Legal Education for Tomorrow’s World

Legal Education for Tomorrow’s World

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Without boundaries.

"There’s just so much energy and enthusiasm and intelligence at this place. People don’t just talk about problems. They find a way to fix it. They start a pro bono that’s helping veterans find jobs or helping victims of human trafficking.”

James Barton, JD ’15

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Rayne Sullivan, JD '23, served as a delegate to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, and was one of two U.S. representatives at the United National Climate Youth Summit in Milan, Italy. Read more about his story:

"We call it rental assistance, but really it should be called the landlord assistance program... This is a housing industry bail-out plan" remarks Professor Juliet Brodie on the Stanford Legal Podcast.

Professor @d_a_sklansky offers his expert criminal law advice to @WIRED on the Elizabeth Holmes case: "This type of diffusion of blame is extremely common in fraud cases.. whether it works depends on how credible it seems to the jury."

"SPACs should pay and structure their boards differently... And they can pay these directors with regular shares or cash, as most companies do," says Stanford Law Professor Michael Klausner via @nytimes.