The process of research including conceptualization, development of prospectus, development of theses, research, analysis, and writing.

CSRE 200Y. CSRE Senior Honors Research. 1-10 Unit.


CSRE 200Z. CSRE Senior Honors Research. 1-5 Unit.


CSRE 201B. The Undocumented Migration Project Exhibition at Stanford. 3 Units.

Are you an artist seeking a greater purpose for you art? Would you like to gain a sense of history and best practices for engaging your community in creative work? nnHuman Rights policy experts and activists, artists and scholars will participate in this (online via student & community course on contemporary immigration policy and human rights issues.The course is structured around the ideas of art, activism and scholarship as they intersect with the subject of migration. Often considered distinct fields, we will explore the ways they merge together, and engage in dialogue with an array of guests from a multitude of backgrounds.nn In addition to learning about the Hostile Terrain94 project through tagging the identities of lives of those lost along the Sonoran desert and considering the U.S. policy of prevention through deterrence to crossing the U.S. Mexican Border, this class will explore art making with paper as the primary media. Paper with its material qualities can provide diverse and accessible entryways into the processes of inclusion, recordation, and mass participation. Through the interconnecting of the practical task of filling information onto toe tags to create the exhibition at the Anderson Collection, which documents the human remains of migrants identified for the exhibition (Fall 2020) with creating new objects in paper, the projects in this course will discover and recover identity through articulations of identity in paper.
Same as: CHILATST 201B

CSRE 201D. Public Art Interventions in Social & Cultural Spaces. 4-5 Units.

This team-taught course brings long-time artists, organizers, and researchers to present a range of strategies for creating public art and cultural productions in various social and cultural spaces. Our exploration of public art engages ideas about social space and public discourse. An approach that finds parallels in the art history lexicon of community-based; social sculpture, and place-making to name a few of the movements identified as other than the fine arts, ours is centered on work made collectively and in social and lived spaces through dialogue and conversation with others.

CSRE 201L. Doing Public History. 5 Units.

Examines history outside the classroom; its role in political/cultural debates in U.S. and abroad. Considers functions, practices, and reception of history in public arena, including museums, memorials, naming of buildings, courtrooms, websites, op-eds. Analyzes controversies arising when historians' work outside the academy challenges the status quo; role funders, interest groups, and the public play in promoting, shaping, or suppressing historical interpretation. Who gets to tell a group's story? What changes can public history enable? Students will engage in public history projects.
Same as: HISTORY 200L

CSRE 201X. Senior Seminar: For students with a second CSRE Family major. 5 Units.

Required for students working to fulfill WIM requirements for a second CSRE Family of Programs major; including those who opt to write honors theses in other departments and programs. Research and the writing of the senior honors thesis or senior paper under the supervision of a faculty project adviser. The process of research including conceptualization, development of prospectus, development of theses, research, analysis, and writing.

CSRE 205L. Prostitution & Sex Trafficking: Regulating Morality and the Status of Women. 5 Units.

Examines governmental policies toward prostitution from the late 19th century to the present. Focuses on the underlying attitudes, assumptions, strategies, and consequences of various historical and current legal frameworks regulating prostitution, including: prohibitionism, abolitionism, legalization, partial decriminalization, and full decriminalization. Special focus on these policies' effects on sex trafficking, sex worker rights, and the status of women. Emphasis on Europe and the U.S., with additional cases from across the globe.
Same as: FEMGEN 205L, HISTORY 205L, HUMRTS 119

CSRE 212. Biology, Culture and Social Justice in Latin America: Perspectives from Forensic Anthropology. 5 Units.

This course will only take place in the first 5 weeks of the quarter.nnAs forensic anthropologists, we are routinely asked to make identifications of unknown human remains and provide courtroom testimony. Latin America has become a nexus for social justice work, as we respond to the humanitarian crisis along the U.S.-México Border. To improve identification methods of the undocumented dead, we must understand the diversity in Latinx people and adopt best scientific practices. This course provides a cross-disciplinary, bio-cultural approach to Latin American variation and training in applied methods of forensic anthropology. Explore how tools of biological and cultural anthropology are used jointly in human rights investigation and social justice advancement. Discover the breadth of Latinx diversity and how historical, geographic, and socio-cultural factors shape this variation. Gain hands-on experience in case analysis, using skeletal, genetic, and recovery context information to estimate key parameters of identity. Use case studies to contextualize this work through an intersectional lens that attends to the living families and the applicable historical, geo-political and socio-cultural conditions.
Same as: ANTHRO 212B, CHILATST 212

CSRE 217. Expanding Engineering Limits: Culture, Diversity, and Equity. 3 Units.

This course investigates how culture and diversity shape who becomes an engineer, what problems get solved, and the quality of designs, technology, and products. As a course community, we consider how cultural beliefs about race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, abilities, socioeconomic status, and other intersectional aspects of identity interact with beliefs about engineering, influence diversity in the field, and affect equity in engineering education and practice. We also explore how engineering cultures and environments respond to and change with individual and institutional agency. The course involves weekly presentations by scholars and engineers, readings, short writing assignments, small-group discussion, and hands-on, student-driven projects. Students can enroll in the course for 1 unit (lectures only), or 3 units (lectures+discussion+project). For 1 unit, students should sign up for Section 1 and Credit/No Credit grading, and for 3 units students should sign up for Section 2 and either the C/NC or Grade option.
Same as: CSRE 117, ENGR 117, ENGR 217, FEMGEN 117, FEMGEN 217

CSRE 218. Islam, Race and Revolution: A Pan-American Approach. 3-5 Units.

Taking a pan-American approach to the study of religious traditions, this upper-level course traces the history of the critical intersection between race, religion and revolution among Muslims from the turn of the nineteenth century until the present day. Moving from the Atlantic Revolutions of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, to the United States, to the decolonizing Third World, and then finally to the contemporary Middle East, this class will emphasize that Islam and race together have been used by many groups in order to challenge existing power structures, agitate for change, and more than occasionally, transform the social, cultural and governmental structures comprising their worlds. Moreover, although this class is concentrated upon religious formations in the Americas, students will explore global events throughout the Muslim world in order to examine how global politics contribute to religious formations, solidarities and identities. At the conclusion of this course, students will be expected to write a 10-15 page research paper, and a topic will be chosen in consultation with the instructor. Students will also be expected to write weekly reflection papers, which will serve to facilitate class discussion. Undergraduates register for 200-level for 5 units. Graduate students register for 300-level for 3-5 units.
Same as: AMSTUD 218, RELIGST 218, RELIGST 318

CSRE 220. Public Policy Institute. 1-2 Unit.

** This course meets and concludes prior to Autumn Quarter. If you were not a student in this year's PPI, please DO NOT ENROLL. **nnPublic Policy Institute serves to: provide students with information and perspectives on important public policy issues that have particular relevancy to matters of race and ethnicity in American society, past and present; expose students to faculty and other professionals working on public policy-related issues; and provide insight into the legislative process of public policy making at the state and local levels. Students are expected to conduct research necessary to write a policy brief on a particular issue, and makena presentation based on the policy brief. A field trip to Sacramento introduces students to policymakers and current policy matters of importance to marginalized communities in California.

CSRE 221D. Crafting Challenging Conversations in a Conflicted World. 3 Units.

In moments of divisive, time-sensitive conflict and disagreement, interdependent community groups that are we-us oriented often struggle to maintain cohesive relationships. In this interactive, project-based course, participants will dive into the art of designing new products, services, or experiences for conflict. Throughout the course, participants can expect to unpack the fundamentals of design thinking and components of strong listening, leadership, and effective cultural competency. Individual one-on-one conversations as well as indigenous forms of group-interviewing, known as Peacemaking and Ho'oponopono, will be also explored. At the end of the course, students can expect to have created a low-resolution prototype based on qualitative research that answers the question: How might we lead with community-centered approaches, rather than with independent, divisive reactions in moments of conflict?.
Same as: NATIVEAM 221

CSRE 222. The Political Psychology of Intolerance. 5 Units.

This seminar explores the political psychology of intolerance. It focuses on two problems in particular race in America and the challenge of Muslim inclusion in Western Europe. It concentrates on primary research. The readings consist of both classic and contemporary (including on-going) studies of prejudice and politics.
Same as: POLISCI 222

CSRE 226D. The Holocaust: Insights from New Research. 4-5 Units.

Overview of the history of the Holocaust, the genocide of European Jews. Explores its causes, course, consequences, and memory. Addresses the events themselves, as well as the roles of perpetrators and bystanders, dilemmas faced by victims, collaboration of local populations, and the issue of rescue. Considers how the Holocaust was and is remembered and commemorated by victims and participants alike. Uses different kinds of sources: scholarly work, memoirs, diaries, film, and primary documents.

CSRE 230. Law, Order, & Algorithms. 3 Units.

Human decision making is increasingly being displaced by predictive algorithms. Judges sentence defendants based on statistical risk scores; regulators take enforcement actions based on predicted violations; advertisers target materials based on demographic attributes; and employers evaluate applicants and employees based on machine-learned models. One concern with the rise of such algorithmic decision making is that it may replicate or exacerbate human bias. Course surveys the legal and ethical principles for assessing the equity of algorithms, describes statistical techniques for designing fairer systems, and considers how anti-discrimination law and the design of algorithms may need to evolve to account for machine bias. Concepts will be developed in part through guided in-class coding exercises. Admission by consent of instructor and limited to 20 students. To enroll complete course application by March 15 at: Grading based on: response papers, class participation, and a final project.
Same as: CS 209, MS&E 330, SOC 279

CSRE 230A. Digital Civil Society. 3 Units.

Digital technologies are changing the way members of the civil society come together to change the world. The 'civil society' includes social movements, grassroots activism, philanthropists, unions, nonprofits, NGOs, charities, and cooperatives, among others. Their mission is to effect important social and political transformations to bring about what they see as a better world. But their work and strategies are subject to significant changes in the digital era. The course will analyze the opportunities and challenges digital technologies present for associational life, free expression, privacy, and collective action. We will cover a wide range of key themes, including digital rights advocacy and racial justice, community-owned networks and de-colonial design, activist resistance to surveillance technologies, algorithmic bias, Black Twitter, and digital misinformation, micro-targeting and voter suppression. The course is global in scope (we will read authors and study cases from America, Europe, Asia, and Africa), taught by a multidisciplinary team (history, communication, computational social science, education), and is committed to a syllabus centering on the scholarship, expertise, and voices of marginalized communities.No prerequisite.
Same as: AFRICAAM 230A, COMM 230A

CSRE 230C. Digital Civil Society. 3 Units.

Digital technologies have fundamentally changed how people come together to make change in the world, a sphere of action commonly called 'civil society'. How did this happen, what's being done about it, and what does it mean for democratic governance and collective action in the future? This course analyzes the opportunities and challenges technology presents to associational life, free expression, individual privacy, and collective action. Year-long seminar sequence for advanced undergraduates or master's students. Each quarter may be taken independently. Spring focuses on emergent trends related to democracy and associational life, from the 2010s and into the future. Topics include the Arab Spring, global political propaganda, 'born digital' organizations, the development of electronic governments, and biotechnologies.
Same as: COMM 230C

CSRE 243. Writing Across Languages and Cultures: Research in Writing and Writing Instruction. 3-5 Units.

Theoretical perspectives that have dominated the literature on writing research. Reports, articles, and chapters on writing research, theory, and instruction; current and historical perspectives in writing research and research findings relating to teaching and learning in this area.
Same as: EDUC 145, EDUC 243

CSRE 245. Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development. 3-5 Units.

This seminar will explore the impact and relative salience of racial/ethnic identity on select issues including: discrimination, social justice, mental health and academic performance. Theoretical perspectives on identity development will be reviewed, along with research on other social identity variables, such as social class, gender and regional identifications. New areas within this field such as the complexity of multiracial identity status and intersectional invisibility will also be discussed. Though the class will be rooted in psychology and psychological models of identity formation, no prior exposure to psychology is assumed and other disciplines-including cultural studies, feminist studies, and literature-will be incorporated into the course materials. Students will work with community partners to better understand the nuances of racial and ethnic identity development in different contexts. (Cardinal Course certified by the Haas Center).
Same as: AFRICAAM 245, EDUC 245, PSYCH 245A

CSRE 246. Constructing Race and Religion in America. 4-5 Units.

This seminar focuses on the interrelationships between social constructions of race and social interpretations of religion in America. How have assumptions about race shaped religious worldviews? How have religious beliefs shaped racial attitudes? How have ideas about religion and race contributed to notions of what it means to be "American"? We will look at primary and secondary sources and at the historical development of ideas and practices over time.

CSRE 248X. Language, Literacy, and Culture. 3-4 Units.

This field-based Cardinal Course will provide a unique opportunity to combine theory and practice in the study of language, literacy, and culture in educational settings. It is a collaborative partnership between Stanford (through the Haas Center for Public Service) and the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula. Stanford students will work directly with children enrolled in the Boys and Girls Club after-school program at a youth center in Redwood City.
Same as: EDUC 248

CSRE 249. The Algerian Wars. 3-5 Units.

From Algiers the White to Algiers the Red, Algiers, the Mecca of the Revolutionaries in the words of Amilcar Cabral, this course offers to study the Algerian Wars since the French conquest of Algeria (1830-) to the Algerian civil war of the 1990s. We will revisit the ways in which the war has been narrated in literature and cinema, popular culture, and political discourse. A special focus will be given to the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962). The course considers the racial representations of the war in the media, the continuing legacies surrounding the conflict in France, Africa, and the United States, from Che Guevara to the Black Panthers. A key focus will be the transmission of collective memory through transnational lenses, and analyses of commemorative events and movies. nReadings from James Baldwin, Assia Djebar, Albert Camus, Frantz Fanon, Mouloud Feraoun. Movies include "The Battle of Algiers," "Days of Glory," and "Viva Laldjérie." nTaught in English.
Same as: FRENCH 249, HISTORY 239G, JEWISHST 249

CSRE 250J. Baldwin and Hansberry: The Myriad Meanings of Love. 4 Units.

This course looks at major dramatic works by James Baldwin and Lorraine Hansberry. Both of these queer black writers had prophetic things to say about the world-historical significance of major dramas on the 20th Century including civil rights, revolution, gender, colonialism, racism, sexism, war, nationalism and as well as aesthetics and politics.
Same as: AFRICAAM 250J, AMSTUD 250J, FEMGEN 250J, TAPS 250J

CSRE 252C. The Old South: Culture, Society, and Slavery. 5 Units.

This course explores the political, social, and cultural history of the antebellum American South, with an emphasis on the history of African-American slavery. Topics include race and race making, slave community and resistance, gender and reproduction, class and immigration, commodity capitalism, technology, disease and climate, indigenous Southerners, white southern honor culture, the Civil War, and the region's place in national mythmaking and memory.
Same as: AFRICAAM 252C, HISTORY 252C

CSRE 258. Black Feminist Theater and Theory. 4 Units.

From the rave reviews garnered by Angelina Weld Grimke's lynching play, Rachel to recent work by Lynn Nottage on Rwanda, black women playwrights have addressed key issues in modern culture and politics. We will analyze and perform work written by black women in the U.S., Britain and the Caribbean in the 20th and 21st centuries. Topics include: sexuality, surrealism, colonialism, freedom, violence, colorism, love, history, community and more. Playwrights include: Angelina Grimke, Lorriane Hansberry, Winsome Pinnock, Adrienne Kennedy, Suzan- Lori Parks, Ntzoke Shange, Pearl Cleage, Sarah Jones, Anna DeVeare Smith, Alice Childress, Lydia Diamond and Zora Neale Hurston.).
Same as: AFRICAAM 258, FEMGEN 258X, TAPS 258

CSRE 260. Race and Ethnicity in Urban California. 4-5 Units.

The course is part of an ongoing research project that examines the consequences of longterm social, economic, and political changes in ethnic and race relations in in urban California. The required readings, discussions, and service learning component all provide a platform for students to explore important issues, past and present, affecting California municipalities undergoing rapid demographic transformation.
Same as: AFRICAAM 169A, AMSTUD 169, URBANST 169

CSRE 264. History of Prisons and Immigration Detention. 4-5 Units.

This course will explore the history of the growing prison and immigration detention systems in the United States. They will pay particular attention to how they developed and how they affect different populations.
Same as: AMSTUD 264, HISTORY 264, HISTORY 364

CSRE 265. Crossing the Atlantic: Race and Identity in the African Diaspora. 3-5 Units.

This course interrogates the relationship between literature, culture, race and identity in the African diaspora. We will analyze racial discourses through literature, and various forms of cultural expression while examining the role of class and gender in these configurations. As we follow the historical and geographical trajectories of people of African descent in different parts of the world, students will explore literary and political movements with the objective of examining how race has been constructed and is performed in different regions of the diaspora. Our readings will take us from Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana, France, and Senegal to Cuba, Brazil, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Topics discussed will include: Race, identity, gender, class, memory, oral tradition, Afro-Caribbean religions, Negrismo, Négritude, Antillanité, Créolité, colonialism, modernity and national belonging. Readings will include the works of: Jean Price-Mars, Léopold Senghor, Aimé Césaire, Léon Damas, Frantz Fanon, Nicolás Guillén, Nancy Morejon, Maryse Condé, Patrick Chamoiseau, Edouard Glissant, among others. Taught in English.
Same as: AFRICAAM 264, COMPLIT 264, FRENCH 264

CSRE 285. Texts and Contexts: French-English Translation. 3-5 Units.

This course introduces students to the ways in which translation has shaped the image of France and the Francophone world. What texts and concepts were translated, how, where, and to what effect? Students will work on a translation project throughout the quarter and translate texts from French to English and English to French. Topics may include the role of translation in the development of cultures; the political dimension of translation, translation in the context of migration, and the socio-cultural frameworks that shape translations. Case studies: Camus, Fanon, Glissant, de Beauvoir, Meddeb, Duras. Prior knowledge of French language required.
Same as: COMPLIT 285, FRENCH 185, FRENCH 285

CSRE 288C. Jews of the Modern Middle East and North Africa. 5 Units.

This course will explore the cultural, social, and political histories of the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from 1860 to present times. The geographic concentration will range from Morocco to Iran, Iraq to Turkey, and everywhere in between. Topics include: Jewish culture and identity in Islamic contexts; the impacts of colonialism, westernization, and nationalism; Jewish-Muslim relations; the racialization of MENA Jews; the Holocaust; the experience and place of MENA Jews in Israel; and "Jews of Color.".
Same as: HISTORY 288C, JEWISHST 288C

CSRE 291. Urban Schools, Social Policy, and the Gentrifying City. 3-4 Units.

This course is designed to help students develop a more sophisticated understanding of educational inequality in the contemporary U.S. city. This course will survey existing literature about the intersection of gentrification and urban schooling, focusing on policies and practices that gave rise to the current urban condition, theory and research about urban redevelopment, collateral consequences for schools and communities, and how these issues relate to the structure and governance of urban schools as well as to the geography of opportunity more broadly.
Same as: EDUC 390, URBANST 141A

CSRE 292. Education for Liberation: A History of African American Education, 1800 to the Present. 3-5 Units.

This course examines discourses around education and freedom in African American educational thought from the 19th century to the present, using both primary sources and the works of current historians. The course pays particular attention to how the educational philosophies of different African American thinkers reflected their conceptions of what shape freedom might take in the American context, and the tension between educational outlooks that sought inclusion or integration versus those that prized self-determination. We will also be attentive to the ways in which age, gender, geography, class, and color worked to influence the pursuit and achievement of various African American educational visions. This will be a 3-5 credit course and meet as a seminar open both to graduate students and advanced undergraduates.
Same as: EDUC 392

CSRE 298G. Race, Gender, & Sexuality in Chinese History. 5 Units.

This course examines the diverse ways in which identities--particularly race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality have been understood and experienced in Chinese societies, broadly defined, from the imperial period to the present day. Topics include changes in women's lives and status, racial and ethnic categorizations, homosexuality, prostitution, masculinity, and gender-crossing.

CSRE 300. Theory and Method in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. 2-5 Units.

This course examines the concept of race, processes of racial formation, and theory and methods for the interdisciplinary study of race and ethnicity. The course will focus on articulations of race and Blackness in the context of Africa and its diaspora, and will feature guest lecturers drawn from within and beyond Stanford.

CSRE 301. Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity. 3-5 Units.

an advanced introduction to concepts and debates within the multi-disciplinary field of comparative studies in race and ethnicity.
Same as: ENGLISH 372D

CSRE 302. Decolonizing the Indigenous Classroom. 3-5 Units.

Using Indigenous and decolonizing perspectives on education, this interdisciplinary course will examine interaction and language in cross-cultural educational situations, including language, literacy and interethnic communication as they relate to Indigenous American classrooms. Special attention will be paid to implications of social, cultural and linguistic diversity for educational practice, along with various strategies for bridging intercultural differences between schools and Native communities.
Same as: CSRE 116, EDUC 186, EDUC 286, NATIVEAM 116

CSRE 303. CSRE Graduate Student Workshop Series. 1 Unit.

This course is designed specifically for Graduate Fellows in the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity.

CSRE 326D. The Holocaust: Insights from New Research. 4-5 Units.

Overview of the history of the Holocaust, the genocide of European Jews. Explores its causes, course, consequences, and memory. Addresses the events themselves, as well as the roles of perpetrators and bystanders, dilemmas faced by victims, collaboration of local populations, and the issue of rescue. Considers how the Holocaust was and is remembered and commemorated by victims and participants alike. Uses different kinds of sources: scholarly work, memoirs, diaries, film, and primary documents.

CSRE 329. Rethinking Francophone Literature in the 21st Century. 3-5 Units.

This course is a critical examination of literature from the Francophone world of the 20th and 21st centuries. Students will travel through time and space with a selection of novels, poems, essays, and short stories. In this historical and cultural journey through Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, the Caribbean, Canada, Vietnam and Mauritius, our objective will be to provide a reassessment of what Francophone studies mean in the 21st century. Topics discussed in the course will include race and representation, national and cultural identity, immigration and nationalism, transnationalism and diaspora, "littérature-monde," the politics of language, postcolonialism and universalism. Readings will include the works of Dani Laferrière, Bessora, Ken Bugul, Alain Mabanckou, Kim Thúy, Ananda Devi, Abdourahman Waberi, Véronique Tadjo and Abdelkebir Khatibi. Taught in French.
Same as: FRENCH 329

CSRE 346B. Approaching Research in the Community: Design and Methods. 3 Units.

This course focuses on issues of research design and how to select specific methodological strategies to assure ethical and effective partnership-based research. In this course, students will plan for their own participation in a CBRF project. Topical themes will include best practice strategies for (a) defining and selecting community problems or issues to be addressed, (b) generating relevant and useful research questions, (c) choosing specific means and methods for data collection [e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.], (d) storing, organizing and analyzing data, (e) reflecting on and critiquing research findings, and (f) carrying out dissemination in ways that can be expected to enhance community power and advance community development. Students will be provided with opportunities to workshop their respective projects-in-development, (e.g., developing and sharing research questions, data collection instruments, strategies for engaging community constituents as co-researchers, etc.). This is a required course for students participating in the Haas Center for Public Service Community-based Research Fellows Program, but enrollment is open to all Stanford students.
Same as: CSRE 146B, URBANST 123B

CSRE 350G. Performing Race, Gender, and Sexuality. 4 Units.

In this theory and practice-based course, students will examine performances by and scholarly texts about artists who critically and mindfully engage race, gender, and sexuality. Students will cultivate their skills as artist-scholars through written assignments and the creation of performances in response to the assigned material. Attendance and written reflection about a live performance event on campus are required. Students will also learn various meditation practices as tools for making and critiquing performance, in both our seminar discussions and performance workshops. We will approach mindfulness as method and theory in our own practice, as well as in relation to the works studied. We will also consider the ethics and current debates concerning the mindfulness industry. Examples of artists studied include James Luna, Nao Bustamante, Renee Cox, William Pope.L, Cassils, boychild, Curious, Adrian Piper, Xandra Ibarra, Valérie Reding, Guillermo Gomez-Peña, and Ana Mendieta.
Same as: ARTSINST 150G, CSRE 150G, FEMGEN 150G, LIFE 150G, TAPS 150G

CSRE 357. Edward Said, or Scholar vs Empire. 3-4 Units.

How can an intellectual fight forces far larger than a single individual? How can solidarity be an antidote to racism? Why is there no distinction between the local and the global? What is the scholar's role in an alienating political climate? Why are criticism and humanism necessary partners? The author of Orientalism and world-changing frameworks such as Travelling Theory, Permission To Narrate, and Contrapuntal Reading, as well as remarkable texts, such as On Late Style and Representations of the Intellectual, teaches us how criticism can blunt instruments of empire. In this course, students observe the journey of one scholar as he writes between worlds against imperialist supremacy and colonial logic. They'll move from Exile to Indigeneity, Silence to Music, Centers to Margins, Victimhood to Dignity, West to East, Peace to Terror, Theory to Practice, Politics to Knowledge, Religiosity to Secularism, Statehood to Fragmentation, and back.
Same as: ENGLISH 357S, GLOBAL 157, TAPS 157S, TAPS 357S

CSRE 363. Race in Greco-Roman Antiquity. 3-5 Units.

This course will investigate representations of black people in ancient Greek and Roman antiquity. In addition to interrogating the conflation of the terms "race" and "blackness" as it applies to this time period, students will learn how to critique the interference of racial ideologies in modern scholarship, and they will cross-examine the role that race and cultural imperialism have played in the formation of the current discipline of Classics. Students will be invited to incorporate materials that they deem crucial into this discussion of skin color in Greco-Roman antiquity. Therefore, this course will benefit greatly from those with a broad spectrum of interests related to this topic.
Same as: CLASSICS 363

CSRE 364A. Race and Performance. 3-5 Units.

How does race function in performance and dare we say ¿live and in living color?¿ How does one deconstruct discrimination at its roots?n nFrom a perspective of global solidarity and recognition of shared plight among BIPOC communities, we will read and perform plays that represent material and psychological conditions under a common supremacist regime. Where and when possible, we will host a member of the creative team of some plays in our class for a live discussion. Assigned materials include works by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Amiri Baraka, Young Jean Lee, Ayad Akhtar, Susan Lori Parks, David Henry Hwang, Betty Shamieh, Jeremy O. Harris, and Christopher Demos Brown.n nThis class offers undergraduate students a discussion that does not center whiteness, but takes power, history, culture, philosophy, and hierarchy as core points of debate. In the first two weeks, we will establish the common terms of the discussion about stereotypes, representation, and historical claims, but then we will quickly move toward an advanced conversation about effective discourse and activism through art, performance, and cultural production. In this class, we assume that colonialism, slavery, white supremacy, and oppressive contemporary state apparatuses are real, undeniable, and manifest. Since our starting point is clear, our central question is not about recognizing or delineating the issues, but rather, it is a debate about how to identify the target of our criticism in order to counter oppression effectively and dismantle long-standing structures.n nNot all BIPOC communities are represented in this syllabus, as such claim of inclusion in a single quarter would be tokenistic and disingenuous. Instead, we will aspire to understand and negotiate some of the complexities related to race in several communities locally in the U.S. and beyond.
Same as: AFRICAAM 164A, CSRE 164A, TAPS 164

CSRE 371. Representation: Race, Law, and Politics. 2-4 Units.

Graduate seminar. In this course, we will work together to develop a detailed and comprehensive understanding of the concept(s) of political representation. We will do so by examining a number of historical and contemporary theories of political representation developed within philosophy and cognate fields. 2 unit option only for Phil PhDs beyond the second year.
Same as: PHIL 371W

CSRE 372. African American Child and Adolescent Mental Health: An Ecological Approach. 3-4 Units.

African American children and adolescents face a number of challenges (e.g., racism, discrimination, lack of access to resources, community violence) that can impact their mental health. Yet, they possess and utilize many strengths in the face of challenge and adversity. This seminar will explore the most salient historical, social, cultural, and ecological factors that influence the mental health and resilience of African American youth, with attention to contextual determinants that shape mental health. Applying an ecological systems approach, the course will focus on how families, schools, and communities are integral to youth's adjustment and well-being. By utilizing a culturally specific and context based lens in analyzing empirical, narrative, and visual content, students will better understand factors that can promote or inhibit the mental health and resilience of African American children and adolescents across development.
Same as: EDUC 372, PSYCH 261

CSRE 385. Race, Ethnicity, and Language: Pedagogical Possibilities. 3-4 Units.

This seminar explores the intersections of language and race/racism/racialization in the public schooling experiences of students of color. We will briefly trace the historical emergence of the related fields of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology, explore how each of these scholarly traditions approaches the study of language, and identify key points of overlap and tension between the two fields before considering recent examples of inter-disciplinary scholarship on language and race in urban schools. Issues to be addressed include language variation and change, language and identity, bilingualism and multilingualism, language ideologies, and classroom discourse. We will pay particular attention to the implications of relevant literature for teaching and learning in urban classrooms.
Same as: AFRICAAM 389C, EDUC 389C

CSRE 389A. Race, Ethnicity, and Language: Racial, Ethnic, and Linguistic Formations. 3-5 Units.

Language, as a cultural resource for shaping our identities, is central to the concepts of race and ethnicity. This seminar explores the linguistic construction of race and ethnicity across a wide variety of contexts and communities. We begin with an examination of the concepts of race and ethnicity and what it means to be "doing race," both as scholarship and as part of our everyday lives. Throughout the course, we will take a comparative perspective and highlight how different racial/ethnic formations (Asian, Black, Latino, Native American, White, etc.) participate in similar, yet different, ways of drawing racial and ethnic distinctions. The seminar will draw heavily on scholarship in (linguistic) anthropology, sociolinguistics and education. We will explore how we talk and don't talk about race, how we both position ourselves and are positioned by others, how the way we talk can have real consequences on the trajectory of our lives, and how, despite this, we all participate in maintaining racial and ethnic hierarchies and inequality more generally, particularly in schools.
Same as: ANTHRO 320A, EDUC 389A, LINGUIST 253

CSRE 393. The Art of Punk: Sound, Aesthetics and Performance. 5 Units.

This seminar explores the sonic and visual aesthetics of punk rock since the 1970s. While studying music, videos, zines, and album covers, students will examine the convergence of art with politics among artists, such as Lydia Lunch, Vaginal Davis, and Shizu Saldamando, and bands, including Crass, the Plasmatics, and Los Illegals, as well as punk subgenres, like No Wave, Riot Grrrl, and Queercore. Likewise, students will consider how issues of identity, race, gender and sexuality informed artists and their work.
Same as: ARTHIST 493

CSRE 394. Complicating Minimal Art: Race, Gender, and Sexuality. 5 Units.

In this seminar, students will uncover the sociopolitical complexities of Minimalism, a movement and style of art defined by pared-down geometric forms that emerged in the 1950s and continues to be popular today. Through a critical engagement with Minimalism's art historical narrative and art world controversies, students will consider the influence of key historical events on artists and their work, such as the Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, and AIDS Epidemic, as well as issues of race, gender, and sexuality. In the process, students will recover the contributions people of color, women, and queer artists have made to Minimal art.
Same as: ARTHIST 494

CSRE 433. Intersectional Qualitative Approaches. 3-5 Units.

This variable unit, graduate course is designed to explore intersectional analysis because intersectionality is a "method and a disposition, a heuristic and an analytic tool" (Carbado, Crenshaw, Mays, & Tomlinson, 2013, p. 11). This course engages the approaches and analyses possible within an intersectional theoretical framing by examining a wide range of interdisciplinary research methodologies and methods. We will study a myriad of innovative ways of doing intersectional scholarship and given the focus on robust methodological moves, this course will highlight questions of axiology of inquiry, analysis, and representation through an intersectional lens. Our class will investigate and create intersectional conceptual framing for designing and interpreting research. We will explore and develop qualitative or mixed¿methods research data collection, analyses, holistic interpretation, and analytic writing from an intersectional perspective.
Same as: EDUC 433

Jewish Studies Courses

JEWISHST 4. What Didn't Make It into the Bible. 4 Units.

Over two billion people alive today consider the Bible to be sacred scripture. But how did the books that made it into the bible get there in the first place? Who decided what was to be part of the bible and what wasn't? How would history look differently if a given book didn't make the final cut and another one did? Hundreds of ancient Jewish and Christian texts are not included in the Bible. "What Didn't Make It in the Bible" focuses on these excluded writings. We will explore the Dead Sea Scrolls, Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse ancient romance novels, explore the adventures of fallen angels who sired giants (and taught humans about cosmetics), tour heaven and hell, encounter the garden of Eden story told from the perspective of the snake, and learn how the world will end. The course assumes no prior knowledge of Judaism, Christianity, the bible, or ancient history. It is designed for students who are part of faith traditions that consider the bible to be sacred, as well as those who are not. The only prerequisite is an interest in exploring books, groups, and ideas that eventually lost the battles of history and to keep asking the question "why." In critically examining these ancient narratives and the communities that wrote them, you will investigate how religions canonize a scriptural tradition, better appreciate the diversity of early Judaism and Christianity, understand the historical context of these religions, and explore the politics behind what did and did not make it into the bible.

JEWISHST 5. Biblical Greek. 3-5 Units.

This is a one term intensive class in Biblical Greek. After quickly learning the basics of the language, we will then dive right into readings from the New Testament and the Septuagint, which is the ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. No previous knowledge of Greek required. If demand is high for a second term, an additional quarter will be offered in the Spring.

JEWISHST 5B. Biblical Greek. 3-5 Units.

This is a continuation of the Winter Quarter Biblical Greek Course. Pre-requisite: CLASSICS 6G or a similar introductory course in Ancient Greek.
Same as: CLASSICS 7G

JEWISHST 37Q. Zionism and the Novel. 3 Units.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Zionism emerged as a political movement to establish a national homeland for the Jews, eventually leading to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. This seminar uses novels to explore the changes in Zionism, the roots of the conflict in the Middle East, and the potentials for the future. We will take a close look at novels by Israelis, both Jewish and Arab, in order to understand multiple perspectives, and we will also consider works by authors from the North America and from Europe. NOTE: To satisfy a WAYS requirement, this course must be taken for at least 3 units. In AY 2020-21, a 'CR' grade will satisfy the WAYS requirement.
Same as: COMPLIT 37Q

JEWISHST 39S. The Other Side: Ethnography and Travel Writing through Jewish, Christian and Muslim Eyes. 3 Units.

In an age of reality television and social media, we are bombarded with snapshots of the exotic, monstrous, and bizarre. Yet despite their quantity, these images pale in comparison to the qualities of terror, wonder and curiosity that ancient travelers evoked in their encounters with foreign lands and peoples. Early ethnographers, too, painstakingly explored the beliefs and practices of unfamiliar peoples sometimes very close to home. This course surveys their most vivid writings, from ancient Greece to the colonization of the New World, focusing on the relation between fascination with the other and the author's own religious imagination. In particular, it introduces the contributions of Jewish travelers and ethnographers to this history, which has often been written from the standpoint of imperial, ecclesiastical or colonial power. It stresses literary continuities across three general periods (ancient, medieval, and colonial), showing how remarkably consistent patterns of identification spring from diverse encounters.

JEWISHST 53. Exploring Jewish Spirituality. 4 Units.

It was once accepted as fact that Judaism is, at its core, a rational religion devoid of any authentic mystical tradition. But the past century of scholarship has reversed this claim, demonstrating that the spiritual life has been integral to Judaism's vital heart since ancient times. This yearning for a direct immediate experience of God's Presence, a longing to grasp the mysteries of the human soul and know the inner dynamics of the Divine realm, has taken on many different forms across the centuries. <br>This course will introduce students to the major texts--from theological treatises to poems and incantations--and core ideas of Jewish mysticism and spirituality, tracking their development from the Hebrew Bible to the dawn of modernity. Close attention will be paid to the historical context of these sources, and we will also engage with broader methodological approaches--from phenomenology to philology--regarding the academic study of religion and the comparative consideration of mysticism in particular. <br>This course assumes no prior background of Judaism or any other religious traditions. All readings will be made available in English. Students are, however, invited to challenge themselves with the "optional/advanced" readings of sources both primary and secondary. Pending interest, students with facility in the original languages (Hebrew or Aramaic) will be given the opportunity to do so.
Same as: RELIGST 53

JEWISHST 85B. Jews in the Contemporary World: The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture, Film, & TV. 3 Units.

(HISTORY 85B is 3 units; HISTORY 185B is 5 units.) Who are American Jews as depicted in popular media-- film, television, etc.-- since the Second World War? How are their religion, politics, mores, and practices represented and what ways, if at all, do such portraits reflect historical trends among Jews and society in general? What can be learned from film or tv about Jewish identity, notions of Jewish power and powerlessness, communal cohesiveness and assimilation, sexuality and the wages of intermarriage or race?.
Same as: CSRE 85B, HISTORY 85B, REES 85B

JEWISHST 86. Exploring the New Testament. 4 Units.

To explore the historical context of the earliest Christians, students will read most of the New Testament as well as many documents that didn't make the final cut. Non-Christian texts, Roman art, and surviving archeological remains will better situate Christianity within the ancient world. Students will read from the Dead Sea Scrolls, explore Gnostic gospels, hear of a five-year-old Jesus throwing divine temper tantrums while killing (and later resurrecting) his classmates, peruse an ancient marriage guide, and engage with recent scholarship in archeology, literary criticism, and history.
Same as: CLASSICS 43, RELIGST 86

JEWISHST 86Q. Blood and Money: The Origins of Antisemitism. 4-5 Units.

For over two millennia, Jews and Judaism have been the object of sustained anxieties, fears, and fantasies, which have in turn underpinned repeated outbreaks of violence and persecution. This course will explore the development and impact of antisemitism from Late Antiquity to the Enlightenment, including the emergence of the Blood libel, the association between Jews and moneylending, and the place of Judaism in Christian and Islamic theology. No prior background in history or Jewish studies is necessary. Prerequisite: PWR 1.
Same as: HISTORY 86Q

JEWISHST 101A. First-Year Hebrew, First Quarter. 5 Units.

In the first-year program, students acquire essential Hebrew through abundant opportunities to interact in the language in meaningful ways. The students learn to function appropriately in the language in a variety of social and cultural contexts.
Same as: AMELANG 128A

JEWISHST 101B. First-Year Hebrew, Second Quarter. 5 Units.

Continuation of AMELANG 128A. Prerequisite: Placement Test, AMELANG 128A.
Same as: AMELANG 128B

JEWISHST 101C. First-Year Hebrew, Third Quarter. 5 Units.

Continuation of AMELANG 128B. Prerequisite: Placement Test, AMELANG 128B. Fulfill the University Foreign Language Requirement.
Same as: AMELANG 128C

JEWISHST 102A. Second-Year Hebrew, First Quarter. 4 Units.

Continuation of AMELANG 128C. Sequence integrating culture and language. Emphasis is on proficiency in oral and written discourse including presentational language and socio culturally appropriate discourse in formal and informal, academic, and professional contexts. Prerequisite: Placement Test, First Year Hebrew .
Same as: AMELANG 129A

JEWISHST 102B. Second-Year Hebrew, Second Quarter. 4 Units.

Continuation of AMELANG 129A. Sequence integrating culture and language. Emphasis is on proficiency in oral and written discourse including presentational language and socio culturally appropriate discourse in formal and informal, academic, and professional contexts. Prerequisite: Placement Test, Hebrew 129A.
Same as: AMELANG 129B

JEWISHST 102C. Second-Year Hebrew, Third Quarter. 4 Units.

Continuation of AMELANG 129B. Sequence integrating culture and language. Emphasis is on advanced proficiency in oral and written discourse including presentational language and socio culturally appropriate discourse in formal and informal, academic, and professional contexts. Prerequisite: placement Test, Hebrew129B.
Same as: AMELANG 129C

JEWISHST 103A. Third-Year Hebrew, First Quarter. 3 Units.

Continuation of AMELANG 129C. Prerequisite: Placement Test, AMELANG 129C.
Same as: AMELANG 130A

JEWISHST 104. Hebrew Forum. 1-3 Unit.

Intermediate and advanced level. Biweekly Hebrew discussion on contemporary issues with Israeli guest speakers. Vocabulary enhancement. Focus on exposure to academic Hebrew. May be repeat for credit up to 4 times.
Same as: AMELANG 131A

JEWISHST 104A. First-Year Yiddish, First Quarter. 4 Units.

Reading, writing, and speaking.
Same as: AMELANG 140A

JEWISHST 104B. First-Year Yiddish, Second Quarter. 4 Units.

Continuation of AMELANG 140A. Prerequisite: AMELANG.
Same as: AMELANG 140B

JEWISHST 104C. First-Year Yiddish, Third Quarter. 4 Units.

Continuation of AMELANG 140B. Prerequisite: AMELANG 140B. Fulfills the University Foreign Language Requirement.
Same as: AMELANG 140C

JEWISHST 105. Hebrew Forum. 2-4 Units.

Intermediate and advanced level. Biweekly Hebrew discussion on contemporary issues with Israeli guest speakers. Vocabulary enhancement. Focus on exposure to academic Hebrew. May repeat for credit.
Same as: AMELANG 131B

JEWISHST 106. Reflection on the Other: The Arab Israeli Conflict in Literature and Film. 3-5 Units.

How literary works outside the realm of Western culture struggle with questions such as identity, minority, and the issue of the Other. How the Arab is viewed in Hebrew literature, film and music and how the Jew is viewed in Palestinian works in Hebrew or Arabic (in translation to English). Historical, political, and sociological forces that have contributed to the shaping of these writers' views. Guest lectures about the Jew in Palestinian literature and music. Note: To be eligible for WAYS credit, you must take course for a Letter Grade.
Same as: AMELANG 126, COMPLIT 145

JEWISHST 107A. Biblical Hebrew, First Quarter. 2 Units.

Establish a basic familiarity with the grammar and vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew and will begin developing a facility with the language. Students that are enrolled in this course must also enroll in Beginning Hebrew. This course requires no prior knowledge of Hebrew and will begin with learning the alphabet. By the end of the year, students will be able to translate basic biblical texts, will be familiar with common lexica and reference grammars, and will have sufficient foundational knowledge to enable them to continue expanding their knowledge either in a subsequent course or own their own.
Same as: RELIGST 170A

JEWISHST 107C. Biblical Hebrew, Third Quarter. 4 Units.

Continuation of 170B.
Same as: AMELANG 170C

JEWISHST 123. Muslims, Jews, and Christians: Conflict, Coexistence, and Collaboration. 4 Units.

Relationships between Muslims, Jews, and Christians today are informed by a multitude of complex and often painful histories. These faith traditions emerged out of deep and sustained engagement with one another sharing theological and ethical principles, and revering many of the same figures and there have been many periods of rich and productive interaction. Yet there have also been areas of dissension and conflict, and periods when theological, social, or political disagreement devolved into violence and oppression. In recent times (especially following the Holocaust and the establishment of the modern State of Israel), religious, political, and intellectual leaders of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities, in the U.S. and around the world, have recognized the need to forge deeper and more meaningful relationships with one another. Knowledge and understanding of the perspectives that different communities and individuals bring to bear on their entangled past, present, and future are a critical part of efforts to resolve intransigent conflicts and advance mutual interests. This course explores some of the most significant moments of interaction through literature and art, polemic and dialogue that have shaped engagements between Muslims, Jews, and Christians throughout history, and examines both prospects and pitfalls for engagement in the present and future.
Same as: RELIGST 133

JEWISHST 125. Modern Jewish Mysticism: Devotion in a Secular Age. 4 Units.

The twentieth-century was a time of tremendous upheaval and unspeakable tragedy for the Jewish communities of Europe. But the past hundred years were also a period of great renewal for Jewish spirituality, a renaissance that has continued into the present day. Beginning with the writings of the Safed Renaissance, the Sabbateanism, and the Hasidic masters, our course will focus on key thinkers in the 19th and 20th centuries, including: Hillel Zeitlin, Martin Buber, Abraham Isaac Kook, Abraham Joshua Heschel, and Arthur Green. Drawing upon essays, homilies, and poems, we will examine the ways in which their works re-cast and reinterpret the Jewish tradition in answer to the singular questions and challenges modernity. We will mark the development of their thinking against the two World Wars, the Holocaust, and the complex and multi-faceted processes of secularization. We will also consider the theological project of modern Jewish mystics in dialogue with modern Jewish philosophers (such as Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenzweig, and Emmanuel Levinas) as well as modern philosophers and scholars informed by Christianity (from William James to Charles Taylor). This course argues that the processes of sacralization, of reclaiming a life of mystical devotion, are best understood as a unique response to Jewish modernity rather than a retreat to past modalities of religion. In seeking to prove this point, we will explore writers whose work emerged in and engaged with different social and cultural domains. We will investigate their writings with an eye to issues such as power and identity, and will draw upon their works in charting the intersection of mysticism, literature, language and experience. Throughout our readings, we will keep our eye on the sustained impact of feminism on Jewish mysticism in the second half of the twentieth century. This course is structured as a seminar, and our class discussions will be rooted in the primary sources. It assumes no prior background of Judaism or any other religious traditions. All readings will be made available in English.
Same as: RELIGST 165

JEWISHST 127D. Readings in Talmudic Literature. 1 Unit.

Readings of Talmudic texts. Some knowledge of Hebrew is preferred, but not necessary. The goal of the ongoing workshop is to provide Stanford students with the opportunity to engage in regular Talmud study, and to be introduced to a variety of approaches to studying Talmudic texts and thought.
Same as: JEWISHST 227D, RELIGST 170D

JEWISHST 128. Women and Gender in Early Judaism and Christianity. 4 Units.

Beginning with the Hebrew Bible and New Testament, we will explore female figures in early Jewish and Christian literatures, such as Eve, Ruth, Mary, and Junia. Based on this, we will probe the prescriptions for female comportment in early Judaism and Christianity placing these literary prescriptions in conversation with material evidence related to women, such as for example the Babatha archive. We will analyze the politics of patriarchy in ancient discourse, and examine, among other topics, efforts by Christian clergy to silence female prophets in the second and third centuries CE. The bulk of the course will be devoted to the formative years of both Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity. This course assumes no prior knowledge of Judaism, Christianity, the Bible, or ancient history. It is designed for students who are part of faith traditions that consider the Bible to be sacred, as well as those who are not. Ancient readings in this course will be supplemented by modern scholarship in classics, early Christian studies, gender studies, queer studies, and the history of sexuality.
Same as: RELIGST 128

JEWISHST 129. Sacred Words: Jewish Thought and the Question of Language. 4 Units.

Jews have long been referred as the people of the book, but they might better be referred to as the people of the word. Drawing upon texts from the Hebrew Bible to the works of modern Hebrew writers like of Hayyim Nahman Bialik and Amoz Oz, this seminar will chart the development of Jewish thinking on language over the past two millennia. We will explore issues such as: the idea of canonization; oral versus written language; the nature and possibility of translation; the origins of language; notions of negative theology; mystical approaches to the word; the rebirth of Hebrew as a spoken and cultural language; and the limits of language after the Holocaust. This course will also bring Jewish thought into dialogue with contemporary philosophical reflections on issues of language. Modern explorations of language will prove an interesting way of deepening our understanding of the Jewish thinkers on one hand, and enriching contemporary intellectual discourse on the other.
Same as: RELIGST 169

JEWISHST 129A. Milk and Honey, Wine and Blood: Food, Justice, and Ethnic Identity in Jewish Culture. 4 Units.

This course examines Jewish culture and the food practices and traditions that have shaped and continue to shape it. Students learn to prepare a variety of meals while studying about the historical and literary traditions associated with them, such as the dietary `laws¿ and the long history of their interpretation, as well as the cultivation of eating as devotional practice in Jewish mystical traditions. We will explore how regional foods the world over contribute to the formation of distinct Jewish ethnic identities, and how these traditions shape contemporary Jewish food ethics. The course includes guest visits by professional chefs and food writers, and field trips to a local winery.
Same as: RELIGST 129

JEWISHST 130VP. Introduction to Social Demography: A Comparative Approach (Israel & US). 3 Units.

In this class we will learn about Israel's unique demographic structure and we will compare it to the US and other countries. Reading materials include general theories as well as research published in scholarly journals. In the first half of this class we will review basic demographic concepts (mortality, fertility and migration), and we will apply them to the Israeli context, with comparisons between different social groups in Israel and with comparison to the US. We will also review basic demographic theories (theories of population change) and apply them to different countries. nnIn the second half of the class we will focus on demography of the family. We will ask how fertility, marriage and divorce differ for different population groups in Israel and the US, and we will tie family processes to current theories of gender and family change. We will also learn how demographic processes may be related to the reproduction of poverty, and inequality.
Same as: SOC 119VP

JEWISHST 131VP. Poverty and Inequality in Israel and the US: A Comparative Approach. 3 Units.

Poverty rates in Israel are high and have been relatively stable in recent decades, with about one fifth of all households (and a third of all children) living below the poverty line. In this class we will learn about poverty and inequality in Israel and we will compare with the US and other countries.nnIn the first few weeks of this class we will review basic theories of poverty and inequality and we will discuss how theories regarding poverty have changed over the years, from the "culture of poverty" to theories of welfare state regimes. We will also learn about various ways of measuring poverty, material hardship, and inequality, and we will review the methods and data used.nnIn the remaining weeks of the class we will turn to substantive topics such as gender, immigration, ethnicity/nationality, welfare policy, age, and health. Within each topic we will survey the debates within contemporary scholarship and we will compare Israel and the US. Examination of these issues will introduce students to some of the challenges that Israeli society faces today.
Same as: CSRE 120P, SOC 120VP

JEWISHST 132A. Social Inequality in Israel. 3 Units.

Like the US, Israel is a nation of immigrants. Israel additionally shares with the US vast economic, ethnic/racial and gender gaps, which are shaped and are being shaped by the demographic diversity characterizing its society. The course will provide a comparative framework for analyzing social inequality in Israel. We will start by reviewing essential concepts and theories in the study of social stratification. We will then review the main cleavages characterizing Israeli society, while comparing them to gaps in other advances societies and particularly the US. We will focus on class, gender and ethnicity as the main distinctions and will examine their implications for differences in life chances in several domains across the life course. We will conclude with a discussion of possible scenarios for change, which are relevant to both Israel and the US. Throughout the course, we will study critical thinking techniques and will use them for analyzing issues that are central for the analysis of social inequality in Israel and elsewhere.
Same as: CSRE 132A, SOC 102A

JEWISHST 132VP. Family and Society: A Comparative Approach (Israel & the US). 3 Units.

Families are changing: Non-marital partnerships such as cohabitation are becoming more common, marriage is delayed and fertility is declining. In this class we will learn about how families are changing in Israel and we will compare with the US and other countries. Reading materials include general theories as well as research published in scholarly journals. nnAfter reviewing general theories and major scholarly debates concerning issues of family change, we will turn to specific family processes and compare Israel, the US and other countries. We will ask how family transitions may differ for different population groups and at different stages of the life course, and we will tie family processes to current theories of gender. nnWe will cover a wide range of topics, from marriage and marital dissolution to cohabitation, LAT and remarriage. We will also discuss changes in women's labor force participation and how it bears on fertility, parenthood and household division of labor. Within each substantive topic we will survey the debates within contemporary scholarship and we will compare Israel and the US.
Same as: SOC 121VP, SOC 221VP


Early theorists of the welfare state described it as a reaction to the emergence of needs and interests of specific social groups during processes of economic development and change. Later theorists countered that the welfare state does not merely react to social cleavages during times of economic change but rather works to actively shape them, in line with worldviews or the interests of dominant group members. Adopting the latter approach, the goal of this course is to provide the tools and knowledge necessary for a critical evaluation of the social services provided to Israeli citizens and their impact on social and economic inequalities. The course will survey various approaches to the understanding of the goals of the welfare state. A comparative and historical account of the development of the welfare state will be presented, while highlighting recent developments, such as the increase in poverty rates and the aging of the population. During the course, we will examine the diverse needs that are served by the welfare state, as well as major dilemmas associated with the provision of services. Throughout the course, we will study critical thinking techniques and will use them for analyzing issues that are central for the development of social policies in Israel and the US.
Same as: CSRE 133J, SOC 103A

JEWISHST 143. Literature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean. 4 Units.

This course provides students with an introductory survey of literature and cinema from Francophone Africa and the Caribbean in the 20th and 21st centuries. Students will be encouraged to consider the geographical, historical, and political connections between the Maghreb, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa by reading course materials, completing writing assignments, participating in class activities, listening to contextualizing lectures, and conducting student-led presentations. This course will help students improve their ability to speak and write in French by introducing students to new academic registers, vocabulary, and syntax. While analyzing novels and films, students will be exposed to a diverse number of intersectional topics such as national and cultural identity, race and class, gender and sexuality, orality and textuality, transnationalism and migration, colonialism and decolonization, history and memory, and the politics of language. Readings include the works of writers and filmmakers such as Aimé Césaire, Albert Memmi, Assia Djebar, Dani Laferrière, Djibril Tamsir Niane, Fatou Diome, Leïla Sebbar, Léopold Senghor, Mariama Bâ, Maryse Condé, and Ousmane Sembène. Taught in French. Students are encouraged to complete FRENLANG 124 or to successfully test above this level through the Language Center.

JEWISHST 147B. The Hebrew and Jewish Short Story. 3-5 Units.

Short stories from Israel, the US and Europe including works by Agnon, Kafka, Keret, Castel-Bloom, Kashua, Singer, Benjamin, Freud, biblical myths and more. The class will engage with questions related to the short story as a literary form and the history of the short story. Reading and discussion in English. Optional: special section with readings and discussions in Hebrew. Note: To be eligible for WAYS credit, you must take the course for a Letter Grade. In AY 2020-21, a 'CR' grade will satisfy the WAYS requirement.
Same as: COMPLIT 127B

JEWISHST 148. Writing Between Languages: The Case of Eastern European Jewish Literature. 1-5 Unit.

Eastern European Jews spoke and read Hebrew, Yiddish, and their co-territorial languages (Russian, Polish, etc.). In the modern period they developed secular literatures in all of them, and their writing reflected their own multilinguality and evolving language ideologies. We focus on major literary and sociolinguistic texts. Reading and discussion in English; students should have some reading knowledge of at least one relevant language as well. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for WAYS credit. In 2020-21, a 'letter' or 'CR' grade will satisfy the WAYS requirement.
Same as: JEWISHST 348, SLAVIC 198, SLAVIC 398

JEWISHST 150. Texts that Changed the World from the Ancient Middle East. 3-5 Units.

This course traces the story of the cradle of human civilization. We will begin with the earliest human stories, the Gilgamesh Epic and biblical literature, and follow the path of the development of law, religion, philosophy and literature in the ancient Mediterranean or Middle Eastern world, to the emergence of Jewish and Christian thinking. We will pose questions about how this past continues to inform our present: What stories, myths, and ideas remain foundational to us? How did the stories and myths shape civilizations and form larger communities? How did the earliest stories conceive of human life and the divine? What are the ideas about the order of nature, and the place of human life within that order? How is the relationship between the individual and society constituted? This course is part of the Humanities Core:
Same as: COMPLIT 31, HUMCORE 111, RELIGST 150

JEWISHST 155D. Jewish American Literature and Film. 5 Units.

From its inception, Jewish-American literature has taken as its subject as well as its context the idea of Jewishness itself. Jewish culture is a diasporic one, and for this reason the concept of Jewishness differs from country to country and across time. What stays remarkably similar, though, is Jewish self-perception and relatedly Jewish literary style. This is as true for the first-generation immigrant writers like Isaac Bashevis Singer and Anzia Yezierska who came to the United States from abroad as it is for their second-generation children born in the United States, and the children of those children. In this course, we will consider the difficulties of displacement for the emigrant generation and their efforts to sustain their cultural integrity in the multicultural American environment. We'll also examine the often comic revolt of their American-born children and grandchildren against their (grand-)parents nostalgia and failure to assimilate. Only by considering these transnational roots can one understand the particularity of the Jewish-American novel in relation to mainstream and minority American literatures. In investigating the link between American Jewish writers and their literary progenitors, we will draw largely but not exclusively from Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe.
Same as: AMSTUD 145D, ENGLISH 145D, REES 145D

JEWISHST 155J. The Jewish-American Novel: Diaspora, Privilege, Anxiety, Comedy. 4-5 Units.

Jews are sometimes referred to as 'the people of the book.' Would Portnoy's Complaint count as a book that constitutes Jewish-American peoplehood? What about Fear of Flying? This seminar introduces students to influential Jewish-American novels (and some short stories and film) from the late nineteenth century to the present day. These works return time and again to questions of diaspora, race, queer social belonging, and the duty to a Jewish past, mythical or real. Through close readings of short stories and novels coupled with secondary readings about Jewish-American history and culture, we will explore how American Jewishness is constructed differently in changing historical climates. What makes a text Jewish? What do we mean by Jewish humor and Jewish seriousness? How do Jewish formulations of gender and power respond to Jews' entrance into the white American mainstream? As we read, we'll think through and elaborate on models of ethnicity, privilege, sexuality, and American pluralism. Authors include Cahan, Yezierska, Singer, Roth, Bellow, Malamud, Ozick, Mailer, Jong, and Englander.
Same as: AMSTUD 145J, ENGLISH 145J

JEWISHST 185B. Jews in the Contemporary World:  The American Jewish Present & Past in Popular Culture,  Film, & TV. 4-5 Units.

(HISTORY 185B is 5 units; HISTORY 85B IS 3 units.) Who are American Jews as depicted in popular media -- film, television, etc. -- since the Second World War? How are their religion, politics, mores, and practices represented and what ways, if at all, do such portraits reflect historical trends among Jews and society in general? What can be learned from film or tv about Jewish identity, notions of Jewish power and powerlessness, communal cohesiveness and assimilation, sexuality and the wages of intermarriage or race?.
Same as: CSRE 185B, HISTORY 185B, HISTORY 385C, REES 185B, SLAVIC 183

JEWISHST 186. Jews in Trump's America and Before. 5 Units.

This class considers the notion of American Jewish exceptionalism through the lens of Trump's America. The social and economic success of American Jewry over the last 350 years is remarkable, yet Jews continue to find their position in American society called into question. This course moves between past and present and will consider key moments in American Jewish life with a particular emphasis on contemporary currents, including post-liberal identity politics, Israel, and the rise of white supremacy.
Same as: HISTORY 286F

JEWISHST 199B. Directed Reading in Yiddish, Second Quarter. 1-5 Unit.

For intermediate or advanced students. May be repeated for credit.

JEWISHST 211. Out of Eden: Deportation, Exile, and Expulsion from Antiquity to the Renaissance. 4-5 Units.

This course examines the long pedigree of modern deportations and mass expulsions, from the forced resettlements of the ancient world to the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, and from the outlawry of Saga-era Iceland to the culture of civic exile in Renaissance Italy. The course focuses on Europe and the Mediterranean from antiquity to the early modern period, but students are welcome to venture beyond these geographical and chronological boundaries for their final papers.
Same as: HISTORY 211, HISTORY 311

JEWISHST 215. Understanding Jews. 1-2 Unit.

This discussion-based course will give students an opportunity to explore the constellation of religious, ethnic, national, cultural, artistic, spiritual, and political forces that shape Jewish life in the 21st century. Drawing on historical documents, classical texts, and contemporary events, this course will give students from any background an opportunity to ask hard questions, deepen their own understandings, and challenge their conceptions of what makes Jewish life 'Jewish.' No matter where you went for Sunday school - church, synagogue, the woods, or nowhere at all - this course is a chance to question what you know, and interrogate how you came to know what you know about Jews, Judaism, and Jewish culture.
Same as: AMSTUD 215

JEWISHST 221C. Aramaic Texts. 1-5 Unit.

Readings in Aramaic/Syriac with special focus on grammar and syntax of ancient texts.

JEWISHST 226E. The Holocaust: Insights from New Research. 4-5 Units.

Overview of the history of the Holocaust, the genocide of European Jews. Explores its causes, course, consequences, and memory. Addresses the events themselves, as well as the roles of perpetrators and bystanders, dilemmas faced by victims, collaboration of local populations, and the issue of rescue. Considers how the Holocaust was and is remembered and commemorated by victims and participants alike. Uses different kinds of sources: scholarly work, memoirs, diaries, film, and primary documents.
Same as: CSRE 226D, CSRE 326D, HISTORY 226D, HISTORY 326D, JEWISHST 326D

JEWISHST 227D. Readings in Talmudic Literature. 1 Unit.

Readings of Talmudic texts. Some knowledge of Hebrew is preferred, but not necessary. The goal of the ongoing workshop is to provide Stanford students with the opportunity to engage in regular Talmud study, and to be introduced to a variety of approaches to studying Talmudic texts and thought.
Same as: JEWISHST 127D, RELIGST 170D

JEWISHST 242G. Myth and Modernity. 3-5 Units.

Masters of German 20th- and 21st-Century literature and philosophy as they present aesthetic innovation and confront the challenges of modern technology, social alienation, manmade catastrophes, and imagine the future. Readings include Nietzsche, Freud, Rilke, Musil, Brecht, Kafka, Doeblin, Benjamin, Juenger, Arendt, Musil, Mann, Adorno, Celan, Grass, Bachmann, Bernhardt, Wolf, and Kluge. Taught in English. Note for German Studies grad students: GERMAN 322 will fulfill the grad core requirement since GERMAN 332 is not being offered this year. NOTE: Enrollment requires Professor Eshel's consent. Please contact him directly at and answer these 2 questions: "Why do you want to take this course?" and "What do you think you can add to the discussion?" Applications will be considered in the order in which they were received. Enrollment is limited to 20 students.
Same as: COMPLIT 222A, GERMAN 222, GERMAN 322, JEWISHST 342

JEWISHST 243A. Hannah Arendt: Facing Totalitarianism. 3-5 Units.

Like hardly any other thinker of the modern age, Hannah Arendt's thought offers us timeless insights into the fabric of the modern age, especially regarding the perennial danger of totalitarianism. This course offers an in-depth introduction to Arendt's most important works in their various contexts, as well as a consideration of their reverberations in contemporary philosophy and literature. Readings include Arendt's <em>The Origin of Totalitarianism</em>, <em>The Human Condition, Between Past and Future</em>, <em>Men in Dark Times</em>, <em>On Revolution</em>,<em>Eichmann in Jerusalem</em>, and <em>The Life of the Mind</em>, as well as considerations of Hannah Arendt's work by Max Frisch, Jürgen Habermas, Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler, Giorgio Agamben, and others. Special attention will be given to Arendt's writings on literature with an emphasis on Kafka, Brecht, Auden, Sartre, and Camus. This course will be synchronously conducted, but will also use an innovative, Stanford-developed, online platform called Poetic Thinking. Poetic Thinking allows students to share both their scholarly and creative work with each other. Based on the newest technology and beautifully designed, it greatly enhances their course experience.
Same as: COMPLIT 353B, GERMAN 253, GERMAN 353

JEWISHST 249. The Algerian Wars. 3-5 Units.

From Algiers the White to Algiers the Red, Algiers, the Mecca of the Revolutionaries in the words of Amilcar Cabral, this course offers to study the Algerian Wars since the French conquest of Algeria (1830-) to the Algerian civil war of the 1990s. We will revisit the ways in which the war has been narrated in literature and cinema, popular culture, and political discourse. A special focus will be given to the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962). The course considers the racial representations of the war in the media, the continuing legacies surrounding the conflict in France, Africa, and the United States, from Che Guevara to the Black Panthers. A key focus will be the transmission of collective memory through transnational lenses, and analyses of commemorative events and movies. nReadings from James Baldwin, Assia Djebar, Albert Camus, Frantz Fanon, Mouloud Feraoun. Movies include "The Battle of Algiers," "Days of Glory," and "Viva Laldjérie." nTaught in English.
Same as: CSRE 249, FRENCH 249, HISTORY 239G

JEWISHST 265. Jewish Law: Introduction and Topics. 2 Units.

This course will provide an overview of the field of Jewish Law and will seek to provide a few case studies of topics in Jewish Law. All the readings are in English and this course presupposes no background in Jewish Law. Jewish Law is the world's oldest complex legal systems with distinct and idiosyncratic approaches to family, commercial, ritual and many other areas of law. It also has developed an elaborate "conflicts of law" sub-literature focusing on when should Jewish Law apply and when should some other legal system apply, reflecting the long history of the Jewish community in the diaspora as a minority. In this course, we will consider how Jewish law approaches a number of specific topics and we will ponder as well the proper interaction between Jewish law and secular legal norms, Jewish Law and changes in technology, Jewish law and sovereignty, Jewish Law and Bioethics and Jewish law and Family. Other topics will be added as we all see fit. Students who are interested in making a presentation on an area of their choice are welcome to do so. The course will seek to include an optional supplementary "field trip" to see a rabbinical court in action in California. The Learning Outcomes provided by this court include the following: Students who take this course will: 1. Exhibit knowledge and understanding of key concepts in substantive law, procedural law, and legal thought in Jewish Law. 2. Demonstrate facility with legal analysis and reasoning in the Jewish Legal tradition and will demonstrate the ability to conduct legal research in Jewish Law. After the term begins, students accepted into the course can transfer, with consent of the instructor, from section (01) into section (02), which meets the R requirement. Elements used in grading: Attendance, Class Participation, Final Paper. Cross-listed with the Law School (LAW 5038).

JEWISHST 281K. Departures: Late Ottoman Displacements of Muslims, Christians, and Jews, 1853-1923. 5 Units.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, millions of people moved into and out of the Ottoman Empire, sometimes voluntarily and sometimes under extremely violent circumstances. More often than not, they moved in groups that were religiously defined. This course examines how these developments shaped the future of the modern Middle East, Balkans, and beyond. Questions include: How did migration and the idea of the nation shape each other? What does it mean to call a group or a migration "religious"? Why did certain types of diversity become a "problem," in the eyes of the state? What caused these population displacements? What can this topic teach us about today's mass migrations?.
Same as: HISTORY 281K

JEWISHST 282. Circles of Hell: Poland in World War II. 5 Units.

Looks at the experience and representation of Poland's wartime history from the Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939) to the aftermath of Yalta (1945). Examines Nazi and Soviet ideology and practice in Poland, as well as the ways Poles responded, resisted, and survived. Considers wartime relations among Polish citizens, particularly Poles and Jews. In this regard, interrogates the traditional self-characterization of Poles as innocent victims, looking at their relationship to the Holocaust, thus engaging in a passionate debate still raging in Polish society.
Same as: HISTORY 228, HISTORY 328, JEWISHST 382

JEWISHST 284C. Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention. 3 Units.

Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Traces the history of genocide in the 20th century and the question of humanitarian intervention to stop it, a topic that has been especially controversial since the end of the Cold War. The pre-1990s discussion begins with the Armenian genocide during the First World War and includes the Holocaust and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. Coverage of genocide and humanitarian intervention since the 1990s includes the wars in Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, the Congo and Sudan.
Same as: HISTORY 224C, HISTORY 324C, JEWISHST 384C, PEDS 224

JEWISHST 285C. The Immigrant in Modern America. 5 Units.

The 2016 presidential election propelled the topic of immigration to the center of public attention. This is not the first time, however, that questions of immigration and what it means to be an American have revealed deep divisions within the U.S. This course explores the reception of immigrants in modern America, including differing views toward immigration; how immigrants help shape ideas about the American nation; and the growth of state bureaucracy and policing apparatus as a response.
Same as: HISTORY 285C

JEWISHST 286D. Yours in Struggle: African Americans and Jews in the 20th Century U.S.. 5 Units.

This colloquium explores the history of African Americans and Jews in 20th century US beginning with Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe and the Great Migration to America's urban centers. It considers the geographical and economic tensions that developed between two minority groups living in close proximity; the appropriation of black culture; Jewish claims to whiteness and performance of blackness; intercommunal relations during the Civil Rights movement; the breakdown of the black-Jewish alliance in the late 1960s; and the lingering ramifications of this shift today.
Same as: HISTORY 286D

JEWISHST 287S. Research Seminar in Ottoman and Middle East History. 4-5 Units.

Student-selected research topics. May be repeated for credit.
Same as: HISTORY 481, JEWISHST 481

JEWISHST 288C. Jews of the Modern Middle East and North Africa. 5 Units.

This course will explore the cultural, social, and political histories of the Jews of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) from 1860 to present times. The geographic concentration will range from Morocco to Iran, Iraq to Turkey, and everywhere in between. Topics include: Jewish culture and identity in Islamic contexts; the impacts of colonialism, westernization, and nationalism; Jewish-Muslim relations; the racialization of MENA Jews; the Holocaust; the experience and place of MENA Jews in Israel; and "Jews of Color.".
Same as: CSRE 288C, HISTORY 288C

JEWISHST 291X. Learning Religion: How People Acquire Religious Commitments. 4 Units.

This course will examine how people learn religion outside of school, and in conversation with popular cultural texts and practices. Taking a broad social-constructivist approach to the variety of ways people learn, this course will explore how people assemble ideas about faith, identity, community, and practice, and how those ideas inform individual, communal and global notions of religion. Much of this work takes place in formal educational environments including missionary and parochial schools, Muslim madrasas or Jewish yeshivot. However, even more takes place outside of school, as people develop skills and strategies in conversation with broader social trends. This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to questions that lie at the intersection of religion, popular culture, and education. May be repeat for credit.
Same as: AMSTUD 231X, EDUC 231, RELIGST 231X

JEWISHST 299A. Directed Reading in Yiddish, First Quarter. 1-5 Unit.

Directed Reading in Yiddish, First Quarter.

JEWISHST 301. Colloquium on Jews, Judaism, and Jewish Culture. 1 Unit.

An interdisciplinary graduate student colloquium for Stanford graduate students interested in Jewish Studies.

JEWISHST 321C. Aramaic Texts. 1-5 Unit.

Readings in Aramaic/Syriac with special focus on grammar and syntax of ancient texts.

JEWISHST 326D. The Holocaust: Insights from New Research. 4-5 Units.

Overview of the history of the Holocaust, the genocide of European Jews. Explores its causes, course, consequences, and memory. Addresses the events themselves, as well as the roles of perpetrators and bystanders, dilemmas faced by victims, collaboration of local populations, and the issue of rescue. Considers how the Holocaust was and is remembered and commemorated by victims and participants alike. Uses different kinds of sources: scholarly work, memoirs, diaries, film, and primary documents.
Same as: CSRE 226D, CSRE 326D, HISTORY 226D, HISTORY 326D, JEWISHST 226E

JEWISHST 342. Myth and Modernity. 3-5 Units.

Masters of German 20th- and 21st-Century literature and philosophy as they present aesthetic innovation and confront the challenges of modern technology, social alienation, manmade catastrophes, and imagine the future. Readings include Nietzsche, Freud, Rilke, Musil, Brecht, Kafka, Doeblin, Benjamin, Juenger, Arendt, Musil, Mann, Adorno, Celan, Grass, Bachmann, Bernhardt, Wolf, and Kluge. Taught in English. Note for German Studies grad students: GERMAN 322 will fulfill the grad core requirement since GERMAN 332 is not being offered this year. NOTE: Enrollment requires Professor Eshel's consent. Please contact him directly at and answer these 2 questions: "Why do you want to take this course?" and "What do you think you can add to the discussion?" Applications will be considered in the order in which they were received. Enrollment is limited to 20 students.
Same as: COMPLIT 222A, GERMAN 222, GERMAN 322, JEWISHST 242G

JEWISHST 348. Writing Between Languages: The Case of Eastern European Jewish Literature. 1-5 Unit.

Eastern European Jews spoke and read Hebrew, Yiddish, and their co-territorial languages (Russian, Polish, etc.). In the modern period they developed secular literatures in all of them, and their writing reflected their own multilinguality and evolving language ideologies. We focus on major literary and sociolinguistic texts. Reading and discussion in English; students should have some reading knowledge of at least one relevant language as well. This course must be taken for a minimum of 3 units and a letter grade to be eligible for WAYS credit. In 2020-21, a 'letter' or 'CR' grade will satisfy the WAYS requirement.
Same as: JEWISHST 148, SLAVIC 198, SLAVIC 398

JEWISHST 349. Religion and Madness. 3-5 Units.

In this course, a scholar of Judaism and a psychological anthropologist join forces to discuss the relationship between religion and madness. We will read scriptural and mystical texts alongside anthropological and psychiatric texts to explore the ways people distinguish the mad and the holy in different settings, whether one can infer madness from texts written for religious purposes, and indeed whether and when God can be named as mad. In the process we hope to explore the different lenses of religious, historical, anthropological and clinical interpretation.nPrerequisite: consent of instructor.
Same as: ANTHRO 349C, RELIGST 349

JEWISHST 382. Circles of Hell: Poland in World War II. 5 Units.

Looks at the experience and representation of Poland's wartime history from the Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939) to the aftermath of Yalta (1945). Examines Nazi and Soviet ideology and practice in Poland, as well as the ways Poles responded, resisted, and survived. Considers wartime relations among Polish citizens, particularly Poles and Jews. In this regard, interrogates the traditional self-characterization of Poles as innocent victims, looking at their relationship to the Holocaust, thus engaging in a passionate debate still raging in Polish society.
Same as: HISTORY 228, HISTORY 328, JEWISHST 282

JEWISHST 384C. Genocide and Humanitarian Intervention. 3 Units.

Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Traces the history of genocide in the 20th century and the question of humanitarian intervention to stop it, a topic that has been especially controversial since the end of the Cold War. The pre-1990s discussion begins with the Armenian genocide during the First World War and includes the Holocaust and Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. Coverage of genocide and humanitarian intervention since the 1990s includes the wars in Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo, the Congo and Sudan.
Same as: HISTORY 224C, HISTORY 324C, JEWISHST 284C, PEDS 224

JEWISHST 385A. Core Colloquium in Jewish History, 17th to 19th Centuries. 4-5 Units.

Same as: HISTORY 385A

JEWISHST 385B. Graduate Colloquium in Jewish History, 19th-20th Centuries. 4-5 Units.

Instructor consent required.
Same as: HISTORY 385B

JEWISHST 393X. The Education of American Jews. 4 Units.

This course will take an interdisciplinary approach to the question of how American Jews negotiate the desire to retain a unique ethnic sensibility without excluding themselves from American culture more broadly. Students will examine the various ways in which people debate, deliberate, and determine what it means to be an "American Jew". This includes an investigation of how American Jewish relationships to formal and informal educational encounters through school, popular culture, religious ritual, and politics.
Same as: EDUC 313, RELIGST 313X

JEWISHST 481. Research Seminar in Ottoman and Middle East History. 4-5 Units.

Student-selected research topics. May be repeated for credit.
Same as: HISTORY 481, JEWISHST 287S

JEWISHST 486A. Graduate Research Seminar in Jewish History. 4-5 Units.

Same as: HISTORY 486A

JEWISHST 486B. Graduate Research Seminar in Jewish History. 4-5 Units.

Prerequisite: HISTORY 486A.
Same as: HISTORY 486B

Native American Studies Courses

NATIVEAM 5A. Muwekma House Seminar. 1 Unit.


NATIVEAM 5B. Muwekma House Seminar. 1 Unit.

Second Quarter of Muwekma House Seminar.

NATIVEAM 14. Indigenous Peoples in Film and Visual Media: Reframing Narratives of Race, Gender and Personhood. 2 Units.

This class explores the multiple valences of Indigenous Peoples within the genre of visual media and film with articular attention to race and gender as reflective and reflexive categories. Using the lenses of, anthropology, postcolonial, Indigenous and Gender Studies this course will examine the ways in which the imagery of indigenous peoples has been woven into Western narratives, appropriated as projections of Western masculinity and in more recent years reclaimed by indigenous filmmakers and documentarians. The format of the class will involve a "flipped classroom" pedagogy, weekly screenings and closely supervised student presentations on topics related to the course. Weekly screenings of films, lectures and discussions will require mandatory attendance at every class meeting and within working groups. Students will develop skills to identify visual media referents, related to contemporary and digital contexts while gaining appreciation for indigenous identity history and sovereignty weekly reflection papers are required. No previous film studies experience is necessary.

NATIVEAM 16. Native Americans in the 21st Century: Encounters, Identity, and Sovereignty in Contemporary America. 5 Units.

What does it mean to be a Native American in the 21st century? Beyond traditional portrayals of military conquests, cultural collapse, and assimilation, the relationships between Native Americans and American society. Focus is on three themes leading to in-class moot court trials: colonial encounters and colonizing discourses; frontiers and boundaries; and sovereignty of self and nation. Topics include gender in native communities, American Indian law, readings by native authors, and Indians in film and popular culture.
Same as: ANTHRO 16, ARCHLGY 16

NATIVEAM 39. Long Live Our 4Bil. Year Old Mother: Black Feminist Praxis, Indigenous Resistance, Queer Possibility. 1-4 Unit.

How can art facilitate a culture that values women, mothers, transfolks, caregivers, girls? How can black, indigenous, and people of color frameworks help us reckon with oppressive systems that threaten safety and survival for marginalized people and the lands that sustain us? How can these questions reveal the brilliant and inventive forms of survival that precede and transcend harmful systems toward a world of possibility? Each week, this course will call on artists, scholars, and organizers of color who clarify the urgency and interconnection of issues from patriarchal violence to environmental degradation; criminalization to legacies of settler colonialism. These same thinkers will also speak to the imaginative, everyday knowledge and creative healing practices that our forebears have used for millennia to give vision and rise to true transformation.
Same as: AFRICAAM 39, CSRE 39, FEMGEN 39

NATIVEAM 50Q. Life and Death of Words. 4 Units.

In this course, we explore the world of words: their creation, evolution, borrowing, change, and death. Words are the key to understanding the culture and ideas of a people, and by tracing the biographies of words we are able to discern how the world was, is, and might be perceived and described. We trace how words are formed, and how they change in pronunciation, spelling, meaning, and usage over time. How does a word get into the dictionary? What do words reveal about status, class, region, and race? How is the language of men and women critiqued differently within our society? How does slang evolve? How do languages become endangered or die, and what is lost when they do? We will visit the Facebook Content Strategy Team and learn more about the role words play in shaping our online experiences. Together, the class will collect Stanford language and redesign the digital dictionary of the future. Trigger Warning: Some of the subject matter of this course is sensitive and may cause offense. Please consider this prior to enrolling in the course.
Same as: CSRE 50Q, ENGLISH 50Q, FEMGEN 50Q

NATIVEAM 57A. Cherokee Language Lab. 1 Unit.

This course is intended for students who have already completed First Year Cherokee and would like to continue their exposure, learning, and understanding of the language.

NATIVEAM 100. Introduction to Native American Studies. 3 Units.

This survey course is designed to expose students to the interdisciplinary content of the major, its evolution, and importantly, the methods through which scholarship and practice are communicated. Specific attention will be given to decolonizing methodologies that historically erased or misrepresented Native people in scholarship. Course readings and discussions emphasize pedagogical models and scholarly works that embrace Indigenous ways of knowing and being, including Storytelling, Traditional Environmental Knowledge, Peacemaking, and the importance of centering a framework in tribal language and culture.

NATIVEAM 103S. Gender in Native American Societies. 5 Units.

Seminar examines the impact of colonialism on gender roles & gender relations in American Indian communities beginning with the 17th century to the present. Topics include demographic changes; social, political & economic transformations associated with biological & spiritual assaults; the dynamism & diversity of native societies. Sources include history, ethnography, biography, autobiography, the novel & film.
Same as: CSRE 103S, FEMGEN 103S

NATIVEAM 108S. American Indian Religious Freedom. 3 Units.

The persistence of tribal spiritual beliefs and practices in light of legal challenges (sacred geography and the 1st Amendment), treatment of the dead and sacred objects (repatriation), consumerism (New Age commodification), and cultural intellectual property protection (trademark, copyright, patent law). Focus is on contemporary issues and cases, analyzed through interdisciplinary scholarship and practical strategies to protect the fundamental liberty of American Indian religious freedom.
Same as: CSRE 108S

NATIVEAM 109A. Federal Indian Law. 3 Units.

Cases, legislation, comparative justice models, and historical and cultural material. The interlocking relationships of tribal, federal, and state governments. Emphasis is on economic development, religious freedom, and environmental justice issues in Indian country.
Same as: CSRE 109A

NATIVEAM 109B. Native Nation Building. 3 Units.

The history of competing tribal and Western economic models, and the legal, political, social, and cultural implications for tribal economic development. Case studies include mineral resource extraction, gaming, and cultural tourism. 21st-century strategies for sustainable economic development and protection of political and cultural sovereignty.
Same as: CSRE 109B

NATIVEAM 111B. Muwekma: Landscape Archaeology and the Narratives of California Natives. 3-5 Units.

This course explores the unique history of San Francisco Bay Area tribes with particular attention to Muwekma Ohlone- the descendent community associated with the landscape surrounding and including Stanford University. The story of Muwekma provides a window into the history of California Indians from prehistory to Spanish exploration and colonization, the role of Missionaries and the controversial legacy of Junipero Serra, Indigenous rebellions throughout California, citizenship and land title during the 19th century, the historical role of anthropology and archaeology in shaping policy and recognition of Muwekma, and the fight for acknowledgement of Muwekma as a federally recognized tribe. We will visit local sites associated with this history and participate in field surveys of the landscape of Muwekma.
Same as: ANTHRO 111C, ARCHLGY 111B

NATIVEAM 115. Introduction to Native American History. 5 Units.

This course incorporates a Native American perspective in the assigned readings and is an introduction to Native American History from contact with Europeans to the present. History, from a Western perspective, is secular and objectively evaluative whereas for most Indigenous peoples, history is a moral endeavor (Walker, Lakota Society 113). A focus in the course is the civil rights era in American history when Native American protest movements were active. Colonization and decolonization, as they historically occurred are an emphasis throughout the course using texts written from the perspective of the colonized at the end of the 20th century in addition to the main text. Students will be encouraged to critically explore issues of interest through two short papers and one longer paper that is summarized in a 15-20 minute presentation on a topic of interest relating to the course.

NATIVEAM 116. Decolonizing the Indigenous Classroom. 3-5 Units.

Using Indigenous and decolonizing perspectives on education, this interdisciplinary course will examine interaction and language in cross-cultural educational situations, including language, literacy and interethnic communication as they relate to Indigenous American classrooms. Special attention will be paid to implications of social, cultural and linguistic diversity for educational practice, along with various strategies for bridging intercultural differences between schools and Native communities.
Same as: CSRE 116, CSRE 302, EDUC 186, EDUC 286

NATIVEAM 117S. History of Native Americans in California. 3-5 Units.

This course examines the political histories and cultural themes of Native Americans in California, 1700s1950s. Throughout the semester we will focus on: demographics, diversity of tribal cultures; regional environmental backgrounds; the Spanish Era and missionization; the Mexican Era and secularization; relations with the United States Government and the State of California, including the gold rush period, statehood, unratified treaties, origin of reservations/rancherias, and other federal policies, e.g., Allotment Act, Indian Reorganization Act and termination.
Same as: CSRE 117S, HISTORY 250A

NATIVEAM 118. Heritage, Environment, and Sovereignty in Hawaii. 4 Units.

This course explores the cultural, political economic, and environmental status of contemporary Hawaiians. What sorts of sustainable economic and environmental systems did Hawaiians use in prehistory? How was colonization of the Hawaiian Islands informed and shaped by American economic interests and the nascent imperialsm of the early 20th centrury? How was sovereignty and Native Hawaiian identity been shaped by these forces? How has tourism and the leisure industry affected the natural environment? This course uses archaeological methods, ethnohistorical sources, and historical analysis in an exploration of contemporary Hawaiian social economic and political life.
Same as: CSRE 118E, EARTHSYS 118

NATIVEAM 119S. The History of Native Americans of California. 5 Units.

How the federal government placed education at the center of its Indian policy in second half of 19th century, subjecting Native Americans to programs designed to erase native cultures and American Indian responses to those programs. Topics include traditional Indian education, role of religious groups, Meriam Report, Navajo-Hopi Rehabilitation Act, Johnson-O'Malley Act, and public schools.
Same as: EDUC 119S, EDUC 429S

NATIVEAM 120. Is Pocahontas a Myth? Native American Women in History. 3-5 Units.

This course will look at notable Native American Women in Native American history starting with Native American oral tradition narratives about important women in specific tribal narratives including origin narratives used in Native American tribal history. Native American history is not required in any national curriculum and as a result, Native American people(s) encounter many stereotypes and false beliefs about indigenous peoples of the United States. This course will focus on the role of women in Native American history including historic narratives in oral tradition as maintained in specific Native American histories (as told from a Native American perspective).

NATIVEAM 121. Discourse of the Colonized: Native American and Indigenous Voices. 5 Units.

Using the assigned texts covering the protest movements in the 20th century to the texts written from the perspective of the colonized at the end of the 20th century, students will engage in discussions on decolonization. Students will be encouraged to critically explore issues of interest through two short papers and a 15-20 minute presentation on the topic of interest relating to decolonization for Native Americans in one longer paper. Approaching research from an Indigenous perspective will be encouraged throughout.
Same as: CSRE 121

NATIVEAM 122. Historiography & Native American Oral Traditions and Narratives. 4 Units.

This course is an introduction to Native American Literature in the United States in a (post) colonial, or decolonized context (in the last seventy years). The readings focus on the complex social and political influences that have shaped Native American literature in the last half of the twentieth century to the present. It is an introduction to nNative American fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction and autobiography. It draws on the historical (literary sovereignty) and theoretical frameworks (American Indian Literary Nationalism) used by Native American writers in the United States; how trends in Native American writing build on and integrate traditional modes of Native American nstorytelling (oral tradition & the verbal arts). It takes a specific in - depth look at Native American oral tradition. Where the overarching aim of the course is to address the nquestion: How do you define Native American literature? Students will be required to provide their own definition from what they learn about Native American oral tradition and the challenges (historic and otherwise) inherent in a (post) colonial or decolonized world for Native Americans.

NATIVEAM 126. Mo'olelo Aloha Aina: Hawaiian Perspectives on Storytelling, Land, and Sovereignty. 2 Units.

This course will introduce a wide variety of topics pertaining to the culture and history of the Hawaiian Islands and the aboriginal people of Hawai¿i (k¿naka maoli). Topics will range from Hawaiian perspectives on genealogies, Hawaiian conceptions of land governance, brief overview of Hawaiian Kingdom history, case studies of modern Hawaiian activism, and more. Students will be introduced to surface-level coverage of included topics through a variety of readings and interactive assignments.

NATIVEAM 132. Decolonizing the American Indigenous Classroom. 3-5 Units.

Using Indigenous and decolonizing perspectives on education, this interdisciplinary course will examine interaction and language in cross-cultural educational situations, including language, literacy and interethnic communication as they relate to Indigenous American classrooms. Special attention will be paid to implications of social, cultural and linguistic diversity for educational practice, along with various strategies for bridging intercultural differences between schools and Native communities.

NATIVEAM 161. Entrepreneurship for Social and Racial Equity. 3 Units.

This course is designed for students of all backgrounds and provides an introduction to business ownership and an entrepreneurial mindset with a focus on operating businesses with racial equity as a core principle and/or within diverse communities with an aim to create social impact for future generations as well as profitability and sustainability models. The course will introduce the beginning elements of creating a business concept (formation, product, business strategy) as well as the additional overlay of social impact and cultural considerations. Types of financing as well as effective pitching will also be covered. Course materials will include instructor presentations, case studies, homework assignments, creation of students¿ own business concept plan and guest interviews with successful professionals working within social impact and diverse communities. Post COVID business considerations related to finance, policy and advocacy will also be covered.
Same as: CSRE 161P

NATIVEAM 162. Tribal Economic Development and Sustainability. 3-5 Units.

Native Americans, Alaska Natives and Inuit are disproportionately on the forefront of climate change and are being forced to adapt to climate change now. One of the biggest challenges Indigenous Nations face is building sustainable businesses that respect the environment while providing for current and future generations. This course will survey environmental, regulatory, political and financing issues associated with economic development on tribal, Alaska Native and Inuit lands. We will examine Indigenous business success stories as well as an overview of major challenges to building sustainable businesses. We will engage with Indigenous leaders and industry experts to discuss the challenges of building businesses that provide jobs and economic opportunities for Indigenous communities now while also taking into account the responsibilities Indigenous leadership has to future generations.
Same as: EARTHSYS 163

NATIVEAM 200R. Directed Research. 1-5 Unit.


NATIVEAM 200W. Directed Reading. 1-5 Unit.


NATIVEAM 221. Crafting Challenging Conversations in a Conflicted World. 3 Units.

In moments of divisive, time-sensitive conflict and disagreement, interdependent community groups that are we-us oriented often struggle to maintain cohesive relationships. In this interactive, project-based course, participants will dive into the art of designing new products, services, or experiences for conflict. Throughout the course, participants can expect to unpack the fundamentals of design thinking and components of strong listening, leadership, and effective cultural competency. Individual one-on-one conversations as well as indigenous forms of group-interviewing, known as Peacemaking and Ho'oponopono, will be also explored. At the end of the course, students can expect to have created a low-resolution prototype based on qualitative research that answers the question: How might we lead with community-centered approaches, rather than with independent, divisive reactions in moments of conflict?.
Same as: CSRE 221D

NATIVEAM 240. Psychology and American Indian/Alaska Native Mental Health. 3-5 Units.

Western medicine's definition of health as the absence of sickness, disease, or pathology; Native American cultures' definition of health as the beauty of physical, spiritual, emotional, and social things, and sickness as something out of balance. Topics include: historical trauma; spirituality and healing; cultural identity; values and acculturation; and individual, school, and community-based interventions. Prerequisite: experience working with American Indian communities.
Same as: EDUC 340, PSYCH 272