The Stanford Daily reader survey
We at The Daily are considering adjustments to our print and online products, including changing the frequency of our print newspaper.

The Daily has historically printed a newspaper Monday through Friday, but due to changes related to COVID-19, we suspended production of our print newspaper in March.

We want to serve our staff and our readers as effectively as possible. In order to gather more information, we invite readers to fill out this short survey to help us understand how we should best share our work with you.
Email address *
Select all that describe you.
Before the onset of COVID-19, how often did you consume any form of content from The Daily?
Before the onset of COVID-19, how often were you on Stanford’s campus, in areas where you could reasonably pick up The Daily's print newspaper if you wanted?
Before the onset of COVID-19, where did you consume The Daily's content? (Check all that apply.)
Before the onset of COVID-19, where did you most often consume The Daily's content?
Since the onset of COVID-19, how often have you been reading The Daily?
Since the onset of COVID-19, where have you consumed The Daily's content? (Check all that apply.)
Since the onset of COVID-19, where have you most often consumed The Daily's content?
Since the onset of COVID-19, have you been accessing The Daily's digital platforms more or less often?
Do you plan to rely on The Daily’s digital platforms in the future as your primary means of reading The Daily?
What could we do to encourage you to consume The Daily's content on our digital platforms more often?
Which sections of The Daily do you visit regularly, if any? (Check all that apply.)
Which section of The Daily do you visit most often?
How many days of the week would you like to see The Daily print a newspaper when students return to campus?
If The Daily printed a newspaper, but not every day, do you anticipate that you would read The Daily more or less often?
If The Daily did not print a newspaper at all, do you anticipate that you would read The Daily more or less often?
If fall quarter and/or subsequent quarters in the next academic year are taught remotely, how would that affect your decision to purchase The Daily’s yearbook?
How often do you read The Stanford Daily Magazine?
The Stanford Daily Magazine was set to come out four times in the 2019-20 academic year, before the onset of COVID-19. (We ultimately printed three magazines.) How many issues of The Stanford Daily magazine would you like to see released each year?
Anything else you’d like us to know?
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