Deborah Hensler

Deborah Hensler

Deborah Hensler

  • Judge John W. Ford Professor of Dispute Resolution
  • Director of Law and Policy Lab
  • Room N349, Neukom Building


  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Civil Procedure & Litigation
  • Class Actions & Mass Litigation
  • Comparative Law
  • Complex Litigation
  • Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)
  • Law & Society
  • Legal Profession
  • Mass Torts/Class Actions
  • Mediation & Dispute Resolution
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Policy Analysis
  • Product Liability
  • Public Policy & Empirical Studies
  • Third-Party Litigation Finance
  • Transnational Litigation & Arbitration
Students in Classroom

Policy Practicum: Mediation Confidentiality and Attorney Malpractice in California

Many believe litigation by patent trolls-those in the business of asserting patents rather than making products-is rampant and has harmed innovation and raised consumer prices. This concern has spread to Congress and the U.S. Patent Office, which are considering new regulation of patent trolls. However, there remains insufficient data to determine the amount and impact of patent troll litigation. Students selected for this course will work with renowned patent law scholar Mark Lemley and Law, Science & Technology Teaching Fellow Shawn Miller to produce the first patent litigation database to include comprehensive identification of the type of patent plaintiff involved in each lawsuit. Students’ principal responsibility will be to identify and code patent plaintiffs by type.

view practicum

Innovation in Education – Tilburg Law School


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Leuphana University conferred an honorary Doctorate of Law on Deborah Hensler, July 2014

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