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Travel and Returning to Campus

Oct 4 2021

Important: Due to the ongoing surge in COVID-19 in the United States and the world, Stanford recommends delaying travel especially if you are not fully vaccinated.

Fully vaccinated faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students are permitted to travel domestically and internationally. Unvaccinated persons who wish to travel internationally must first receive a travel exception from the university (detailed below). Such permission is unlikely to be granted for unvaccinated international travelers during Fall 2021.

Regardless of vaccination status, all individuals are required to comply with campus access restrictions and testing requirements following personal or university-sponsored international travel. This includes remaining off campus or, if residing on campus, appropriately restricting on-campus activities until they submit a negative COVID-19 PCR or Color/LAMP test taken no sooner than 5 days after arriving in California following international travel. In addition, visitors and guests coming to campus must also complete a daily Health Attestation form.

Prior to commencing any travel, individuals must report their vaccination status to the university as described below.

As with all policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, this guidance is subject to changing global health conditions. The most recent information regarding international and domestic travel is available here.

Graduate and Professional students are required to do weekly surveillance testing, regardless of vaccination status.

All new arrivals will be required to undergo entry testing on Day 0 (the day they arrive on campus) and Day 5, regardless of vaccination status.

All Stanford employees, students and visitors are required to wear face coverings in indoor spaces, at crowded outdoor events, and when using public transportation and university vehicles occupied by more than one person.

If you have any questions about the health requirements specific to your circumstances, submit a ServiceNow ticket.

We urge you to make every effort to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination before your arrival on campus. If you are living abroad, get any COVID-19 vaccine available to you. Vaccination resources are listed here.
