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Eleanor Selfridge-Field

Eleanor Selfridge-Field photo

Eleanor Selfridge-Field

Adjunct Professor
Consulting Professor (CCARH, Music and Symbolic Systems)
D. Phil., Oxford University
M.S., Columbia University
B.A., Drew Unversity


Scholar, writer, editor, and consultant on musical history, cultural history, music technology, music as intellectual property.

Special fields: music (especially opera and instrumental music; Venetian history and culture) from 1585 to 1825; computer theories of music and music representation; musical data as intellectual property.

Co-editor: Computing in Musicology. Books: Music Query: Methods, Models, and User Studies (CM13, 2004); The Virtual Score (CM12, 2001); Melodic Similarity (CM 11, 1998); Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes, 1997; The Works of Benedetto and Alessandro Marcello, 1990; Pallade Veneta: Writings on Music in Venetian Society, 1650-1750, 1985; Venetian Instrumental Music from Gabrieli to Vivaldi, 1975, 1980, 1994. Editions: Antonio Vivaldi, The Concertos Op. 10 (2001), Op. 3 (1998), The Four Seasons and Other Concertos, Op. 8 (1995). Articles and reviews in Arte veneta, Computer Music Journal, Computers and the Humanities, Computing in Musicology, Early Music, International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, Journal of American Musicological Society, Journal of the History of Ideas, Music and Letters, Musical Quarterly, Music Library Association Notes, Organ Yearbook, Recercare, Revue de Musicologie, Music Theory Spectrum, Il saggiatore musicale, Studi Musicali, Studi vivaldiani, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians and its spinoffs (Dictionary of Musical Instruments, Dictionary of Opera, Music and Man); The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Second Edition.

Grants: American Council of Learned Societies fellow, 1976-77; Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation fellow, 1994, 1983, 1977; Aston Magna Foundation fellow, 1980, 1981; American Academy in Rome, 1998, 1996; Thyll-Duerr Stiftung, 2002; Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, 2004.