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Elizabeth Lindqwister
Elizabeth Lindqwister is a senior from Peoria, Illinois, majoring in history. She is the Vol. 259 Public Editor, having previously served as the Vol. 257 Executive Editor and Vice President. Find her at CoHo or liz 'at'

Letter to the Community: Summer and full-time job opportunities

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes for student life: From shifting to a quarter of online classes to reimagining an entirely different 2020-2021 academic year, campus life has been uprooted. In addition to academic disruptions, however, another significant challenge students are grappling with is an unstable job market, both for summer internships and full-time…

What Stanford history will teach you

Like clockwork each year, the Stanford Review publishes an article that criticizes the humanities at Stanford: the University is either far too vocational, doesn't force students to read enough of the Western canon, or "indoctrinates" students by teaching them queer theory. The most recent object of their scathing critique is Stanford’s history department. I want to address Buskirk's argument not only because her article is shoddily researched and woefully uninformed, but because her implication about what it means to study early American history is narrow and shortsighted.

Music + X: Humanity

Over the past two weeks, we’ve seen how classical music interacts with the real world to represent the intricacies of a presidential visit or the struggles of a suppressed nation. Adversity is often adjacent to the process of composing great classical music, and composers have found the source of musical gold out of disunity. But…

Music + X : Revolution

That music and revolution go hand in hand shouldn’t surprise us. The rousing spirit of protest songs like “¡El Pueblo Unido” in Chile, or “Go down Moses” of the American Underground Railroad can be among the most powerful vehicles for expressing the pathos and impetus behind an uprising of the people. In today’s installment of Music + X: classical music’s perspectives on revolution.

Music + X: Politics

From the earliest symphonies to operas made in the past decade, politics has been present in classical music — not only as a subject of composer’s interest, but as a force that shapes the music deemed worthy. Today, we consider two works of music: one by a Russian composer under the microscope of the 1920s Soviet Union, the other by an American composer given considerably more leeway to comment on American international politics of the 1970s.

Intellectual commerciality over intellectual vitality

In the 1885 Stanford University Founding Grant, Leland Stanford and Jane Lathrop Stanford put forth their fundamental principles for the university and its students. In describing the overarching goals of the institution, the Stanfords were setting the tone for the university’s present and future spirit of education, as many of its peer institutions had done…

The ‘other’ checkbox

I don’t really look that white — my eyes are just almond-shaped enough, my skin a shade hinting toward olive, my features arranged in such a way that many assume I am Latina or Pacific Islander. My brothers have hooded eyelids and hair as dark as coal, characteristics that lead people to assume and ask…

The hard life Olympics

As the end of the quarter draws near and the intensity of studying reaches a fever point, the stress levels of Stanford undergraduates come to an understandable peak. The prospect of finals brings long nights spent holed up in the library, copious coffee consumption and plenty of school-related complaining. Students coalesce around their shared stress,…

Down in the dumps: Deindividuation of dorm communities

Some heavy duty was weighing down Larkin on Sunday morning. And by “heavy duty,” I don’t mean classic freshman dorm drama or weekly midterm angst … There was a literal pile of heavy duty festering in the Larkin North lounge. You read that right – someone defecated and urinated in a freshman dorm lounge this…

Nowhere for a musician to call home

It’s a casual Thursday afternoon, and I’m trudging up the stairs of Braun Music Center in search of a place to practice piano. My backpack is made ridiculously heavy by the dozen or so music books filled with Brahms and Beethoven and Bach — the daily journey to the practice corner is just as much…

Strangely uncomfortable and seemingly unprepared

I come from a public high school. Half of the student body qualifies for food stamps, the school boasts a 57 percent college readiness rate and only a small handful of students leave the state to go to college. My high school was blessed with diversity, filled to the brim with people of all backgrounds…
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